Come, but Not Gone
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Main Scenario Quest
- Speak with Momodi at the Quicksand.
- Rendezvous with Alianne in central Thanalan.
- Continue waiting for Alianne.
- Pick up the clouded vial.
- Show the clouded vial to Momodi.
- A hero must go where'er he is needed, and according to Minfilia, you are needed elsewhere.
- It would seem that a matter at the Quicksand requires your immediate attention. Minfilia asks that you make your way to the Steps of Nald and speak with Momodi, before joining her and the other Scions in the Fragrant Chamber.
- By way of Momodi, Alianne of the 4th has requested a private meeting so that she might show you something of importance. According to the proprietress' account, the lieutenant appeared to be deeply troubled... Journey to the station west of the Coffer & Coffin and await her arrival as instructed.
- You stand in plain view and patiently wait for Alianne to appear. As the minutes roll by, however, you begin to wonder at her whereabouts.
- After a further indeterminate period of waiting, you come to doubt that Alianne will ever arrive. No sooner has the thought entered your mind than you chance to catch sight of a vial at your feet. Though it may be no more than discarded refuse, it does not appear to have lain there for long...
- As you puzzle over the significance of the vial, a familiar voice reaches your ears. Laurentius, another man you personally recruited to the Crystal Braves, is surprised to see you out in the field so soon before the royal banquet. He tells you that he has seen no sign of Alianna on his patrol, but reassures you that if he does happen to meet with her, he will tell her that you waited. Time is growing short, yet something about the vial troubles you. Perhaps Momodi will know what to make of it.
- Momodi can offer little insight into the vial, save that it resembles those used by alchemists. Like Laurentius, she implores you not to worry about Alianne, and to turn your thoughts to more pressing matters.