An End to the Song
An End to the Song
- Quest giver
- Aymeric
- Location
- The Churning Mists (X:7.4, Y:26.7)
- Quest line
- Post-Heavensward
- Level
- 60
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Winning Over the Wyrm
- Next quest
Heroes of the Hour
- Patch
- 3.3
Main Scenario Progress: 358 / 960 (37.3%)
Heavensward Progress: 117 / 138 (84.8%)
“— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Confront Nidhogg in the Final Steps of Faith.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- You and your companions settle upon the backs of Hraesvelgr and his kin, and dive through the clouds in the direction of Ishgard. Soon after, you alight, hands numb and eyes stinging, on the Steps of Faith in the midst of battle. With a mixture of surprise and scorn, Nidhogg welcomes Hraesvelgr, who attempts in vain to persuade his brother from his vengeful course. A mighty clash then ensues between the pair, from which there can be only one victor... The city's defenders watch transfixed as Hraesvelgr tumbles onto the bridge, beaten and bloody, Ishgard's fate seemingly sealed. Triumphant, Nidhogg revels in the moment, only to learn that his fallen sibling has entrusted you with a gift: one half of his power.
- With Hraesvelgr's might now commingled with your own, you are become Ishgard's best and last hope of staying the rampaging Nidhogg. Slay the great wyrm's shade, and bring an end to a thousand years of fire and blood!
※The Final Steps of Faith can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- You have succeeded in subduing Nidhogg's shade. Wrest the wyrm's eyes from Estinien's armor, and rid your companion of Nidhogg's virulent spirit.
- Following Alphinaud's lead, you join in the struggle to tear Nidhogg's eyes from Estinien's mail. Using every onze of your strength, you wrestle with the hateful things, arcs of crackling aether enveloping you in agony, but just when the feat appears beyond you, you appear to receive aid from a most unexpected source...
With one final heave, you succeed in separating man and wyrm, and for an instant you glimpse Nidhogg's disembodied spirit, before casting his eyes into the abyss. At long last, it is over. Having done all you can for Estinien, you watch as Ser Aymeric bears him back to Ishgard. Join Alphinaud at the Arc of the Worthy, and discuss the aftermath of the battle.
- Upon returning to Ishgard, Alphinaud praises you for your victory over Nidhogg's shade. Whatever joy he feels at the dread wyrm's defeat, however, is overshadowed by his concern for the battered Estinien...
Speak with Aymeric
Aymeric: Ishgard will not last long against Nidhogg and his Horde. We must away!
Hraesvelgr: Know you, then, what this roar portendeth? Aymeric: Aye. I must return to my city without delay. Hraesvelgr: Then we shall lend you our wings. Let us meet with Nidhogg on the field of battle, and together bring an end to his wrathful song. (Vidofnir and another dragon land next to Hraesvelgr. Everyone boards the dragons, and they take off). (A scene of battle with dragons and warriors of ishgard, showing Lucia, Artoirel and others fighting). Lucia: Remember your training! We hold fast until the lord commander returns! Ugh.... We must hold... Artoirel: Reinforcements! By the Fury... That one is the size of Nidhogg! (Warrior of Light, Aymeric and Alphinaud jump off the dragons) Lucia: Lord Commander! Artoirel: You are late, Warrior of Light! (Ishgardian warriors flee while the Warrior of Light walks forward, and Nidhogg lands, facing directly at Hraesvelgr) Nidhogg: Wherefore standest thou with these vermin, Brother? Hraesvelgr: Abandon this war, shade. The suffering thou sowest serveth no end. The traitor's progeny have learned of their forefather's betrayal, and now seek to make amends with our kind. Never shall our grief be assauged nor our loss forgotten, but reconciliation may yet halt the spread of this plague of enmity. Forsake thy vengeance and be at peace. Nidhogg: What soft-headed ramblings are these? Thy dalliance with that vile maid hath robbed thee of thy wits! Mayhap her cloying perfume hath made thee forget the stench of our brood-sister's lifeblood! Hraesvelgr: (roars). Thou darest speak thus of my beloved!? Nidhogg: Ah! Sot he flames of rage may yet be kindled! I feared thy heart's fire had long since gone out. But waste not the fury on words, Brother - thou shalt have need of it for the battle! (Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr begin to attack eachother, including aerial combat. Nidhogg appears to have pulled a wing from Hraesvelgr, and tosses it aside). Hraesvelgr: Guh! Nidhogg: Thou art weak, Hraesvelgr - a sliterhing wyrm who fawneth on the vermin who should rightly be his prey. For a thousand years I have fought without cease - and thou didst think to prevail against me! Hraesvelgr: Glory not in thy victory, shade. The not yet won. My power - and my hope - have I entrusted to another... Nidhogg: Thine eye! What hast thou done!? (Eye floats in front of the Warrior of Light). Fool! Thou wouldst trust a mortal with thy strength!? I know thee... 'Twas thou who didst intrude upon my lair and best the half of me. But now I am whole, and naught in creation shall deny me my vengeance!
Alphinaud: Estinien! (Estinien is panting). Nidhogg: Is be...mine end? Nay... I will not allow it... I am of the first brood...I am vengeance incarnate... I am Nidhogg! Thou shalt die by my hand! (Estinien's hand shakes violently) Estinien: This is not your hand, wyrm! Nidhogg: Thou...wilt...obey! (Estinien has hands on his own throat) Estinien: I would ask one last favor of you, Warrior of Light... Finish me - now, while I have the beast subdued! (Warrior of Light and Alphinaud pull the eyes from Estinien. Alphinaud screams). You waste your time. Kill me! It is the only way! Ending Nidhogg...will be my final duty... Alphinaud:' No! You can't die like this! I won't let you! (The spirit of Ysayle and Haurchefant helps both of them pull the eyes off Estinien. A spirit of Nidhogg rises into the air). Nidhogg: Undone by mortal will. Whither now...? (The spirit of Ysayle and Haurchefant disappear. Estinien is laying on the ground, Warrior of Light and Alphinaud are holding eyes of Nidhogg). Aymeric: The eyes! Cast them into the abyss!