Releasing a Burden
Releasing a Burden
- Quest giver
- Lyngsath
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:10, Y:8)
- Class
- Culinarian
- Level
- 20
- Required items
- 1 Dried Plums
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
On a Skewer Tip
- Next quest
Winning Friends with Aldgoat
- Patch
- 2.0
“Lyngsath is concerned about the health of a certain guild member.
— In-game description
- In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:
Every other level 20 crafting quest besides this one involves melding a materia to a piece of crafted equipment. That said, Culinarian can be used to meld equipment same as other crafters, so learning how to do it is still worthwhile.
The level 19 quest Forging the Spirit will allow players to create their own Materia from fully Spiritbound gear. The follow-up level 19 quest
Waking the Spirit will allow players to meld the materia themselves. If for some reason the player does not wish to do so, then a Materia Melder NPC can be used to meld materia for a
Gil fee.
- Deliver a handful of dried plums to Diving Dove.
- Lyngsath is concerned about the health of a certain guild member.
- One of your guildmates, a woman named Diving Dove, has been looking strangely tense of late, but is too engrossed in her work to take the time to relax. Concerned for her well-being, Lyngsath bids you prepare her some dried plums, in the hope that they might help to lighten her burden. The pixie plums required to make them can be obtained in the wilderness, or purchased via the market board in Hawkers' Alley.
- Pretending to seek her opinion on your handiwork, you succeed in convincing Diving Dove to eat your dried plums. She soon sees through your ruse, however, and takes umbrage at Lyngsath's interference. Thankfully, her mortification swiftly passes, and she admits to feeling moved by your gift, before promising to take better care of herself in future.
- ※The next culinarian quest will be available from Lyngsath upon reaching level 25.
Accepting the quest
Lyngsath: 'Ow do, [Player]? Been takin' care o' yerself, son/[?]? Remember: if you ain't got yer 'ealth, you ain't got nothin'. Lyngsath: Speakin' of 'ealth, one of our lot ain't been 'er normal self o' late. Divin' Dove's 'er name, an' she's 'avin' a bit o' trouble lettin' go, judgin' by the grimace she's been wearin'. Lyngsath:' I told the poor woman she should take better care of 'erself, but she'll barely leave the kitchen fer anythin——which is prob'ly 'ow the problem came about, now I comes to think of it. Anyroad, if it ain't sorted soon, I'm worried she'll burst. Lyngsath: D'ye know what a pixie plum is, son/[?]? 'Tis a fruit what's native to Coerthas, an' jus' the thing to 'elp solve Divin' Dove's problem. Trouble is, they're bitter as sin when fresh. Lyngsath: ...Which is why plenty o' chefs don't cook with the things. 'Course, what they don't know is, ye can get rid o' the bitterness by dryin' 'em. Better still, doin' so brings out their natural sweetness without affectin' their other properties, givin' rise to the noble treat that is the dried plum. Lyngsath: Now, I would've made these meself, but we ain't got no plums at the moment, an' I can't very well leave me post to go an' get 'em. So I needs you to do the procurin' an' the makin' in me stead. Lyngsath: Ye can pick the plums in the wilds if yer fond o' foragin'. Failin' that, take a gander at the market board in West 'Awkers' Alley. Oh, an' once the dried plums're ready, see that Divin' Dove eats 'em, would ye?
...Aye, an', might want to avoid lettin' on about the whys an' wherefores... Touchy subject, an' all that.
Delivering item to Diving Dove
Diving Dove: Hm? You want me to give you my opinion on your handiwork?
Diving Dove: Well, my dodo won't need turning for a little while, so I suppose I can spare a moment. Let's go to the upper floor. Diving Dove: Oh, these are lovely! What kind of fruit did you say they were? Diving Dove: ...Pixie plums? Well I never. There isn't a hint of bitterness about them. Diving Dove: The drying process rids them of that, you say? Diving Dove: I had no idea. Diving Dove: In truth, the only thing I did know about pixie plums is that they're a traditional remedy fo—— <gasp> Diving Dove: N-Now, look here! We've barely exchanged two words since you joined this guild, and yet here you are
being...being...presumptuous! Diving Dove: ...What? It was all the guildmaster's idea!? Diving Dove: Oh...GODS! Has the man no decency!? This is an outrageous invasion of my privacy! Unforgivable! And...<rumble>...uhhh... Diving Dove: And...strangely...moving.
As busy as I am, I am not so busy as Master Lyngsath, yet somehow he finds the time to look after his many charges while I can scarcely spare a moment to look after myself. Diving Dove: I've been working so hard...but maybe effort is not the answer. Perhaps I just need to relax a little... Thank you for the gift. I promise to take better care of myself in the future.