Guardian of Eorzea
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Guardian of Eorzea
- Quest giver
- Minfilia Warde
- Location
- The Rising Stones (X:6.1, Y:5.2)
- Quest line
- Seventh Astral Era
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
What Little Gods Are Made Of
- Next quest
Recruiting the Realm
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- 2.3
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Main Scenario Progress: 195 / 960 (20.3%)
A Realm Reborn Progress: 195 / 241 (80.9%)
“Minfilia has some correspondence she wishes to share with you.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
Minfilia is in The Solar.
- Speak with Yozan.
- Meet Hoary Boulder to the east of Revenant's Toll.
- Speak with Alphinaud in the Rising Stones.
- Minfilia has some correspondence she wishes to share with you.
- Minfilia informs you that a letter has arrived expressing gratitude for the Scions' efforts in quelling the primal threat. Though the realm is not yet free of strife, the Antecedent stresses that your deeds inspire countless Eorzeans to continue along the difficult road to peace. Conscious that you cannot be expected to spend your every waking moment attending to realm-shaking matters, however, she encourages you to stay awhile in Revenant's Toll. Just when it seems as if you have been granted leave to rest, Minfilia asks that you spare a moment to indulge the attention of the Doman children. Speak with Yozan within the Rising Stones.
- Elated to see you returned to Revenant's Toll, Yozan and his fellow “Doman adventurers” beg you to give them a special training session. Hoary Boulder, the Roegadyn who has taken charge of the children's daily instruction, instead proposes a sparring match between you and himself. Head to the east of Revenant's Toll and speak with Hoary Boulder to signify your readiness to begin the demonstration of martial skill.
- You have bested Hoary Boulder in the sparring match. The gathered onlookers cheer your victory, and praise your hard-won strength. Following the bout, Alphinaud approaches you and asks that you meet with him to discuss the future of Eorzea. Head to the Rising Stones and speak with the young Elezen.
- You return to the Rising Stones, and Alphinaud outlines his proposal to form a new organization. Join the determined Scion as he endeavors to fulfill his role as a guardian of Eorzea.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Minfilia: Now the matter of Ramuh has, for the present, been put to rest, there is something I would show you, [Forename]. Minfilia: It is a letter of thanks, signed by the leaders of the Eorzean Alliance, acknowledging the Scions' tireless service to the realm. Minfilia: It mentions, in particular, the names of all of the defeated primals─Ifrit, Titan, Garuda, Good King Moggle Mog XII, Leviathan, and now Ramuh. Minfilia: Needless to say, there is only one among our number to have faced them all. Minfilia: And though these words of gratitude were addressed to our order as a whole, I feel that they were meant for you above all others. Minfilia: I, too, must offer my heartfelt thanks for all that you have done. In the course of your duties, you have never once failed to answer my call to arms. Minfilia: You are a true hero, [Forename], and Eorzea is that much the safer for your presence. Minfilia: Pray do not misunderstand me─I said “safer,” not “safe.” I know only too well that we can ill afford to lower our guard. The Ascians may be relied upon to sow chaos in this realm until such time as they are forced to stop. Minfilia: Why, even without their encouragement, you may be assured that man would foment strife on his own. And that is to say nothing of the beast tribes. Unless we learn to live in harmony, the primals, too, will return to plague us again and again and again... Minfilia: And yet...despite all of this, your deeds serve to inspire the people─to give them hope for a better tomorrow. And there is no greater gift. Minfilia: That we have the courage to strive for what might otherwise seem an impossible peace, we owe in no small part to the dangers you have faced on our behalf, and the people you have won over to our cause in so doing. Our list of enemies has ever been long, but think of the allies with whom we are now blessed... Minfilia: Of the beastmen who wish naught of conflict, and who now call you friend. Minfilia: Of the sylphs of Little Solace, who wish naught of conflict. Minfilia: Of Alisaie, who strives to unearth the terrible secrets of the Calamity. Minfilia: And then there is Cid and the fellowship of NOAH, racing to unlock the mysteries of ancient Allag that we might be spared the horror of another Ultima Weapon. Minfilia: And then there are the many unsung individuals who have gathered here in Revenant's Toll─honest men and women who seek to employ their skills for the good of all. Minfilia: ...Of course, when speaking of our greatest allies, we must not forget those closest to us, by which I mean our fellow Scions. Minfilia: Thanks to their many and varied talents, our order is uniquely equipped to combat the far-reaching corruption of the Ascians─and combat it we shall!
