Sightseeing Log

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Sightseeing log icon2.png

The Sightseeing Log, introduced in Patch 2.28, allows the player to solve various riddles in turn to experience the spectacular sceneries in Eorzea. Players can unlock these Vistas at specific locations, at certain times, in certain weathers and by performing specific emotes.

Sightseeing Log img1.png
Sightseeing Log img2.png

Completing the Sightseeing Log in A Realm Reborn can be quite time consuming. Not only must the player find and reach a specific location, but the time of day and weather effects must also match the description of the riddle.

Since Heavensward (3.0), vistas are indicated by a blue orb, making them easier to identify, and have no weather and time requirements, with the exception of entries 48 and 58 in Stormblood.


  • Some locations are difficult to reach. They might require the players to solve jumping puzzles or use Sprint icon1.png  Sprint.
  • Weather has a chance to change at 12:05AM, 8:05AM and 4:05PM Eorzea Time (in-game time).
  • 1 minute real-life time = 20 minutes Eorzea Time (that's one Eorzean minute every three real-life seconds).
  • Players will know they are standing at the right spot when the message "You have arrived at a vista!" appears in chat.
  • If players have moved away from the vista, a message "You have strayed too far from the vista" appears.
  • Some vistas require the players to face specific directions. Try changing the directions of your character if you are unable to unlock certain vistas.

Useful Resource: Sightseeing Log Helper


Players can unlock the Sightseeing Log by completing the level 20 quest Feature QuestA Sight to Behold. Players can start the quest by talking to the NPC Naoh Gamduhla in New Gridania (X:11.8, Y:13.4). Players must have previously completed the main story quest: Main Scenario QuestSylph-management. The first 20 vistas must be completed before the remaining A Realm Reborn sightseeing logs can be unlocked. Players can unlock the remaining vistas by talking to the NPC Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0).


Players can unlock Heavensward sightseeing logs by speaking to Kester Ironheart in The Dravanian Forelands (X:32.6, Y:23.2). Players must be a combat class level 50 or higher to tackle these sightseeing logs.


Players can unlock Stormblood sightseeing logs by speaking to Ulger Ironheart in Rhalgr's Reach (X:10.5, Y:13). Players must be a combat class level 60 or higher to tackle these sightseeing logs.


Players can unlock Shadowbringers sightseeing logs by speaking to Eirlalth in The Crystarium (X:9.5, Y:9.7). Players must be a combat class level 70 or higher to tackle these sightseeing logs.


Players can unlock Endwalker sightseeing logs by speaking to Babeth Ironheart in Old Sharlayan (X:13.4, Y:16.8). Players must be a combat class level 80 or higher to tackle these sightseeing logs.


Players can unlock entries 1-28 of Dawntrail sightseeing logs by speaking to Elsebee Ironheart in Tuliyollal (X:13.9, Y:10.1). Entries 29-45 can later be unlocked by speaking to Emeline Ironheart in Solution Nine (X:16.8, Y:13.1). Players must be a combat class level 90 or higher to tackle these sightseeing logs.

