House Durendaire

House Durendaire is one of the four High Houses of Ishgard, the four most powerful houses in the city-state. Tracing their roots back to Guenriol de Durendaire, one of the original knights twelve of King Thordan, their banner is of a golden bell on a red field. The house is known for their prominent Astrologians and their work reading the stars to predict the movements of the Dravanians and sounding the alarm when an invasion was at hand.
The Durendaires are the most wealthy family in all of Ishgard, none more flush with coin after the Seventh Umbral Calamity. They funded the construction of the Athenaeum Astrologicum and the First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena. Many of the strongest knights in the city-state are under members of House Durendaire. They are known for their military might and the strength of their Dragoons, and as such were charged with guarding the Dusk Vigil before the Calamity, and retaking the Stone Vigil after it was lost by House Haillenarte. However, the house has its share of troubles. The count's son disappeared over twenty years ago, and the line of succession remains uncertain.
Notable Members
- Count Charlemend de Durendaire: The same age as Edmont de Fortemps, Charlemend has long considered him a political rival. His political beliefs are not born of stubborness, but rather grief. He once shared Edmont's position on opening the borders to outsiders, however his son set out over the sea to broaden his horizons, but was beset by brigands and was never seen again. Following this, the count grew cold and no longer trusted those who resided outside the city's walls.
- Ser Drillemont de Lasserant: A knight of House Durendaire, he served loyally under Ser Gorgagne until he left his position after the disappearance of the Count's son at sea. Since then, Drillemont continues to devote himself to duty as a knight. He is not boastful, nor does he tell the stories of his accomplishments, instead he takes care of the grave of his old mentor.
- Viscount Jannequinard de Durendaire: The soul proponent of Astromancy in Ishgard. He began his training as an Astrologian at a young age, learning from those living in the Sharlayan settlement in the Dravanian Hinterlands. However, once the Sharlayans withdrew from Eorzea due to the violent threat of the Garlean Empire, he was left without a tutor. Returning to Ishgard, he used the wealth and influence of his family name to secure a position in the Athenaeum Astrologicum. However, the people of Ishgard had little patience for him and his craft, and he is often met with mockery.
- Beltrant de Durendaire: An Ishgardian scout that discovered the plan by the Ala Mhigan forces to ambush the Eorzean Alliance by means of a larger force of infantrymen and archers waiting in the deepwood where the Ishgardian forces would be useless. Beltrant fled from there, but was attacked by the archers, being hailed with arrows. Both Beltrant and Beltrant's Chocobo, Ouranos[1] were wounded, the Chocobo mortally, but bore its rider back to the Alliance regardless, where they were able to prepare against Gylbarde's plan of attack and swiftly crush the Ala Mhigan forces, bringing a decisive close to the Autumn War.
- Beltrant's actions were so loved by the people of Ishgard that the re-enactment of the Autumn War is amongst the favorites of the populace.
The legacy of House Durendaire extends back into antiquity, to Geunriol de Durendaire, one of King Thordan’s knights twelve and a founding father of Ishgard. Represented by a golden bell on a red field, the house is known for their preeminent astrologians, who for generations have studied the heavens to predict the movements of the Dravanians, sounding the alarm should an assault be imminent. To that end, they have funded the construction and maintenance of the Athenaeum Astrologicum and the First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena.
Many of Ishgard’s most formidable knights are sworn to the golden bell, and House Durendaire is widely considered to be the strongest and most influential of the four High Houses. However, the house is not without its troubles; the count’s firstborn son disappeared twenty years ago, and since then the line of succession has remained unclear. Whether the count will remarry and attempt to produce another heir, or turn to a rather less than ideal candidate, is an oft-discussed topic among the nobility. [2]
- ↑ No relation to the boss of the same name.
- ↑ Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 157