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Rasen Kaikyo

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Rasen Kaikyo

The Ruby Sea

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Rasen Kaikyo

Roughly translated as "The Winding Straight," this part of the Ruby Sea is known for its treacherous currents. Some say the name is far more apt than outsiders might realize, given the many parties that have a vested interest in the region, and how difficult it can be to avoid running afoul of them all.

— In-game description

Rasen Kaikyo is an area in The Ruby Sea, Othard (region).


Landmark (map icon).png
The Ruby Price

By order of the bakufu, Suenokuni brought earth and stone from the mainland to construct this fortification atop a natural reef. Arrayed with countless cannons, it serves as a defensive outpost against foreign invaders. Those who maintain it must serve for three years before they are permitted to return home.

Landmark (map icon).png
Barrier Isle

This small island marks the border of Hingashi's territorial claim. Nevertheless, the fishermen of Isari are frequently seen in the surrounding waters. While these incursions are somewhat tolerated, larger foreign vessels sighted in the vicinity of the island may be warned off by cannon fire from the Ruby Price.

Landmark (map icon).png

Its name meaning "goblet," this island is said to be the birthplace of the Confederacy, where rival pirates first toasted as brothers and pledged themselves to a common cause. Today it remains an important outpost, constantly garrisoned by sharp-eyed guards who keep watch for vessels that sail the Ruby Sea.

Landmark (map icon).png
Hells' Lid

Day and night, the volcano on this island spews ash into the air and lava into the sea. By all accounts, it has always been active, hence its name and an ancient tale which tells of oni that once lived beneath its surface, until the legendary hero Tenzen and the Four Lords drove them into the sea.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Isle of Bekko

Though the isle is within Kojin territory, they themselves consider the name inauspicious, as it refers to the shells of sea tortoises—for which the creatures are hunted. Of course, other peoples harbor no such superstitions, and will use it freely even in the presence of a Kojin.

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Legend has it that when the kami first descended from their celestial realm they came to Onokoro, and there built Heaven-on-High. Though the island and the tower are regarded as sacred by some, the Confederates who now call it home do not share their beliefs.

Landmark (map icon).png

For the longest time, folk gave these shores a wide berth for fear of the kami, who they believed erected the enigmatic tower known as Heaven-on-High. The pirates of the Confederacy harbored no such fears, however, and one day they claimed the land for their own and established an outpost.

Landmark (map icon).png

A slender tower of stone stacked to impossible heights, seemingly piercing the very heavens. Aside from a Far Eastern myth that attributes its creation to the kami, little is known about the structure. During a time of war, audacous pirates of the Confederacy made landfall and claimed the spot for their own.

Landmark (map icon).png
Ten-thousand-year Pine

As the name suggests, it is believed that this tree has lived for more than ten thousand years. Of course, there is no reliable way to ascertain the age of the tree, and all that can be said with certainty is that it is older than anyone can remember.

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Quickscape Pier

Even the most valiant pirate must be prepared to beat a hasty retreat, and it is for that reason this pier was initially constructed. These days it is mostly used for the inspection and maintenance of Confederate vessels.

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Shoal Rock

One of many isles that pepper the Ruby Sea, hemmed in to the north by an enormous circular formation of coral whereupon the Confederacy established an outpost. According to Hingan historians, the isle was formed of magma that spewed forth from Hells' Lid.

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The Coral Banquet

This large wooden platform built atop the reef is primarily utilized as a lookout post. From here, Confederate sentries maintain a constant vigil to ensure that they are not caught unawares by invading forces from the north.

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An underwater village founded by the peaceful Kojin of the Blue. Though the Kojin are able to survive for long periods without air, they do not possess gills like the Sahagin. So it was that they developed magicks that allowed them to create an immense bubble of air within which to dwell.

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In the distant past, a group of Raen were driven from their homeland by the fires of war, and sought refuge beneath the sea with the aid of the Kojin. Together, they built what would become Sui-no-Sato. For fear of being forced to flee again, however, they make every effort to avoid outside contact, and so little is known about their society.

