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Temulun Khatun (or simply "Khatun")
Female ♀
Au Ra (Xaela)
Khatun (Tribal Leader),
Ugdan (Spiritual Leader)
The Azim Steppe (31.4,11.2)
Mol Tribe
Cirina (granddaughter)
Quest NPC

"Cherish the stars and the light they bring you in the dark."

— In-game description

Temulun of the Mol is an Au Ra in The Azim Steppe. She was introduced by certain main story quests of the Stormblood expansion, along with her granddaughter Cirina and their Xaela tribe, the Mol. Temulun also plays minor roles in later quest content, including the Namazu Daily Quests. Possessing prescient abilities, Temulun's words for the Warrior of Light are often prophetic.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Stars in the Dark Main Scenario quest 65 Hien
As the Gods Will Main Scenario quest 66 Gosetsu
Naadam Main Scenario quest 66 Cirina
Glory to the Khagan Main Scenario quest 66 Hien
In Crimson They Walked Main Scenario quest 66 Hien
A Power in Slumber Main Scenario quest 70 Hien
The Will of the Moon Main Scenario quest 70 Y'shtola
Something Fishy This Way Comes Feature quest 60 Gyoshin
Out of the Frypan Feature quest 60 Gyoshin


“Cherish the stars and the light they bring you in the dark.”

The khatun of the Mol is possessed of tremendous power, even for an ugdan, and it is said that she needs only hearken to the winds of the Steppe to hear the whispers of the old gods. It is a responsibility she does not bear lightly, for the gods have asked much of her in her seventy years, such as when they bade her send her son and daughter on a journey by themselves. Though her son returned with knowledge of new lands for the tribe, he would do so alone. Years later, he too would give his life that the Mol might thrive, once more in service to the old gods. Such is the lot of the Mol udgan-to know naught of the future, yet nevertheless be bound to lead their people into it.

— Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 108, "Temulun of the Mol"

Among the Xaela, the Mol are said to be particularly religious, and this is reflected in their practice of deferring all major decisions to an ugdan who communes with the old gods. At present, this role is fulfilled by Temulun, who also serves as khatun of the tribe.

— Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 108, "The Mol Tribe: History"

Special Attire

The Shawl of Whispers: Unlike the crimson clothing of most Mol, the udgan traditionally wear white as a symbol of spiritual energy. These seers are forbidden from taking life-even that of animals-and so their garments must remain free of blood.

— Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 108, "The Shawl of Whispers"