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A Brave Resolution

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A Brave Resolution

Quest giver
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10, Y:12)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario
Experience 49,920
Gil 845
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAwakening in Ul'dah
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Main Scenario QuestReady to Fly
Side QuestToll Booty
Side QuestLi'l Rascals
Side QuestShort Arms of the Law

Alphinaud would know how things stand at the Rising Stones.

— In-game description



  • With no word on the manacutter forthcoming, Alphinaud inquires as to the present state of affairs at the Rising Stones. Yugiri replies that the 3rd Unit Braves have abandoned Revenant's Toll in the wake of Ilberd's defeat, and that only soldiers loyal to the Crystal Brave commander remain. Upon hearing this, Alphinaud declares his intention to thank these stalwart warriors, and disband the company in person. It is time to return to the Rising Stones.
  • Alphinaud addresses the assembled Crystal Braves, and expresses his gratitude for their service. When he attempts to dissolve the company, however, Riol and the others pledge their undying support to both him and the Scions, claiming their allegiance lies with the ideals upon which the company was founded, not the company itself. Ask Alphinaud for his thoughts on this heartening turn of events.
  • Alphinaud is moved to tears by the unshakable support of his comrades -- support he feels he does not deserve. He vows, however, to repay their loyalty through his future actions...


Cid: [Forename]! How in the seven hells do you do it? I was just about to send for you! We have but this moment completed the manacutter's first successful test flight!
Cid: A few minor adjustments and she'll be ready to go. While we see to the finishing touches, you might want to pay a visit to Fortemps Manor - a dragoon by the name of Estinen was looking for you. 

Fortemps Manor

Estinen: You have fulfilled your obligations to the Ul'dahns, then? Mistress Tataru has been keeping me apprised of the situation.
Estinen: Once I learned that these "manacutters" of Master Garlond's were nearing completion, I saw no reason to tarry in the Mists.
Estinen: For the present, Nidhogg seems to content to remain in the Aery, plotting his revenge.
Estinen: Might not this be an apt moment to unfold our plans to Ser Aymeric? I think we have kept him in the dark long enough.

Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly

Temple Knight Guard: Ser Aymeric has been eager to speak with you. Pray proceed.

Chamber of the Lord (Cutscene)

Estinen: All stands ready, Lord Commander.
Aymeric: Ah, the moment has come, then?
Alphinaud Pray excuse my lateness. I paid a brief visit to the workshop to inquire about the manacutters. The engineers assure me that they are ready.
Estinen: The Aery is now but a short flight away. Yet what a long and winding path we took to reach this point.
Estinen: Were it not for Master Alphinaud's proposal, we would never have attempted to parley with the dragons.
Estinen: Though our negotiations yielded little, our expedition with Lady Iceheart taught us much.
Aymeric: You took an unimaginable risk... I could scarce believe the tale Estinen told.
Estinen: Aye, 'tis true that many of our countrymen would sooner die than join hands with the heretics' mistress, but 'twas through that most unlikely of alliances that we came to speak with Hraesvelgr.
Alphinaud: A conversation that went rather poorly, as I recall.
Estinen: In this instance, the journey was more important than the destination. Had we not slain Nidhogg's consort, Tioman, and put the great wyrm on his guard, the Dravanians would have arrived at Ishgard's walls long ago.
Aymeric: Aye, that they would. Full grateful am I for every hour of respite your actions have afforded us. Thanks to you, our defenses are much improved. 'Tis but a pity they won't be enough.
Alphinaud Thus you believe an assault upon the Aery represents the city's best chance of survival. Is that not so, Estinen?
Estinen: I am under no illusions. Nidhogg's might is legendary. But with his eye in my possession, I can stifle his strength at the source.
Estinen: Victory will be hard-won, even so, and I shall be glad indeed to have the Warrior of Light at my side.
Aymeric: You shall have my blade as well. There are more of these "manacutters" to be had, yes? 
Lucia: Lord Commander, no!
Aymeric: How can I, a proud knight of Ishgard, stand by and do naught while an outsider risks life and limb for our homeland? I swore an oath to protect this city!
Estinen:(crosses arms). Pray leave the slaying of dragons to dragoons, ser knight. Your duty to command the city's defense is no less vital.
Estinen: Should we fail, and Nidhogg slip through our grasp, who, then, will hold the walls against him? Will you leave Ishgard in the hands of the Holy See's zealots?
Aymeric: There are others -
Estinen: Who but you has the authority and the standing to orchestrate a citywide defense? I do not, and neither does the Warrior of Light. That is why it is our place to fight, and yours to remain here, Lord Commander.
Estinen: What, you too, Master Alphinaud? By the Fury... You have shown some promise, but this adversary is far beyond your skills.
Alphinaud: (crosses arms, and uncrosses arms) Your candor is appreciated, ser dragoon. I shall remain, then, and cheer you from afar.
Estinen: Well, my friend, 'twould seem I have discouraged the last of the volunteers, and claimed the task as ours alone. But if any alive can best this wyrm, tis surely we two!

Speaking with Estinen

Estinen: I have pricked Master Alphinaud's pride I fear. But had I been less forceful, the boy would have insisted on accompanying us to the Aery.
Estinen: Do not think me blind to his talent. With a few more campaigns under his belt, I have no doubt that Alphinaud will make a fine field commander.
Estinen: But one does not practice on an adversary such as Nidhogg. We shall be hard-pressed enough without the added worry of carrying a novice.