Alexander - The Arm of the Father
This article is about the level 60 story-mode raid. For the (Savage) version, see Alexander - The Arm of the Father (Savage). For the first tier of Alexander in general, see Alexander: Gordias.
Alexander - The Arm of the Father
- Level
- 60 (Sync: 60)
- Item Level
- 170
- Difficulty
- Normal
- Party size
- Full Party
8 man • 22
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 90 minutes
- Duty Finder
- Normal Raids (Heavensward)
- Roulette
- Normal Raids
- Tomestones
- Req. quest
Tinker, Seeker, Soldier, Spy
- Entrance
- The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:23, Y:26)
- Location
- The Arm of the Father
- Region
- Dravania
- Stone, Sky, Sea
- Available
- Patch
- 3.01
“In the Enigma Codex are writ the designs for a walking citadel. It was known as Alexander, a self-sufficient bastion for logic and reason and a beacon of knowledge for a world adrift─so says the treasure hunter Mide. The Illuminati dreamed this century-old dream, and in so doing gave form to their primal. Yet no matter how beautiful an ideal, the reality of fanatics with such power is a tarnished, ugly thing. By your hand must this threat be stopped.
— In-game description
Alexander - The Arm of the Father is a level 60 raid introduced in patch 3.01 with Heavensward. Also called A3, it is the third floor of Alexander: Gordias.
- Clear the Strategeion: 0/1
- Arrive at Condensate Demineralizer #9: 0/1
- Defeat the living liquid: 0/1
Living Liquid
This boss repeats the first 3 phases twice until he goes into his final phase. The outer edge of the arena is covered in electric field that will stun, deal damage over time, and Paralyze anyone standing in it or that gets knocked backed into it. As a result, the boss should generally be tanked in the center of the room. Note that the boss cleaves the main tank in all phases (except the Tornado phase), so DPS and healers should avoid standing in front of the boss at all times.
Phase 1 - Human
The boss cleaves in this form, keep him facing away from the raid.
- Protean Wave - Conal AoE in several directions that deals damage and knocks back. Sidestep the telegraph to avoid.
- Splash - Light raid-wide AoE, cast 3 times in succession.
- Sluice - 4 players get markers above their head. These players should spread out from the rest of the raid, as they will deal AoE damage around themselves. Shortly before this AoE goes off, additional circular AoE telegraphs will spawn underneath several random players (not necessarily the same players marked for the Sluice AoE).
Rotation: Protean Wave -> Sluice -> Splash x 3
Phase 2 - Hand
The hand does a heavy cleave that needs to be shared between both tanks.
- Wash Away - Raidwide that knocks each player in a random direction. The knockback distance is slightly less than the radius of the platform. To avoid being knocked out of the safe area, everyone including the MT should stand in the center of the platform, or use their anti-knockback abilities.
Shortly after Wash Away, the hand will split and spawn Liquid Limb, a clone of the main boss hand. The off tank should pick up this add, and the tanks should face each hand away from each other and from the raid, as they cleave and cause Blunt Resistance Down.
Rotation: Cleave -> Wash Away -> Cleave -> Cleave -> Split -> Cleave (both adds) x7
Phase 3 - Tornado
The boss will become untargetable, then transform into a swirling water tornado in the center of the arena. The boss is targetable in this phase, but invulnerable to all damage, and surrounded by a pool of water that deals damage to anyone standing in it. Throughout this phase, two types of adds will spawn in the center and make their way to the edge, causing heavy damage to the raid if they reach it. Gear Lubricant have low HP and can be dealt with easily. Piston Lubricant have higher HP, and half way towards the edge will cast an ability that will make them rush to the edge, this should be stunned to give you more time.
There are two more mechanics to take note here:
- An orange tether from the boss to a random player. This player needs to pass the tether to a tank who then needs to stay away from everyone else. When the tether expires, an AoE will strike the tethered player and the area around them, hitting extremely hard and potentially killing any non-tanks hit by it.
- 2 players will have an icon appear above their head, a red + or a blue -. Note that both players can get the same icon. If the two players have the same debuff (e.g. + and +) they should stack together in the center, as they will be pushed away from each other, potentially into the pool around the boss area if they are too close to it. If they have opposite debuffs (e.g. + and -) they should spread out, as they will be pulled together a set distance. Colliding will cause both players to take damage and get afflicted with Atrophy for 40s, reducing all attributes by 30%.
Phase 4 - Final
The boss reverts back to humanoid form, having the same abilities as phase 1, plus a few additional. This phase appears to be forced at % based (possibly at around 35%), as the prior Tornado phases sometimes ends early, or can be skipped entirely if DPS is high enough.
- Cascade - Deals AoE damage and spawns 3 large static AoE pools around the room. Players should avoid standing in or being knocked back into these pools.
- The boss's cleave will now apply Blunt Resistance Down. The tanks should spread away from each other and tank swap every 4-5 stacks.
- The magnetic tethers from the Tornado phase appear here as well, and are handled the same way. If the two signs/colors differ, the players should run away from each other. If the signs/colors match, the players should run near each other, and ensure that they'll be pushed away in a safe direction (not into a pool or the edge of the room).
- If the boss reaches his hard enrage, a final Cascade will be cast that wipes the raid.
- 1 Precision Gordian Spring (Guaranteed)
Treasure Coffer 1
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Tarnished Gordian Lens | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Tarnished Gordian Shaft | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Tarnished Gordian Spring | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Tarnished Gordian Bolt | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Treasure Coffer 2
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Tarnished Gordian Shaft | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Tarnished Gordian Crank | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Tarnished Gordian Spring | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
Tarnished Gordian Bolt | Other | N/A | Basic | 1 |
This duty is associated with the following achievements:
Name | Points | Task | Reward | Patch |
Mapping the Realm: Gordias III | 10 | Discover every location within Alexander: Gordias - the Arm of the Father. | - | 3.01 |