Field Exploration

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Revision as of 18:52, 2 November 2015 by Wardragonice (talk | contribs)
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Main article: Retainer Ventures
Task Level Item Level Ventures Cost Duration
Experience Notable Rewards
Field Exploration I 1 0 2 18 4000
Field Exploration II 5 0 2 18 21000
Field Exploration III 10 1 2 18 39333
Field Exploration IV 15 1 2 18 67778
Field Exploration V 20 10 2 18 80857
Field Exploration VI 25 10 2 18 100211
Field Exploration VII 30 10 2 18 135417
Field Exploration VIII 35 10 2 18 160221
Field Exploration IX 40 20 2 18 190588
Field Exploration X 45 30 2 18 209333
Field Exploration XI 50 50 2 18 288000
Field Exploration XII 50 60 2 18 288000
Field Exploration XIII 50 70 2 18 288000 Minute Mindflayer, Taffeta Cloth, Light Steel Plate
Field Exploration XIV 50 80 2 18 288000 Tiny Tapir, Mossy Stone Sword, Mossy Stone Spear
Field Exploration XV 50 90 2 18 288000
Field Exploration XVI 50 100 2 18 288000
Field Exploration XVII 51 110 2 18 422400
Field Exploration XVIII 55 1126 2 18 998400 Blue Fox Hide