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Heavens' Warg

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Eureka notorious monster (map icon).png

Heavens' Warg

The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros (X:23.9, Y:30.0)
30 min
Elem. EXP
10,146,502 Eureka
120 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
Spawn Mob
Lv. 55 Pyros Shuck
Gentle (30.4%)
Spawn Condition
Blizzard (weather).png

Oft does a wolf call to the moon and receive only the chill howl of the wind in reply. In rare cases, however, answer comes in the form of Skoll, eyes scornful and maw hungering for the soft flesh of man.

— In-game description

Heavens' Warg is an elemental level 50 FATE spawned in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros.



Spawning Guide

Skoll is one of the most desirable notorious monsters (NMs) in Pyros due to being one of three "money NMs" that have a rare chance of dropping an item that is needed to increase a player's magicite slots by one. This item can be sold for a premium on the Market Board. Unlike the other two Pyros "money NMs", (Eureka: Notorious MonsterThirty Whacks and Eureka: Notorious MonsterHaunter of the Dark), Skoll only spawns during a certain weather condition (Blizzards), making its spawn windows more limited and increasing the value of its unique item, Skolls claw icon1.png  Skoll's Claw. It is recommended to use a tracker if available for the instance. Some Eureka-oriented Discord servers have weather window notifications for this NM; this does not necessarily mean the NM will spawn, as it may still be less than 2 hours since it was last defeated in the instance.

In contrast to most NMs, the requisite enemies (elemental level 55 Pyros Shucks) needed to spawn Skoll are located far away from the actual NM area. The Pyros Shucks are found in the southwestern corner of the map in the Cavern of the Second Cant, while Skoll spawns in the middle of the map in the Garden of Despite. As a precaution in case the NM is early pulled before players who assisted with the prep arrive, some players will opt to prep the NM a few minutes in advance of the weather transitioning to Blizzards. It is recommended to have Return.png  Return active if prepping the NM during its spawn window to expedite the trip to the NM area.

If Return is on cooldown or if you're unable to use it due to being in combat, and Skoll is pulled early, an emergency strategy is to die, release back to the camp, and then travel to the NM area. (Re-leveling back to 60 should only take a few minutes using Reflect L.png  Reflect L on "sprite island" within Eureka Hydatos.)

Encounter Guide


  • Ecliptic Bite: Lunges at a random player.
  • The Storm Within: Circular cleave that inflicts a Vulnerability Up icon1.png vuln stack. Has no ground indicator (go out of melee range).
  • The Storm Without: Donut AoE that inflicts a Vulnerability Up icon1.png vuln stack. Has no ground indicator (go into melee range).
  • Endless Frost: Light raidwide. Also spawns ice puddles below 3 random players which deal damage and inflict Deep Freeze icon1.png Deep Freeze when stepped in.
  • Ancient Glacier: Circle AoEs on 3 random players which deal heavy damage. Their ground indicators only appear halfway through the castbar.
  • Heavensward Howl: Short frontal cleave that deals heavy damage and inflicts a Vulnerability Up icon1.png vuln stack. Has no ground indicator.
  • Hoarhound Halo: Long rear cleave that deals heavy damage and inflicts a Vulnerability Up icon1.png vuln stack. Has no ground indicator.
  • Arcane Howl: Buffs itself with Damage up icon1.png Damage Up for 50s. Can be dispelled with Dispel L.png  Dispel L.
  • Mocking Howl: Places a stack marker on a random player, then scatters a few circle AoEs on the ground which go off quickly and inflict an immensely strong Ice resistance down icon1.png Ice Resistance Down debuff, right after which the stack goes off dealing true ice damage.
  • Polar Roar: Sucks players into the center of Skoll's hitbox. Frequently comboed with other attacks like Endless Frost and Heavensward Howl.

At ~40% HP, Skoll howls "Awoooooo!" and spawns 2 adds.

Firestone Golem (Lightning):

  • Trounce: Long frontal cleave that deals heavy damage.
  • Hard Head: Short, wide frontal cleave that deals light damage.

Carrion Griffin (Wind):

  • Freefall: Circle AoE on a random player.


Skoll: Grrrrrrrrr...
Skoll: Awoooooo!