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Witch of the Sea

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Witch of the Sea

Quest giver
Forthright Farmer
Kholusia (X:16.0, Y:29.5)
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 843
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Fickle Existence

The forthright farmer has a mystery to share.

— In-game description



  • The forthright farmer has a mystery to share.


Accepting the Quest

Forthright Farmer: Excuse me, [miss/sir]! You seem the well-traveled sort. Would you be willing to accompany me to the Clave in return for a reward?
Forthright Farmer: There's a bit of a problem, see. We take turns manning the watchtowers hereabouts, but the last few folk have been driven away from the lighthouse post by sudden and terrible headaches.
Forthright Farmer: Every single one of them remembers hearing some sort of “screeching wail.” We don't know if we're dealing with a sea witch or a roaming banshee, but they all agree the sound is awful enough to chill your blood!
Forthright Farmer: How fortunate for me, then, that I have you to back me up! Pray follow me to the Clave, and we can solve this mystery together... 

Speaking with the forthright farmer

Forthright Farmer: Hmph, I don't hear anything...
Forthright Farmer: Maybe we should split up and have more of a look around. Once you're satisfied there's naught to find, you can meet me back here at the lighthouse. 

Investigating the cliffs around the Clave

System: The waters here swell and crash with cacophonous violence, rivaling the stormy seas of La Noscea... 
System: You hear nothing but the lapping of the waves...
System: You think you hear a faint noise...but maybe you imagined it. 

Speaking with the forthright farmer

Forthright Farmer: >> I heard it...that terrible voice! Aaargh! The pain! I can feel my head...splitting in half... <<

/soothing the forthright farmer

< /soothe >
Forthright Farmer: I... I think I might live, thank you... 
That keening din seemed to pierce my very skull...
Forthright Farmer: I've never heard the likes of it. If there truly exists a sea witch who murders sailors with her cursed screams, then that is how I imagine her voice would sound.
Forthright Farmer: At least now we know which areas are too dangerous to approach. Come, we must return to Wright so I can share this with the others.

Speaking with the forthwright farmer

Forthright Farmer: Now that I've had a chance to calm down, I feel a little embarrassed by my earlier behavior. I think stories of sea witches and the like may have fed my panic...
Forthright Farmer: But not everyone puts stock in those old tales, it seems. There was talk of a girl from Gatetown who's taken to visiting the lighthouse to practice her sing─ Wait... You don't think that awful keening could have been...? No, surely not...
Forthright Farmer: Ahaha...hahaha. Ahem. Thank you for standing by me during that terrifying ordeal. And be wary of wailing sea witches should you find yourself near the Clave again!