Dawntrail content

The Interphos

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The Interphos

The Interphos.png
Item Level
670 (Sync: 700)
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
60 minutes
Duty Finder
Trials (Dawntrail)
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest Dawntrail
Unlost World
Stone, Sky, Sea

A world free of suffering and loss... This earnest wish, made by the young Queen Sphene in her final moments, was realized centuries later in the form of Living Memory, the twisted paradise behind the legend of the golden city. In order to obtain the aether needed to sustain the sanctuary’s recreated denizens, Sphene has shed her conscience─the memories she had as a living person─to arise as within the Meso Terminal a terrifying entity possessed of absolute authority. Thus empowered, she now seeks to initiate interdimensional fusion and harvest the life force of people in other worlds, and it falls to you to stop her before untold lives are sacrificed.

— In-game description

The Interphos is a level 100 trial introduced in patch 7.0 with Dawntrail.


Aggressive difficulty r6.png Queen Eternal



All NPC lines are voice acted.

Queen Eternal: Greetings and good-bye.
Queen Eternal: Do not be afraid. Death is not the end. 
Queen Eternal: We require aether.
Queen Eternal: Deploying drones.
Queen Eternal: I will show you the worlds beyond.
Queen Eternal: Are you still alive? Activating reserve power.
Queen Eternal: Are you still alive? Disengaging safeties.
Queen Eternal: Target area delineated. Commencing erasure.
5 seconds to Absolute Authority...
4 seconds to Absolute Authority...
3 seconds to Absolute Authority...
2 seconds to Absolute Authority...
1 second to Absolute Authority...
Queen Eternal: System overload. Aborting process.
Queen Eternal: Let us rise above death!
Queen Eternal: Are you still alive? Recommencing erasure.
Queen Eternal: System overload. An error has occurred.
Queen Eternal: System override order confirmed.
5 seconds to Absolute Authority...
4 seconds to Absolute Authority...
3 seconds to Absolute Authority...
2 seconds to Absolute Authority...
1 second to Absolute Authority...
Sphene: I can't bear to lose them! Not again!
Wuk Lamat: I feel your pain! As if it were my own!
Wuk Lamat: At last I think I know you─all of you.
Sphene: How can you say that to me now!?
Wuk Lamat: It's over, Sphene. We will stop you.
Sphene: No! I won't let you! I can't!
Sphene: I will protect my people's happiness!
Wuk Lamat: Leave that burden with us now.
Wuk Lamat: We will bear it in your stead!
