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Odder Otter House Walls

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Odder Otter House Walls

Item type
Material type
Exterior Wall
Vendor Value
Gil 4,812
Market board icon1.png MB prices

A set of four walls for those who wish to make their homes somewhat odder.

※Can only be used with houses on medium plots of land.

— In-game description

Odder Otter House Walls img1.png


Free Company Crafting


Exterior Walls Phase 1

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Botanist 70 9 27 Zelkova log icon1.png  Zelkova Log
Weaver 68 15 45 Twinsilk icon1.png  Twinsilk
Armorer 64 9 27 Oroshigane ingot icon1.png  Oroshigane Ingot
Alchemist 66 9 27 Persimmon tannin icon1.png  Persimmon Tannin

Exterior Walls Phase 2

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 15 45 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Leatherworker 68 15 45 Gazelle leather icon1.png  Gazelle Leather
Miner 70 9 27 Palladium sand icon1.png  Palladium Sand

Exterior Walls Phase 3

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 15 45 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Armorer 68 9 27 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot
Botanist 15 15 45 Straw icon1.png  Straw

Roof Phase 1

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Botanist 70 15 45 Persimmon log icon1.png  Persimmon Log
Armorer 66 9 27 Tama-hagane ingot icon1.png  Tama-hagane Ingot
Alchemist 64 15 45 Beetle glue icon1.png  Beetle Glue

Roof Phase 2

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 68 15 45 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Weaver 64 9 27 Kudzu cloth icon1.png  Kudzu Cloth
Leatherworker 64 9 27 Tiger leather icon1.png  Tiger Leather
Armorer 68 9 27 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot

Roof Phase 3

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 68 9 27 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Goldsmith 50 15 45 Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot
Botanist 15 90 270 Straw icon1.png  Straw


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 3 9 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Armorer 68 3 9 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot
Leatherworker 64 2 6 Tiger leather icon1.png  Tiger Leather
Botanist 15 2 6 Straw icon1.png  Straw


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 3 9 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Botanist 70 3 9 Persimmon log icon1.png  Persimmon Log
Armorer 68 2 6 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot
Goldsmith 50 2 6 Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Botanist 50 2 6 Bamboo stick icon1.png  Bamboo Stick
Carpenter 68 3 9 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Miner 70 2 6 Durium sand icon1.png  Durium Sand
Weaver 64 2 6 Kudzu cloth icon1.png  Kudzu Cloth
Botanist 15 15 45 Straw icon1.png  Straw


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Goldsmith 50 3 9 Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot
Armorer 64 2 6 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Armorer 66 2 6 Tama-hagane ingot icon1.png  Tama-hagane Ingot
Miner 70 3 9 Durium sand icon1.png  Durium Sand

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