A Realm Reborn Vistas

# Name Zone Coordinate Weather Time Emote Comment
1 Barracuda Piers Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:9.5, Y:7.8) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Located northwest out of The Bismarck, there are two sets of bricks set into the wall there. The set of bricks closer to the stairs is the Vista location.
2 The Astalicia Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:7.1, Y:15.1) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Climb to the top of The Astalicia (the ship there), and go east towards the bow (front) of the ship. Climb the pole extending from the ship and go to the very tip.
3 Seasong Grotto Middle La Noscea (X:20.3, Y:19.1) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
5:00-8:00 Pray.png  Pray In the Seasong Grotto, by the entrance. Vista is close to the end of the tunnel leading into the cave, You'll want to stand in the middle of the end of the tunnel, as that's where the message will appear.
4 The Skylift Middle La Noscea (X:16.0, Y:17.3) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout By the Skylift, next to the NPC overlooking the pier.
5 La Thagran Eastroad Middle La Noscea (X:25.3, Y:27.5) Clouds.png Clouds 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Looking at the gate into Lower La Noscea, go up the stairs on the east side, and jump up onto the fence post at the top of the stairs.
6 The Salt Strand Lower La Noscea (X:23.1, Y:40.2) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Jump onto the base of the rock near the cliff west of the farmer's house.
7 Red Rooster Stead Lower La Noscea (X:33.5, Y:19.3) Fog.png Fog 5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Jump on the top of the gate structure for the portal that leads to Mist. Vista is in on top and in middle of the archway leading into the housing area.
8 Brewer's Beacon Western La Noscea (X:29.9, Y:30.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Go behind the lighthouse on the west side. The vista is located where the wooden barrier and the lighthouse's wall meet.
9 The Leatherworkers' Guild Old Gridania (X:12.8, Y:7.8) Clouds.png Clouds 12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout From inside the guild you go up the steps in the back, jump on the table against the right wall, jump again to get onto the higher shelf. Face the room and use Lookout.png  Lookout.
10 Apkallu Falls Old Gridania (X:10.8, Y:6.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Near Apkallu Falls, there are 3 lamp posts. You have to climb onto the cliff on the southeast (10.4, 6.6) and from there use sprint and jump onto the top of the lamp post closest to the waterfall. The lamp post lights must be on for it to complete (after sunset).
11 Bentbranch Meadows Central Shroud (X:21.8, Y:21.8) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Sit.png  Sit The Vista is right next to the Aetheryte. There are three stumps across the Moogle mail carrier. A woman is sitting on the first one. Hop up onto the third one to reach the Vista.
12 The Sanctum of the Twelve East Shroud (X:17.6, Y:18.2) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Pray.png  Pray At the entrance to the chamber to the garden around the Sanctum of the Twelve.
13 Little Solace East Shroud (X:22.3, Y:26.2) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Just behind the Sylph Vendor NPC, on the top of the tree branch extending from the quest NPC platform. Alternatively, one can simply land on the awning directly above the yellow sphere with a flying mount.
14 Royal Promenade Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:11.1, Y:11.6) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Salute.png  Salute There are three silver squares in front of the Royal Promenade (players can get there from the Chamber of Rule Aetheryte Shard). The Vista is on the tip of the triangle. Face the stairs and guards then use Salute.png  Salute.
15 The Gold Court Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:11.5, Y:11.2) Clouds.png Clouds 12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Jump from Hustings Strip balcony down onto the eastern-most lamp.
16 The Jewel of the Desert Western Thanalan (X:22.3, Y:22.3) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Use your mount and jump from the boulder to the awning (the cloth roof) at the beginning of the staircase.
17 The Ruins of Sil'dih Central Thanalan (X:15.9, Y:22.9) Fog.png Fog 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout About half way down the cliff, where the cliff meets the creek. The easiest way is to directly land on it with a flying mount.
18 The Lonely Giant Eastern Thanalan (X:19.5, Y:24.7) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
17:00-18:00 Comfort.png  Comfort It is located under the base of the tree clump across from the Goobbue. Vista is in the middle of the tree clump.
19 The Invisible City Eastern Thanalan (X:14.3, Y:18.5) Clouds.png Clouds 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout At the tip of the ruin/roof that overlooks the area.
20 Highbridge Eastern Thanalan (X:21.0, Y:20.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Pray.png  Pray The Vista is on the small platform that sticks out from underneath the north side of the bridge. It is closest to the NPC located in the carved area on the side of the canyon.
21 Woad Whisper Canyon Middle La Noscea (X:20.0, Y:13.1) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Edge of the path, before you pass under the rocky archways.
22 Summerford Farms Middle La Noscea (X:25.7, Y:17) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Second floor of Inn. Top of lamp to left of door. Jump on pot plant, then to partition, then to top of lamp.
23 The Grey Fleet Lower La Noscea (X:31.5, Y:12.7) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the house of sticks. Use the rocks behind the house to get onto the roof.
24 Hidden Falls Eastern La Noscea (X:32.6, Y:23.5) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Sit.png  Sit Sit.png  Sit on chair at end of dock.
25 Gullperch Tower Eastern La Noscea (X:29.6, Y:33.8) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of Gullperch Tower. Located on the edge of the wall to the left of the two lookout NPCs.
26 The Navigator Western La Noscea (X:26.9, Y:26.6) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Pray.png  Pray To the left hand side along the railing (if lookout out towards the sea).
27 The Ship Graveyard Western La Noscea (X:17.1, Y:36.2) Gales.png Gales 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Bottom SE corner of Isle of Umbral. Stand on top of the pot in the sand.
28 Camp Skull Valley Western La Noscea (X:22.8, Y:22.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the front-right spike (if facing) of the tents on the top of the fort. Jump on canvas roof then on spike.
29 Tidegate Western La Noscea (X:19.4, Y:22.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the top of the center pole on the round tent (just after three tents). Jump onto the smaller pole then BACKWARDS HOP onto the higher bit. From there sprint jump to the top/middle pole.
30 Camp Bronze Lake Upper La Noscea (X:30.8, Y:22.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Go to the side of the house and jump up on the barrels between the two awnings (jump at the barrels head on, not from the side). Jump up onto the right awning and then onto the rocky ledge. Walk along the edge and jump onto the small part of the roof that juts out. The vista is on the highest point at the front of the house.
31 Thalaos Upper La Noscea (X:12.9, Y:22.0) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Very tip of biggest bone/spire. Base of spire starts in (X:13.4, Y:21.5). Vista log message did not appear until correct time. (You can also just land on this.)
32 Jijiroon's Trading Post Upper La Noscea (X:29.1, Y:25.4) Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout The vista is on the east side of the arch-like structure. Climb a wall and jump over to the next ruin.
33 The Floating City of Nym Outer La Noscea (X:12.7, Y:15.1) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Cliff overlooking Nym.
34 Camp Overlook Outer La Noscea (X:17.1, Y:16.3, Z:0.8) Clouds.png Clouds 5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Crumbling arch. Climb from the North side. Jump over gap and hop up on highest part. Kind of hidden by bushes.
35 U'Ghamaro Mines Outer La Noscea (X:23.4, Y:11.7, Z:0.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the high furnace. Jump from the smaller one to the bigger one. There's a smokestack sticking out of the small one that kind of looks like the exhaust stack on a semi-truck/tractor trailer. If you try to run forward towards the big one, it blocks you. So jump on top of it, and then jump across to the big one. You must complete the jumping mini-puzzle to access the vista. It is not possible to land directly on it with a flying mount.
36 The Hermit's Hovel Outer La Noscea (X:15.4, Y:10.1) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
18:00-5:00 Sit.png  Sit Inside the house jump on the table -> bookshelf -> area with bed and table. stand on the stool and then Sit.png  Sit.
37 The Carline Canopy New Gridania (X:14.3, Y:14.3) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Blue Badger Gate on the left gate (facing the exit). Jump on railing from stairs. From there sprint jump to door. Then jump from door to door.
38 The Lancer's Guild Old Gridania (X:14.2, Y:5.9) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Jump on bookshelf (X:14.7, Y:5.9), then onto weapons displays along the south wall to make your way to the corner.
39 The Bannock Central Shroud (X:23.4, Y:19.9) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Jump onto the canvas above the commander's heads by first jumping up and along the tree. The vista is on top of the wooden arch.
40 Haukke Manor Central Shroud (X:13.6, Y:23.1) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Climb onto the roots from left side just walk up. Hop onto top. Root are coming off of cliff into a small pond with a view of the mansion.
41 The Guardian Tree Central Shroud (X:16.3, Y:22.3) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On tree bridge.
42 Rainbow Bridge Central Shroud (X:26.5, Y:18.8) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
11:00-13:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top and center of waterfall side of railing on bridge.
43 The Seedbed East Shroud (X:20.9, Y:10.7) Thunder weather.png Thunder 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Right in front of giant glowing mushroom.
44 Buscarron's Druthers South Shroud (X:17.8, Y:20.1) Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the balcony above the front door to the bar, on the outside. Get there by jumping from wall on eastern back corner of the bar, and onto the roof. Follow it back to the front of the building and sprint jump from roof corner to balcony.
45 South Shroud Landing South Shroud (X:14.7, Y:33.9) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the windowsill beside the "hut".
46 Urth's Gift South Shroud (X:33.3, Y:23.9) Fog.png Fog 12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout At the rock wall.
47 Quarrymill South Shroud (X:25.4, Y:21.1) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of chimney on house farthest from Aetheryte (shaped like a mushroom). Jump from balcony.
48 Ixali Logging Grounds North Shroud (X:18.4, Y:19.5) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout The middle post on the log-pile at the back of the area. Recommend using flying mount.
49 Fallen Neurolink North Shroud (X:15.8, Y:32.0) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Near edge of cliff looking at giant arc.
50 Alder Springs North Shroud (X:15.4, Y:27.2) Clouds.png Clouds 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Drop down from above. Start at stump of tree that broke off near edge of cliff and fall down directly below to another root/branch extending out. Take left fork twice. Go SLOW!
51 Castrum Marinum Western Thanalan (X:8.7, Y:5.2) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the lamp.
52 Vesper Bay Western Thanalan (X:12.4, Y:14.8) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Point.png  Point Top of the building, north west corner.
53 Black Brush Station Central Thanalan (X:21.4, Y:17.5) Dust Storms.png Dust Storms 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Jump from the top of the building to the lamp post on the left hand side.
54 Gate of Nald Central Thanalan (X:18.5, Y:26.1) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Sit.png  Sit On top of a canvas.
55 The Burning Wall Eastern Thanalan (X:30.7, Y:26.5) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the small crystal that looks like a cobra, drop down from the ledge just above at (X:30.7, Y:26.7, Z:0.0). (You can also just land on this.)
56 The Golden Bazaar Eastern Thanalan (X:10.0, Y:16.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the entrance to a collapsed mine, jump to fence. Use fence to jump to higher platform. Vista on top of platform above 2 NPC at the front.
57 Thal's Respite Eastern Thanalan (X:25.2, Y:14.7) Showers.png Showers 18:00-5:00 Pray.png  Pray In front of the statue.
58 Nald's Reflection Southern Thanalan (X:12.2, Y:22.9) Fog.png Fog 5:00-8:00 Pray.png  Pray In front of the statue.
59 Zahar'ak Southern Thanalan (X:19.3, Y:20.5) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the stone column. Jump with mount.
60 The Sagolii Desert Southern Thanalan (X:21.3, Y:38.6) Heat Waves.png Heat Waves 12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of large mound next to tower ruin on ground.
61 The Sunken Temple of Qarn Southern Thanalan (X:23.8, Y:11.8) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Use rocks to jump up on to the sloped building.
62 Minotaur Malm Southern Thanalan (X:14.6, Y:26.5) Heat Waves.png Heat Waves 5:00-8:00 Psych.png  Psych Stand beside the drill sergeant near the exercising recruits.
63 East Watchtower Northern Thanalan (X:22.2, Y:25.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Salute.png  Salute Salute.png  Salute on top of the tower, on the flagpole.
64 Ceruleum Pipeline Northern Thanalan (X:20.6, Y:29.5, Z:0.5) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the gate, north side.
65 Bluefog Northern Thanalan (X:20.8, Y:22.5) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the fence.
66 Raubahn's Push Northern Thanalan (X:20.0, Y:17.7) Clouds.png Clouds 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On one of the southwestern spires.
67 Abandoned Amajina Mythril Mine Northern Thanalan (X:26.4, Y:22.7) Fog.png Fog 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On a little ledge attached to a broken pillar near stairs. Go up the stairs at (25.7, 22.7). Jump from the railing to the crumbling stone beam, then walk across the metal beams and make another jump to the broken arch on your right. Finally, Sprint-jump across the gap to the other side.
68 The Nail Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25.4, Y:29.9) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the Observatorium on the ladder under the telescope. Jump onto the lamp closest to the ladder and then onto the ladder itself.
69 The Observatorium Coerthas Central Highlands (X:25.5, Y:29.8) Fog.png Fog 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Take a couple of steps down from the first floor and walk/fall off into the center of the tower, landing on the highest chandelier.
70 The Frozen Fang Coerthas Central Highlands (X:11.7, Y:15.8) Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout From the base of the stairs at (11.0,15.5) walk along the small ledge that sticks out until you're at the middle of the semi-circle part of the bridge.
71 The Holy See of Ishgard Coerthas Central Highlands (X:12.8, Y:17.3, Z:1.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the tower on the over-arch. After climbing the stone spiral staircase, enter the small room and use the wooden stairs to get all the way up.
72 Boulder Downs Coerthas Central Highlands (X:7.8, Y:28.9, Z:1.8) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Top of monument tower next to the NPC standing next to the top of the stairs.
73 The Fury's Gaze Coerthas Central Highlands (X:7.9, Y:31.3) Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards
Snow.png Snow
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Inside the cave before you reach the plasmoids.
74 Snowcloak Coerthas Central Highlands (X:2.2, Y:21.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Climb up to the highest ledge.
75 Camp Dragonhead Coerthas Central Highlands (X:26.5, Y:17.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Climb up to the eastern battlements and head south to draw parallel to the green-roofed building. Jump up onto a higher crenelation that's in line with a buttress opposite and sprint one step and jump over to the building.
76 The Steel Vigil Coerthas Central Highlands (X:28.2, Y:10.3) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the broken arch of the ruins. Start climbing from the most South Eastern edge of the broken wall. The vista is just on the other side of the steeple.
77 Castrum Centri Mor Dhona (X:9.8, Y:13.5) Gloom.png Gloom 12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of red light just past four cylinders. Jump up onto the smaller ledge and then onto the ledge leading towards the light.
78 The Crystal Tower Mor Dhona (X:27.4, Y:8.0, Z:0.6) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Follow path that curves to the left to go to the upper level. Vista is near a tree by the edge.
79 Rathefrost Mor Dhona (X:18.6, Y:17.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of rock near crystal tree.
80 The Keeper of the Lake Mor Dhona (X:26.1, Y:11.2) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Sit.png  Sit Sit.png  Sit on top of tree. Climb the back of the red metallic wreckage near a smaller red cylinder. Walk up and jump on small metal rib. From there jump onto back of Big broken red metallic hull. It's also possible, with maximum mount speed, to jump from the branch of the next-closest tree.

