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A Soirée in the Sultanate

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A Soirée in the Sultanate

Dancer quest image1.png
Quest giver
Eastern La Noscea (X:31.0, Y:30.4)
Experience 103,000
Gil 1,463
Previous quest
Feature QuestGamboling for Gil
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Feature QuestDances with Duskwights

Nashmeira is ready to take the show on the road.

— In-game description


  • Speak with Gegeruju.
  • Speak with Nashmeira in Ul'dah.
  • Speak with Ranaa Mihgo near Stonesthrow.
  • Question the residents of Stonesthrow.
  • Wait at the designated location.
  • Chase after Ranaa Mihgo.
  • Rescue Ranaa Mihgo from her captors.
  • Report to Nashmeira in Ul'dah.


  • Nashmeira is ready to take the show on the road.
  • Nashmeira informs you that Gegeruju has spoken with his friends on the Syndicate and has news he would relay to the troupe. You set out with your companions to pay visit to your patron, hoping the tidings are good.
  • Gegeruju informs you that the groundwork has been laid for your performance in Ul'dah, where Troupe Falsiam will be the honored guests of the Syndicate itself. Though the renowned aesthete is reluctant to part with Ranaa, who he has taken quite a liking to, he grudgingly bids farewell to you and your companions. Make for the sultanate, where you might rendezvous with Nashmeira and discuss your forthcoming performance.
  • You arrive in Ul'dah, where Nashmeira declares her intention to hold Troupe Falsiam's first performance in the impoverished shantytown of Stonesthrow. No sooner than you arrive are you approached by a member of the Brass Blades, who orders you to abandon the plans for your performance on account of recent rioting in the area. After some argument, the man reluctantly agrees to let you try your hand at tracking down the individuals behind the disturbance and resolving the matter yourself.
  • Explicitly disobeying Nashmeira's advice, Ranaa insists that you and she split up to conduct your investigation. Question the townspeople and see what you might glean regarding the individual behind the recent unrest.
  • Your questioning of the townspeople has garnered you some vague information, but little in the way of conclusive evidence. Reunite with Ranaa and see if your partner has not had better luck.
  • A concerned resident of Stonesthrow shares with you some disturbing news─she claims to have seen Ranaa escorted away from the scene in the company of a certain suspicious personage. You hurry off to find your companion before she comes to harm.
  • You come upon Ranaa being harrassed by none other than the men behind the recent riots, but─thanks in no small part to your newfound dancing skills─you are able to make short work of the ruffians. Safe for now, you decide to check on your fellow dancer's well-being.
  • Ranaa, deeply disappointed in herself but physically no worse for the wear, shares with you a curious tale about her capture. Apparently, her would-be kidnappers suddenly began to perform a dance most bizarre before turning on her and attacking. She states her intention to report this disturbing incident to the Brass Blades, and asks that you return to Nashmeira and apologize on her behalf in the meantime.
  • With all members of her troupe safely reunited, Nashmeira proceeds to sternly rebuke Ranaa for letting her overconfidence get the better of her. She expresses her curiosity about the strange dance her protégé claims to have witnessed, but trails off before pursuing the subject further. In the end, she states that Ranaa will be performing on her own for a while as a punishment, and encourages you to continue to hone your own dancing skills until it is time to take to the road once more.