The Stone Vigil (Hard)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the optional level 50 dungeon. For the Main Scenario dungeon, see The Stone Vigil.

The Stone Vigil (Hard)

The Stone Vigil (Hard).png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
70 (Sync: 110)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (A Realm Reborn)
High-level Dungeons
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 70 
Req. quest
Feature quest Blood for Stone
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:7, Y:11)

Ishgard's war against the Dravanian Horde rages on, and Lord Drillemont of House Durendaire means to reclaim a stronghold vital to the protection of Ishgard─the Stone Vigil. Though his forces stand with banners raised and blades at the ready, the watchtower now teems with heretics who would gladly embrace death if only to see knights of Ishgard suffer. It was an adventurer who slipped silently into those frosted halls in the dead of night to cull their ranks, and so it shall be once more.

— In-game description

The Stone Vigil (Hard) is a level 50 dungeon introduced in patch 2.3.


  1. Slay Gorynich: 0/1
  2. Slay Cuca Fera: 0/1
  3. Obtain the main storage vault key: 0/1
  4. Slay Giruveganaus: 0/1



The Stone Vigil (Hard) Guide

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Gorynich

Gorynich fight is similar to the first boss fight in the normal Stone Vigil. He moves around and uses Swinge. Use Sprint icon1.png  Sprint to stay behind him to not get hit. When he spawns adds, the adds will automatically attack the healer. DPS should kill the adds ASAP. Please note that these adds will perform an AoE on death (one is a large conal in front and the other is a large circle around them). If the boss is in range of these AoE's, it will gain Haste icon1.png Haste and Damage up icon1.png Damage Up.

Try to tank the boss in a corner and place your healer away from him.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Cuca Fera

For this Cuca Fera, the players will operate 4 cannons in the 4 corners to the room to attack the boss. These cannons have two abilities. First ability is a normal damaging shot with low cooldown. The second ability is a shot that stuns the boss but has long cooldown. Use the normal shots to damage the boss but Do NOT fire at it when it uses Diamondback.png  Diamondback to 'turtle.' You can notice it's turtling when its shell glows red. While turtled, your shots will bounce back, hurting you instead of the boss.

Designate two people to be "stunners". The Boss has a group wide AoE called Hard Stomp. Use the second ability of the cannon to interrupt its casting. Two people rotating the stuns should be enough to let CD's recharge. The boss has an attack where it sets itself on fire and charges a cannon. Very easy to avoid if you're paying attention.

When adds spawn, players should kill them with their cannons. Because cannons cannot fire at targets nearby, party members should help each other to clean up the adds.

Do not allow all of the NPCs die. If they do, the boss will do an unstunnable Hard Stomp that instantly wipes the party.

A Note regarding Unsynced

When running the dungeon with Unrestricted Party enabled, Cuca Fera's damage reduction will make it extremely tedious for players to defeat the boss solo, even at significantly higher levels. However, certain effects can bypass the damage reduction, allowing players to quickly dispatch the boss:

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Giruveganaus

Giruveganaus is a fairly straightforward, if annoying, fight. The boss follows a random attack pattern, ignoring all hate generation. All players must keep an eye out for one of Giruvenganaus' many tells in order to anticipate and dodge attacks. All of the boss's attacks not only hit for moderate to high damage, but also bestow a debuff on anyone hit called Infirmity icon1.png Infirmity, which reduces healing from magical sources.

Phase 1 consists of 3 attacks. His first, a burning shoulder tackle, is telegraphed by the boss lowering his shoulder. After about a second, he will charge forward damaging all in his path. His next attack is a tail swipe, a rear cone attack preceded by the boss pausing and raising his tail. The final attack of this phase is a frontal cleave attack, in which the boss stops and rears up on his hind legs and swings at anyone in front of him. It is highly recommended to stay to the flank of the boss, as this puts you in a "safe zone" between the range of his frontal cleave and tail swipe. At approx 60% health, phase 2 will begin.

At the start of phase 2, Giruvenganaus will summon a clone of himself with all the same attacks and stats as the original at full health. He will also gain a new attack which is shared with his clone, where he will turn to face a random player and launch a fireball, which will damage the target and anyone in a close proximity. The tell for this is a small flame that will appear in the boss's mouth as it turns to its target. In this phase it is best to ignore the clone in favor of bursting down the original boss, dodging attacks when necessary. Once the original is dead, focus attacking the clone, who should follow soon afterward.


