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Female ♀
Hyur (Highlander)
Sky Pirate
The Parrock (7.0,6.9)
Ala Mhigo
Quest NPC

"Patience. When all of this is over, we shall see who rules the skies."

Daughter of an Ala Mhigan mercenary captain, Radlia grew up in the raucous company of the men her father commanded. Radlia assumed the responsibilities of captain soon after her coming of age, and proceeded to lead the sellswords in battle throughout the realm, gaining much fame for herself and her roughcast crew. It was following a skirmish with bandits that they discovered and claimed an airship—an older vessel the brigands had commandeered. Sensing opportunity unavailable as a mere soldier of fortune, Radlia paid an outlandish sum to see the craft restored, and subsequently took flight as a sky pirate. As the newly christened Talons began to absorb smaller crews, the number of men at her beck swelled, as did the tales of their exploits—this despite the occasional failed investigation.Radlia appears to have had some relationship with Leofard ere she became a pirate, and though its nature is unknown, its end was likely the result of the woman's delight in beguiling men.

— In-game description

Radlia is a Hyur in The Parrock.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Where Shadows Reign Feature quest 60 Stacia
A Redbill Farewell Feature quest 60 Leofard

Additional Information