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Alexander - The Fist of the Son

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the level 60 story-mode raid. For the (Savage) version, see Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage). For the second tier of Alexander in general, see Alexander: Midas.


Alexander - The Fist of the Son

Alexander - The Fist of the Son.png
60 (Sync: 60)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Normal Raids (Heavensward)
Normal Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 
Req. quest
Feature quest Rearmed
The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:20, Y:26)
The Fist of the Son
Stone, Sky, Sea

Although you succeeded in destroying the core of Gordias, it seems that was only a temporary measure. The walking fortress has stirred once more, and its left arm now rests on the banks of the Thaliak. The entrance lies open and unguarded, suggesting the goblins inside are as surprised as you. Take advantage of your enemy's unreadiness and face the Illuminati threat once more─hopefully for the last time.

— In-game description

Alexander - The Fist of the Son is a level 60 raid introduced in patch 3.2 with Heavensward. Also known as A5, it is the first floor of Alexander: Midas.


  • Clear Engine Room #334: 0/1
  • Clear the Clevering: 0/1
  • Arrive in Advanced Clevering: 0/1
  • Defeat Ratfinx Twinkledinks: 0/1


The Fist of the Son Guide

Note: This is one of the very few normal difficulty duties where a tank swap is recommended to safely resolve a mechanic.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Ratfinx Twinkledinks

  • Tank the boss in the corner to make it easier to avoid the very large AOE from bombs.
  • When the boss changes to his giant form, he will apply a debuff 4x, stunning the main tank with Concussion on the 4th stack and then wind up for a tankbuster that deals 90% of their maximum HP if they have Concussion. Off-tank should temporarily provoke the boss at 4 to intercept the tankbuster. After recovering, the MT can then takes the boss back, or the tanking can hard swap on each Concussion, depending on the group's preference.
  • Adds will spawn in the corners of the room; they need to be tanked.
  • If you get a red-orange marker over your head, run away from the party. This will drop a large puddle which deals significant damage to anyone standing in it.
  • The tower in the center of the room has a purple circle around it. Standing near the circle brings up two puddles on the sides of the room, which are necessary for countering certain boss abilities. Standing near the tower too long will inflict damage, however, so the circle should be avoided except to spawn the puddles.
    • Red puddle will turn you into a gorilla, giving you a skill to knock bombs far away from the party before they explode. More bombs will spawn each time he summons them (first one, then two, then three). The explosion radius is just slightly smaller than the width of the arena, so ideally the bombs should be pushed into the corner opposite where the boss and party are at. If they are pushed into an adjacent corner or against a wall, ensure you hug the opposite wall tightly to avoid the explosion.
    • The violet puddle will turn you into a bird. When the boss is extra large and uses "Boost", become a bird or you'll likely die to his multiple groundpound attacks. Skill #1 allows you to do a little damage, skill #2 will turn you back into yourself.


Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Tarnished midan lens icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Lens Other N/A ABasic 1
Tarnished midan shaft icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Shaft Other N/A ABasic 1
Tarnished midan spring icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Spring Other N/A ABasic 1
Tarnished midan bolt icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Bolt Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Tarnished midan lens icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Lens Other N/A ABasic 1
Tarnished midan crank icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Crank Other N/A ABasic 1
Tarnished midan pedal icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Pedal Other N/A ABasic 1
Tarnished midan bolt icon1.png  Tarnished Midan Bolt Other N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm midas i icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Midas I 10 Discover every location within Alexander: Midas - the Fist of the Son. - 3.2


Ratfinx Twinkledinks: Pssshkoh... Longwait, do we for uplander subjects!
Ratfinx Twinkledinks: Pssshokh... No! Must have more goblixer!
Ratfinx Twinkledinks: Pssshkohhh! Uplanders cower at power of Clevering!
Ratfinx Twinkledinks: Pssshkoh... Come, mindfruit! Come and see uplanders dumbstruck at gobbie masterpiece!