Heavensward Vistas

Vistas in Heavensward areas are far easier to identify than ARR Vistas. Heavensward Vistas are small blue glowing orbs at which players need to /lookout or use another emote. While players need to have flying unlocked, there are no time or weather requirements. Each Vista gives Experience 8,775 EXP as long as your class is at least a level 50 Disciple of War or Magic.

Coerthas Western Highlands

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
1 Falcon's Nest Coerthas Western Highlands (X:32, Y:36, Z:2.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the tower (Requires Flying)
2 Camp Riversmeet Coerthas Western Highlands (X:20, Y:23, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the bones of the dragon (The Watcher)
3 The Dreaming Dragon Coerthas Western Highlands (X:10.3, Y:18, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the top of "The Dreaming Dragon" (Requires Flying)
4 The Dusk Vigil Coerthas Western Highlands (X:20.0, Y:6.6, Z:0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On the left stone landing (Requires Flying)
5 Gorgagne Mills Coerthas Western Highlands (X:31.6, Y:4.8, Z:1.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the bridge (Lancegate) (Requires Flying)
6 Hemlock Coerthas Western Highlands (X:36.2, Y:19.2, Z:1.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the house (Hemlock) (Requires Flying)
7 The Bed of Bones Coerthas Western Highlands (X:20.5, Y:36.5, Z:1.8) Lookout.png  Lookout Above on cliffs to the south (The Bed of Bones) (Requires Flying)
43 The Pike Coerthas Western Highlands (X:32.6, Y:28.2, Z:1.4) Rally.png  Rally On the hand of the giant statue (The Pike) (Requires Flying)
44 Black Iron Bridge Coerthas Western Highlands (X:29.9, Y:23.8, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On a lantern on the bridge. You must climb up the chain on the bridge and then fall onto the lantern to reach it. (Black Iron Bridge)
45 Dragonspit Coerthas Western Highlands (X:9.0, Y:10.4, Z:0.4) Sit.png  Sit In the pond (Dragonspit)
46 The Slate Mountains Coerthas Western Highlands (X:12.7, Y:8.2, Z:0.9) Me.png  Me Tip of the spear in the giant dragon's eye (Slate Mountains) (Requires Flying)

The Dravanian Forelands

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
8 Loth ast Gnath The Dravanian Forelands (X:27.4, Y:36.3, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Window ledge (Loth ast Gnath) (Requires Flying)
9 Anyx Minor The Dravanian Forelands (X:12.0, Y:39.4, Z:1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the dragon statue (Anyx Minor) (Requires Flying)
10 Anyx Trine The Dravanian Forelands (X:16.6, Y:23.3, Z:5.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the tower the Aetheryte is in, on the head of dragon (Anyx Trine) (Requires Flying)
11 The Hundred Throes The Dravanian Forelands (X:29.6, Y:6.1, Z:2.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On the Archway (The Iron Feast) (Requires Flying)
12 Halo The Dravanian Forelands (X:8.2, Y:6.1, Z:1.6) Pray.png  Pray At the entrance to dungeon "Sohm Al Foothills" (Halo)
13 Tailfeather The Dravanian Forelands (X:33.9, Y:23.5, Z:1.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Above entrance to town eastside (Tailfeather) (Requires Flying)
14 Sohm Al The Dravanian Forelands (X:11.4, Y:13.4, Z:6.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On the cliffside, Fly north of "Anyx Trine" (Requires Flying)
47 Whilom River The Dravanian Forelands (X:23.4, Y:39.4, Z:0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On the side of the mountain. Climb up from the river. (Go to Loth ast Gnath and head west from there)
48 Loth ast Vath The Dravanian Forelands (X:24.2, Y:18.8, Z:1.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On a wooden stake sticking out of the mountain (Loth ast Vath) (Requires Flying)
49 The Hissing Cobbles The Dravanian Forelands (X:34.3, Y:15.8, Z:1.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On the broken wall, north of "The Hissing Cobbles" (Requires Flying)
50 The Danneroad The Dravanian Forelands (X:18.6, Y:32.6, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the arch, south of "The Danneroad" (Requires Flying)