???: Your enthusiasm is truly heartwarming, Antecedent. Given our embarrassing wealth of allies, I trust it will not inconvenience you unduly if I absent myself for a time?
Minfilia: Alphinaud! I take it the troubles in Ul'dah no longer require your attention?
Alphinaud: There are yet some rumblings of discontent, but the air of simmering violence is largely dissipated. 'Tis to report such that I stand before you now. Alphinaud: That...and to speak with you concerning the new organization we discussed. Alphinaud: Ah, I have a message for you from Ele─ Ahem. You recall the refugee girl? The one whose parents were missing? They were found unharmed. She wished me to pass on her thanks to you.
Minfilia: Why, Alphinaud! Am I to understand that you made the effort to remember the poor girl's name? I look forward to reading all about her in your report. I do hope you left nothing out! Minfilia: [Forename]─you have been away from Revenant's Toll for some time now, I believe. Might I suggest that you put the affairs of the realm to one side for the moment and take this opportunity to reacquaint yourself with the town? Minfilia: ...Which reminds me─one of the Doman children recently inquired as to your whereabouts. Yozan was his name. I believe he has some small matter he wishes to share with you. Why not oblige him with a visit? (Optional) Minfilia: I realize that you must be quite tired from your travails, but I would most appreciate it if you could find a moment to speak to young Yozan. He has been through much in his own right, I am sure.
Optional Dialogue in the Waking Sands
Alphinaud: After we parted in Ul'dah, I paid a visit to the refugees. Though a fundamental solution remains far off, I believe that at the very least there should be no armed uprisings in the near future. Alphinaud: I am given to understand that you resolved the matter of Ramuh. I will ask Minfilia for a full report when next we speak. You have done well, [Forename].
Y'shtola: The storm has passed and a moment's quietude is ours. Tataru is using her newfound time to further her studies, and I would follow her example. Y'shtola: If living in Eorzea has taught us anything at all, it's that such restful moment are fleeting. Dark clouds ever stir anew on the horizon.
Papalymo: With the Doman younglings dashing around hither and yon, there's hardly a moment of peace to be had. Papalymo: That said, traveling with Yda, it's not as if I knew much peace to begin with...
Yda: I told F'lhammin all about our adventures in the Sylphlands, fake Thancred and all. Er, you won't tell the real Thancred, will you?
F'lhaminn: I do not know where we would be without Higiri—the girl has worked tirelessly for us every day since her arrival. Do you suppose all Doman women are so diligent?
Doware: Despite all the hardships they have faced, the younglings pursue their training with great zeal. We older ones would do well to follow their example.
Coultenet: Ah, [Forename]. Care to watch the lessons before you journey on your way? I daresay your presence would go far to inspire the younglings.
Hoary Boulder: Repetition and routine beget skill. Skill begets confidence. I would do what I can to see the Domans regains their strength of will.
Higiri: One hundred thirty-seven, one hundred thirty-eight, one hundred thirty—oh, hello there! Higiri: I've been charged with keepin inventory. F'lhaminn tells me it's a vitally important—Oh dear! I seem to have lost count. Thancred: Never is a woman more lovely than when she's hard at work, I say. A wild rose, strong and beautiful, blooming tall in the face of the frozen winds...
Hozan: Many of my countrymen have found work as frontier hands, helping to transport supplies and continue the expansion of Revenant's Toll. Hozan: I have been tasked with keeping the equipment here in good repair. It is not particularly glamorous work, but I would help in whatever way I can.
Rokka: If I were as big as a mountain and strong as a bear like Mister Boulder is, maybe I would like fighting more...
Shiun: Yozan's always been the strongest of us, but even he's no match for Koharu when she's mad.
