Achievements | Icon | Description | Points | Reward-type | Reward | Patch | Release |
A Life of Adventure I |  | Obtain the achievements “Mastering War I” and “Mastering Magic I.” | 30 | item | Paragon's Crown | 2.0 | |
A Life of Adventure II |  | Obtain the achievements "Mastering War II" and "Mastering Magic II." | 30 | item | Warlord's Crown | 3.0 | Heavensward |
A Life of Adventure III |  | Obtain the achievements "Mastering War III" and "Mastering Magic III." | 30 | item | Dynasty Crown | 4.0 | Stormblood |
A Life of Adventure IV |  | Obtain the achievements Mastering War IV and Mastering Magic IV. | 30 | item | Amaro Horn | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
A Life of Adventure V |  | Obtain the achievements “Mastering War V” and “Mastering Magic V.” | 30 | item | Migratory Plume | 6.0 | Endwalker |
A Life of Adventure VI |  | Obtain the achievements Mastering War VI and Mastering Magic VI. | 30 | item | Outrunner Identification Key | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Agri-cultured I |  | Gather produce from your island sanctuary cropland 50 times. | 5 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
Agri-cultured II |  | Gather produce from your island sanctuary cropland 250 times. | 10 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
Agri-cultured III |  | Gather produce from your island sanctuary cropland 2,500 times. | 20 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
And Khloe Was Her Name-o I |  | Successfully complete a series of Wondrous Tails. | 5 | | | 3.4 | Heavensward |
And Khloe Was Her Name-o II |  | Successfully complete 5 series of Wondrous Tails. | 5 | title | Khloe's Friend | 3.4 | Heavensward |
And Khloe Was Her Name-o III |  | Successfully complete 10 series of Wondrous Tails. | 5 | | | 3.4 | Heavensward |
And Khloe Was Her Name-o IV |  | Successfully complete 20 series of Wondrous Tails. | 5 | | | 3.4 | Heavensward |
And Khloe Was Her Name-o V |  | Successfully complete 30 series of Wondrous Tails. | 5 | | | 3.4 | Heavensward |
And Khloe Was Her Name-o VI |  | Successfully complete 40 series of Wondrous Tails. | 5 | | | 3.4 | Heavensward |
And Khloe Was Her Name-o VII |  | Successfully complete 50 series of Wondrous Tails. | 10 | title | Khloe's Best Friend | 3.4 | Heavensward |
Bio-Doma I |  | See the Doman Enclave through the first phase of reconstruction. | 5 | | | 4.3 | Stormblood |
Bio-Doma II |  | See the Doman Enclave through the second phase of reconstruction. | 10 | | | 4.3 | Stormblood |
Bio-Doma III |  | See the Doman Enclave through the third phase of reconstruction. | 10 | | | 4.4 | Stormblood |
Bio-Doma IV |  | See the Doman Enclave through the fourth phase of reconstruction. | 10 | | | 4.4 | Stormblood |
Bio-Doma V |  | See the Doman Enclave through the fifth and final phase of reconstruction. | 20 | title | Philanthropist | 4.4 | Stormblood |
Bound by Amity |  | Achieve trust level 100 with all available avatars in Dawntrail. | 20 | title | Goldheart | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Bound by Faith |  | Achieve trust level 80 with the avatars for Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, and Ryne. | 20 | title | Trusted Friend | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Bound by Hope |  | Achieve trust level 90 with the avatars for Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, G'raha Tia, and Estinien. | 20 | title | The Seventh Dawn | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Breaking Bo |  | Train another player's chocobo companion 30 times. | 5 | item | Plumed Barding | 2.3 | A realm reborn |
But at What Cost I |  | Collect 50 rare materials via island granary foraging expeditions. | 5 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
But at What Cost II |  | Collect 200 rare materials via island granary foraging expeditions. | 10 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
But at What Cost III |  | Collect 2,000 rare materials via island granary foraging expeditions. | 20 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
Can't Someone Else Do It I |  | Complete 5 retainer ventures. | 5 | | | 2.2 | A realm reborn |
Can't Someone Else Do It II |  | Complete 50 retainer ventures. | 5 | | | 2.2 | A realm reborn |
Can't Someone Else Do It III |  | Complete 100 retainer ventures. | 10 | | | 2.2 | A realm reborn |
Freebird: Amh Araeng |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Amh Araeng. | 5 | | | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Freebird: Azys Lla |  | Attune with all the aether currents on Azys Lla. | 5 | | | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Freebird: Churning Mists |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Churning Mists. | 5 | | | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Freebird: Coerthas Western Highlands |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Coerthas western highlands. | 5 | | | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Freebird: Dravanian Forelands |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Dravanian forelands. | 5 | | | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Freebird: Dravanian Hinterlands |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Dravanian hinterlands. | 5 | | | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Freebird: Elpis |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Elpis. | 5 | | | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Freebird: Garlemald |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Garlemald. | 