See also: Ilvl 80 Dungeon Armor and Ilvl 80 Dungeon Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Gorynich

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Boots of the divine hero icon1.png  Boots of the Divine Hero Feet 80 BGreen 1
Boots of the divine light icon1.png  Boots of the Divine Light Feet 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of divine death icon1.png  Bracelet of Divine Death Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of divine wisdom icon1.png  Bracelet of Divine Wisdom Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of the divine harvest icon1.png  Bracelet of the Divine Harvest Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of the divine light icon1.png  Bracelet of the Divine Light Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelets of the divine war icon1.png  Bracelets of the Divine War Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Crakows of divine death icon1.png  Crakows of Divine Death Feet 80 BGreen 1
Crakows of the divine harvest icon1.png  Crakows of the Divine Harvest Feet 80 BGreen 1
Ring of divine death icon1.png  Ring of Divine Death Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of divine wisdom icon1.png  Ring of Divine Wisdom Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine harvest icon1.png  Ring of the Divine Harvest Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine light icon1.png  Ring of the Divine Light Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine war icon1.png  Ring of the Divine War Ring 80 BGreen 1
Sabatons of divine wisdom icon1.png  Sabatons of Divine Wisdom Feet 80 BGreen 1
Sabatons of the divine war icon1.png  Sabatons of the Divine War Feet 80 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Cuca Fera

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Choker of divine death icon1.png  Choker of Divine Death Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of divine wisdom icon1.png  Choker of Divine Wisdom Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine harvest icon1.png  Choker of the Divine Harvest Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine light icon1.png  Choker of the Divine Light Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine war icon1.png  Choker of the Divine War Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Circlet of the divine harvest icon1.png  Circlet of the Divine Harvest Head 80 BGreen 1
Cuffs of the divine hero icon1.png  Cuffs of the Divine Hero Hands 80 BGreen 1
Cuffs of the divine light icon1.png  Cuffs of the Divine Light Hands 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of divine death icon1.png  Earrings of Divine Death Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of divine wisdom icon1.png  Earrings of Divine Wisdom Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine harvest icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine Harvest Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine light icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine Light Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine war icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine War Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Eyepatch of the divine hero icon1.png  Eyepatch of the Divine Hero Head 80 BGreen 1
Halfgloves of divine death icon1.png  Halfgloves of Divine Death Hands 80 BGreen 1
Halfgloves of the divine harvest icon1.png  Halfgloves of the Divine Harvest Hands 80 BGreen 1
Hat of the divine light icon1.png  Hat of the Divine Light Head 80 BGreen 1
Helm of the divine war icon1.png  Helm of the Divine War Head 80 BGreen 1
Mask of divine wisdom icon1.png  Mask of Divine Wisdom Head 80 BGreen 1
Monocle of divine death icon1.png  Monocle of Divine Death Head 80 BGreen 1
Vambraces of divine wisdom icon1.png  Vambraces of Divine Wisdom Hands 80 BGreen 1
Vambraces of the divine war icon1.png  Vambraces of the Divine War Hands 80 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Giruveganaus

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Breeches of divine wisdom icon1.png  Breeches of Divine Wisdom Legs 80 BGreen 1
Breeches of the divine war icon1.png  Breeches of the Divine War Legs 80 BGreen 1
Cuirass of divine wisdom icon1.png  Cuirass of Divine Wisdom Body 80 BGreen 1
Cuirass of the divine war icon1.png  Cuirass of the Divine War Body 80 BGreen 1
Robe of divine death icon1.png  Robe of Divine Death Body 80 BGreen 1
Robe of the divine harvest icon1.png  Robe of the Divine Harvest Body 80 BGreen 1
Sarouel of the divine hero icon1.png  Sarouel of the Divine Hero Legs 80 BGreen 1
Sarouel of the divine light icon1.png  Sarouel of the Divine Light Legs 80 BGreen 1
Shirt of the divine hero icon1.png  Shirt of the Divine Hero Body 80 BGreen 1
Shirt of the divine light icon1.png  Shirt of the Divine Light Body 80 BGreen 1
Tonban of divine death icon1.png  Tonban of Divine Death Legs 80 BGreen 1
Tonban of the divine harvest icon1.png  Tonban of the Divine Harvest Legs 80 BGreen 1

