Return from the Void
Return from the Void
- Quest giver
- Varshahn
- Location
- Zero's Domain (X:5, Y:7)
- Quest line
- Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 90
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Wind Rises
- Next quest
A World with Light and Life
- Patch
- 6.2
“Concern is writ plain upon Varshahn's face.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- Speak with the deserter voidsent.
- Speak with Varshahn.
- Speak with the Meghaduta attendant.
- Concern is writ plain upon Varshahn's face.
Orchestrion: Now playing Enraptured.
Varshahn: How long do you suppose she will remain this way?
Y'shtola: I haven't the faintest inkling, nor can I say whether the aether we can afford to share will be enough to awaken her.
Y'shtola: 'Twould be best to take her back with us to the Source. There, she would be guaranteed all she requires.
Varshahn: Zero cannot give her consent, but it seems we have no choice. The alternative would be to leave her here, defenseless.
Varshahn: Should she later desire it, we can bring her home.
Varshahn: [Forename], might I ask you to hold on to Barbariccia's memoria? It may yet serve a purpose.
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
Leering Voidsent: Oh? What happened to her?
Estinien: You have business with Zero?
Orchestrion: Now playing Fracture.
Leering Voidsent: We have a newcomer─a former minion of Barbariccia.
Leering Voidsent: Let her know when she wakes, will you?
Varshahn: Barbariccia's minion...
Y'shtola: Why not go and find this newcomer? So we have something to tell Zero, if nothing else.
Varshahn: Indeed...
Varshahn: May I trouble you to join me, [Forename]? With luck, we might learn something of Golbez.
“Return from the Void” accepted.
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Estinien: When the leader falls, the minions pledge themselves to the enemy. There's no loyalty─only survival.
Though so slow as to be nearly imperceptible, Zero's chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm...
Y'shtola: Worry not, we will keep an eye on Zero. Go and meet this newcomer.
Empty-eyed Voidsent: Interested in me, are you? Too bad, I'm not interested in you.
Varshahn: This appears to be the newcomer.
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Squid-headed Voidsent: Hmph, if it isn't a mortal. You remind me of the time I was summoned to your world by someone who sought beauty.
Squid-headed Voidsent: Well, it turned out to be a deviant who had my vessel chained to a bed. And when I tried to break free, he had the gall to call me a hideous fiend!
Squid-headed Voidsent: And as if that wasn't bad enough, he started slicing me up! I left that body and fled back here as quickly as I could. Never again, never again...
Waiting Voidsent: Whose likeness is this, you ask? The hero who will save the world. I'm waiting for the day he comes. Or was it a she? I can’t remember the details...
Waiting Voidsent: I don't know how long I’ve been waiting, or why I even wait. Could you be the hero, perhaps?
Waiting Voidsent: ...No, I don't think so. Something tells me I’ll know when I meet him. Or her. I'll just have to keep waiting.
Amiable Voidsent: It's normal enough for newcomers to appear, but for her to bring them herself? That's never happened before. At least not in my time.
Hungry Voidsent: Mortals... Even the word has an irresistible ring. Just to hear it makes my stomach rumble...
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Vicious Voidsent: Unnngh, I'm so hungry I might die... But I can't─not while someone’s near.
Vicious Voidsent: You're not devouring my aether, you hear me? You're not devouring my aether!
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Ciriatto: Y-You did it, then? You defeated Barbariccia?
Ciriatto: ...That explains it. Why Farfarello has fallen silent. He's at peace now, and for both our sakes, I hope he stays that way.
Orchestrion: Now playing ???.
Deserter Voidsent: <gasp> Y-You're the ones who felled Barbariccia!
Deserter Voidsent: I-I won't make trouble. I-I'll obey. So please, let me stay!
Varshahn: If you would obey, then tell me all you know of Golbez.
Deserter Voidsent: Th-There isn't much I can tell. Only the archfiends are allowed into his domain, wherever it is. None but they know.
Varshahn: I see... No better way to guard oneself than keeping one's location secret.
Varshahn: How does Golbez communicate with his minions afield?
Deserter Voidsent: He has these...scepters? Staves? Whatever they are, he uses them to talk to those far away.
Varshahn: Not unlike linkpearls, at least in function...
That will be all. My thanks for your cooperation.
Varshahn: My thanks to you as well for affording me the time.
Varshahn: I am satisfied, so let us rejoin the others and head home.
“Return from the Void” objective fulfilled!
