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Golems Begone

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Revision as of 04:50, 12 April 2024 by Smallpotatoes (talk | contribs) (add quest dialogue)
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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Golems Begone

Slowfix wants you to eliminate the golems that prowl Idyllshire.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Speak with Y'shtola.
  • With the chat mode in Say, enter “Noughts and Crosses” to unmake golems. 0/2
  • Report to Slowfix.


  • Y'shtola shares with you the coded command required to unmake the golems. With the chat mode in Say, use your keyboard or the software keyboard to inform each golem that you want to play a game called “Noughts and Crosses.”
  • You have unmade all the golems in your assigned area. Return to Slowfix with the good tidings.
  • You report the completion of your task to Slowfix. The goblin is pleased to hear that the golems will no longer impede the expansion effort.


Speak with Slowfix

Slowfix: Pshkohhh... So uplanders agree to help? Good! Here is what Slowfix wants uplanders to do. Many golems prowl Idyllshire, get in the way of expansion plans. Slowfix wants uplanders to eliminate golems. Uplanders are Sharlayans, yes? Sharlayans should know best way to deal with creatures. 

Speak with Y'shtola

Y'shtola: So we are to eliminate the golems. That should be a simple enough affair. The automata were employed as sentinels, and by design can be unmade with a coded command. At the time of the exodus, it was "Noughts and Crosses," and I see no reason why it should not still work.  Let us divide the task between the three of us, the quicker to be finished with it. 

Speak with Slowfix

Slowfix: Golems are no more? Wonderful! Now we can resume work to expand settlement!