Koharu: Are you taking a rest, too? Promise you'll play with us again soon. That game of hide-and-seek in Vesper Bay was the most fun I've had in forever!
Speaking with Yozan (Cutscene)
Yozan: Look! It's Mister/Miss [Forename]! He/She's back from his/her adventures! Yozan: We heard you were off fighting “primals,” and that they're some of the strongest enemies you could ever face! I wish I could've seen you in battle... Yozan: Anyway, we all want to be heroes, too─so we finally formed our very own Doman Adventurers' Guild to protect all the Domans! Yozan: Oh! Do you think you could train us today, Mister/Miss [Forename]? Maybe you could show us how you fought the primals!
???: What's all this commotion, then?
Yozan: Mister Boulder and Mister Coultenet! Did you know that Mister/Miss [Forename] is back!?
Hoary Boulder: So it would seem. Welcome home, [Forename]. My companion and I but recently became full members of the Scions, and I believe proper introductions have yet to be made. Hoary Boulder: I am known as Hoary Boulder, and this bookish fellow is Coultenet. Though we remain largely unproven as adventurers, we have taken it upon ourselves to instruct the Doman younglings in the arts of combat.
Yozan: Ugh, I told you, Mister Boulder: we are not younglings anymore─we are adventurers! Yozan: And we were just asking Mister/Miss [Forename] if he/she could give us some special training. I think we're ready to hunt monsters alongside him/her, don't you?
Hoary Boulder: Well, you've certainly been diligent with your drills...but I'm afraid the fiends of Mor Dhona are still ever so slightly too dangerous for you. Hoary Boulder: I have a counter-proposal: what if I were to cross swords with [Forename]? A demonstration of skill at arms, if you will.
Coultenet: Hoary. If I didn't know you better─and I do─I'd say you were merely seeking to test yourself against a legend.
Hoary Boulder: Ahahaha, well, mayhaps I am. But what matters the motive when the children stand to learn so much from the lesson? Hoary Boulder: What say you, [Forename]? Would you consent to spar with me?
Yozan: Hurrah! We're to have a tournament! Come on, everyone─we must prepare our gear for an outing!
Coultenet: ...Do try not to disappoint them, hm?
Hoary Boulder: Have faith, Coultenet! I shall summon every last onze of my strength to make of this a worthy contest. Hoary Boulder: The fields to the east of town should prove suitable for our purpose. I very much look forward to our bout.
Optional Dialogue in Rising Stones
Hozan: Where did everyone run off to all of a sudden? It is not that I mind so much—the quiet is most conducive to focusing on my tasks.
Higiri: So turn we to heroes, of conscience unstained. ♪ May all stop at naught till what's lost is regained. ♪ Higiri: Oh, hello again. F'lhaminn has been teaching me some Eorzean ballads. Though I hail from a faraway land, there is something about music that truly transcends borders.
F'lhaminn: Higiri has told me about a Doman tea with a most remarkable fragrance. What I would not give to taste it for myself!
Tataru: Nothing warms me inside quite like Higiri's tea. Truly it is salve for the body and soul.
Papalymo: I daresay they heard you talking a malm away. Yda and Tancred dashed out not moments ago. Will they ever start acting their age.?
Y'shtola: Just as some children possess wisdom beyond their years, some adults are little more than children writ large. Y'shtola: Remember this, and it should save you a measure of frustration in your dealings with those around you.
Minfilia: While the greatest challenges still lie ahead, we have earned a measure of peace for the moment. Minfilia: If you are looking to pass the time before your next mission, I suggest you walk the streets and turn an ear to those around you. Revenant's Toll abounds with colorful characters these days. You are like to find their stories entertaining and enlightening both.
Optional Dialogue in Mor Dhona
Coultenet: Since becoming a Scion, I have had much opportunity to hear news of your epic deeds. I must confess, then, that my excitement rivals that of the children's at the prospect of seeing you in action firsthand.
Yozan: Mister/Miss [Forename] is here! Let the battle begin!
Koharu: As we left the Rising Stones, Mister Thancred asked us where we were going. I told him we were off to watch you and Mister Boulder fight, and he looked very surprised. I hope we haven't made him cross...