Deserter Voidsent: Whenever Barbariccia moved her domain, some would get left behind. No such worries here.
Estinien: While I'm sure Nahbdeen has matters under control, I can't help but worry. Let's not keep them waiting.
Though so slow as to be nearly imperceptible, Zero's chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm...
Y'shtola: Varshahn has told all. Golbez goes to great lengths indeed to conceal his whereabouts.
Varshahn: I trust you understand that once we leave the Thirteenth, we will not return until we are prepared to resume our search. Knowing this, are you ready to depart?
Orchestrion: Now playing Everywhere and Nowhere.
Varshahn: Back to Troia, then, and thence home...
Orchestrion: Now playing Neverborn.
Nahbdeen: Ahhh, you're all safe! Thank the Sisters!
Varshahn: A moment while I close the gate.
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
Varshahn: ...There. We may rest easy for now.
Varshahn: Was there any trouble? I expect some voidsent slipped through...
Nahbdeen: A few did, aye, but we were ready and dealt with them without incident.
Varshahn: That is well. I cannot thank you enough for your vigilance.
Nahbdeen: Yes, yes, you're grateful. But aren't you forgetting something more important?
Nahbdeen: You know...the polite-but-warm formalities one delights in hearing when their little brother returns from a long journey.
Orchestrion: Now playing The Last Stand.
Varshahn: Indeed, you are right.
Varshahn: Ahem. It is good to be home again, among those whom I love dearly and missed so much.
Nahbdeen: And we are glad to receive you, Varshahn! Welcome home!
Varshahn: Chambers have been prepared for your use at Meghaduta. Let us take Zero there at once.
“Return from the Void” objective fulfilled!
You have entered a sanctuary.
You are now in the instanced area Radz-at-Han .
Current instance can be confirmed at any time using the /instance text command.
Triple Triad matches allowed in current area.
Orchestrion: Now playing Vibrant Voices.
Meghaduta Attendant: Mistress / Master [FORENAME], we have been expecting you. If you would follow me, I will show you to the guest chambers.
Orchestrion: Now playing Fragments of Forever.
Varshahn: Our mission took many an unexpected turn. I am relieved that we have all returned safely.
Varshahn: But before you all enjoy the rest you have earned a dozen times over, I would consult you on one last matter.
Estinien: Zero.
Varshahn: While she appears none the worse for wear, she remains locked in slumber, and I cannot help but worry.
Varshahn: Is there aught we can do to expedite her recovery? If her aether is exhausted, perhaps I can share some of mine now...
Y'shtola: In the wastelands of the Thirteenth, one can only replenish aether by taking it from others, be it by trade or by force.
Y'shtola: In contrast, the Source is rich in ambient aether.
Y'shtola: Simply being here and drawing breath, Zero will absorb what she needs.
Varshahn: Then we need but wait?
Y'shtola: I believe so.
Y'shtola: She will awaken in time, and when she does, give her something to eat. Judging by her form, she should also be able to derive nourishment from food.
Y'shtola: I know you promised her your aether, but perhaps she might appreciate fine Hannish cuisine more.
Varshahn: Food can certainly be arranged.
Estinien: She looks like any other person. Unsurprising, perhaps, given that she is only part voidsent.
Y'shtola: Zero said before that Zenos had altered her essence.
Y'shtola: A change wrought, I suspect, with the power of Darkness. It acted upon the part of her that is voidsent, rendering it dominant. Thus we were able to reverse it with the power of Light.
Y'shtola: I labor to believe that Zenos possessed such arcane knowledge. In all likelihood, it came from Fandaniel.
Y'shtola: Were Zero wholly voidsent, I doubt the crystal would have had an effect on her.
Y'shtola: One might say that Hydaelyn had a hand in your meeting.
Varshahn: 'Tis no exaggeration to say that Zero has proven herself invaluable─a boon from Hydaelyn Herself.
Varshahn: Her cooperation may come at a price, but whatever it is, I am willing to pay it. Exhausting though it may be at times.
Orchestrion: Now playing None.
“Return from the Void” complete!
Triple Triad matches not allowed in current area.
You have left the sanctuary.
Orchestrion: Now playing Twilit Terraces.
Speaking to all present NPCs immediately after:
Varshahn: She seems to be faring better here. Praise be to the Sisters...
Estinien: My chamber is much the same as this one. Too opulent for my taste, but at least it has space to train.
Zero's breathing appears to be less strained than it was in the Thirteenth.