By the Grace of Lord Lolorito
Revision as of 03:27, 17 August 2024 by Maleficentabsinthe (talk | contribs) (formatted dialogue, added optional dialogue)
By the Grace of Lord Lolorito
- Quest giver
- Hancock
- Location
- Kugane (X:13.1, Y:14.2)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 61
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Where the Streets Are Paved with Koban
- Next quest
A Good Samurai Is Hard to Find
I Dream of Shirogane
Dedication to the Craft
A Drink in the Tub
I'll Show You Angry
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Moms
Zero Tolerance Teahouse
One-star Veteran Clan Hunt
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 412 / 960 (42.9%)
Stormblood Progress: 33 / 162 (20.4%)
“Hancock seems to be quite pleased with himself.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- Hancock seems to be quite pleased with himself.
- Speak with Hancock
- Speak with Alphinaud
Accepting the Quest
Hancock: There is oh so much more I could speak of—the soothing waters of the onsen, the ephemeral delights of the pleasure district—but you are doubtless still weary from your long sea voyage. Hancock: Let us retire to the company offices.
Alphinaud: (I daresay we could travel to Meracydia or the New World and find a man like Hancock waiting for us.)
Tataru: Ahhh, the unmistakable of wealth and power...
Lyse: Even though this feels just as out of place as the Garlean Consulate, it's a lot more...comforting.
Alisaie: ...There is no denying that this place was built for an Ul'dahn.
Following Hancock (Cutscene)
Hancock: At long last, we arrive at our destination. May i present to you our humble offices. Hancock: We have much to discuss, so I will refrain from further prattle. Come, come, right this way!
Hancock: Our thaumaturges took great pains to ward these walls against all manner of surveillance. Where business dealings are concerned, we do not compromise on confidentiality. Hancock: You may avail yourselves of these offices for the duration of your visit. Come and go as you like, and know that you may speak freely here.
Alphinaud: Your offer is most generous, but I will not enter into any agreement which would leave us beholden to you or your master.
Hancock: A legitimate concern. Allow me to clarify, then: the chairman bids you consider this as an expression of his heartfelt contrition for the bloody banquet and the unpleasantness which followed. Hancock: Never having been one to put stock in words alone, the chairman deems the provision of material aid to be a more appropriate demonstration of his sincerity. Hancock: By sheer coincidence, your purpose here happens to coincide with our own interests. That is, assuming you are come to aid the Doman Liberation Front?
Alphinaud: How could—...Hm. I will not bother to offer a denial. Aye, you have the right of it. To be specific, we are come in search of our Far Eastern allies, Yugiri and Gosetsu, whom we hope to assist in their fight.
Hancock: The Auri shinobi and the Roegadyn Samurai? Then you will be pleased to know that they have both come to Kugane.
Lyse: Are you sure?
Hancock: Quite. They came here aboard a company vessel, you see. However, they encountered difficulties securing passage across the Ruby Sea.
Lyse: The Ruby Sea? Sorry, I've never been any good at geography.
Hancock: Forgive me. This calls for a map. Hancock: We are here, in Kugane. The sole open port of Hingashi, situated on her western coast. Hancock: Doma, meanwhile, is here, on the eastern coast of Othard, in Yanxia. Hancock: Therefore, if your friends are to reach Doma, they must first cross the Ruby Sea. Hancock: Alas, this is easier said than done as the Ruby Sea does not fall within the dominion of either Hingashi or Doma, being controlled since antiquity by a third party: namely, the Confederacy. Hancock: Said maritime collective is known for the consummate skill of its sailors... and for demanding that any vessel entering its waters pay a toll referred to as the "Ruby Tith." In exchange, the Confederacy's vast fleet "guarantees the safety" of those who travel within its territory. Hancock: Now, as I am sure you are aware, Garlemald conquered Doma some twenty-five years past, at which time the Empire saw no value in controlling the Ruby Sea. And thus did they turn a blind eye to the activities of the Confederacy. Hancock: The recently appointed acting imperial viceroy of Doma had other ideas, however. She has formally condemned the Confederacy and declared that any who recognize their authority shall be branded enemies of the Empire. Hancock: Bowing to this pressure, Hingashi severed ties with these toll-takers and forbade the payment of the Ruby Tithe, prompting the Confederacy to make it known that any merchants choosing to sail the Ruby Sea would do so at their peril...
Alisaie: No wonder they struggled to secure passage to Doma. What captain would risk such a journey given the circumstances?
Hancock: I am told your friends were not so easily deterred from their course, but I know not whether their persistence bore fruit.
Alphinaud: I say we follow in Yugiri and Gosetsu's footsteps and attempt to secure passage to Doma for ourselves. We will need to cross the sea in any case, and we may learn something of their whereabouts in the process. Alphinaud: And should we find that they are still in Kugane, we can make the journey together.
Hancock: In that case, I have some information which may be of use to you. No quid pro quo, I assure you—the chairman was most insistent that I aid you to the best of my ability...
Hancock: I must confess, I am an avid collector of all things Far Eastern. See for yourself. I insist!
Lyse: I'm not sure how I imagined our time in the Far East unfolding, but it definitely didn't involve Ul'dahns. And especially not these Ul'dahns. Still...whatever works, right?
Alisaie: He was not exaggerating when he spoke of their wards' efficacy. Whoever wove them did so with consummate skill...
Tataru: Oh, this place take me back! It reminds me of the workshop of an Ul'dahn lapidary I once served!
Speaking with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: Though I am reluctant to take any action whatsoever that could be construed as placing ourselves in Lord Lolorito's debt...we must avail ourselves of what means are available. Alphinaud: Our Ala Mhigan allies placed their faith in us, and I do not intend to disappoint them...