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Male ♂
Hyur (Highlander)
Ala Gannha Elder
The Peaks (24.4,6.8)
Quest NPC

Raganfrid Bleaker is a Hyur in The Peaks.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Saint Sayer Feature quest 61 Raganfrid

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Prodigal Daughter Main Scenario quest 60 Meffrid
Homeward Bound Main Scenario quest 60 Meffrid
Save the Last Dance for Me Class quest 70 Ranaa Mihgo


"“Bones heal, scars fade, but the dead remain dead. We're alive, and that’s more than can be said for many others."

Raganfrid is the elder of Ala Gannha, a village situated in the Peaks that once prospered by virtue of its quarry. Born and bred in the village, he naturally took up the stonecutter’s trade, and was known for his incomparably precise work. Alas, the Garlean invasion saw the demand for stone dry up fairly overnight, and not even his skills could spare him a fate of idleness. To add insult to injury, the village was subjected to heavy taxes, and it was all that the inhabitants could do to scratch out a living. Despising the Empire for taking away their livelihood, the sixty-one-year-old Highlander has long been a staunch supporter of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. He grew up close to Curtis Hext, Lyse’s father and hero of the revolution, with whom he is said to have traded both banter and blows.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 2, page 114