5 | | | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Freebird: Heritage Found |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Heritage Found. | 5 | | | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Freebird: Il Mheg |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Il Mheg. | 5 | | | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Freebird: Kholusia |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Kholusia. | 5 | | | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Freebird: Kozama'uka |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Kozama'uka. | 5 | | | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Freebird: Labyrinthos |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Labyrinthos. | 5 | | | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Freebird: Lakeland |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Lakeland. | 5 | | | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Freebird: Living Memory |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Living Memory. | 5 | | | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Freebird: Mare Lamentorum |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Mare Lamentorum. | 5 | | | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Freebird: Sea of Clouds |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Sea of Clouds. | 5 | | | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Freebird: Shaaloani |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Shaaloani. | 5 | | | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Freebird: Thavnair |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Thavnair. | 5 | | | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Freebird: The Azim Steppe |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Azim Steppe. | 5 | | | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Freebird: The Fringes |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Fringes. | 5 | | | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Freebird: The Lochs |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Lochs. | 5 | | | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Freebird: The Peaks |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Peaks. | 5 | | | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Freebird: The Rak'tika Greatwood |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Rak'tika Greatwood. | 5 | | | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Freebird: The Ruby Sea |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Ruby Sea. | 5 | | | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Freebird: The Tempest |  | Attune with all the aether currents in the Tempest. | 5 | | | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Freebird: Ultima Thule |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Ultima Thule. | 5 | | | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Freebird: Urqopacha |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Urqopacha. | 5 | | | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Freebird: Yak T'el |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Yak T'el. | 5 | | | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Freebird: Yanxia |  | Attune with all the aether currents in Yanxia. | 5 | | | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Frequent Flyer I |  | Obtain "Freebird" achievements for the Coerthas western highlands, the Dravanian forelands, the Dravanian hinterlands, the Churning Mists, the Sea of Clouds, and Azys Lla. | 10 | | | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Frequent Flyer II |  | Obtain "Freebird" achievements for the Fringes, the Peaks, the Lochs, the Ruby Sea, Yanxia, and the Azim Steppe. | 10 | | | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Frequent Flyer III |  | Obtain Freebird achievements for Lakeland, Kholusia, Amh Araeng, Il Mheg, the Rak'tika Greatwood, and the Tempest. | 10 | | | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Frequent Flyer IV |  | Obtain “Freebird” achievements for Labyrinthos, Thavnair, Garlemald, Mare Lamentorum, Elpis, and Ultima Thule. | 10 | | | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Frequent Flyer V |  | Obtain “Freebird” achievements for Urqopacha, Kozama'uka, Yak T'el, Shaaloani, Heritage Found, and Living Memory. | 10 | | | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Friend or Faux I |  | Play Faux Hollows for the first time. | 5 | | | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Friend or Faux II |  | Play Faux Hollows 5 times. | 5 | title | Partner in Teatime | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Friend or Faux III |  | Play Faux Hollows 20 times. | 5 | | | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Friend or Faux IV |  | Play Faux Hollows 50 times. | 10 | title | Vrai Ami (Male) / Vraie Amie (Female) | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Holy Cowrie |  | Earn a total of 500,000 seafarer's cowries in your island sanctuary. | 20 | title | Cieldalaes Connoisseur | 6.2 | Endwalker |
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me I |  | Complete 10 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. | 5 | | | 3.2 | Heavensward |
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me II |  | Complete 50 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. | 5 | title | Mentor | 3.2 | Heavensward |
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me III |  | Complete 200 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. | 5 | item | Expeditioner's Flyers | 3.2 | Heavensward |