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The Kobayashi Maru

This Hingan vessel was caught in a terrible storm which damaged its rudder and set it adrift in the Ruby Sea, until the currents delivered it into Confederate waters. Spying the prize, the pirates sent their ships to demand the Ruby Tithe, and when the captain refused, the Kobayashi Maru was summarily sunk.

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Saibai Cavern

One of many caves beneath the waters of the Ruby Sea, it is named for its abundance of shellfish which are regularly harvested by the people of Sui-no-Sato.

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Kagami, a Kojin sage, once called this cavern home. Believing her reflection to be another being with her own thoughts and dreams, she quit Tamamizu and resolved to live apart from her doppelganger.

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The Anemone Gardens

This vibrant colony of anemones is highly prized by the Kojin, who harvest the plant-like creatures for medicinal purposes.

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The Adventure

This Lominsan vessel was commissioned by an Ul'dahn merchant who sought to conduct business in Kugane, but never reached his destination. Though the circumstances surrounding the ship's sinking are unclear, a surviving sailor claims that vengeful spirits of the sea were responsible.

Gathering Nodes

Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mature Tree
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:20.7, Y:6.8)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mature Tree
Larch log icon1.png  Larch Log «6» 63 (X:20.7, Y:6.8)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mature Tree
Sparkstone icon1.png  Sparkstone «7» 64 (X:20.7, Y:6.8)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mature Tree
Shiitake mushroom icon1.png  Shiitake Mushroom «8» 65 (X:20.7, Y:6.8)
Logging unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Unspoiled Mature Tree
Rarefied shiitake mushroom icon1.png  Rarefied Shiitake Mushroom «7» 63 4AM/PM (X:33.0, Y:9.2)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 60 Lush Vegetation
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:36.7, Y:17.2)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 60 Lush Vegetation
Shishu koban icon1.png  Shishu Koban «6» 60 (X:36.7, Y:17.2)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Lush Vegetation
Gem Algae.png  Gem Algae «4» 62 (X:27.1, Y:21.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Lush Vegetation
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:27.1, Y:21.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Lush Vegetation
Shisui jewel icon1.png  Shisui Jewel «6» 64 (X:27.1, Y:21.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Lush Vegetation
Ruby cotton boll icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Boll «7» 63 (X:27.1, Y:21.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Lush Vegetation
Ama nori icon1.png  Ama Nori «8» 64 (X:27.1, Y:21.9)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Lush Vegetation
Ruby tide kelp icon1.png  Ruby Tide Kelp «4» 67 (X:12.8, Y:14.3)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Lush Vegetation
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:12.8, Y:14.3)
Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mineral Deposit
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:24.1, Y:35.9)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mineral Deposit
Koppranickel ore icon1.png  Koppranickel Ore «6» 63 (X:24.1, Y:35.9)
Mining (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Mineral Deposit
Sparkstone icon1.png  Sparkstone «7» 64 (X:24.1, Y:35.9)
Mining unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Unspoiled Mineral Deposit
Rarefied raw star spinel icon1.png  Rarefied Raw Star Spinel «8» 63 10AM/PM (X:21.2, Y:34.3)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Rocky Outcrop
Diatomite icon1.png  Diatomite «3» 63 (X:12.1, Y:17.8)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Rocky Outcrop
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:12.1, Y:17.8)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Rocky Outcrop
Shisui jewel icon1.png  Shisui Jewel «6» 64 (X:12.1, Y:17.8)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Rocky Outcrop
Handpicked ingredients icon1.png  Handpicked Ingredients «4» 74 (X:39.4, Y:3.8)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Rocky Outcrop
High tea ingredients icon1.png  High Tea Ingredients «5» 75 (X:39.4, Y:3.8)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Rocky Outcrop
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «6» 26 (X:39.4, Y:3.8)