The Churning Mists

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
15 Moghome The Churning Mists (X:29.4, Y:35.1, Z:0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On a mushroom inside cave, overlooking center of Moghome
16 The Aery The Churning Mists (X:29.2, Y:13.0, Z:3.0) Lookout.png  Lookout End of bridge to the south of the "Easton Eyes"
17 Tharl Oom Khash The Churning Mists (X:18.6, Y:6.4, Z:3.6) Lookout.png  Lookout At the top of a wall north of "Thari Oom Khash" (Requires Flying)
18 Zenith The Churning Mists (X:7.8, Y:27.0, Z:5.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of giant structure, above the dungeon "Sohr Khai" (Requires Flying)
19 The Lost Landlord The Churning Mists (X:17.6, Y:37.2, Z:0.5) Pray.png  Pray On the ramp, between two pillars. (The Lost Landlord) (Requires Flying)
20 The House of Letters The Churning Mists (X:35.1, Y:20.4, Z:1.3) Lookout.png  Lookout At the top of the stairs at broken tower. (The House of Letters) (Requires Flying)
21 The Rookery The Churning Mists (X:23.2, Y:18.6, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Under the building, on an outcropping. south east of "The Rookery" (Requires Flying)
51 Statue of the Unsung The Churning Mists (X:33.8, Y:32.4, Z:2.6) Pray.png  Pray Up on a floating island in front of statue, north of Mоghome. (Requires Flying)
52 Landlord Colony The Churning Mists (X:37.3, Y:14.4, Z:2.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On a small floating island, east of "Monsterie" (Requires Flying)
53 The Old Father The Churning Mists (X:14.7, Y:25.0, Z:1.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On a small floating island, north of "Bahrr Lehs" (Requires Flying)

The Sea of Clouds

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
22 Camp Cloudtop The Sea of Clouds (X:15.2, Y:37.7, Z:1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On the tarp in the treehouse (The Rosehouse) (Requires Flying)
23 The Nidifice The Sea of Clouds (X:37.2, Y:40.1, Z:1.6) Doze.png  Doze Inside the left tree nest (looks like floating egg prison) south of The Nidifice (Requires Flying)
24 Voor Sian Siran The Sea of Clouds (X:39.9, Y:21.9, Z:2.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On a lone floating island tree, north-east of "Vundu Ok' Bendu" (Requires Flying)
25 Mok Oogl Island The Sea of Clouds (X:13.0, Y:9.0, Z:2.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On a small island between "Morrowmotes" and "Mok Oogi Island" (Requires Flying)
26 Hall of the Fallen Plume The Sea of Clouds (X:18.5, Y:27.0, Z:5.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the "Hall of the Fallen Plume" (Requires Flying)
27 Ok' Vundu Vana The Sea of Clouds (X:25.0, Y:23.9, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Southwest of "Ok' Vundu Vana" on a small ledge below the main island. (Requires Flying)
28 Hengr's Crucible The Sea of Clouds (X:38.1, Y:11.7, Z:2.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Tip of protrusion on the north end of "Hengr's Crucible" (Requires Flying)
54 Coldwind The Sea of Clouds (X:6.4, Y:6.0, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On the floating Island "Coldwind" Near the Redbill Standard. (Requires Flying)
55 The Shattered Back The Sea of Clouds (X:26.7, Y:6.9, Z:2.2) Lookout.png  Lookout At the root of the tree, west of "The Shattered Back" (Requires Flying)
56 Provenance The Sea of Clouds (X:9.9, Y:28.7, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Northside of the tree at the root Overlooking the heart shaped floating rock. South of "Provenance" and north of "Camp Cloudtop" (Requires Flying)

The Dravanian Hinterlands

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
29 The Arkhitekton The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:40.1, Y:21.8, Z:1.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On the cliff bottom of the mountain. East of "The Arkhitekton" (Requires Flying)
30 The Answering Quarter The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:17.9, Y:23.2, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Waterfall on the side of cliff, West of the "Thaliak River" (Requires Flying)
31 The Cenotaph The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:22.1, Y:27.6, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Located on Alexander's head platform. (Requires Flying)
32 The Tipped Ewer The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:10.1, Y:35.9, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout In the caves at the top of a ladder near roof of cave. (The Path of Conviction) (Requires Flying)
33 Great Gubal Library The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:28.8, Y:37.8, Z:3.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the Great Gubal Library. (The Great Gubal Library) (Requires Flying)
34 The Orn Wild The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:32.7, Y:11.9, Z:0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Small outcrop on the north east edge of the map, North of the "Stone, Sky, Sea" (Requires Flying)
35 Saint Mocianne's Arboretum The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:13.0, Y:21.6, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Tallest pillar on the building, east of "the Paths of Contemplation" (Requires Flying)
57 The Sage's Cataract The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:12.2, Y:13.0, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout At the west entrance to Idyllshire, on the right side beside wall facing north.
58 The Path of Knowing The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:19.7, Y:38.1, Z:1.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On the broken column. Jump down from the cliff to reach it. (Path of Knowing)
59 The Daggers The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:30.4, Y:31.3, Z:1.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On a cliff edge, South of "The Daggers" (Requires Flying)

Azys Lla

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
36 The Gration Azys Lla (X:39.2, Y:17.0, Z:6.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of northern spire at "The Habisphere" (Requires Flying)
37 The Fractal Continuum Azys Lla (X:33.4, Y:35.6, Z:8.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of tower north of the "Castrum Solus" (Requires Flying)
38 Antithesis Azys Lla (X:6.0, Y:30.6, Z:6.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On the lone island, West of the "Antithesis" (Requires Flying)
39 Aetherochemical Research Facility Azys Lla (X:10.9, Y:35.6, Z:5.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On the broken walkway to the north. (The Aqueduct) (Requires Flying)
40 Helix Azys Lla (X:6.1, Y:9.9, Z:7.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On very top of the building at the "Helix". (Requires Flying)
41 Quarantine Block Azys Lla (X:9.4, Y:21.5, Z:7.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On very top of the "Quarantine Block", on the blue ball. (Requires Flying)
42 Recombination Labs Azys Lla (X:30.4, Y:11.4, Z:6.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of red ball stuck in south side of hill. South of "Mutagenesis" (Requires Flying)
60 Centrifugal Crystal Engine Azys Lla (X:10.0, Y:14.8, Z:4.3) Lookout.png  Lookout Inside of the "Centrifugal Crystal Engine"
61 Biomass Incubation Complex Azys Lla (X:35.5, Y:6.4, Z:5.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On a root in a hole. You must fall down onto one of the higher roots from the cliff. West of the "Biomass Incubation Complex"
62 The Cathedral Azys Lla (X:25.9, Y:28.6, Z:6.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On part of the broken wall. You must land on top of the wall and then fall down. (Requires Flying)

Stormblood Vistas

Each Vista gives Experience 18,750 EXP as long as your class is at least a level 60 Disciple of War or Magic.

