Flowers for Aerghaemr

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Sidequest.pngWestern La Noscea Quest Template:Quest


1. Speak with Alyrloef at North Tidegate (22,20).

2. Deliver the Spring Stars to Sergeant Roehanth at The Founder's Crypt (23,20).

3. Place the flowers on the Founder's Crypt.

4. Speak with Sergeant Roehanth at The Founder's Crypt (23,20).


  • Speak with Sergeant Roehanth.
  • Place the flowers on the Founder's Crypt.
  • Speak with Sergeant Roehanth.


  • Learned men write that he who is wroth feels not the approach of night, and Alyrloef certainly seems insensible to all but his pressing need for your service.
  • Sergeant Roehanth's presence is missed at the Tidegate, and Alyrloef bids you hurry to the Founder's Crypt to find him. Speak to Roehanth, but remember that one disturbs a man at his devotions at one's own peril.
  • Fortunately, you catch Roehanth at the end of his orisons, and the sight of the flowers in your hands disposes him favorably towards you. Place the spring stars on the grave.
  • The clean scent of spring stars lifts the gloom of this lonely place, and Roehanth's aspect loses much of that brooding look. There is a tale that brings the rough Roegadyn soldier to his knees thus, one you may learn yet by speaking to him.
  • Before Roehanth, a headstone. Under the stone, a settler named Aerghaemr who breathed his last not on his farm, but holding a trail against the Sahagin as his comrades made their escape. Such is the man that this sergeant and former corsair has chosen as his lodestar.