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The Warmth of Family

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The Warmth of Family

The Warmth of Family.png
Quest giver
Shaaloani (X:27.3, Y:10.9)
Quest line
Post-Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests
Gil 1,450
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestGuidance of the Hhetso
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestCrossroads

Main Scenario Progress: 959 / 960 (99.9%)


Dawntrail Progress: 106 / 107 (99.1%)


Koana appears loath to part from his rroneek companion...

— In-game description



  • Koana appears loath to part from his rroneek companion...
  • Having spent a fruitful stretch of time learning more of the rroneek and their care, you and Koana are rejoined by Wuk Lamat and Erenville, with whom Koana shares his recent revelations about these hhetso. In turn, they explain that they detected an unusual aetheric signature while investigating the rroneek's former grazing grounds─one that may be indicative of a predator. The Hhetsarro speculate that this may be a fearsome creature known as a “tturuhhetso,” or rroneek reaver. If so, it not only is the probable cause of the rroneek's change in grazing patterns, but also presents an imminent danger to the local herds.
  • Further word of the reaver arrives more swiftly than anyone could have expected, as a Hhetsarro comes sprinting into the camp, shouting that the beast approaches. The rroneek's safety is the first priority of one and all, so you move to assist those currently roaming the plains. Ere long, however, the tturuhhetso itself appears. Koana throws himself between the predator and a threatened rroneek, and you and Wuk Lamat rush to his aid. Though stymied for a time by its adamantine scales, Koana soon finds a way to disrupt the flow of aether that strengthens them, and together, the three of you see the tturuhhetso slain.
  • The defeat of the rroneek reaver brings two revelations. First, Koana realizes that by repurposing its scales, it might be possible to fashion a device to deter the rroneek from approaching any passing locomotives without restricting their freedom. Then, through the tale of a Hhetsarro trader, you learn that it was likely a tturuhhetso attack that saw Koana orphaned as an infant, and that he was not abandoned by his parents as he had believed for his entire life. With this new perspective, the Vow of Reason is at last able to find closure, as well as a newfound appreciation for his biological and adoptive families.
  • Though it may never be conclusively proven, suspicion abounds that the rroneek reaver you encountered may have been the same specimen that preyed upon the people of Loazeniheta two decades past. In any case, slaying it appears to have brought Koana a measure of peace along with the solution to your locomotive conundrum, which ought to be shared with the railroad workers posthaste.
  • Back at Shaaloani Station, you propose Koana's idea of an aetherial whistle to keep rroneek from the tracks. Wawlika and his crew immediately set to fashioning one for the locomotive, which is readied for a test run in the blink of an eye. As the whistle indeed proves effective, Nitowikwe declares the Xak Tural railroad officially back in business.
  • As Wawlika's crew sets to work ensuring the smooth operation of the new locomotive, you are free to turn your attention to other matters. Once more, Alexandria beckons.


Accepting the Quest (cutscene)

Wuk Lamat: Koana! How did it go?
Koana: I believe I finally understand the significance of the hhetso.
Koana: They nourish the Hhetsarro as they grow, and provide warmth and companionship in a harsh and unpredictable world...
Koana: They are the equal of any man, not beasts to be tamed.
Koana: Moreover, rroneek are sensitive. Though we may treat their injuries or brush their coats to keep them hale, they must ever be free to follow their instincts and seek lands where they might thrive.
Koana: The Hhetsarro would never cage them, and neither should we. To control their migratory patterns or capture those who wander too close to the tracks is out of the question...
Erenville: Then it is particularly important to advance our original line of inquiry. Fortunately, we were able to visit the rroneek's once-favored grazing grounds.
Wuk Lamat: As we were told, the grass looks fine. But the place is too quiet. It's not just the rroneek─even the birds and field mice have fled. We did encounter one pack of ceratoraptors, but they looked to be passing through in a hurry.
Koana: Typically, that sort of behavior in the fauna would be associated with natural disasters. Earthquakes, landslides, and the like.
Erenville: Though the Hhetsarro would have surely put two and two together were the cause geological, I measured the area's aether to be certain. There was indeed nothing to suggest recent environmental disruption, but I did notice one anomaly.
Erenville: A strong aetheric signature to the east. Moving across the plain, albeit slowly.
What will you say?
> A large animal, perhaps?
> What do you think, Koana?
< A large animal, perhaps? >
Koana: And a powerful one, like as not. A predator, given the local fauna's behavior.
< What do you think, Koana? >
Koana: Given where we are... I believe we are dealing with a powerful beast. A predator, perhaps, given the local fauna's behavior.
Wuk Lamat: One of the raptors we saw looked like it had a bite taken out of its tail. By something with very large fangs.
Hhwato: It couldn't be...a tturuhhetso?
Koana: Tturuhhetso?
Shepetto: “Rroneek reaver,” in the common tongue. Our people have several names for such creatures. “Fangs that steal hhetso in the night” is another evocative one.
Shepetto: Rroneek can fend off many predators with their horns, but not the tturuhhetso. Their scales are tough as adamant, and neither horn nor arrow can pierce them.
Erenville: A well-toothed carnivore with an unusually tough hide... I cannot recall any such fauna in this region.
Shepetto: They usually roam the wilds in the northeast, and most herds keep well clear of them. I can't tell you why this one is so far from home and its pack both.
Koana: In any case, I believe the source of the rroneek's consternation is clear. As is our next move. We must drive this reaver away, that they might return to their grazing lands in peace.
Koana: Never fear─we will make certain that the beast threatens you no more.

Optional Dialogue

Erenville: A powerful creature behaving unusually... Left to its devices, it may well become a tural vidraal. We must attend to it ere that happens.
Wuk Lamat: Those rroneek reavers must have a hefty set of teeth...but I'm not worried. We've fought worse.
Shepetto: We must protect the hhetso, but not at the cost of your lives. Please take care out there.
Hhwato: I am loath to risk inciting panic lest our fears be unfounded...but I will warn my people to take extra precautions.

Speak with Koana

Koana: The rroneek reaver is a clear threat to the local population. We cannot allow it to roam unchecked.
Koana: But it won't do for us to go running off in search of it without having made proper preparations. And if others returning from across the plain have spotted it, they may be able to inform us of its recent behavior and where it might be found.
System: Your progress through the upcoming battle will be saved at certain points. In the event that you are defeated, you will be able to try again from the most recent of these.
System: Please note that if you enter battles associated with other quests or log out from the game, this progress will be lost.