Triple Triad NPCs

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See also: Triple Triad and Triple Triad Cards
NPC Location Rules MGP Cost MGP Winning Potential Card Rewards Unlock
Aiglephine Labyrinthos (X:29.2, Y:13.2) Three Open 15 25 Troll Main Scenario QuestGlorified Ratcatcher
Arsieu Gangos (X:5.9, Y:6.6) Plus, Ascension 35 48 Dawon, Adrammelech Feature QuestThe Lady of Blades
Aurifort of the Three Clubs The Gold Saucer (X:4, Y:7) Three Open, Order 20 50 Goobbue, Scarface Bugaal Ja
Baderon Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.6, Y:11.1) Three Open 20 49 Sahagin, Baderon Tenfingers Main Scenario QuestA Wild Rose by Any Other Name
Botan Kugane (X:7.8, Y:14.7) Plus, Roulette 25 73 Yukinko, Happy Bunny, Louhi, Pazuzu Feature QuestAnd We Shall Call It Pyros
Br'uk Noq' Yak T'el (X:12.7, Y:14.8) Ascension 25 48 Branchbearer Main Scenario QuestThe Feat of the Brotherhood
Buscarron South Shroud (X:18.1, Y:19.8) Order 25 59 Demon Wall, Raya-O-Senna & A-Ruhn-Senna, Papalymo & Yda Main Scenario QuestInto the Beast's Maw
Celia Old Sharlayan (X:15.8, Y:6.9) Plus, Sudden Death 40 73 Fourchenault Leveilleur, Endwalker Alphinaud & Alisaie Main Scenario QuestEndwalker
Cheatingway Old Sharlayan (X:11, Y:8.9) Swap, Plus 35 48 Loporrit, Argos Main Scenario QuestHer Children, One and All
Cobleva Lakeland (X:14.3, Y:7.7) Plus, Reverse 25 34 Dwarf, Rolling Tankard Feature QuestTanks for the Memory
Dominiac Coerthas Western Highlands (X:16.6, Y:22.6) Order 30 73 Griffin, Deepeye Side QuestA War without End
Drery Amh Araeng (X:11.8, Y:16.9) Plus, Same 20 48 Evil Weapon, Gigantender Main Scenario QuestHave a Heart and Side QuestMystery Miners
Droyn Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:11.8, Y:13) Same, Descension 15 25 Azulmagia, Siegfried Feature QuestBlue Cheese
Elaisse The Pillars (X:7.7, Y:10.8) Chaos, Plus 25 112 Archaeornis, Gibrillont Side QuestCaught in the Act
Eo Sigun Il Mheg (X:22.2, Y:3.6) Plus 25 40 Porxie, Nu Mou Feature QuestManic Pixie Dream Realm
Ercanbald Rhalgr's Reach (X:9.8, Y:9.7) 15 25 Griffin, M'naago Main Scenario QuestA Haven for the Bold
F'hobhas Central Thanalan (X:23.5, Y:13.9) Three Open 15 33 Mutamix Bubblypots
Flichoirel the Lordling The Battlehall (X:3.7, Y:3.6) 25 64 Colibri, Nael van Darnus
Fufulupa Western Thanalan (X:22.6, Y:17.1) Three Open 20 48 Chimera, Thancred Main Scenario QuestA Wild Rose by Any Other Name
Furtive Former Imperial Terncliff (X:5, Y:6.3) Swap, Fallen Ace 40 64 Sapphire Weapon Feature QuestRuby Doomsday
Gamingway Mare Lamentorum (X:18.1, Y:16.1) Swap 30 64 Dreamingway Feature QuestDreams Come True
Garima The Fringes (X:28.2, Y:19.9) Plus, Ascension 20 34 Ananta, Qiqirn Meateater Side QuestDelicate as a Flower
Gavoll Ja Tuliyollal (X:15.7, Y:2.9) Chaos, Fallen Ace 35 64 Gulool Ja Ja Main Scenario QuestNo Time for Tears
Gegeruju Eastern La Noscea (X:33.8, Y:30.5) Swap, Sudden Death 30 116 Y'shtola, Minfilia Main Scenario QuestAll Good Things
Ghasa Thavnair (X:19.5, Y:28.3) Roulette, Plus 15 25 Hippo Cart Feature QuestLeader to Leader
Gibrillont Foundation (X:13, Y:11.8) Roulette 25 64 Estinien Main Scenario QuestThe Better Half
