Fishing catches using

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Revision as of 17:30, 11 October 2016 by Margilit (talk | contribs)
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Level Name Item type Used by Fishing Zone Type Bait
3 Chub Seafood ? Middle La Noscea Fresh Moth Pupa
3 Lominsan Anchovy Seafood Fishmeal (Level 5 Culinarian) Middle La Noscea, Western Thanalan Ocean Lugworm, Pill Bug
3 Merlthor Goby Seafood Mooched to catch Blue Octopus Middle La Noscea, Western La Noscea Ocean Lugworm, Pill Bug
4 Dwarf Catfish Seafood ? Middle La Noscea Fresh Moth Pupa
4 Finger Shrimp Seafood Culinarian: Tuna Miq'abob (33 lvl), Bouillabaisse (50 lvl) Middle La Noscea Ocean
4 Malm Kelp Seafood ? Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Ocean
5 Bone Crayfish Seafood ? Central Shroud, Central Thanalan Fresh Butterworm, Moth Pupa
5 Princess Trout Seafood Culinarian: Grilled Trout (5 lvl) Middle La Noscea Fresh Crayfish Ball
5 White Coral Bone Goldsmith: Coral Armillae (19), Coral Ring (21). Leatherworker: Hard Leather Wristbands (17), Hard Leather Wristbands of Gathering (17), Goatskin Wristbands of Gathering (27), Goatskin Wristbands (29) Western La Noscea, Middle La Noscea Fresh Crayfish Ball
6 Dusk Goby Seafood Culinarian: Goby Ball (lvl 10) Middle La Noscea, Central Thanalan Fresh Bloodworm, Crayfish Ball
6 Ocean Cloud Seafood ? Middle La Noscea Ocean Pill Bug
7 Harbor Herring Seafood Mooched to catch Blue Octopus Middle La Noscea, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks, Western Thanalan, Western La Noscea Ocean Pill Bug
7 Sea Cucumber Seafood Levequest Lower La Noscea Ocean Pill Bug
8 Crimson Crayfish Seafood Culinarian: Boiled Crayfish (Level 9) Eastern La Noscea, Lower La Noscea Fresh Bloodworm, Midge Basket
8 Gudgeon Seafood ? Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks, Middle La Noscea Fresh Crayfish Ball
8 Vongola Clam Seafood ? Lower La Noscea, Middle La Noscea Ocean Pill Bug
9 Brass Loach Seafood Culinarian: Gelatin (Lvl 14 ) East Shroud, Central Thanalan, North Shroud Fresh Crayfish Ball, Bloodworm
9 Coral Butterfly Seafood Alchemist: Fish Glue (10 lvl) Middle La Noscea, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks, Western Thanalan Ocean Pill Bug
10 Maiden Carp Seafood Culinarian: Grilled Carp (lvl 15) Central Shroud, North Shroud, Central Thanalan Fresh Crayfish Ball, Bloodworm
10 Moraby Flounder Seafood Levequest Lower La Noscea, Western La Noscea Ocean
12 Pebble Crab Seafood Levequest Lower La Noscea, Western La Noscea Ocean Goby Ball, Rat Tail
15 Rainbow Trout Seafood Provisioning Mission Coerthas Central Highlands, South Shroud, North Shroud Fresh Midge Basket, Butterworm
15 Tiger Cod Seafood Culinarian: Salt Cod (Lvl 15). Levequest Lower La Noscea, Western La Noscea Ocean Rat Tail
15 River Crab Seafood ? East Shroud, Middle La Noscea, South Shroud, North Shroud Fresh Midge Basket, Bloodworm
15 Rothlyt Oyster Seafood Culinarian: Raw Oyster (19), Bouillabaisse (50*) Lower La Noscea, Western La Noscea Ocean Rat Tail
16 Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish Seafood Mooched to get Black Ghost, Assassin Betta. Provisioning mission. Central Shroud, South Shroud Fresh Midge Basket, Butterworm
17 Acorn Snail Seafood Provisioning mission Western Thanalan, Lower La Noscea Fresh Midge Basket
17 Faerie Bass Seafood Levequest Western Thanalan, Upper La Noscea, South Shroud Fresh Midge Basket
18 Dark Sleeper Seafood Levequest South Shroud Fresh Midge Basket, Butterworm
18 La Noscean Perch Seafood Provisioning mission Middle La Noscea Fresh Midge Basket
18 Navigator's Dagger Seafood Culinarian: Dagger Soup (50) Lower La Noscea Ocean Rat Tail
19 Moat Carp Seafood Provisioning mission Lower La Noscea Fresh Crow Fly
20 Bluebell Salmon Seafood Culinarian: Salmon Meuniere (23), Oriental Breakfast (56) Upper La Noscea, North Shroud Fresh Butterworm, Floating Minnow
20 Copperfish Seafood Levequest Western Thanalan, Lower La Noscea Fresh Midge Basket, Crow Fly
20 Razor Clam Seafood Bouillabaisse (Culinarian, 50) Lower La Noscea, Western La Noscea Ocean Rat Tail
21 Tri-colored Carp Seafood Provisioning mission North Shroud, Central Shroud Fresh Crow Fly, Butterworm
25 Black Eel Seafood Culinarian: Eel Pie (Level 25). Levequest. South Shroud Fresh Bass Ball, Butterworm
26 Aegis Shrimp Seafood ? Central Thanalan Fresh
35 Abalathian Smelt Seafood Mooched to get Cave Cherax, Kissing Trout, Emperor Fish Coerthas Central Highlands Fresh Rat Tail

Botanist Miner Fisher

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Fishing Locations
Big Fishing
Fishing Collectables
Folklore Fish