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Down Feathers

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Down Feathers

Quest giver
Watchful Hunter
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:28.3, Y:18.9)
Required items
1 Healing herbs icon1.png  Healing Herbs
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 827
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Good Faith

Something draws the watchful hunter's attention to the woods.

— In-game description


  • Speak with the concerned jaculus rider.
  • Use the healing herbs on the jaculus.
  • Speak with the watchful hunter.


  • Something draws the watchful hunter's attention to the woods.


Accepting the Quest

Watchful Hunter: ...Did you hear that?
Watchful Hunter: The cry of a jaculus. It is in terrible pain.
Watchful Hunter: The beast's master is likely on her way, though I suspect she may need assistance.
Watchful Hunter: We must act quickly. Would you take these healing herbs to her?
Watchful Hunter: The guard may mistake the jaculus's cries for danger, but I will alert them it is being addressed. Swiftly, now. 
Injured Jaculus: <wheeze> ...

Speaking with the concerned jaculus rider

Concerned Jaculus Rider: Easy now. Everything will be fine.
Concerned Jaculus Rider: Who are you!? What are you doing here?
<Hand Over Healing Herbs>
Concerned Jaculus Rider: Oh. My apologies...
Concerned Jaculus Rider: Come. I will hold it down while you dress its wounds.
Concerned Jaculus Rider: I will keep it still as best I can. Please, be gentle. 

Using the healing herbs on the jaculus

Injured Jaculus: <wheeze> ...
<Using Healing Herbs>
Injured Jaculus: Crawww...
Concerned Jaculus Rider: You will be all right.
Concerned Jaculus Rider: A barrage of arrows struck it down. At first it made no sense to me─my people would never do such a thing.
Concerned Jaculus Rider: But on closer inspection, I noticed the arrowheads were made of gold. Only the Children of the Everlasting Dark would use such garish arms. They have grown bold since the Eulmorans attacked. Perhaps too bold...
Concerned Jaculus Rider: All the more reason we must remain vigilant. Thank you for your help. Please inform the others the jaculus is safe. I would stay here a while longer. 


Injured Jaculus: Crawww...
Concerned Jaculus Rider: You need not worry about us. Go and inform the others that all is well here.

Speaking with the watchful hunter

Watchful Hunter: So the Children were behind this? Long have they coveted the bounty of Yx'Maja. 
Watchful Hunter: Their desperation has made them bold, and the presence of Eulmoran soldiers has served only to encourage them. But so long as we yet breathe, these woods will remain beyond their reach.