Rokka: Is sparring...dangerous? I don't think I want to see anyone else being hurt...
Shiun: We had a Master of Lessons back in Doma, and the way he taught us was very different from Mister Boulder. I'm not sure which way is better, but I think I like them both!
Meeting Hoary Boulder to the East of Revenant's Toll (Cutscene)
Hoary Boulder: 'Twas good of you to agree to this, [Forename]. I trust you are ready to begin? Hoary Boulder: Very well. Let us not keep the younglings waiting any longer!
Coultenet: Ahem. Hoary? Are you certain you wish to fight him/her alone? That is [Forename] you face.
Hoary Boulder: What better way to test my mettle? Pray allow me to attempt the first round unaided. Hoary Boulder: After all, 'twas this hero's legend that led me to join the Scions to begin with. Without [Forename] to inspire my efforts, I would not be half the warrior I am today.
Coultenet: Your point is well made. But remember: this is for the children's sake as well as your own. Should it appear the contest will end too swiftly, I shall add my spells to your bladework.
???: Hello! You haven't begun yet, have you?
Coultenet: Yda!? What─ Who are all these people!?
Yda: When I heard about your sparring match, I told everyone I could find. Thought you could use a crowd to cheer you on!
Thancred: Yes, and there are still more to come. When I mentioned [Forename]'s name, the reaction was quite enthusiastic. Thancred: Why, my own popularity seems but a sickly shade in comparison! You'd best claim victory, Bringer of Light─your burgeoning reputation is at stake!
Yozan: Well, our teacher won't be beaten so easily! He's a master swordsman!
Koharu: You can win, Mister Boulder!
Hoary Boulder: We shall soon see. On your guard!
Duty Dialogue
Hoary Boulder: Day and night I've honed my skills. Hoary Boulder: Now comes the time to test them!
Hoary Boulder: Ugh... Such power! Hoary Boulder: The tales barely do you justice!
Rokka: Mister Boulder won't lose, will he?
Shiun: It's not over yet! It can't be!
Coultenet: Aye, the children have the right of it. Coultenet: 'Tis time I joined the fray. Coultenet: On your feet, Hoary!
Koharu: Oh no! He looks hurt...
Yozan: Mister/Miss [Forename] is so strong... Yozan: But you can't give up, Mister Boulder!
Hoary Boulder: Can't...disappoint...the younglings... Hoary Boulder: Raaargh! Hoary Boulder: Never have I faced such strength! Hoary Boulder: ...But the lesson must continue! Hoary Boulder: 'Tis your example I follow! Hoary Boulder: Surrender not to the implacable foe!
Coultenet: I must admit defeat. Coultenet: 'Twas an honor and a privilege...
Post duty Cutscene
Hoary Boulder: You... <gasp> You have bested me... <huff> I yield!
Yozan: <gasp> ... Yozan: ...That was incredible! He/She beat them both at the same time!
Frontier Hand: We knew you couldn't lose, [Forename]! None can defeat the guardian of Eorzea!
Experienced Adventurer: Now I see why they send you to deal with the primals! I've much work to do if I'm ever to attempt the same...
