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Astral Silk

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Astral Silk

Item type
Material type
Blacksmith frame icon.png 60
Goldsmith frame icon.png 60
Leatherworker frame icon.png 60
Weaver frame icon.png 60
Vendor Value
Gil 2 HQ icon.png Gil 3
Market board icon1.png MB prices

Several yalms of silk treated so that its elemental aspect would tip slightly towards astral.

— In-game description


Crafting Recipe

Astral Silk
Master Weaver III
Weaver frame icon.png WVR
60 ★★
Max quality
Quick Synthesis
QS requirements
Craftsmanship: 850
High Quality
Craftsmanship req.
Control req.


Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Astral silk bottoms of casting icon1.png  Astral Silk Bottoms of Casting
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Astral silk bottoms of healing icon1.png  Astral Silk Bottoms of Healing
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Astral silk doublet of casting icon1.png  Astral Silk Doublet of Casting
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Astral silk doublet of healing icon1.png  Astral Silk Doublet of Healing
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Astral silk dress gloves of casting icon1.png  Astral Silk Dress Gloves of Casting
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Astral silk gloves of healing icon1.png  Astral Silk Gloves of Healing
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Astral silk robe icon1.png  Astral Silk Robe
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
ABasic Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Astral silk slops of aiming icon1.png  Astral Silk Slops of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
BGreen Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Boltmasters dreadnought icon1.png  Boltmaster's Dreadnought
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Boltmasters gibus icon1.png  Boltmaster's Gibus
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Boltmasters slacks icon1.png  Boltmaster's Slacks
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Cauldronmasters gloves icon1.png  Cauldronmaster's Gloves
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Cauldronmasters longkilt icon1.png  Cauldronmaster's Longkilt
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Cauldronmasters overcoat icon1.png  Cauldronmaster's Overcoat
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Forgemasters goggles icon1.png  Forgemaster's Goggles
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith III)
CBlue Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 60 ★★
Forgemasters redingote icon1.png  Forgemaster's Redingote
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Forgemasters slops icon1.png  Forgemaster's Slops
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Fortemps manor interior wall icon1.png  Fortemps Manor Interior Wall
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
ABasic Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Galleymasters toque icon1.png  Galleymaster's Toque
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Galleymasters trousers icon1.png  Galleymaster's Trousers
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Galleymasters whites icon1.png  Galleymaster's Whites
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Gemmasters gown icon1.png  Gemmaster's Gown
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Gemmasters trousers icon1.png  Gemmaster's Trousers
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Griffin leather brais of scouting icon1.png  Griffin Leather Brais of Scouting
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Griffin leather brais of striking icon1.png  Griffin Leather Brais of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Griffin leather coat of scouting icon1.png  Griffin Leather Coat of Scouting
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Griffin leather coat of striking icon1.png  Griffin Leather Coat of Striking
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Griffin leather longcoat of aiming icon1.png  Griffin Leather Longcoat of Aiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Griffin leather skirt of fending icon1.png  Griffin Leather Skirt of Fending
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Griffin leather skirt of maiming icon1.png  Griffin Leather Skirt of Maiming
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
BGreen Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Hammermasters slops icon1.png  Hammermaster's Slops
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Hammermasters waist apron icon1.png  Hammermaster's Waist Apron
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Hidemasters apron icon1.png  Hidemaster's Apron
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Hidemasters trousers icon1.png  Hidemaster's Trousers
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Mammet lantern icon1.png  Mammet Lantern
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith IV)
ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★
Millmasters apron icon1.png  Millmaster's Apron
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Millmasters cap icon1.png  Millmaster's Cap
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Millmasters gloves icon1.png  Millmaster's Gloves
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Millmasters slops icon1.png  Millmaster's Slops
(Learned from: Master Weaver III)
CBlue Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Millmasters workboots icon1.png  Millmaster's Workboots
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker III)
CBlue Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★
Stuffed brina icon1.png  Stuffed Brina
(Learned from: Master Weaver IV)
ABasic Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★
Stuffed calca icon1.png  Stuffed Calca
(Learned from: Master Weaver IV)
ABasic Weaver frame icon.png WVR 60 ★★