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Sadr rem Albeleo is a boss in The Bozjan Southern Front.


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Signature Acquired Feature quest 80 Mikoto
The Lady of Blades Feature quest 80 Bajsaljen


Zone Coordinates Level range
Bozjan Southern Front Unknown 80
Castrum Lacus Litore Unknown 80


See also: Field Notes on Albeleo

"Soldiers have been court-martialed for far less, and such behavior ill befits one of your station."

Pilus prior of the IVth Imperial Legion, Sadr rem Albeleo served under Menenius sas Lanatus in the legion's Bozjan subjugation forces. Head of the IVth Legion's mage detachment, he particularly favored the lost and forbidden arts of ages past, incantations which he was known to practice on prisoners of war—often with gruesome results. The utter lack of feeling he displayed for any mortal life earned him the fear of friend and foe alike, as well as the dreaded moniker of Albeleo the Maleficent. He was, in fact, once a member in good standing with the Ul'dah Thaumaturges' Guild, but was swiftly expelled when the guildmaster observed the young mage's penchant for acts of unspeakable cruelty, Chased from the sultanate by an angry mob, Albeleo eventually found his way to Dalmasca, where he fell in with the IVth Legion. This terrifying Duskwight lived for seven and thirty summers before himself succumbing to the temptation of auracite in the battle for Bozja.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 172