Meet the Tholls
Revision as of 11:18, 29 July 2024 by Smallpotatoes (talk | contribs) (→Speak with the dwarf observer again and undertake the true trial)
Meet the Tholls
- Quest giver
- Tristol
- Location
- Kholusia (X:19.0, Y:17.6)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 78
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Gigantic Undertaking
- Next quest
A-Digging We Will Go
Word about Komra
Too Sweet to Eat
Killer on the Loose
All for the Boom
Distract and Rescue
Beneath the Beard
Short on Courage
Knocking the Knockers
Goggeo and Tholliet
With Ale Due Respect
Brew as the Tholl Do
A Disagreeable Dwarf
- Patch
- 5.0
Main Scenario Progress: 630 / 960 (65.6%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 89 / 157 (56.7%)
“Tristol knows people who may be able to assist in your search for ore.
— In-game description
For the trials:
※Shoot the dwarf wearing the wrong helm.
- Speak with the Crystal Exarch.
- Speak with Xamott.
- Speak with the dwarf observer and undertake the trial.
- Speak with the dwarf observer again and undertake the true trial.
- Speak with Xamott.
- Tristol knows people who may be able to assist in your search for ore.
- Tristol informs you that a dwarven family known as the Tholls have long mined this land, and none know its bounty as well as they. If you explain to them your situation, the painter is confident that they would be willing to cooperate in your search for ore. Thus do you and the Exarch set out for the village of Tomra to seek an audience with its chief, a dwarf named Xamott.
- At the entrance to Tomra, you and the Exarch are greeted by a boisterous dwarf. Having traded lali-hos to his satisfaction, he reveals himself to be none other than Xamott. While he is keen to assist any endeavor that will restore peace to their home, he will only help you find the ore if he is certain you will put it to good use. To that end, he requires that you undertake a trial most tricksy, and invites you into the village to learn more.
- Xamott informs you that, when dwarves of his village come of age, each of them must prove their readiness to take to the mines. This they do by undertaking a traditional trial–the curiously named 3-D MineRunner. In this trial, you are given a slingshot, which you must use to shoot the dwarf who wears a different helm from that of the Tholls. When you are ready to begin, you are to report to the observer neargy.
- The dwarf observer takes you to the rooftops, where you have a practice run of the trial. The next time will be the actual trial, where failure is a possibility.
- With your combination of discernment, diligence, and dexterity, you succeed in passing the dwarves' trial. The observer instructs you to return to Xamott, that you might get on with the business of putting an end to the strangeness that racks the land.
- Impressed with your showing in the trial, Xamott declares that he will place his faith in you and help you to find the ore you seek for the Talos heart.
Quest Acceptance
Tristol: If you seek material for the Talos's heart, I know people who may be able to assist. Tristol: They are the Tholls, a dwarven family that have long mined this land. No one knows its bounty as well as they. Tristol: If you explain your situation, I'm sure they would be willing to cooperate. Indeed, 'twas one of them that showed me the secret tunnel to the top of the cliff. Tristol: You will find the Tholls at their village to the northwest, a place called Tomra. When you arrive, seek an audience with Chief Xamott...and do not forget to greet him with a hearty lali-ho! Crystal Exarch: Permit me to join you, [Forename]. I would keep my joints limber, and mayhap I can provide some manner of assistance. Chai-Nuzz: I'll leave the heart to the two of you, then. The variety of ore doesn't matter so long as it's rich with aether. Chai-Nuzz: I'll aim to have my design complete by your return.
Speak with the Crystal Exarch
Crystal Exarch: So this is Tomra... Crystal Exarch: Seldom do we see the dwarven folk at the Crystarium. To now be in the presence of so many... Crystal Exarch: I shall enjoy not having to crane my neck for a change. Boisterous Dwarf: Lali-ho! What will you say? Lali...ho? / What did you just call me!? -> Lali...ho?
Boisterous Dwarf: What sorry excuse for a greeting was that!? Where's your heart, lass!? Your stones!? Boisterous Dwarf: Come, let's try it again! What will you say? Lali-hoooooo! / L-Lali-ho! -> L-Lali-ho!
