Better Axe Around
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Warrior Job Quest
- Speak with Broken Mountain at Camp Bronze Lake.
- Question the scholars of Saint Coinach's Find.
- Search for proof along the shores of Silvertear Falls.
- Present the axe to Broken Mountain.
- Curious Gorge looks eager to expand his combat repertoire.
- Curious Gorge tells you of his brother, Broken Mountain, who is still recovering from his wounds at Camp Bronze Lake. The siblings remain steadfast in their resolve to spread the teachings of their people across Eorzea, although Broken Mountain seems reluctant to take up the axe once more. Instead, he now pursues more scholarly studies─during which he has stumbled upon information regarding ancient martial techniques. If you would know more of such things, make your way to Camp Bronze Lake and speak with Broken Mountain.
- Broken Mountain tells you of a legendary hero named Mythril Heart whose combat prowess is detailed at length in accounts he has discovered. Skeptical of their veracity, he sees no point in studying them further. However, Curious Gorge strongly believes otherwise, and even his old comrade-in-arms Wheiskaet seems to think there may be truth in them as well. Yielding to pressure, Broken Mountain states that he will reconsider his stance if you uncover proof that Mythril Heart was real. Recalling that the hero's final journey took him to Silvertear Falls, Curious Gorge suggests that you speak with the Sons of Saint Coinach, who conduct their research in Mor Dhona.
- Though none of the researchers know of Mythril Heart, it becomes clear that artifacts not of Allagan origin are often left untouched. Scour the shores of Silvertear Falls and see if you can find proof that the Hellsguard hero once walked these lands.
- As if by fate, you come upon an axe that is quite unremarkable outside of the crudely engraved letters “MH” on its haft. Could it be the weapon once wielded by the legendary Mythril Heart? Present it to Broken Mountain and see if it serves as proof that the stories were not mere faerie tales.
- Broken Mountain declares the weapon to be that of the legendary Mythril Heart, proving that the stories he discovered were true. Convinced of the hero's existence, he agrees to resume his studies of the ancient tomes in order to unlock the secrets of Mythril Heart's techniques─though he also acknowledges that the techniques are like to rouse the inner beast like none before.
※The next warrior quest will be available from Broken Mountain upon reaching level 52.