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Dohn Mheg

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Dohn Mheg

Dohn Mheg (image).png
73 (Sync: 74)
Item Level
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (Shadowbringers)
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest The Key to the Castle
Il Mheg (X:24.1, Y:30.5)
Duty Support, Trust, Explorer
Trust EXP
3,442,000 (below Lv. 80)
1,376,800 (above Lv. 81)

Your quest to gain entry to Lyhe Ghiah and vanquish the Lightwarden sealed within has brought you to the domain of the water-bound Fuath, bearers of one of the four fae relics that comprise the key to the castle. The creatures agree to yield to you their relic, the shell crown, but in exchange they demand of you what they call “thrilling sport.” In order to fulfill your side of the bargain, you and your comrades sally forth into a realm of illusion as treacherous and unpredictable as its denizens...

— In-game description

Dohn Mheg is a level 73 dungeon introduced in patch 5.0 with Shadowbringers.

Duty Support

  • Party member selection is available.
Thancred Urianger Alphinaud Alisaie Minfilia
DS Thancred2.png DS Urianger1.png DS Alphinaud2.png DS Alisaie2.png DS Minfilia1.png
Class Gunbreaker frame icon1.png Gunbreaker Astrologian frame icon.png Astrologian Scholar frame icon.png Academician Red Mage frame icon.png Red Mage Rogue frame icon.png Oracle of Light
Role Tank Healer Healer DPS DPS


  1. Arrive at Teag Gye.
  2. Clear Teag Gye.
  3. Arrive in the Atelier.
  4. Clear the Atelier.
  5. Arrive in the throne room.
  6. Defeat Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait.


In some pulls, a Dohnfast Fauth will tether another enemy and begin slowly casting Watering Wheel. It is recommended to interrupt this action with Interject.png  Interject or Head Graze.png  Head Graze to prevent the target from receiving a Damage up icon1.png Damage Up buff.


Video guide by MTQcapture

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze

  • Candy Cane.png  Candy Cane: Tankbuster.
  • Hydrofall: Two circle AoEs below random players. Deals high damage to players hit.
  • Laughing Leap: Alternates between a small circle AoE in the center of the arena or a stack marker on a random player. Aenc Thon will leap to the targeted area and follow up with Landsblood.
  • Landsblood: Constant party-wide damage every few seconds, combined with several blue water AoE markers appearing around the arena. The more opaque the markers become, the closer they are to "exploding", dealing moderate damage and Stun icon1.png Stunning players caught in the area of effect.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Griaule

  • Swinge: 60 degree frontal AoE cone
  • Fodder: Griaule will move to the center of the arena and summon five untargetable Painted Sapling adds that will then tether to him. These tethers can and should be intercepted by players, and after a short time, the adds will bestow a the Growing buff to whomever they were tethered to.
    • The Growing buff increases damage dealt and reduces damage taken, along with physically increasing the target's size. Players who gain a second stack of Growing will have it replaced with Full-Grown, which further increases the benefits gained from Growing, but the boss will continue to gain stacks.
  • Tiiimbeeer: Moderate party-wide damage.
  • Coiling Ivy: Four Painted Ivy adds will appear on each player and inflict Fetter, binding them in place. The adds can be targeted and destroyed to remove the debuff.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Lakelord: Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait

