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Misija Votyasch is a Roegadyn in Gangos.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Path to the Past Feature quest 80 Marsak
The Bozja Incident Feature quest 80 Lilja


See also: Field Notes on Misija and Field Notes on Misija Part II

"I care not for forgiveness. Today I fulfilled my duty to the queen. Nothing more."

Once a student of folklore and archaeology, this covert operative of the IVth Legion was charged with infiltrating the Bozjan Resistance. It was she who proposed the forging of the Resistance weapons and the reformation of Gunnhildr's Blades, all whilst concealing her aim to secure Save the Queen and unleash its might.

Not Garlean-born, Misija's misguided dedication to her mission for the Empire can be attributed to two factors: a lineage that traces back to the last Queen Gunnhildr, and the deep-seated inequality that pervades Bozjan society. Knowing that her noble ancestor was betrayed by her own protectors, and feeling the sting of betrayal herself at the hands of her wealthier countrymen, it is little wonder that she chose to side with Gabranth, whose creed was to welcome all regardless of race, faith, gender, or birth. She died in service of justice at the age of twenty-nine.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 171