Heavensward content

A Brave Resolution

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

A Brave Resolution

Quest giver
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10, Y:12)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario
Experience 49,920
Gil 845
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAwakening in Ul'dah
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestReady to Fly
Side QuestToll Booty
Side QuestLi'l Rascals
Side QuestShort Arms of the Law

Alphinaud would know how things stand at the Rising Stones.

— In-game description



  • With no word on the manacutter forthcoming, Alphinaud inquires as to the present state of affairs at the Rising Stones. Yugiri replies that the 3rd Unit Braves have abandoned Revenant's Toll in the wake of Ilberd's defeat, and that only soldiers loyal to the Crystal Brave commander remain. Upon hearing this, Alphinaud declares his intention to thank these stalwart warriors, and disband the company in person. It is time to return to the Rising Stones.
  • Alphinaud addresses the assembled Crystal Braves, and expresses his gratitude for their service. When he attempts to dissolve the company, however, Riol and the others pledge their undying support to both him and the Scions, claiming their allegiance lies with the ideals upon which the company was founded, not the company itself. Ask Alphinaud for his thoughts on this heartening turn of events.
  • Alphinaud is moved to tears by the unshakable support of his comrades -- support he feels he does not deserve. He vows, however, to repay their loyalty through his future actions...