Glynard The Crystarium (X:10.8, Y:15.3) Three Open 15 48 Amaro Main Scenario QuestWarrior of Darkness
Grewenn Eulmore (X:12.5, Y:9.9) Plus, Swap 35 73 Jongleurs of Eulmore, Ran'jit Main Scenario QuestShadowbringers
Guhtwint of the Three Diamonds The Gold Saucer (X:4, Y:7) Three Open, Plus 15 32 Chocobo, Scarface Bugaal Ja
Gyoei Yanxia (X:15.6, Y:31.8) Reverse, Plus 15 25 Namazu, Great Gold Whisker Side QuestCriminal Phrenology
Gyuf Uin Il Mheg (X:16.1, Y:30.7) Three Open, Swap 25 48 Feo Ul Main Scenario QuestAcht-la Ormh Inn
Hab Southern Thanalan (X:24.8, Y:40.9) Descension 30 104 Godbert Manderville, Thancred, Hildibrand & Nashu Mhakaracca Side QuestZombies Are People Too
Hachinan Yanxia (X:26.4, Y:12.9) Ascension, Fallen Ace 30 114 Zenos yae Galvus, Asahi sas Brutus Main Scenario QuestThe Primary Agreement
Hall Overseer The Battlehall (X:3.5, Y:3.6) Fallen Ace, Chaos 30 125 Terra Branford, Magitek Colossus
Hanagasa Kugane (X:10.4, Y:11.8) Plus, Descension 40 48 Rofocale, Argath Thadalfus, Yiazmat, Ultima, the High Seraph Feature QuestThe City of Lost Angels
Hargra The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:18.5, Y:26) Same, Roulette 30 64 Runar, Shadowbringers Y'shtola Main Scenario QuestBearing With It and Side QuestAn Express Delivery
Helmhart Eastern Thanalan (X:20.1, Y:21.4) Three Open 20 40 Ultros & Typhon, Gerolt
Hetsukaze Kugane (X:7.9, Y:13.6) Plus, Same 30 64 Penthesilea, Dvergr, Ejika Tsunjika, Provenance Watcher Feature QuestAnd We Shall Call It Hydatos
Hokushin Kugane (X:14.4, Y:11.2) Plus, Swap 20 64 Karakuri Hanya, Yojimbo & Daigoro Feature QuestGood Swords, Good Dogs
House Fortemps Manservant Fortemps Manor (X:6, Y:6) Three Open, Plus 25 48 Honoroit, Artoirel de Fortemps, Emmanellain de Fortemps Main Scenario QuestHeavensward and Side QuestThe Paths We Walk
Ibenart Kholusia (X:19.1, Y:17.4) Three Open, Fallen Ace 15 34 Lord and Lady Chai Main Scenario QuestThat None Shall Ever Again
Idle Imperial Azys Lla (X:28, Y:31) Swap, Chaos 30 124 Hilda, Regula van Hydrus, Curator, Tiamat Main Scenario QuestThe First Flight of the Excelsior
Imperial Deserter The Lochs (X:32.7, Y:30.1) Fallen Ace 30 125 Grynewaht, Yotsuyu, Fordola rem Lupis Main Scenario QuestStormblood
Indolent Imperial Mor Dhona (X:11, Y:17) Ascension 30 120 Livia sas Junius, Rhitahtyn sas Arvina, Nero tol Scaeva, Gaius van Baelsar
Ironworks Hand Rhalgr's Reach (X:13.7, Y:11.3) Roulette, Roulette 35 73 Shinryu, Omega, Alpha Feature QuestTo Kweh under Distant Skies
Isobe The Ruby Sea (X:20.2, Y:19.5) Plus, Swap 30 114 Ango, Hisui & Kurenai Feature QuestThe Two Princesses of Sui-no-Sato
Joellaut Coerthas Central Highlands (X:13.2, Y:15.5) Three Open 20 48 Ixal, Alphinaud & Alisaie
Jonas of the Three Spades The Gold Saucer (X:4, Y:7) All Open, Same 10 22 Ixal, Moogle
Kaizan The Ruby Sea (X:22.3, Y:8.6) Swap, Descension 20 34 Rasho Side QuestA Dance with Snakes
Kikimo Kugane (X:8.6, Y:14) Swap, Fallen Ace 30 64 Hancock Main Scenario QuestBy the Grace of Lord Lolorito
Kilfufu Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:12.5, Y:8.3) Three Open, Plus 40 40 Geryon the Steer Feature QuestA Key to the Past
