Miner Achievements

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Main article: Crafting & Gathering Achievements
Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mining your own business la noscea i icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea I 5 Mine 20 times at level 1-10 mineral deposits in La Noscea. - 2.0
Mining your own business la noscea ii icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea II 5 Mine 300 times at level 11-20 mineral deposits in La Noscea. - 2.0
Mining your own business la noscea iii icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea III 5 Mine 1,000 times at level 21-30 mineral deposits in La Noscea. - 2.0
Mining your own business la noscea iv icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea IV 5 Mine 2,000 times at level 31-40 mineral deposits in La Noscea. - 2.0
Mining your own business la noscea v icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea V 5 Mine 4,000 times at level 41-50 mineral deposits in La Noscea. - 2.0
A miner's life for me la noscea icon1.png  A Miner's Life for Me: La Noscea 10 Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea” achievements. Achievement title icon.png Meadowbreaker 2.0
Mining your own business black shroud i icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud I 5 Mine 20 times at level 1-10 mineral deposits in the Black Shroud. - 2.0
Mining your own business black shroud ii icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud II 5 Mine 300 times at level 11-20 mineral deposits in the Black Shroud. - 2.0
Mining your own business black shroud iii icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud III 5 Mine 1,000 times at level 21-30 mineral deposits in the Black Shroud. - 2.0
Mining your own business black shroud iv icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud IV 5 Mine 2,000 times at level 31-40 mineral deposits in the Black Shroud. - 2.0
Mining your own business black shroud v icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud V 5 Mine 4,000 times at level 41-50 mineral deposits in the Black Shroud. - 2.0
A miner's life for me black shroud icon1.png  A Miner's Life for Me: Black Shroud 10 Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud” achievements. Achievement title icon.png Forestbreaker 2.0
Mining your own business thanalan i icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan I 5 Mine 20 times at level 1-10 mineral deposits in Thanalan. - 2.0
Mining your own business thanalan ii icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan II 5 Mine 300 times at level 11-20 mineral deposits in Thanalan. - 2.0
Mining your own business thanalan iii icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan III 5 Mine 1,000 times at level 21-30 mineral deposits in Thanalan. - 2.0
Mining your own business thanalan iv icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan IV 5 Mine 2,000 times at level 31-40 mineral deposits in Thanalan. - 2.0
Mining your own business thanalan v icon1.png  Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan V 5 Mine 4,000 times at level 41-50 mineral deposits in Thanalan. - 2.0
A miner's life for me thanalan icon1.png  A Miner's Life for Me: Thanalan 10 Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan” achievements. Achievement title icon.png Desertbreaker 2.0
A miner's life for me greater eorzea icon1.png  A Miner's Life for Me: Greater Eorzea 30 Obtain the "A Miner's Life for Me" achievements for La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan. Pick of the luminary icon1.png  Pick of the Luminary 2.0
Mining heavensward icon1.png  Mining Heavensward 10 Gather 5,000 times at level 51-60 mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 3.0
Mining stormblood icon1.png  Mining Stormblood 10 Gather 5,000 times at level 61-70 mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 4.0
Mining shadowbringers icon1.png  Mining Shadowbringers 10 Gather 5,000 times at level 71-80 mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 5.0
Mining the end icon1.png  Mining the End 10 Gather 5,000 times at level 81-90 mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 6.0
Mining dawntrail icon1.png  Mining Dawntrail 10 Gather 5,000 times at level 91-100 mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 7.0
I found that miner i icon1.png  I Found That: Miner I 5 Mine and record discovery of 15 unique items that can only be gathered as a miner. - 2.1
I found that miner ii icon1.png  I Found That: Miner II 5 Mine and record discovery of 30 unique items that can only be gathered as a miner. - 2.1
I found that miner iii icon1.png  I Found That: Miner III 10 Mine and record discovery of 50 unique items that can only be gathered as a miner. Master miners ring icon1.png  Master Miner's Ring 2.1
I found that miner iv icon1.png  I Found That: Miner IV 10 Mine and record discovery of 100 unique items that can only be gathered as a miner. - 3.0
I found that miner v icon1.png  I Found That: Miner V 10 Mine and record discovery of 150 unique items that can only be gathered as a miner. Blessed minekeeps pickaxe icon1.png  Blessed Minekeep's Pickaxe 3.5
I found that miner vi icon1.png  I Found That: Miner VI 10 Gather and record discovery of 180 unique items as a miner. Blessed minekings pickaxe icon1.png  Blessed Mineking's Pickaxe 4.5
I found that miner vii icon1.png  I Found That: Miner VII 10 Mine and record discovery of 220 unique items that can only be gathered as a miner. Resplendent minefiends pickaxe icon1.png  Resplendent Minefiend's Pickaxe 5.5
I found that miner viii icon1.png  I Found That: Miner VIII 10 Mine and record discovery of 260 unique items that can only be gathered as a miner. Achievement title icon.png Of the Relentless Sledge 6.5
An eye for quantity miner i icon1.png  An Eye for Quantity: Miner I 5 Gather 300 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a miner. - 6.0
An eye for quantity miner ii icon1.png  An Eye for Quantity: Miner II 5 Gather 1,500 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a miner. - 6.0
An eye for quantity miner iii icon1.png  An Eye for Quantity: Miner III 10 Gather 10,000 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a miner. - 6.0
An eye for quantity miner iv icon1.png  An Eye for Quantity: Miner IV 10 Gather 20,000 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a miner. Achievement title icon.png Master Miner 6.0
Skyward sledgehammer i icon1.png  Skyward Sledgehammer I 5 Earn 50,000 points toward your skyward score as a miner. - 5.21
Skyward sledgehammer ii icon1.png  Skyward Sledgehammer II 5 Earn 150,000 points toward your skyward score as a miner. - 5.21
Skyward sledgehammer iii icon1.png  Skyward Sledgehammer III 10 Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a miner. Achievement title icon.png Pick of the Firmament 5.21
With mines unclouded i icon1.png  With Mines Unclouded I 5 Mine 50 clouded mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 5.21
With mines unclouded ii icon1.png  With Mines Unclouded II 5 Mine 500 clouded mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 5.21
With mines unclouded iii icon1.png  With Mines Unclouded III 10 Mine 1,000 clouded mineral deposits or rocky outcrops. - 5.21
The height of mining icon1.png  The Height of Mining 10 As a miner, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. Achievement title icon.png The Nest's Own Miner 5.21
Miners of a feather icon1.png  Miners of a Feather 10 As a miner, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. Achievement title icon.png Featherfall's Finest Miner 5.31
An ode to mining icon1.png  An Ode to Mining 10 As a miner, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. Achievement title icon.png The Risensung Miner 5.41

Removed achievements

Name Points Task Reward Patch
An eye for quality miner i icon1.png  An Eye for Quality: Miner I 5 Gather 300 high-quality items as a miner. - 2.1
An eye for quality miner ii icon1.png  An Eye for Quality: Miner II 5 Gather 1,500 high-quality items as a miner. - 2.1
An eye for quality miner iii icon1.png  An Eye for Quality: Miner III 10 Gather 10,000 high-quality items as a miner. - 2.1
An eye for quality miner iv icon1.png  An Eye for Quality: Miner IV 10 Gather 20,000 high-quality items as a miner. Achievement title icon.png Master Miner 3.0