The Fringes

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
1 Castellum Velodyna The Fringes (X:21.9, Y:26.9, Z:0.8) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of roof at Castellum Velodyna
2 Gyr Kehim The Fringes (X:24.2, Y:16.2, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Near top of the ruin
3 Schism The Fringes (X:23.2, Y:7.2, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of entry door (inside)
4 Castrum Oriens The Fringes (X:9.3, Y:10.8, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout North tower at Castrum Oriens
5 Dimwold The Fringes (X:8.6, Y:26.4, Z:0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On the tree at The Percipient One
6 Djanan Qhat The Fringes (X:36.5, Y:16.4, Z:2.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Outside, on top of the temple
7 The Peering Stones The Fringes (X:30.0, Y:25.2, Z:2.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of mountain at The Peering Stones
48 The Yawn The Fringes (X:27.5, Y:35.1, Z:1.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Looking over The Yawn. At night only.

The Peaks

# Zone Name Coordinate Emote Comment
8 Hidden Tear The Peaks (X:33.3, Y:10.2, Z:2.2) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of cliff
9 Coldhearth The Peaks (X:27.0, Y:36.8, Z:2.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the little tower
10 Nyunkrepf's Hope The Peaks (X:22.0, Y:32.8, Z:3.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On Nyunkrepf's Hope
11 Ala Gannha The Peaks (X:25.1, Y:5.8, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the cliff
12 Specula Imperatoris The Peaks (X:19.9, Y:23.4, Z:3.2) Lookout.png  Lookout Edge of the north west tower. (Requires Flying)
13 The Arms of Meed The Peaks (X:8.1, Y:37.5, Z:2.6) Lookout.png  Lookout Behind structure
14 The Ziggurat The Peaks (X:18.3, Y:14.3, Z:0.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On the hill
15 Emprise The Peaks (X:7.5, Y:7.6, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On a pillar (inside)
49 Ala Ghiri The Peaks (X:14.3, Y:36.6, Z:2.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On the pillar of the western wall. (Requires Flying)
50 Specula Imperatoris #2 The Peaks (X:20.4, Y:22.9, Z:2.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a lamp near the north west tower. (Requires Flying)

The Lochs

# Zone Name Coordinate Emote Comment
16 Ala Mhigo The Lochs (X:23.5, Y:33.7, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Plateau Looking Over Salt Lake. (Requires Flying)
17 The Ala Mhigan Quarter The Lochs (X:35.2, Y:33.2, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the tower next to the big arch. (Requires Flying)
18 Sothwatch The Lochs (X:13.8, Y:35.5, Z:2.8) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the Tower
19 The Divine Audience The Lochs (X:20.5, Y:16.5, Z:0.8) Pray.png  Pray Top of the Stairs
20 The Hidden Tunnel The Lochs (X:33.9, Y:30.2, Z:0.5) Lookout.png  Lookout In the tunnel under the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Talk with the Ala Mhigan Resistance Gate Guard at (X:35.0, Y:31.7, Z:0.7) to enter the waterway.
21 Porta Praetoria The Lochs (X:5.9, Y:22.0, Z:2.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the south tower, west of Porta Praetoria. Directly south of The Peaks entrance. (Requires Flying)
51 The Sunken Destroyer The Lochs (X:17.1, Y:19.2, Z:-2.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Under water at Loch Seld, on top of the statue's hand.
52 The Ala Mhigan Quarter #2 The Lochs (X:36.0, Y:33.5, Z:0.8) Lookout.png  Lookout Fall from a pillar onto it


# Zone Name Coordinate Emote Comment
22 The Sekiseigumi Barracks Kugane (X:14.3, Y:9.6) Lookout.png  Lookout Balcony outside of the Sekiseigumi Barracks.
23 Bokairo Inn Kugane (X:9.4, Y:7.3) Sit.png  Sit In a tub of water on top of the inn accessed via a jump puzzle. Video reference by Willow
24 Kogane Dori Kugane (X:13.2, Y:12.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Balcony above the market area.
25 Kogane Alleyways Kugane (X:11.9, Y:11.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Jump on the railing (X:13.2, Y:11.7) then jump on the balcony and go to the end.
26 Shiokaze Hostelry Kugane (X:10.2, Y:10.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the Shiokaze Hostelry. Requires savage jumping skills Another video by Michael R as it shows the actual jump onto the Vista and how to line your character up
53 The Statue of Zuiko Kugane (X:11.1, Y:9.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Jump from top of "Kugane Tower" and land on lamp post to north of statue. A way of bypassing this is to use Self-destruct as a Blue Mage and be resurrected by a player on top of the lamp post, although this requires one player to already be in position.
54 Rakuza District Kugane (X:9.8, Y:8.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the gate at the end of the street.
55 Tenkonto Kugane (X:12.5, Y:10.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On the corner of a concrete pillar attached to the roof. Start at the railing at 13.7, 10.1 and make your way across the roofs.
56 Kugane Ofunakura Kugane (X:9.9, Y:12.3) Lookout.png  Lookout Inside Kugane Ofunakura across the banners attached to stairs

The Ruby Sea

# Zone Name Coordinate Emote Comment
27 Tamamizu The Ruby Sea (X:25.9, Y:13.0, Z:-1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater between Tamamizu and Onokoro
28 Shoal Rock The Ruby Sea (X:32.9, Y:8.7, Z:1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of cliff. Require flying.
29 Heaven-on-High The Ruby Sea (X:24.0, Y:5.6, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of cliff. Require flying.
30 Sakazuki The Ruby Sea (X:31.5, Y:37.2, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the watchtower. Requires flying.
31 The Isle of Zekki The Ruby Sea (X:10.1, Y:26.7, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On a small rock ledge against the wall
32 Isari The Ruby Sea (X:6.4, Y:10.8, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of platform between two large rocks. Need flying.
57 Shisui of the Violet Tides The Ruby Sea (X:5.0, Y:36.4, Z:-8.6) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater on a coral near Shusui
58 East Othard Coastline The Ruby Sea (X:9.5, Y:19.0, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout A small island off Zekki. Requires flying. Available in morning from 5:00am-8:00am
59 Crick The Ruby Sea (X:21.5, Y:11.9, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On the shore fly to the top of the boat mast


# Zone Name Coordinate Emote Comment
33 The Swallow's Compass Yanxia (X:12.4, Y:26.7, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a wall. Needs Flying.
34 Castrum Fluminis Yanxia (X:30.3, Y:32.9, Z:0.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of an imperial tower. Needs flying.
35 Namai Yanxia (X:34.3, Y:18.3, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout NE of Namai, on top tower. Needs flying.
36 Prism Lake Yanxia (X:30.4, Y:6.2, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the rock. Needs flying.
37 Doma Castle Yanxia (X:14.8, Y:6.3, Z:0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On the roof of an archway on the bridge. Needs flying.
38 Dairyu Moon Gates Yanxia (X:19.5, Y:20.5, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On a ledge on the gate. Needs flying.
39 Yuzuka Manor Yanxia (X:15.2, Y:31.6, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the building. Needs flying.
60 Imperial Hypersonic Assault Craft L-XXIII Yanxia (X:35.6, Y:38.8, Z:-1.2) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater

The Azim Steppe

# Zone Name Coordinate Emote Comment
40 Ceol Aen The Azim Steppe (X:14.2, Y:9.8, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a rock pillar. Needs flying.
41 Dotharl Khaa The Azim Steppe (X:12.2, Y:32.0, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a rock formation. Needs flying.
42 The Dusk Throne The Azim Steppe (X:19.8, Y:33.7, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the head of the statue. Needs Flying.
43 Reunion The Azim Steppe (X:34.5, Y:31.9, Z:0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a cliff. Needs flying.
44 Chakha Zoh The Azim Steppe (X:20.0, Y:12.6, Z:1.0) Pray.png  Pray On top of the tower. Needs flying.
45 The Dawn Throne The Azim Steppe (X:22.6, Y:21.2, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the tower. Needs flying.
61 Mol Iloh The Azim Steppe (X:31.3, Y:11.5, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of arch on the Mol tribe hut
62 Moai Statue The Azim Steppe (X:21.8, Y:20.3, Z:-0.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater under The Dawn Throne

Rhalgr's Reach

# Zone Name Coordinate Emote Comment
46 The Destroyer Rhalgr's Reach (X:11.4, Y:13.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Use pillar beside the arch and jump from middle of it.
47 Bloodstorm Rhalgr's Reach (X:10.5, Y:9.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Small jumps puzzle start at (10.1,9.3)

Shadowbringers Vistas

Each Vista gives Experience 40,500 EXP as long as your class is at least a level 70 Disciple of War or Magic.