King Elmer III The Gold Saucer (X:3, Y:7) Plus 30 117 Godbert Manderville, Bahamut
Kiuka The Doman Enclave (X:6.9, Y:5.9) Chaos 30 125 Hien Main Scenario QuestThe World Turned Upside Down
Klynthota Mor Dhona (X:30.4, Y:13.7) Same, Plus 30 93 Phlegethon, Xande, Cloud of Darkness, Unei & Doga Side QuestMoon Sliver and Me, Side QuestOf Errant Epistles, and Feature QuestThe Light of Hope
Kotokaze Kugane (X:10.2, Y:10.2) Same 15 25 Kotokaze Main Scenario QuestBy the Grace of Lord Lolorito
Lamlyn Lakeland (X:35.4, Y:20.2) Chaos 25 64 Lyna Main Scenario QuestReassuring the Masses
Landenel South Shroud (X:16, Y:28) Fallen Ace, Chaos 25 53 Titan, Odin Main Scenario QuestAll Good Things
Laniaitte The Sea of Clouds (X:17, Y:37.3) Same, Plus 30 110 Paissa, Dhalmel Main Scenario QuestAn Engineering Enterprise and Side QuestHonoring the Past
Larisa Solution Nine (X:5.8, Y:13.9) Plus, All Open 25 48 Outrunner Main Scenario QuestIn Serenity and Sorrow
Lewena The Gold Saucer (X:4.8, Y:6.1) Fallen Ace, Chaos 40 182 Terra Branford, Onion Knight, Bartz Klauser
Lewto-Sue Amh Araeng (X:26.8, Y:16.3) Plus, Fallen Ace 25 34 Ryne, Gaia Feature QuestWhere I Belong
Linu Vali The Sea of Clouds (X:6.6, Y:14.3) Reverse, Chaos 25 64 Bismarck, Brachiosaur, Waukkeon Feature QuestThe Nest of Honor
Luwyawa Shaaloani (X:28.8, Y:30.3) Three Open, Plus 25 48 Rroneek Main Scenario QuestThe Long Road to Xak Tural
Maillart Old Sharlayan (X:8.5, Y:15.2) Chaos, Plus 40 64 Thaliak, Llymlaen Feature QuestEmbraced by Gods
Maisenta New Gridania (X:11.5, Y:11.2) All Open 10 22 Coblyn, Sylph
Marcechamp Tailfeather (X:31.9, Y:22.9) Reverse, Plus 30 124 Ysayle Main Scenario QuestGifts for the Outcasts
Marcette Central Shroud (X:16.5, Y:18.6) Chaos 25 60 Frixio, Garuda Side QuestFungal Frolic
Marielle The Sea of Clouds (X:15.3, Y:37.7) Order 30 124 Count Edmont de Fortemps, Laniaitte de Haillenarte Main Scenario QuestA Reward Long in Coming
Masatsuchi Yanxia (X:29.5, Y:20.2) Same 25 34 Koja, Lupin Side QuestTiger Blood
Master Mogzin The Churning Mists (X:9.8, Y:25.3) Same, Plus 40 40 Good King Moggle Mog XII, Darkscale, Kal Myhk, Hraesvelgr Feature QuestThe Zenith of Craftsmanship
Mehryde Radz-at-Han (X:10.7, Y:7.6) Plus 20 34 Arkasodara Side QuestA Bond Eternal
Memeroon Upper La Noscea (X:14.7, Y:24.3) All Open 10 22 Tonberry, Amalj'aa, Memeroon, Manxome Molaa Ja Ja
Mero Roggo The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:12.7, Y:36.9) Plus, Roulette 30 73 Byblos, Calcabrina, Strix, Stormblood Alphinaud & Alisaie Main Scenario QuestPrelude in Violet
Midnight Dew Idyllshire (X:5.5, Y:6.6) Roulette, Roulette 30 124 Matoya, Belladonna Side QuestOver My Dead Gobbie
Miitso Lower Jeuno (X:6.4, Y:6) Plus, Fallen Ace 35 48 Ark Angel HM, Ark Angel EV Feature QuestJeuno
Mimidoa Lower La Noscea (X:25.1, Y:35) Three Open 20 49 Siren, Biggs & Wedge Main Scenario QuestHistory Repeating
Mogmill The Churning Mists (X:28.2, Y:35.4) Roulette, Roulette 30 124 Vanu Vanu, Gnath, Vedrfolnir, Moglin Side QuestA Secret from Everyone
Momodi Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:11.6, Y:9.6) Three Open 15 33 Momodi Modi Main Scenario QuestA Wild Rose by Any Other Name