Boisterous Dwarf: Lali-hoooooo! Boisterous Dwarf: Hmmm, not bad, not bad. But there's room for improvement. Boisterous Dwarf: Anyroad, now that we've observed common courtesy─who are you and what happened to your helm? Crystal Exarch: At the recommendation of the denizens of Amity, we have come to seek the aid of the Tholl family. May we speak with Chief Xamott? Xamott: Why, yes you may! I am Xamott, and I bid you welcome to Tomra! Xamott: If it's the folk of Amity what sent you here, you must have quite a tale to tell. Come, let's hear it!
Xamott: Well, well! And there I thought those below had no fight left in 'em! Xamott: Havin' said that, it's not like we know how to deal with that floatin' volcano and all them sin eaters neither. Xamott: If you're serious about restorin' peace to these parts, though, we'll gladly lend you a hand. Xamott: However! Xamott: The kind of ore you seek's precious to us too. Xamott: If I let you have it only for you to bungle things up and squander it, like, no amount of ale will wash away my chagrin. Xamott: First, I need to make sure you're worthy─by means of a trial! Aye, a trial most tricksy, passed down through the line of Tholl! Crystal Exarch: And what is this trial? Xamott: Heh heh heh... Come with me and I'll tell you all.
Speak with Xamott
Xamott: Heh heh heh... Listen well. Xamott: As you know, we're a minin' folk. And in the minin' life, danger's a constant companion. Xamott: So, when we come of age, each of us must prove our readiness to take to the mines. Xamott: This we do by undertakin' a trial what tests the three traits all good miners can't do without: discernment, diligence, and dexterity. We call it...3-D MineRunner! Xamott: Now, look on my helm. Mark its features well. You'll be given a slingshot, which you must use to shoot dwarves as wear helms what are different. Xamott: I've already made the necessary arrangements. When you're ready to take the trial, report to the observer nearby. Best of luck to you!
Speak with the dwarf observer and undertake the trial
Dwarf Observer: Lali-ho! You must be the challenger the chief mentioned. I'll show you to the rooftop at once. Dwarf Observer: As I'm sure you've been told, in 3-D MineRunner, you use a slingshot to shoot them as wear the wrong helm. Let's begin with a spot of practice, eh?
Shoebill: For all its reaction, the creature may as well be made of stone. It only stares at you unflinchingly... Crystal Exarch Crystal Exarch: Ugh! I would thank you not to shoot me! Nonchalant Dwarf Nonchalant Dwarf: Nice shootin'! Keep it up in the actual trial, eh? Dwarf Observer: Aye, that's the way! Dwarf Observer: Next time, it's the trial for true. Let me know when you're ready, eh?
Speak with the dwarf observer again and undertake the true trial
Dwarf Observer: Ready for the trial? Right this way, then! Dwarf Observer: This time, there'll be them as wear the right helm. You shoot them, you fail, so look carefully afore you let the stone fly!
Shoot the Dwarf with the wrong helm
Search for the dwarf wearing the wrong type of helm. You may move the camera, as well as zoom in and out. Target the dwarf and use the slingshot with (interaction)
Hit the Dwarf! failed. Nonchalant Dwarf: Wrong! I'm wearin' a Tholl helm, see?
Crystal Exarch Crystal Exarch: If you're entertaining the thought of knocking off my cowl, know that it will not work.
Nonchalant Dwarf: Well done! A fine show of discernment and dexterity! Objective “Shoot the dwarf wearing the wrong helm” cleared. Dwarf Observer: Well done, well done! The trial never lies─you've got what it takes to be a miner! Dwarf Observer: Run along back to the chief, now, and get on with puttin' an end to all this strangeness of late!
Speak with Xamott
Xamott: That was some impressive shooting, lass! Consider me satisfied! Xamott: Aye, 'tis plain you didn't come this far with luck alone. So I'll place my faith in you, and help you find the ore you seek.