  • Crippling Blow: Tankbuster.
  • Virtuisic Capriccio: Moderate party-wide damage and a weak Bleed icon1.png Bleed debuff on all players. Late in the fight, Aenc Thon will cast this ability three times in a row, but the Bleed debuff does not stack.
  • Imp Choir: Gaze attack that transforms any player hit into an Imp for 6 seconds.
  • Toad Choir: Aenc Thon will turn to face a random player and cast a wide, untelegraphed frontal cone AoE. Players in the cone are transformed into a Toad for 6 seconds.
  • Funambulist's Fantasia: Aenc Thon will move to the back of the arena, knock all players back to the entrance of the arena, and creates a massive gap in the center of the room. A single, narrow and winding path is the only way across the pit. Players that fall into the pit are teleported back to the start, but are otherwise unharmed. Players' mobility and teleporation skills cannot be used to bypass the maze. At the same time, Aenc Thon will become surrounded in a barrier, summon the Liar's Lyre, and the two will begin casting Finale.
  • Liar's Lyre: The Liar's Lyre can only be damaged if you are inside Aenc Thon's barrier. Destroying the lyre will interrupt the Finale cast and stun Aenc Thon for a short time.
  • Finale: If the cast finishes, Finale will instantly kill any player not inside Aenc Thon's barrier. Once Finale has finished either by being cast or being interrupted, the arena will return to normal.
  • Changeling's Fantasia: Aenc Thon transforms into the Shade of Fear. After a few attacks from the Shade, Aenc Thon will transform back to normal. If the battle lasts long enough for him to cast this a second time, he will instead transform into a tiny helpless frog.
  • Corrosive Bile: Very wide lingering cone attack from the Shade of Fear's front.
  • Flailing Tentacles: The Shade of Fear will raise its four tentacles and slam them down in a line attack. Deals moderate damage and inflicts Concussion, dealing high damage over time.


See also: Fae Weapons, Voeburtite Armor and Voeburtite Accessories

Silver Coffer (small).png Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Voeburtite beret of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Beret of Aiming Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite circlet of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Fending Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite circlet of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Maiming Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite circlet of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Scouting Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite circlet of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Striking Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Aiming Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Fending Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Maiming Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Scouting Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Striking Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Aiming Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Fending Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Scouting Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Striking Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gloves of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Gloves of Casting Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gloves of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Gloves of Healing Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite hat of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Hat of Casting Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite hat of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Hat of Healing Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Aiming Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Fending Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Maiming Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Scouting Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Striking Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite trousers of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Trousers of Casting Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite trousers of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Trousers of Healing Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite tunic of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Tunic of Casting Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite tunic of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Tunic of Healing Body 400 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Griaule

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Voeburtite earring of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Aiming Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Casting Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Fending Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Healing Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Slaying Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Aiming Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Fending Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Maiming Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Scouting Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gaskins of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Gaskins of Striking Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Aiming Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Fending Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Maiming Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Scouting Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite jacket of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Jacket of Striking Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Aiming Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Casting Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Fending Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Healing Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Slaying Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite trousers of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Trousers of Casting Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite trousers of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Trousers of Healing Legs 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite tunic of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Tunic of Casting Body 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite tunic of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Tunic of Healing Body 400 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Lakelord Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dohn trellis icon1.png  Dohn Trellis Other N/A ABasic 1
Fae axe icon1.png  Fae Axe Marauder's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae blade icon1.png  Fae Blade Samurai's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae cane icon1.png  Fae Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae codex icon1.png  Fae Codex Scholar's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae grimoire icon1.png  Fae Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 400 BGreen 1
Fae guillotine icon1.png  Fae Guillotine Dark Knight's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae knives icon1.png  Fae Knives Rogue's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae knuckles icon1.png  Fae Knuckles Pugilist's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae longbow icon1.png  Fae Longbow Archer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae manatrigger icon1.png  Fae Manatrigger Gunbreaker's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae milpreves icon1.png  Fae Milpreves Sage's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae pistol icon1.png  Fae Pistol Machinist's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae planisphere icon1.png  Fae Planisphere Astrologian's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae rapier icon1.png  Fae Rapier Red Mage's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae rod icon1.png  Fae Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae sickle icon1.png  Fae Sickle Reaper's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae spear icon1.png  Fae Spear Lancer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae tathlums icon1.png  Fae Tathlums Dancer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Figments orchestrion roll icon1.png  Figments Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Paladins fae arms (il 400) icon1.png  Paladin's Fae Arms (IL 400) Other N/A BGreen 1
Tiny echevore icon2.png  Tiny Echevore Minion N/A ABasic 1
Voeburtite armillae of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Aiming Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Casting Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Fending Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Healing Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Slaying Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Aiming Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Casting Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Fending Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Healing Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Slaying Ring 400 BGreen 1

Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 10.1 Y: 13.1)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Voeburtite greaves of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Greaves of Fending Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite greaves of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Greaves of Maiming Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite thighboots of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Thighboots of Striking Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite thighboots of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Thighboots of Scouting Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite thighboots of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Thighboots of Aiming Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite shoes of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Shoes of Casting Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite shoes of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Shoes of Healing Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Fending Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Slaying Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Aiming Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Casting Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Healing Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Fending Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Slaying Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Aiming Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Casting Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Healing Ring 400 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 11.3 Y: 10.5)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Voeburtite circlet of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Fending Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite circlet of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Maiming Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite circlet of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Striking Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite circlet of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Circlet of Scouting Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite beret of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Beret of Aiming Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite hat of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Hat of Casting Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite hat of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Hat of Healing Head 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Fending Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Striking Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Scouting Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gauntlets of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Gauntlets of Aiming Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gloves of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Gloves of Casting Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite gloves of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Gloves of Healing Hands 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Fending Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Slaying Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Aiming Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Casting Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Healing Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Fending Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Slaying Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Aiming Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Casting Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Healing Necklace 400 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 11.0 Y: 11.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Voeburtite greaves of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Greaves of Fending Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite greaves of maiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Greaves of Maiming Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite thighboots of striking icon1.png  Voeburtite Thighboots of Striking Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite thighboots of scouting icon1.png  Voeburtite Thighboots of Scouting Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite thighboots of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Thighboots of Aiming Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite shoes of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Shoes of Casting Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite shoes of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Shoes of Healing Feet 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Fending Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Slaying Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Aiming Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Casting Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite armillae of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Armillae of Healing Bracelets 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Fending Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Slaying Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Aiming Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Casting Ring 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite ring of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Ring of Healing Ring 400 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 12.2 Y: 7.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins fae arms (il 400) icon1.png  Paladin's Fae Arms (IL 400) Other N/A BGreen 1
Fae axe icon1.png  Fae Axe Marauder's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae guillotine icon1.png  Fae Guillotine Dark Knight's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae manatrigger icon1.png  Fae Manatrigger Gunbreaker's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae spear icon1.png  Fae Spear Lancer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae sickle icon1.png  Fae Sickle Reaper's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae knuckles icon1.png  Fae Knuckles Pugilist's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae blade icon1.png  Fae Blade Samurai's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae knives icon1.png  Fae Knives Rogue's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae longbow icon1.png  Fae Longbow Archer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae pistol icon1.png  Fae Pistol Machinist's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae tathlums icon1.png  Fae Tathlums Dancer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae rod icon1.png  Fae Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae grimoire icon1.png  Fae Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 400 BGreen 1
Fae rapier icon1.png  Fae Rapier Red Mage's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae cane icon1.png  Fae Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae codex icon1.png  Fae Codex Scholar's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae planisphere icon1.png  Fae Planisphere Astrologian's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Fae milpreves icon1.png  Fae Milpreves Sage's Arm 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Fending Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Slaying Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Aiming Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Casting Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite earring of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Earring of Healing Earrings 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of fending icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Fending Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of slaying icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Slaying Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of aiming icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Aiming Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of casting icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Casting Necklace 400 BGreen 1
Voeburtite necklace of healing icon1.png  Voeburtite Necklace of Healing Necklace 400 BGreen 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm dohn mheg icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Dohn Mheg 10 Discover every location within Dohn Mheg. - 5.0