Mordyn Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.2, Y:7.9) Swap, Same 20 73 Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, Kraken, Carvallain de Gorgagne Side QuestLicensed to Reave and Feature QuestStorming the Hull
Mother Miounne New Gridania (X:11.7, Y:13.5) All Open 15 32 Goobbue, Mother Miounne Main Scenario QuestA Wild Rose by Any Other Name
Munglig The Azim Steppe (X:12.2, Y:33.7) Same, Chaos 25 114 Mammoth, Sadu Main Scenario QuestThe Undying Ones
Nell Half-full The Battlehall (X:3.3, Y:3.7) Same, Plus 15 34 Brendt, Brennan, & Bremondt
Nigen The Azim Steppe (X:31.9, Y:11.5) Same, Plus 25 114 Mammoth, Cirina Side QuestAnd Dzo It Goes
Noes Old Gridania (X:10, Y:5) Descension, Plus 25 64 Gaelicat, Kuribu
Nyikweni Tuliyollal (X:15, Y:13.5) All Open 15 25 Pelupelu Main Scenario QuestKnowing the Pelupelu
O'kalkaya Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:12, Y:13) Roulette, Plus 20 68 Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, Rhoswen, Mistbeard Side QuestSoothing the Savage Siren and Feature QuestStorming the Hull
Ogodei The Azim Steppe (X:22, Y:20.7) Fallen Ace, Plus 25 114 Mammoth, Magnai Side QuestA Warm Welcome
Ourdilic Coerthas Central Highlands (X:6.2, Y:22.5) Order 25 60 Ahriman, Blue Dragon, Behemoth
Pawkukwe Lower Jeuno (X:6.6, Y:7) Same, Swap 35 48 Ark Angel TT, Ark Angel GK Feature QuestJeuno
Piralnaut East Shroud (X:17.4, Y:26.5) Three Open 20 50 Succubus, Frixio
Prideful Stag The Battlehall (X:3.7, Y:3.3) Plus 15 34 Lost Lamb
Prudence Mor Dhona (X:30.6, Y:12.3) Same, Swap 35 48 Rhalgr, Azeyma Feature QuestThe Face of an Explorer
Qetanur Thavnair (X:19.6, Y:9.1) Same 15 25 Pisaca Main Scenario QuestA Boy's Errand
R'ashaht Rhiki Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:13.1, Y:12.8) Same, Plus 30 110 Y'shtola, Leviathan, Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn One of the following quests: Main Scenario QuestWood's Will Be Done, Main Scenario QuestTill Sea Swallows All, or Main Scenario QuestFor Coin and Country
Redard The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:20.4, Y:27.2) Same, Reverse 25 64 Qitari, Batsquatch Feature QuestThe Stewards of Note
Redbill Storeboy Idyllshire (X:3.8, Y:4.4) Chaos 25 64 Echidna, Ferdiad, Calofisteri, Diabolos Hollow Feature QuestA Redbill Farewell
Roger Central Thanalan (X:19.4, Y:20.6) All Open 10 22 Pudding, Morbol
Rowena Mor Dhona (X:21.9, Y:5.1) Roulette, Roulette 30 118 Gerolt, Louisoix Leveilleur Feature QuestThe Weaponsmith of Legend
Ruhtwyda of the Three Hearts The Gold Saucer (X:3, Y:7) Ascension, Sudden Death 25 59 Godbert Manderville, Urianger
Ruissenaud Labyrinthos (X:8.7, Y:27.5) Same, Descension 40 64 Proto-Carbuncle, Themis Feature QuestGuided by the Past
Saushs Koal The Tempest (X:31.5, Y:17.3) All Open 15 34 Grenoldt Main Scenario QuestThe Illuminated Land and Side QuestPearls of the Deep
Seika Idyllshire (X:6.7, Y:7.4) Reverse, Chaos 35 82 Crawler, Poroggo, Roundrox Feature QuestEnigma
Sezul Totoloc North Shroud (X:24.4, Y:23.4) Same, Plus 25 52 Biggs & Wedge, Behemoth, Cid Garlond, Tozol Huatotl Feature QuestSpread Your Wings and Soar
