Summon Solar Bahamut
Summon Solar Bahamut
“Enters Lightwyrm Trance and summons Solar Bahamut to fight your target.
Solar Bahamut will execute Luxwave automatically on the targets attacked by you after summoning.
Increases enmity in target when Solar Bahamut is summoned.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Refulgent Lux
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Changes Ruin III to Umbral Impulse and Tri-disaster to Umbral Flare (PvE action)
Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum
Can only be executed while Carbuncle is summoned.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Summon Bahamut changes to Summon Solar Bahamut when requirements for execution are met.— In-game description
Summon Solar Bahamut is an action unlocked at level 100. It is available for Summoner.
Related traits
- Enhanced Summon Bahamut II (Lv. 100) - Allows the summoning of Solar Bahamut in addition to Demi-Phoenix and Demi-Bahamut.
Related actions
- Lux Solaris
- Luxwave
- Ruin III
- Umbral Impulse
- Tri-disaster
- Umbral Flare
- Astral Flow
- Sunflare
- Enkindle Solar Bahamut
- Summon Ifrit II
- Summon Titan II
- Summon Garuda II
- Summon Bahamut
- Summon Phoenix
Patch 7.0 (2024-07-02): Added.