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me IV |  | Complete 500 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. | 5 | title | Mentor of Mentors | 3.2 | Heavensward |
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me V |  | Complete 1,000 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. | 10 | item | Dragon Monocle | 3.3 | Heavensward |
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me VI |  | Complete 2,000 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. | 20 | item | Astrope Whistle | 3.3 | Heavensward |
Mammet Is the Architect |  | Achieve sanctuary rank 12 in your island sanctuary. | 10 | | | 6.3 | Endwalker |
Mammet Is the Measure of Most Things |  | Achieve sanctuary rank 20 in your island sanctuary. | 10 | title | Count of Monte Cowrie (Male) / Countess of Monte Cowrie (Female) | 6.5 | Endwalker |
Mastering Magic I |  | Achieve level 50 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, and arcanist. | 20 | title | Archmage | 2.0 | A realm reborn |
Mastering Magic II |  | Achieve level 60 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, and astrologian. | 20 | title | Grandmaster of Magic | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Mastering Magic III |  | Achieve level 70 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, and red mage. | 20 | title | God of Magic (Male) / Goddess of Magic (Female) | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Mastering Magic IV |  | Achieve level 80 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, and red mage. | 20 | title | Soul of Magic | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Mastering Magic V |  | Achieve level 90 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, red mage, and sage. | 20 | title | At Magic's Horizon | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Mastering Magic VI |  | Achieve level 100 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, red mage, sage, and pictomancer. | 20 | title | Arbiter of Magic | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Mastering War I |  | Achieve level 50 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, archer, and lancer. | 20 | title | Warmonger | 2.0 | A realm reborn |
Mastering War II |  | Achieve level 60 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, and machinist. | 20 | title | Grandmaster of War | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Mastering War III |  | Achieve level 70 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, and samurai. | 20 | title | God of War (Male) / Goddess of War (Female) | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Mastering War IV |  | Achieve level 80 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, samurai, gunbreaker, and dancer. | 20 | title | Soul of War | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Mastering War V |  | Achieve level 90 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, samurai, gunbreaker, dancer, and reaper. | 20 | title | At War's Horizon | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Mastering War VI |  | Achieve level 100 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, samurai, gunbreaker, dancer, reaper, and viper. | 20 | title | Arbiter of War | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Mastering the Hand I |  | Achieve level 50 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian. | 20 | title | Builder of the Realm | 2.0 | A realm reborn |
Mastering the Hand II |  | Achieve level 60 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian. | 20 | title | Grandmaster of the Hand | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Mastering the Hand III |  | Achieve level 70 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian. | 20 | title | God of the Hand (Male) / Goddess of the Hand (Female) | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Mastering the Hand IV |  | Achieve level 80 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian. | 20 | title | Soul of the Craft | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Mastering the Hand V |  | Achieve level 90 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian. | 20 | title | At Art's Horizon | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Mastering the Hand VI |  | Achieve level 100 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian. | 20 | title | Arbiter of the Arts | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Mastering the Land I |  | Achieve level 50 as a miner, botanist, and fisher. | 20 | title | Provider of the Realm | 2.0 | A realm reborn |
Mastering the Land II |  | Achieve level 60 as a miner, botanist, and fisher. | 20 | title | Grandmaster of the Land | 3.0 | Heavensward |
Mastering the Land III |  | Achieve level 70 as a miner, botanist, and fisher. | 20 | title | God of the Land (Male) / Goddess of the Land (Female) | 4.0 | Stormblood |
Mastering the Land IV |  | Achieve level 80 as a miner, botanist, and fisher. | 20 | title | Soul of the Harvest | 5.0 | Shadowbringers |
Mastering the Land V |  | Achieve level 90 as a miner, botanist, and fisher. | 20 | title | At Land's Horizon | 6.0 | Endwalker |
Mastering the Land VI |  | Achieve level 100 as a miner, botanist, and fisher. | 20 | title | Arbiter of the Land | 7.0 | Dawntrail |
Mine Now I |  | Gather leavings from animals in your island sanctuary pasture 100 times. | 5 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