The Crystarium

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
1 The Rotunda The Crystarium (X:8.6, Y:11.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On the entrance arch to The Rotunda. Use stairs near Aetheryte to get there.
2 Musica Universalis The Crystarium (X:10.4, Y:13.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Start at (X:10.4, Y:13.5) go to the top floor and jump from there to the tent
3 The Cabinet of Curiosity The Crystarium (X:9.9, Y:5.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Second floor of staircase in the Cabinet of Curiosity.
4 Rapture The Crystarium (X:11.0, Y:4.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Go down runway of Amaro launch.
5 Temenos Rookery The Crystarium (X:7.1, Y:9.6) Lookout.png  Lookout Jump atop post from stairs. (Temenos Rookery, Jump to small bar from stairs, first landing)


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
6 The Glory Gate Eulmore (X:11.7, Y:8.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Sprint from top of wrecked ship to other side (The Path to Glory, Front Gate Area).
7 The Derelicts Eulmore (X:12.4, Y:14.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On ship (south on Eulmore Map), Same distance from Nightsoil and Southeast Aetherytes
8 Eulmoran Army Headquarters Eulmore (X:11.1, Y:11.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of pole in Understory, Drop from above (or get rez'd as BLU)
9 The Beehive Eulmore (X:12.3, Y:10.4) Lookout.png  Lookout In "The Beehive", in corner near stage stairs


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
10 Fort Jobb Lakeland (X:37.4, Y:20.9, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of tower in Fort Jobb (Requires Flying)
11 Radisca's Round Lakeland (X:18.4, Y:18.7, Z:0.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the tower "Radisca's Round"
12 Laxan Loft Lakeland (X:22.1, Y:15.1, Z:2.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of "The Hall of the Thrice Born" (Requires Flying)
13 The Ostall Imperative Lakeland (X:6.3, Y:15.2, Z:2.0) Lookout.png  Lookout All the way at the top of the tower.
14 The Hour of Certain Durance Lakeland (X:8.7, Y:22.9, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout "The Hour of Certain Durance" overlooking "Mortal Irons" (Requires Flying)
15 Sullen Lakeland (X:21.5, Y:36.2, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of boulders on Brick (Requires Flying)


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
16 Cracked Shell Beach Kholusia (X:33.2, Y:28.9, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of rock formation (Stilltide).
17 White Oil Falls Kholusia (X:28.8, Y:22.1, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout Slightly west of Greely bridge on edge of river ledge near waterfall.
18 Gatetown Kholusia (X:23.6, Y:38.1, Z:0.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On the crates near Eulmore on the right side.
19 Wright Kholusia (X:18.2, Y:29.3, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of hill east of Aetheryte (Wright).
20 The Ladder Kholusia (X:12.1, Y:22.1, Z:3.6) Lookout.png  Lookout Atop The Ladder.
21 Tomra Kholusia (X:13.6, Y:9.8, Z:4.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the tall rock just southeast of the Tomra aetheryte. (Requires Flying).
22 The Duergar's Tewel Kholusia (X:37.1, Y:11.5, Z:2.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a cliff overlooking the camp (Requires Flying).

Amh Araeng

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
23 The Red Serai Amh Araeng (X:33.6, Y:13.5, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout At edge of cliff near Pitch.
24 Mord Souq Amh Araeng (X:25.3, Y:16.6, Z:2.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of one of the pillars of The Rack (Requires Flying).
25 The Pristine Palace of Amh Malik Amh Araeng (X:28.5, Y:31.9, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Requires Flying, On top of the wooden watchtower. (The Derrick)
26 Mount Biran Mines Amh Araeng (X:22.1, Y:9.4, Z:1.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a barrel cart at the mine
27 Twine Amh Araeng (X:11.1, Y:16.9, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the lift/crane
28 Kelk Amh Araeng (X:20.4, Y:21.3, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Located at Kelk on a broken stone pillar.

Il Mheg

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
29 Lydha Lran Il Mheg (X:14.8, Y:31.9, Z:0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Atop the biggest structure in Lydha Lran (Requires Flying).
30 The Bookman's Shelves Il Mheg (X:8.7, Y:16.8, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout Atop Urianger's house (Requires Flying).
31 Pla Enni Il Mheg (X:20.2, Y:4.6, Z:1.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a mushroom house in Pla Enni. (Requires flying).
32 Deepwood Swim Il Mheg (X:21.4, Y:20.9, Z:-0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater on platform.
33 Lyhe Ghiah Il Mheg (X:20.8, Y:16.3, Z:1.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Atop the big spire before the gate to Lyhe Ghiah (Requires Flying).
34 Saint Fathric's Temple Il Mheg (X:35.7, Y:24.8, Z:1.9) Lookout.png  Lookout In front of a waterfall at Saint Fathric's Temple (Requires Flying).

The Rak'tika Greatwood

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
35 Fort Gohn The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:13.6, Y:32.5, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the tower in the center of Fort Gohn (Requires Flying).
36 Fruit of the Protector The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:8.9, Y:25.1, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a branch just above the water.
37 The Covered Halls of Dwatl The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:4.3, Y:27.2, Z:-0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater on top of a stone doorway
38 Lozatl's Conquest The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:14.1, Y:18.3, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On a small rock near waterfall
39 Fanow The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:29.1, Y:19.0, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout To left upon entering village from the south.
40 The Morning Stars The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:26.4, Y:10.0, Z:0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a pillar of the back pyramid (Path on right side starts at x26.8, Y9.0, Z-0.1).

The Tempest

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
41 The Ondo Cups The Tempest (X:33.0, Y:16.2, Z:-1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Northeastern entrance to The Ondo Cups
42 The Workbench The Tempest (X:34.5, Y:25.4, Z:-1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout In "The Workbench"
43 Where the Dry Return The Tempest (X:37.1, Y:6.6, Z:-1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Inside “Where the Dry Return”
44 Purpure The Tempest (X:34.3, Y:30.6, Z:-7.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the rocks at the back of the room in the Purpure (Requires Flying). The entrance to the Purpure is at (X:29.2, Y29.7, Z-7.9) very bottom of the map.
45 Amaurot The Tempest (X:13.7, Y:36.8, Z:-4.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the Capitol (Requires Flying).


Endwalker Vistas

Each Vista gives Experience 84,150 EXP as long as your class is at least a level 80 Disciple of War or Magic.

