Brayflox's Longstop
Brayflox's Longstop is a level 32 - 34 dungeon located in Eastern La Noscea. It requires a light party of 4 players. It is unlocked through the main story quests.
- Players who are level 35 or above will be level sync'd down to level 34 upon entrance.
Great Yellow Pelican
Great Yellow Pelican is a giant bird and the first boss of Brayflox's Longstop. During the fight, Pelican will summon small birds called Violet Back. Kill the birds quickly before they overwhelm the party. Additionally, the Pelican can poison the tank.
Inferno Drake
Inferno Drake is a fire-breathing drake. It has a AoE cone attack that should be avoided by casters and melee dps. Halfway through the way, Brayflox will run into the boss room with a drake named, Tempest Biast, chasing him. Kill the smaller drake, save Brayflox then kill Inferno Drake.
Hellbender is a giant amphibian creature. During the fight, it will periodically crowd control a party member in a bubble. Kill the bubble quickly and free your teammate. At the end of Hellbender's lifespan, Aiatar, the dragon, flies in and consumes the amphibian. Attack Aiatar until his HP is about 50%, then it will fly away.
Deep Jungle Coeurl
Deep Jungle Coeurl is a coeurl with an AoE attack. Be sure to run out of the big red circle on the ground to avoid it.
Aiatar is the main boss of Brayflox's Longstop. This giant green dragon engages your party in his lair. Aiatar has an AoE cone attack that happens fairly quickly and should be avoided by the squishier members of the party. During the fight, the dragon will spit green poisonous goo at members of the party, dealing a moderate amount of damage. The goo leaves a green puddle on the ground. The puddle not only poisons anyone standing in it, it also heals the dragon. Get out of the puddle quickly. Tank should make sure that Aiatar is not standing in the puddle and getting healed.
- Arcanist's Ring
- Archer's Ring
- Battlemage's Belt
- Battlemage's Breeches
- Battlemage's Crackows
- Battlemage's Gloves
- Battlemage's Hat
- Battlemage's Robe
- Cavalry Cuirass
- Cavalry Gauntlets
- Cavalry Mask
- Cavalry Sabatons
- Cavalry Tassets
- Cavalry Trousers
- Conjurer's Ring
- Gladiator's Ring
- Infantry Bandana
- Infantry Belt
- Infantry Gloves
- Infantry Shirt
- Infantry Skirt
- Infantry Thighboots
- Lancer's Ring
- Marauder's Ring
- Pugilist's Ring
- Thaumaturge's Ring
After a tiring journey across Eorzea, it is deep within the quiet jungles of Raincatcher Gully where the charismatic and enterprising young goblin, Brayflox Alltalks, chooses to build his tiny empire. What he does not realize, however, it that something else -something sinister- has also made the lush forest its home. Now driven from their rightful (?) claim, Brayflox and his brethren seek to retake the land, and are not above asking the help of lesser races (that would be you) to help them do so.