Sladkey Gangos (X:5.7, Y:6.7) Same, Swap 35 48 4th-make Cuchulainn, 4th-make Shemhazai Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen
Swift Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:8.4, Y:8.9) Chaos 30 53 Ifrit, Alphinaud & Alisaie, Raubahn Aldynn, Pipin Tarupin One of the following quests: Main Scenario QuestWood's Will Be Done, Main Scenario QuestTill Sea Swallows All, or Main Scenario QuestFor Coin and Country
Tapklix The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:21.9, Y:18.8) Swap, Same 30 64 Roundrox, Brute Justice, Alexander Prime Feature QuestLouder than Words, Feature QuestA Gob in the Machine, and Side QuestA Bum Rap 
Tokimori Kugane (X:8.9, Y:8.8) Fallen Ace, Plus 35 48 Okuri Chochin Feature QuestMononoke Aware
Trachtoum Lower La Noscea (X:35.6, Y:15.9) Three Open 20 47 Moogle, Titan Main Scenario QuestAll Good Things
Triple Triad Master The Gold Saucer (X:4, Y:7) All Open 5 10 Spriggan
Tsuzura The Ruby Sea (X:28.5, Y:16.4) Chaos, Roulette 34 34 Kojin Side QuestOur Most Venerated Ancestor
Uataaye Heritage Found (X:19.4, Y:9.4) Swap, Descension 25 45 Sentry R8 Main Scenario QuestA Royal Welcome
Umber Torrent The Lochs (X:16.4, Y:24.6) Same, Plus 25 34 Phoebad, Arenvald Lentinus Main Scenario QuestReturn of the Bull
Ushiogi The Ruby Sea (X:21.8, Y:7.9) Swap, Order 15 34 Wanyudo & Katasharin, Hatamoto, Hiruko Feature QuestOn the Shoulders of Giants
Vath Deftarm The Dravanian Forelands (X:23.6, Y:19.1) Roulette 25 86 Fat Chocobo, Ravana, Coeurlregina Feature QuestA Symbiotic Friendship
Voracious Vath The Dravanian Forelands (X:23.6, Y:19.8) Ascension, Swap 30 98 Bandersnatch, Coeurlregina Main Scenario QuestLord of the Hive and Side QuestYellow Stones
Vorsaile Heuloix New Gridania (X:9.7, Y:11.1) Ascension 30 110 Good King Moggle Mog XII, Papalymo & Yda, Ramuh, Kan-E-Senna One of the following quests: Main Scenario QuestWood's Will Be Done, Main Scenario QuestTill Sea Swallows All, or Main Scenario QuestFor Coin and Country
Warsowok Kozama'uka (X:11.5, Y:27.2) Same 25 48 Moblin Main Scenario QuestA Leaking Workpot
Wawalago Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:8.1, Y:5.2) Swap, Chaos 25 64 Lucia goe Junius
Wopli Urqopacha (X:28.5, Y:12.9) Three Open 15 25 Alpaca Main Scenario QuestKnowing the Pelupelu
Worldly Imperial Garlemald (X:31.7, Y:16.9) Roulette 35 64 Quintus van Cinna Main Scenario QuestStrange Bedfellows
Wymond Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:9.8, Y:8.7) Three Open 15 33 Coblyn, Lolorito Nanarito
Wyra "Greenhands" Lyehga The Battlehall (X:3.3, Y:3.3) All Open, Same 10 25 Apkallu
Yayake Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:7.3, Y:12.4) Chaos, Roulette 30 73 Aymeric, Vicegerent to the Warden
Yellow Moon Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:14, Y:13.3) Ascension, Swap 25 64 Yugiri Mistwalker
Ylaire Old Gridania (X:7.8, Y:10.9) Swap, Same 35 48 Nophica, Althyk, Nymeia Feature QuestThe Secret of the Twelve
Yusui The Ruby Sea (X:31.5, Y:37.1) Fallen Ace 15 25 Tansui Main Scenario QuestBoys with Boats