Alphinaud: Impressive as always, [Forename]. 'Tis ever a pleasure to witness the spectacle of your martial prowess. Alphinaud: And judging by the smiles on these many faces, they, too, appreciate the hard-won strength that keeps the perils of the realm at bay. Alphinaud: “Guardian of Eorzea”... Yes, that is a most fitting title. Alphinaud: Do you recall when first we met? 'Twas at the memorial service for the Battle of Carteneau... Alphinaud: At the time, I was yet attempting to understand this land of Eorzea. I sought to grasp the reason why Grandfather willingly sacrificed himself to protect it. Alphinaud: I shall speak plainly: my initial impressions were less than favorable. Dire problems abounded, and yet the effort I saw expended towards their solution was haphazard and half-hearted. I thought Eorzeans a foolish and childish people. Alphinaud: Considering the shambles their home was in, I would not have been surprised if some had chosen to swear allegiance to Gaius and the order he proposed to enforce. The legatus's single-minded military invasion precluded any such switching of loyalties, of course. Alphinaud: Were it not for a desire to continue Grandfather's legacy, I would have abandoned the realm to its fate long ago. The threats were too many, the nations too self-involved and unstable. Alphinaud: 'Twas you who convinced me the salvation of Eorzea was possible. Alphinaud: 'Twas you who taught me─through countless acts of bravery─that what my grandsire sought to preserve was not the land, nor its history, nor any single nation... Alphinaud: It was the people. These wonderful, oft infuriating, stubborn people that suffer blow after terrible blow only to drag themselves back to their feet to face another day. Alphinaud: Though he never put such feelings into words, I believe Grandfather's admiration for this inextinguishable courage grew into a fervent wish─a wish to aid Eorzea and its inhabitants in charting a course for the future. Alphinaud: A wish that has now become my own. Alphinaud: I, too, will endeavor to take up the mantle of guardian of Eorzea, and champion these people who toil towards a better world. Alphinaud: Our cause, however, is not a simple one: the troubles that plague us are of a scale that cannot be solved by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn alone. Alphinaud: No, what is needed to tackle the root of the primal threat─and effectively counter the schemes of the Ascians─is a new, expanded organization that operates beyond the limitations of nations and borders. Alphinaud: If you would aid me in building such an organization, then pray let us continue this discussion back within the walls of the Rising Stones.
Optional Dialogue in the Rising Stones
Thancred: Your bout with Hoary Boulder was more stirring than a hundred lines of my most passionate poetry. Mayhaps I should arrange a sparring match of my own...
Yda: I can't wait for Alphinaud to start his new company. I love making new friends!
Papalymo: I wish Yda were not so eager to look to the future when we have so many problems in the here and now...
Y'shtola: I fear Yda's boundless optimism is beginning to affect my better judgment. And your tendency to triumph against the most terrible of foes is certainly not helping matters.
Tataru: No, this won't do at all! And then I'll have to─ Oh, hello, [Forename]! If you don't mind, I'm terribly busy at the moment!
F'lhaminn: 'Tis not enough that I am here for my daughter─I must do what little I can to help you all succeed in your monumental tasks.
Hoary Boulder: [Forename]! I must thank you again for agreeing to our bout. Hoary Boulder: ...And I must thank the gods 'twas not a duel to the death! I will, however, cherish the lesson of each scrape and bruise as I work to better my swordplay.
Coultenet: I thought the idea foolish at first, but it seems that sparring match well served its purpose. Why, I can hardly wait to return to my studies and seek to improve upon my technique!
Hozan: My people's spirits were thoroughly crushed by the loss of our homeland, but thanks to your courage and generosity I see their inner flames once more flicker back to life. I, too, have felt my strength of will make a gradual return.
Doware: Our Doman farming methods have been adopted here on the frontier. 'Tis too early yet to know if they will prove to be effective...
Higiri: This place has become as a hive, and its bees flit about in constant motion. Perhaps a soothing pot of tea will coax one or two to alight and take a moment's rest.
Yozan: Mister Boulder fought well, but he was no match for you, Mister/Miss [Forename]! Yozan: Just you wait! One day I'll be good enough to knock you from the top of your mountain!
Koharu: Mister Boulder is sore and beaten, but he said he'd return straight to his training. Heh heh, I don't think he likes to lose!
Shiun: We need to decide who in our Adventurers' Guild will do what. I'm fairly sure Yozan will have to be the swordfighter─he always has to be in the thick of the action.
Rokka: I like the way Mister Coultenet fought─no swords or fists. I wonder, if I studied hard, would I be able to cast spells like that too?
Minfilia: With the primal threat presently subdued, now is the perfect time to focus on new endeavors. Minfilia: Alphinaud has long been laying the groundwork for this organization of his, and he looks to you to help turn his proposal into reality. Pray lend him what aid you can.
Speaking with Alphinaud in the Rising Stones
Alphinaud: Thank you for coming, [Forename]. The world shifts and alters, and we, my friend, must ever be one step ahead of the chaos. Alphinaud: What I propose is the formation of a new organization─a group that shall pave the way for a truly united Eorzea...