User talk:Tobilas
Revision as of 23:32, 28 April 2016 by Moogle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Welcome== Hello Tobilas, welcome to FFXIV Wiki. Thank you for contributing to Unleash, Shadowskin, Heavier Shot, The Warden's Paean, Empyreal Arrow, [[...")
Hello Tobilas, welcome to FFXIV Wiki. Thank you for contributing to Unleash, Shadowskin, Heavier Shot, The Warden's Paean, Empyreal Arrow, Flaming Arrow, Windbite, Repelling Shot, Shadowbind, Rain of Death, River of Blood, Sidewinder and Bard. Let me know if you need anything - Moogle (talk) 16:32, 28 April 2016 (PDT)