Garlean Rubber

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Garlean Rubber

Item type
Material type
Carpenter frame icon.png 50
Blacksmith frame icon.png 50
Goldsmith frame icon.png 50
Leatherworker frame icon.png 60
Vendor Value
Gil 1
Market board icon1.png MB prices

A lightweight rubber far more elastic than the common variety found in Eorzea.

— In-game description


Dropped By

Creature Level Race Clan Location
2nd Cohort Eques 49 Enemy Humanoid Eastern La Noscea (26,20)
2nd Cohort Hoplomachus 49 Enemy Humanoid Eastern La Noscea (27,21)
2nd Cohort Laquearius 49 Enemy Humanoid Eastern La Noscea (25,21)
2nd Cohort Secutor 49 Enemy Humanoid Eastern La Noscea (26,21)
2nd Cohort Signifer 49 Enemy Humanoid Eastern La Noscea (25.7,21.1)
3rd Cohort Decurion 23-46 Enemy Humanoid South Shroud (18.6,18.7)
3rd Cohort Eques 23-60 Enemy Humanoid East Shroud (29,21)
3rd Cohort Hoplomachus 46-60 Enemy Humanoid East Shroud (28,20)
3rd Cohort Laquearius 22-60 Enemy Humanoid East Shroud (29,21)
3rd Cohort Secutor 39-60 Enemy Humanoid East Shroud (32,20)
3rd Cohort Signifer 22-60 Enemy Humanoid East Shroud (32,20)
4th Cohort Eques 48 Enemy Humanoid Western Thanalan (13,7)
4th Cohort Hoplomachus 48 Enemy Humanoid Western Thanalan (12,7)
4th Cohort Laquearius 48 Enemy Humanoid Western Thanalan (11.5,6.7)
4th Cohort Secutor 48 Enemy Humanoid Western Thanalan (11,6)
4th Cohort Signifer 48 Enemy Humanoid Western Thanalan (12,6)
5th Cohort Eques 46 Enemy Humanoid Mor Dhona (11.9,12.6)
5th Cohort Evocatus 48 Enemy Humanoid Mor Dhona (11.1,12.6)
5th Cohort Hoplomachus 42-46 Enemy Humanoid Mor Dhona (12,12)
5th Cohort Laquearius 42-46 Enemy Humanoid Mor Dhona (11,11)
5th Cohort Secutor 42-46 Enemy Humanoid Mor Dhona (12,12)
5th Cohort Signifer 46 Enemy Humanoid Mor Dhona (10,14)
6th Cohort Eques 50 Enemy Humanoid Dungeon creature The Keeper of the Lake
6th Cohort Hoplomachus 50 Enemy Humanoid Dungeon creature The Keeper of the Lake
6th Cohort Laquearius 50 Enemy Humanoid Dungeon creature The Keeper of the Lake
6th Cohort Secutor 50 Enemy Humanoid Dungeon creature The Keeper of the Lake
6th Cohort Signifer 50 Enemy Humanoid Dungeon creature The Keeper of the Lake
7th Cohort Eques 50 Enemy Humanoid Northern Thanalan (16,17.9)
7th Cohort Hoplomachus 50 Enemy Humanoid Northern Thanalan (16.3,20.2)
7th Cohort Signifer 50 Enemy Humanoid Northern Thanalan (16.3,20.1)
Aulus rem Vulso 44 Enemy Humanoid East Shroud (32.3,20.3)
Imperial Engineer 42 Enemy Humanoid East Shroud (29.3,21.3)

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Spruce pattens icon1.png  Spruce Pattens BGreen Carpenter frame icon.png CRP 50 ★★
Thick-rimmed glasses icon1.png  Thick-rimmed Glasses
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith: Demimateria)
ABasic Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 50 ★★
Model magitek bit icon2.png  Model Magitek Bit ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 50 ★★★★
Pteroskin shoes icon1.png  Pteroskin Shoes
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
ABasic Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★
Boltmasters top boots icon1.png  Boltmaster's Top Boots
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Forgemasters sandals icon1.png  Forgemaster's Sandals
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Gemmasters sandals icon1.png  Gemmaster's Sandals
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★