Red Rooster Stead

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Red Rooster Stead

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Red Rooster Stead.png
Red Rooster Stead

The farmers on the Red Rooster Stead will rarely shy from testing their agricultural acumen on exotic crops or untested growing methods, and take pride in their willingness to sacrifice a harvest if it means a better yield on autumn hence. The plantation's name is said to be taken from the bloody cockfights held after nightfall by the gamekeeps.

Sightseeing Log 7: Red Rooster Stead

Red Rooster Stead is a settlement in Cedarwood. It is a farming community established by a botanist as a site for agricultural experimentation, such as selective breeding of livestock and research of foreign produce, sometimes at the expense of their harvest. The settlement relies on wool and barley as its main source of income, though its primary function is experimentation. It is also responsible for the supply of Lowland Grapes for the vintners in Wineport, and boasts livestock pens for sheep, dodos and chocobos. The settlement was named as a reference to a red-feathered rooster that farmers laid wagers on being stronger than other birds in a cockfight, however the contest turned ugly with the farmers drawing their blades, and both roosters and attendees were showered with blood[1]. It has been endorsed by Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn as a perfect example of her post-Calamity rebuilding initiative[2][3].

Red Rooster Stead's proximity to kobold territory means it occasionally falls victim to kobold raids. As a result, the community hired a Levemete, Wyrkholsk, to assist with recruiting adventurers that are willing to aid in the settlement's defense.


Settlement icon.png
Red Rooster Stead




See also: Lower La Noscea Sidequests
Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Bait and Swat Sidequest 9 Anaoc
Beetle Juice Sidequest 8 Arenlona
Kobolds and Indigents Sidequest 9 Skarnmhar
Moegramm Had a Little Lamb Sidequest 5 Moegramm
Much Ado About Dodos Sidequest 6 Moegramm
Whack-a-Mole Sidequest 7 Arenlona
Where the Heart Is (Mist) Feature quest 5 Ahctkoen
Wool's Errand Sidequest 6 Anaoc