Gear Images

Dungeon Images

Other Images



Dohnfast Fuath: Water is love, water is life! Drink up, ye parched souls!  
Dohnfast Fuath: There'll be no wilted flowers on my watch! 
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze: Ah, our guests have arrived!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze: It's the Fuath way to give guests a smashing welcome!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze: Oh yes, we'll smash you! To bits and pieces!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze: Bravo, bravo! Very impressive!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze: Do keep up that fine form the rest of the way! 
Dohnfast Fuath: Onward, my friends! Onward to your prize! 
Dohnfast Fuath: Oh dear, I seem to have dropped a wasp nest! How very clumsy of me!
Dohnfast Fuath: My apologies, but accidents do happen!
Dohnfast Fuath: Come and play in my beautiful garden!
Dohnfast Fuath: Welcome! Welcome to our humble palace! 
Dohnfast Fuath: Awww, it's a fake! You'll just have to keep going!
Dohnfast Fuath: Bravo! Bravo!
Dohnfast Fuath: More! We want to see more!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait: Time for a musical interlude!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait: O sweet melody, take phantasmic form!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait: You mastered the melody! Bravo!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait: For you, I will play a song...of terror!
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait: Give me a crescendo! Give me a fortissimo!

Duty Support

Thancred, Urianger, Minfilia

Minfilia: It's like being in a dream... 
Urianger: Yet the dangers of this dream are very real. Be not distracted by its beauty.
Minfilia: Is that a Fuath? What is it doing? 
Thancred: Making their minions stronger, by the looks of it.
Minfilia: Oh, my! Did you see the flowers?
Thancred: Stay focused, Minfilia. 
Urianger: That their chieftain should personally stand in our way... 
Thancred: If it stands in our way, it falls like the rest.
Minfilia: We did it! We won! 
Thancred: No. It was just toying with us.
Minfilia: Look! The landscape is changing! 
Thancred: It seems they haven't quite had enough games.
Urianger: Curious... Yonder creature doth resemble Griaule, a beast of Voeburtite legend. 
Urianger: This beast falleth short of the legend. 
Minfilia: A palace of water... It's like something out of a faerie tale... 
Thancred: Except we're the ones in the tale. Stay on your guard.
Minfilia: The crown! We've found it! 
Thancred: No, stop! I smell a trap!
Minfilia: This time we'll really have the crown! 
Thancred: Focus on the fight, Minfilia─not the prize.

Thancred, Alphinaud, Minfilia

Alphinaud: That this should all be an illusion... 
Minfilia: Is that a Fuath? What is it doing? 
Thancred: Making their minions stronger, by the looks of it.
Minfilia: Oh, my! Did you see the flowers? 
Thancred: Stay focused, Minfilia.
Alphinaud: Their leader, if I'm not mistaken. Ware its glamours. 
Minfilia: We did it! We won! 
Thancred: No. It was just toying with us.
Minfilia: Look! The landscape is changing! 
Thancred: It seems they haven't quite had enough games.
Alphinaud: A wasp nest! Have care!  
Thancred: Let's cut this overgrown scrub down to size.
Thancred: Time for another type of ammunition. 
Minfilia: A palace of water... It's like something out of a faerie tale... 
Thancred: Except we're the ones in the tale. Stay on your guard.
Minfilia: The crown! We've found it! 
Thancred: No, stop! I smell a trap!
Minfilia: This time we'll really have the crown! 
Thancred: Focus on the fight, Minfilia─not the prize.

Thancred, Urianger, Alisaie

Urianger: Naught here is what it seemeth. Tread warily. 
Thancred: Seems they don't mean to make this easy for us. 
Alisaie: Such breathtaking scenery...
Urianger: That their chieftain should personally stand in our way... 
Thancred: If it stands in our way, it falls like the rest.
Alisaie: Off it goes... It seems we must do more to earn the crown. 
Alisaie: More illusions? You have to hand it to them...
Thancred: Ah, yes, the good old stop-them-with-wasps trick. 
Urianger: Curious... Yonder creature doth resemble Griaule, a beast of Voeburtite legend. 
Alisaie: They recreated a legend, is that it?
Urianger: This beast falleth short of the legend. 
Alisaie: Imitation will only take you so far.
Alisaie: Real or no, it's beautiful beyond words... 
Urianger: The crown... With its protectors conspicuous in their absence...
Alisaie: That's a nice illusion, but you can't fool us!

