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Ninja frame icon.png NIN (actions)

Executes a specific ninjutsu action coinciding with the combination of mudra made immediately beforehand.
If any other ability, spell, or weaponskill is used before the mudra are combined and the ninjutsu executed, the action will fail.
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.
Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.
Restores 2 charges to all mudra when Hide is executed while outside of combat.

— In-game description

Ninjutsu is an action unlocked at level 30. It is available for Ninja.

Related actions

Mudra Combinations

The Ninjutsu action can perform one of several specific actions based on the combination of mudras made immediately beforehand. These individual actions can only be executed by using Ninjutsu, and cannot be assigned to the hotbar, nor activated from the Actions & Traits interface. The level is based of when you can first use the Ninjutsu.

Generally speaking, the action produced depends on the amount of mudras used, and the identity of the last mudra.

  • For 1- and 2-mudra actions, the identity of the first mudra does not matter.
  • For 3-mudra actions, the identities and order of the first 2 mudra do not matter.

Mudra charges are shared among all mudra, with 1 charge consumed per Ninjustsu cast (or Ninjutsu wearing off), regardless of how many mudra were selected. This means that at most 2 Ninjutsu can be cast per 2 mudra charges, even if the Ninjutsu cast does not use all 3 mudra.

  • For example: Using Katon will consume a charge from all 3 mudra, even though the player only needs to select 2 mudra to cast it.
Action Description Mudra Combination
Rabbit Medium.png  Rabbit Medium Thumpity thump thump, thumpity thump thump... Wrong mudra combinations.
Fuma Shuriken.png  Fuma Shuriken Delivers a ranged ninjutsu attack with a potency of 500. Any mudra (Ten, Chi, or Jin)
Katon.png  Katon (Lv. 35+) Delivers fire damage with a potency of 350 to target and all enemies nearby it. Chi.png  ChiTen.png  Ten
or Jin.png  JinTen.png  Ten
Raiton.png  Raiton (Lv. 35+) Delivers lightning damage with a potency of 740. Grants a stack of Raiju Ready. Ten.png  TenChi.png  Chi
or Jin.png  JinChi.png  Chi
Hyoton.png  Hyoton (Lv. 45+) Delivers ice damage with a potency of 350. Additional Effect: Bind Ten.png  TenJin.png  Jin
or Chi.png  ChiJin.png  Jin
Huton.png  Huton (Lv. 45+) Deals wind damage with a potency of 240 to target and all enemies nearby it. Additional Effect: Allows execution of actions which require the effect of Hidden, without being under that effect. Jin.png  JinChi.png  ChiTen.png  Ten
or Chi.png  ChiJin.png  JinTen.png  Ten
Doton.png  Doton (Lv. 45+) Creates a patch of corrupted earth, dealing damage with a potency of 80 to any enemies who enter. Ten.png  TenJin.png  JinChi.png  Chi
or Jin.png  JinTen.png  TenChi.png  Chi
Suiton.png  Suiton (Lv. 45+) Delivers water damage with a potency of 580. Additional Effect: Allows execution of actions which require the effect of Hidden, without being under that effect. Ten.png  TenChi.png  ChiJin.png  Jin
or Chi.png  ChiTen.png  TenJin.png  Jin
Goka Mekkyaku.png  Goka Mekkyaku (Lv. 76+) Deals fire damage with a potency of 600 to target and all enemies nearby it. Kassatsu.png  Kassatsu > (Chi.png  ChiTen.png  Ten or Jin.png  JinTen.png  Ten)
Hyosho Ranryu.png  Hyosho Ranryu (Lv. 76+) Deals ice damage with a potency of 1,300. Kassatsu.png  Kassatsu > (Ten.png  TenJin.png  Jin or Chi.png  ChiJin.png  Jin)


  • SHB.png Patch 5.1 (2019-10-29):
    • Recast timer is no longer triggered when Ninjutsu is executed, or when a mudra timer runs out.
    • Now triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.
    • Recast time has been reduced from 20 to 1.5 seconds.
  • ARR.png Patch 2.4 (2014-10-28): Added.