Other Loot

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 11.4 Y: 9.0)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Sabatons of the divine war icon1.png  Sabatons of the Divine War Feet 80 BGreen 1
Sabatons of divine wisdom icon1.png  Sabatons of Divine Wisdom Feet 80 BGreen 1
Boots of the divine hero icon1.png  Boots of the Divine Hero Feet 80 BGreen 1
Boots of the divine light icon1.png  Boots of the Divine Light Feet 80 BGreen 1
Crakows of divine death icon1.png  Crakows of Divine Death Feet 80 BGreen 1
Crakows of the divine harvest icon1.png  Crakows of the Divine Harvest Feet 80 BGreen 1
Bracelets of the divine war icon1.png  Bracelets of the Divine War Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of divine wisdom icon1.png  Bracelet of Divine Wisdom Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of the divine light icon1.png  Bracelet of the Divine Light Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of divine death icon1.png  Bracelet of Divine Death Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of the divine harvest icon1.png  Bracelet of the Divine Harvest Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine war icon1.png  Ring of the Divine War Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of divine wisdom icon1.png  Ring of Divine Wisdom Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine light icon1.png  Ring of the Divine Light Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of divine death icon1.png  Ring of Divine Death Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine harvest icon1.png  Ring of the Divine Harvest Ring 80 BGreen 1
Stone vigil lumber icon1.png  Stone Vigil Lumber Material N/A ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 11.0 Y: 7.6)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Helm of the divine war icon1.png  Helm of the Divine War Head 80 BGreen 1
Mask of divine wisdom icon1.png  Mask of Divine Wisdom Head 80 BGreen 1
Eyepatch of the divine hero icon1.png  Eyepatch of the Divine Hero Head 80 BGreen 1
Hat of the divine light icon1.png  Hat of the Divine Light Head 80 BGreen 1
Monocle of divine death icon1.png  Monocle of Divine Death Head 80 BGreen 1
Circlet of the divine harvest icon1.png  Circlet of the Divine Harvest Head 80 BGreen 1
Vambraces of the divine war icon1.png  Vambraces of the Divine War Hands 80 BGreen 1
Vambraces of divine wisdom icon1.png  Vambraces of Divine Wisdom Hands 80 BGreen 1
Cuffs of the divine hero icon1.png  Cuffs of the Divine Hero Hands 80 BGreen 1
Cuffs of the divine light icon1.png  Cuffs of the Divine Light Hands 80 BGreen 1
Halfgloves of divine death icon1.png  Halfgloves of Divine Death Hands 80 BGreen 1
Halfgloves of the divine harvest icon1.png  Halfgloves of the Divine Harvest Hands 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine war icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine War Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of divine wisdom icon1.png  Earrings of Divine Wisdom Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine light icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine Light Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of divine death icon1.png  Earrings of Divine Death Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine harvest icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine Harvest Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine war icon1.png  Choker of the Divine War Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of divine wisdom icon1.png  Choker of Divine Wisdom Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine light icon1.png  Choker of the Divine Light Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of divine death icon1.png  Choker of Divine Death Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine harvest icon1.png  Choker of the Divine Harvest Necklace 80 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.7 Y: 9.1)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Cuirass of the divine war icon1.png  Cuirass of the Divine War Body 80 BGreen 1
Cuirass of divine wisdom icon1.png  Cuirass of Divine Wisdom Body 80 BGreen 1
Shirt of the divine hero icon1.png  Shirt of the Divine Hero Body 80 BGreen 1
Shirt of the divine light icon1.png  Shirt of the Divine Light Body 80 BGreen 1
Robe of divine death icon1.png  Robe of Divine Death Body 80 BGreen 1
Robe of the divine harvest icon1.png  Robe of the Divine Harvest Body 80 BGreen 1
Breeches of the divine war icon1.png  Breeches of the Divine War Legs 80 BGreen 1
Breeches of divine wisdom icon1.png  Breeches of Divine Wisdom Legs 80 BGreen 1
Sarouel of the divine hero icon1.png  Sarouel of the Divine Hero Legs 80 BGreen 1
Sarouel of the divine light icon1.png  Sarouel of the Divine Light Legs 80 BGreen 1
Tonban of divine death icon1.png  Tonban of Divine Death Legs 80 BGreen 1
Tonban of the divine harvest icon1.png  Tonban of the Divine Harvest Legs 80 BGreen 1
Bracelets of the divine war icon1.png  Bracelets of the Divine War Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of divine wisdom icon1.png  Bracelet of Divine Wisdom Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of the divine light icon1.png  Bracelet of the Divine Light Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of divine death icon1.png  Bracelet of Divine Death Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Bracelet of the divine harvest icon1.png  Bracelet of the Divine Harvest Bracelets 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine war icon1.png  Ring of the Divine War Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of divine wisdom icon1.png  Ring of Divine Wisdom Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine light icon1.png  Ring of the Divine Light Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of divine death icon1.png  Ring of Divine Death Ring 80 BGreen 1
Ring of the divine harvest icon1.png  Ring of the Divine Harvest Ring 80 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 10.7 Y: 9.1)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Earrings of the divine war icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine War Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of divine wisdom icon1.png  Earrings of Divine Wisdom Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine light icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine Light Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of divine death icon1.png  Earrings of Divine Death Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Earrings of the divine harvest icon1.png  Earrings of the Divine Harvest Earrings 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine war icon1.png  Choker of the Divine War Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of divine wisdom icon1.png  Choker of Divine Wisdom Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine light icon1.png  Choker of the Divine Light Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of divine death icon1.png  Choker of Divine Death Necklace 80 BGreen 1
Choker of the divine harvest icon1.png  Choker of the Divine Harvest Necklace 80 BGreen 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Remapping the realm stone vigil icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Stone Vigil 10 Discover every location in the Stone Vigil (Hard). - 2.3


Gear Images

Patch 2.3 Dungeon Gear1.png

Dungeon Images