Thancred, Alphinaud, Alisaie

Alphinaud: That this should all be an illusion... 
Thancred: Seems they don't mean to make this easy for us. 
Alphinaud: What magick is this that could create such a convincing illusion? 
Alphinaud: Their leader, if I'm not mistaken. Ware its glamours. 
Alisaie: Off it goes... It seems we must do more to earn the crown. 
Alisaie: More illusions? You have to hand it to them... 
Alisaie: A wasp nest? Really? 
Alphinaud: They certainly have no shortage of ideas.
Thancred: Let's cut this overgrown scrub down to size. 
Alisaie: Nothing to it. 
Alphinaud: Never have I seen such mastery over glamours. 
Alisaie: The crown already? Forgive me if I'm suspicious. 
Alisaie: That's a nice illusion, but you can't fool us!

Urianger, Minfilia, Alisaie=

Minfilia: It's like being in a dream... 
Urianger: Yet the dangers of this dream are very real. Be not distracted by its beauty.
Alisaie: A Fuath! And it's...watering the plants? 
Alisaie: Such breathtaking scenery... 
Urianger: That their chieftain should personally stand in our way... 
Minfilia: We did it! We won! 
Alisaie: More illusions? You have to hand it to them... 
Alisaie: A wasp nest? Really? 
Urianger: Curious... Yonder creature doth resemble Griaule, a beast of Voeburtite legend. 
Alisaie: They recreated a legend, is that it?
Urianger: This beast falleth short of the legend. 
Alisaie: Imitation will only take you so far.
Minfilia: The crown! We've found it! 
Urianger: 'Twould seem we are come to the grand finale.

Alphinaud, Minfilia, Alisaie=

Alphinaud: That this should all be an illusion... 
Alphinaud: Watering the plants? Nay, strengthening them. 
Minfilia: Oh, my! Did you see the flowers? 
Alphinaud: Their leader, if I'm not mistaken. Ware its glamours. 
Alphinaud: Looks like it had enough. 
Alisaie: More illusions? You have to hand it to them... 
Alisaie: A wasp nest? Really? 
Alphinaud: They certainly have no shortage of ideas.
Alisaie: Lovely, a leaf monster. 
Alisaie: Nothing to it. 
Minfilia: A palace of water... It's like something out of a faerie tale...
Minfilia: The crown! We've found it! 
Alisaie: That's a nice illusion, but you can't fool us!

Thancred, Minfilia, Alisaie

Thancred: So this is the realm of the water spirits... 
Minfilia: Is that a Fuath? What is it doing? 
Thancred: Making their minions stronger, by the looks of it.
Minfilia: Oh, my! Did you see the flowers? 
Thancred: Stay focused, Minfilia.
Alisaie: If you desire sport, we're happy to oblige!
Minfilia: We did it! We won! 
Thancred: No. It was just toying with us.
Minfilia: Look! The landscape is changing! 
Thancred: It seems they haven't quite had enough games.
Thancred: Ah, yes, the good old stop-them-with-wasps trick. 
Alisaie: Lovely, a leaf monster.
Thancred: Time for another type of ammunition. 
Minfilia: A palace of water... It's like something out of a faerie tale... 
Thancred: Except we're the ones in the tale. Stay on your guard.
Minfilia: The crown! We've found it! 
Thancred: No, stop! I smell a trap!
Minfilia: This time we'll really have the crown! 
Thancred: Focus on the fight, Minfilia─not the prize.

Post Duty Optional Pop-ups

Urianger: Their mastery over glamours is truly astounding.
Minfilia: Is... Is it over?
Thancred: I daresay they've had their fill of sport.
Alisaie: Time to collect our prize.
Alphinaud: Phew, we did it...