Old Sharlayan

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
1 The Leveilleur Estate Old Sharlayan (X:15.6, Y:8.0) Lookout.png  Lookout In The Leveilleur Estate on the upstairs balcony.
2 Scholar's Harbor Old Sharlayan (X:11.8, Y:15.8) Lookout.png  Lookout In Scholar's Harbor at the end of the docks.
3 The Forum Old Sharlayan (X:10.8, Y:6.8) Lookout.png  Lookout In The Rostra near the entrance of the room between two desks.
4 Noumenon Old Sharlayan (X:4.5, Y:11.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On the top floor as soon as you enter Noumenon library.
5 The Rostra Old Sharlayan (X:11.2, Y:10.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the water fountain.
6 Journey's End Old Sharlayan (X:15.0, Y:9.4) Lookout.png  Lookout In Journey's End on the fountain.
7 Learners' Meet Old Sharlayan (X:3.3, Y:8.9) Lookout.png  Lookout In the Learners' Meet room of The Studium behind the desk.


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
8 Ruveydah Fibers Radz-at-Han (X:7.9, Y:13.3) Lookout.png  Lookout In a hanging basket in the large hall southeast of the Ruveydah Fibers aetheryte
9 Balshahn Bazaar Radz-at-Han (X:10.6, Y:9.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the stacked boxes just northeast of the West Balshahn Bazaar marker.
10 Nilopala Nourishments Radz-at-Han (X:7.7, Y:14.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the lamp post near the Nilopala Nourishments marker. Use fence -> carriage -> roof -> side wall -> lamp post
11 Mehryde's Meyhane Radz-at-Han (X:11.2, Y:7.2) Lookout.png  Lookout In the green area just inside Mehryde's Meyhane.
12 Meghaduta Radz-at-Han (X:5.1, Y:13.2) Lookout.png  Lookout The small island in the waters south of Meghaduta.
13 Alzadaal's Peace Radz-at-Han (X:10.9, Y:12.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Jump onto the roof from the bridge between Yuj and Kama
14 Ruveydah Fibers Rooftop Garden Radz-at-Han (X:8.6, Y:13.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of the roof at the jumping puzzle starting at (X:9.4, Y:14.1). A way of bypassing this is to use Self-destruct as a Blue Mage and be resurrected by a player on the roof, although this requires one player to already be in position.


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
15 The Path of Artifice Labyrinthos (X:20.4, Y:7.5, Z:3.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Near the overview just south of the entrance.
16 Thaumazein Labyrinthos (X:15.0, Y:25.3, Z:0.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Along the top part of the ring inside Thaumazein
17 Meryall Agronomics Labyrinthos (X:30.8, Y:18.7, Z:3.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the north-most building in Meryall Agronomics (Flying Required)
18 Troglophile's Deep Labyrinthos (X:38.4, Y:13.7, Z:4.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Atop some rocks due east Troglophile's Deep marker.
19 Sharlayan Hamlet Labyrinthos (X:22.4, Y:17.5, Z:2.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the northwest water tower in the Sharlayan Hamlet (Flying Required)


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
20 Yedlihmad Thavnair (X:26.2, Y:33.6, Z:0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the eastern building in Yedlihmad (Requires Flying)
21 Kadjaya's Footsteps Thavnair (X:22.5, Y:19.6, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the southeastern wall at Kadjaya's Footsteps (Requires Flying)
22 Giantsgall Grounds Thavnair (X:19.9, Y:6.9, Z:1.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of Giantsgall Grounds. (Requires Flying)
23 The Shroud of the Samgha Thavnair (X:29.3, Y:24.9, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the largest rock in the formation southeast of The Font of Maya. (Requires Flying)
24 The Font of Maya Thavnair (X:26.5, Y:24.1, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Near the pool at the Font of Maya marker.
25 The Great Work Thavnair (X:9.8, Y:23.2, Z:1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On the chimney extending northwest from the tallest building in The Great Work (Requires Flying)


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
26 Tertium Garlemald (X:32.3, Y:18.5, Z:-0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout At the end of the railway platform, near the aetheryte.
27 Juturna Platform G Garlemald (X:29.7, Y:34.1, Z:0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the crane at the very south of the Juturna Platform G (Requires Flying)
28 The Runaway Train Garlemald (X:29.6, Y:23.3, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the pipeline near the Runaway Tram. (Requires Flying)
29 Senaculum Imperialis Garlemald (X:16.9, Y:9.2, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the Senaculum Imperialis, facing south. (Requires Flying)
30 Regio Urbanissima Garlemald (X:19.3, Y:16.8, Z:0.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the ruined building. (Requires Flying)
31 Forum Solius Garlemald (X:29.1, Y:8.6, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the slide set in the park.


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
32 The Cthonic Horns Elpis (X:33.0, Y:29.3, Z:2.0) Lookout.png  Lookout In front of the house at 'The Cthonic Horns' marker (Requires Flying)
33 Metabaseos Thalassai Elpis (X:10.1, Y:13.5, Z:5.2) Lookout.png  Lookout At the abrupt end of the bridge near the Metabaseos Thalassai marker (Requires Flying)
34 Lethe Elpis (X:31.7, Y:15.7, Z:3.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the gazebo southwest of the Lethe marker (Requires Flying)
35 Ktisis Hyperboreia Elpis (X:14.9, Y:7.2, Z:4.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the archway between the Easterly Boreneus and Ktisis Hyperboreia markers (Requires Flying)
36 Anagnorisis Elpis (X:24.5, Y:22.8, Z:1.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Above the entrance of the main building in Anagnorisis (Requires Flying)

Mare Lamentorum

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
37 Kydonia Knolls Mare Lamentorum (X:11.3, Y:22.0, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the Kydonia Knolls marker. (Requires Flying)
38 The Carrotorium Mare Lamentorum (X:7.3, Y:6.1, Z:-1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the glass dome of the large, northwestern building (Requires Flying)
39 Greatest Endsvale Mare Lamentorum (X:35.9, Y:9.3, Z:-1.6) Lookout.png  Lookout In a square pattern in the middle between the north and south water towers at the end of the room.
40 Heimdall's Last Sight Mare Lamentorum (X:34.3, Y:29.4, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On the western tip of the debris south of Heimdall's Last Sight
41 The Watcher's Palace Mare Lamentorum (X:13.5, Y:32.6, Z:2.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the middle arch over the balcony of The Watcher's Palace (Requires Flying)

Ultima Thule

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
42 Stigma-1 Ultima Thule (X:32.6, Y:29.9, Z:3.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On the edge northwest of the Stigma-1 marker.
43 Ostrakon Deka-hexi Ultima Thule (X:33.6, Y:26.8, Z:4.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the watch tower southwest of the Fallow Portal marker. (Requires Flying)
44 Ostrakon Tria Ultima Thule (X:18.7, Y:13.7, Z:2.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the rock formation northeast of the Hollow of the Flesh.
45 Ostrakon Deka-okto Ultima Thule (X:8.9, Y:18.1, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On the hill with the gate between Ostrakon Deka-okto and Ostrakon Tria (Visited during A Test of Wιll)
46 Ostrakon Hena Ultima Thule (X:23.0, Y:27.2, Z:5.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the broken part of the bridge of the West-most tower at The Nekropolis marker. (Requires Flying)

Dawntrail Vistas

Each Vista gives Experience 186,480 EXP as long as your class is at least a level 90 Disciple of War or Magic. You get the second set of Vistas from Feature QuestSights of the West and Beyond in Solution Nine.


