Three Beaks to the Wind

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Sidequest.pngVanu Vanu Main Quest Template:Quest


After getting the quest head west to Ok' Gundu Nakki. Talk to Linu Vali and then report back to Sonu Vanu. Speak with Linu Vali. Ride the sanuwa and use its Buffet skill on 3 midge clouds. Talk to Linu Vali to collect the reward.

In-game Description

Sonu Vanu is troubled by a storm gathering in the distance.

  • The difficulty of this quest will be synched to your current level.


  • Survey Ok' Vundu Mok.
  • Speak with Linu Vali.
  • Report to Sonu Vanu at Ok' Zundu.
  • Speak with Linu Vali.
  • Ride the sanuwa and Buffet the midge clouds from the trees. 0/3
  • Report to Linu Vali.


Sonu Vanu is grateful for your return to Ok' Zundu, for as if by heavenly coincidence, something is troubling him that only a courageous adventurer can help with. Zundu spies have reported unusual amounts of activity from Ok' Vundu Mok, in the heart of Vundu territory. The Zundu chief is anxious as to what this might mean for his tribe, but cannot risk the uneasy truce with the Vundu by sending his own spies. He asks that you make your way to Ok' Vundu Mok to ascertain what is causing the furor.

  • Please note that the difficulty of this quest has be synched to your current level. Furthermore, you many not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted the quest.

You gaze over Ok' Vundu Mok and are met with the sight of three Vanu─one wearing a crown of flowers─being chased by a group of Vundu. The three Vanu are cornered, and although they attempt to stand their ground, the Vundu war dance causes them to cower in fear. You stand fearless before the dance, however, and leap to the defense of the shivering Vanu.

You slay the Vundu warriors, and the three beleaguered Vanu are safe from harm. Speak with Linu Vali to hear their tale. Linu Vali tells you of her troubled tribe, the Gundu, who were subjugated by the Vundu and now live in fear under their rule. Her tribe seeks freedom from the Vundu, but they will not allow it, threatening any opposition with violence and imprisonment. Linu Vali is surprised when you tell her of Sonu Vanu's request, and asks that you act as a mediator in helping the Gundu tell of their plight. Return to Ok' Zundu and inform Sonu Vanu of the occurrences at Ok' Vundu Mok.

You relate the story of your journey into Ok' Vundu to Sonu Vanu, and Linu Vali offers her greetings and gratitude to the chieftain.

Taking the story of the Gundu's plight to heart, Sonu Vanu grants the refugees an island to use as a safe haven, despite his attendant's protestations. Linu Vali is ecstatic at this present, promising that the Gundu will be self-sufficient, and work to make a new settlement free from Vundu influence. Go to Nakki Island, to the west of Ok' Zundu, and speak with Linu Vali to listen to her plan for building her tribe's home.

Linu Vali seems eager to begin developing the island, but needs your help dealing with some airborne pests. She asks that you rid the surrounding trees of the midge clouds, which conveniently lack the taste for netherling blood. Speak with Luna Vanu to mount a sanuwa and use its powerful buffet to drive the midges from the trees.

The midges will no longer trouble the poor Vanu, and the island has become noticeably quieter. Report your success to Linu Vali and see if there is aught more that she requires.

Linu Vali appreciates your efforts to rid Nakki Island of its pests, although it seems she may require your aid in the future. She admits to you that she lacks the courage to continue on leading the Gundu towards a new life, expressing doubt in her ability to carry on without her brother and the others that were captured by the Vundu. She asks for your help in building up the Gundu's new home. Your agreement encourages her, and she dubs the new village “Ok' Gundu Nakki.” Eager to get started on construction, she asks you to speak with Muna Vanu to learn what tasks are required of you. Lend your aid to the refugee Vanu Vanu and help them build a new home.