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
1 Bayside Bevy Tuliyollal (X:12.1, Y:14.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On the western side of the Xbalyav Ty'e front porch.
2 The Resplendent Quarter Tuliyollal (X:7.9, Y:10.7) Lookout.png  Lookout From The Resplendent Quarter Aetheryte Shard, walk west to the overlook.
3 High Tide Harbor Tuliyollal (X:14.7, Y:15.1) Lookout.png  Lookout At the end of the southwestern pier (directly southeast of the Bayside Bevy Aetheryte Shard).
4 The For'ard Cabins Tuliyollal (X:10.2, Y:22.0) Lookout.png  Lookout At the end of the boardwalk, on the square platform at the south of the map.
5 Hunu'iliy Tuliyollal (X:18.4, Y:3.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the Hunu'iliy tower. You need to climb a jumping puzzle starting at the back of the tower (18.7, 3.4) at the northeast of the map.


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
6 Wachunpelo Urqopacha (X:29.0, Y:12.6, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout Small cliff northeast of Wachumpelo (walk behind the striking dummies).
7 Miplu's Mate Garden Urqopacha (X:14.4, Y:8.8, Z:1.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the small cliff.
8 Shades of Grief Urqopacha (X:26.7, Y:24.2, Z:2.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the tower ruins.
9 Naryor Gorna Urqopacha (X:34.6, Y:25.2, Z:3.4) Lookout.png  Lookout On the cliff, overlooking the two volcanic craters
10 Chirwagur Saltern Urqopacha (X:21.9, Y:35.2, Z:2.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the building, flying required.
11 Worqor Lar Dor Urqopacha (X:9.0, Y:22.2, Z:2.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the building by the lake, flying required.


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
12 House of Winds High Kozama'uka (X:9.1, Y:11.9, Z:0.9) Lookout.png  Lookout Platform on top of the tree.
13 Cave Kikitola Kozama'uka (X:18.2, Y:20.7, Z:0.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Inside the cave near the waterfall, northeast of the Xopik' map marker.
14 Breath Between Kozama'uka (X:24.7, Y:19.1, Z:0.1) Lookout.png  Lookout At the top of the waterfall second from the right
15 Kozanuakiy Kozama'uka (X:34.6, Y:10.9, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Upstairs on the balcony.
16 Earthenshire Kozama'uka (X:10.7, Y:28.0, Z:1.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Flight required, on balcony of the largest building.
17 Marsh Ligaka Kozama'uka (X:28.8, Y:28.7, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On the lakeshore, beneath the purple tree.

Yak T'el

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
18 Iq Br'aax Yak T'el (X:11.5, Y:14.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Southwest of the aetheryte, up a small staircase.
19 Iq Rrax Tsoly Yak T'el (X:32.9, Y:6.5, Z:2.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater, on top of a rock
20 The Xobr'it Cinderfield Yak T'el (X:29.5, Y:15.2, Z:3.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Overlooking the burned area, behind the two wooden armaments
21 Choliselvaas Yak T'el (X:24.4, Y:23.5, Z:3.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the plateau, only reachable by flight.
22 The Ja Tiika Heartland Yak T'el (X:19.5, Y:32.4, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout North side of the central island, behind the meteorite. (Southwest of the Cenote Jayunga map marker)
23 Tree of Living Light Yak T'el (X:25.2, Y:27.2. Z:1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On a large root on top of the water.


# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
24 Hhusatahwi Shaaloani (X:28.5, Y:29.6, Z:0.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On the balcony of the saloon. Stairs are behind or inside the building.
25 Mehwahhetsoan Shaaloani (X:27.6, Y:11.9, Z:0.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Outskirts of the camp, directly south of the aetheryte.
26 Lake Toari Shaaloani (X:32.4, Y:13.5, Z:0.0) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater, on top of a large rock.
27 Pyaayehe'pya Shaaloani (X:13.7, Y:34.3, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the cliff overlooking the south of the map.
28 Mount Loazensasaya Shaaloani (X:10.2, Y:12.3, Z:1.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of Mount Loazensasaya.

Solution Nine

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
29 Resolution Solution Nine (X:10.8, Y:5.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Southwest corner of the room containing the Resolution map marker.
30 Residential Sector Solution Nine (X:4.0, Y:16.9) Lookout.png  Lookout In the small park directly west of the Residential Sector aetheryte shard.
31 Mosaic Solution Nine (X:5.5, Y:14.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the southernmost platform with tables and chairs. Southwest of the Mosaic map marker.
32 True Vue Solution Nine (X:20.1, Y:15.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On the roof overlooking the district.
33 Nexus Arcade Solution Nine (X:7.6, Y:13.3) Lookout.png  Lookout Near the purple car on display.

Heritage Found

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
34 The Thunderyards Heritage Found (X:33.4, Y:13.5, Z:1.3) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of a cliff.
35 The Outskirts Heritage Found (X:20.1, Y:7.9, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the tower, requires flying.
36 Everkeep Heritage Found (X:17.6, Y:5.2, Z:0.3) Lookout.png  Lookout In the riverbed, on top of a rock.
37 Crackling Chasm Heritage Found (X:20.7, Y:25.0, 0.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On a cliff.
38 The Nameslates Heritage Found (X:25.4, Y:34.6, Z:1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout In the graveyard.
39 Archeo Alexandria Heritage Found (X:9.4, Y:37.2, Z:0.0) Lookout.png  Lookout In the water, at the edge of the land.

Living Memory

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
40 Meso Terminal Living Memory (X:21.8, Y:36.0, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On the platform in front of the long promenade.
41 Canal Town Living Memory (X:19.2, Y:33.4, Z:0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On the pier.
42 Yesterland Living Memory (X:28.8, Y:29.2, Z:0.7) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the Air Cab Station tower.
43 Windspath Gardens Living Memory (X:6.4, Y:13.6, Z:0.5) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the spires on the grassy platform. Use the elevated walkway as this is not at the ground level.
44 Asyle Volcane Living Memory (X:30.2, Y:18.7, Z:0.4) Lookout.png  Lookout At the edge of the island.
45 Steps of the Speaker Living Memory (X:30.4, Y:7.6) Lookout.png  Lookout On the balcony at the Masks area of the Volcano History Museum.


Main article: Sightseeing Log Achievements

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Out of sight icon1.png  Out of Sight 5 Complete entries 1-20 in your sightseeing log. - 2.28
Out of sight out of mind icon1.png  Out of Sight Out of Mind 10 Complete entries 1-80 in your sightseeing log. Fledgling apkallu icon2.png  Fledgling Apkallu 2.28
Out of sight out of bounds i icon1.png  Out of Sight Out of Bounds I 10 Complete entries 1-42 in your Heavensward sightseeing log. - 3.0
Out of sight out of bounds ii icon1.png  Out of Sight Out of Bounds II 10 Complete entries 43-62 in your Heavensward sightseeing log. Achievement title icon.png Veteran Explorer 3.1
Oh, the sights we'll see i icon1.png  Oh, the Sights We'll See I 10 Complete entries 1-45 in your Stormblood sightseeing log. - 4.0
Oh, the sights we'll see ii icon1.png  Oh, the Sights We'll See II 10 Complete entries 46-62 in your Stormblood sightseeing log. Achievement title icon.png Crimson Explorer 4.1
Out of sight out of bounds i icon1.png  Darksighters I 10 Complete entries 1-45 in your Shadowbringers Sightseeing Log. - 5.0
End in sight icon1.png  End in Sight 10 Complete entries 1-46 in your Endwalker sightseeing log. - 6.0
End in sight icon1.png  Happy Trails 10 Complete entries 1-45 in your Dawntrail sightseeing log. - 7.0