Mine Now II |  | Gather leavings from animals in your island sanctuary pasture 500 times. | 10 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
Mine Now III |  | Gather leavings from animals in your island sanctuary pasture 5,000 times. | 20 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
No Gods or Kings, Only Mammets |  | Achieve sanctuary rank 16 in your island sanctuary. | 10 | | | 6.4 | Endwalker |
No Mammet Is an Island |  | Achieve sanctuary rank 10 in your island sanctuary. | 10 | title | Sanctuary Seeker | 6.2 | Endwalker |
No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked I |  | Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 10,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period. | 10 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked II |  | Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 17,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period. | 20 | title | Trader of Paradise | 6.2 | Endwalker |
No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked III |  | Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 33,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period. | 20 | title | Wolf of Easy Street | 6.4 | Endwalker |
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained |  | Complete 500 retainer ventures. | 20 | | | 2.2 | A realm reborn |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Adkiragh. | 5 | | | 4.5 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Adkiragh. | 5 | | | 4.5 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Adkiragh. | 5 | | | 4.5 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Adkiragh. | 5 | | | 4.5 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Adkiragh. | 10 | title | Little Piggy | 4.5 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Ameliance. | 5 | | | 6.15 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Ameliance. | 5 | | | 6.15 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Ameliance. | 5 | | | 6.15 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Ameliance. | 5 | | | 6.15 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Ameliance. | 10 | title | Ami d'Améliance (Male) / Amie d'Améliance (Female) | 6.15 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Anden. | 5 | | | 6.3 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Anden. | 5 | | | 6.3 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Anden. | 5 | | | 6.3 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Anden. | 5 | | | 6.3 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Anden. | 10 | title | Leaf Whisperer | 6.3 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Charlemend. | 5 | | | 5.5 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Charlemend. | 5 | | | 5.5 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Charlemend. | 5 | | | 5.5 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Charlemend. | 5 | | | 5.5 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Charlemend. | 10 | title | Charlemend's Angel | 5.5 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Ehll Tou. | 5 | | | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Ehll Tou. | 5 | | | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Ehll Tou. | 5 | | | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Ehll Tou. | 5 | | | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Ehll Tou. | 10 | title | A Dragon's Best Friend | 5.3 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Kai-Shirr. | 5 | | | 5.1 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Kai-Shirr. | 5 | | | 5.1 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Kai-Shirr. | 5 | | | 5.1 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Kai-Shirr. | 5 | | | 5.1 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Kai-Shirr. | 10 | title | Kai-Shirr's Best Mate | 5.1 | Shadowbringers |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Kurenai. | 5 | | | 4.3 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Kurenai. | 5 | | | 4.3 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Kurenai. | 5 | | | 4.3 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Kurenai. | 5 | | | 4.3 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Kurenai. | 10 | title | Kurenai's Best Friend | 4.3 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with M'naago. | 5 | | | 4.1 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with M'naago. | 5 | | | 4.1 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with M'naago. | 5 | | | 4.1 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with M'naago. | 5 | | | 4.1 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with M'naago. | 10 | title | Naago's Friend | 4.1 | Stormblood |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Margrat. | 5 | | | 6.5 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Margrat. | 5 | | | 6.5 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Margrat. | 5 | | | 6.5 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Margrat. | 5 | | | 6.5 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Margrat. | 10 | title | Sleepless Scholar | 6.5 | Endwalker |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Nitowikwe. | 5 | | | 7.15 | Dawntrail |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Nitowikwe. | 5 | | | 7.15 | Dawntrail |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Nitowikwe. | 5 | | | 7.15 | Dawntrail |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Nitowikwe. | 5 | | | 7.15 | Dawntrail |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Nitowikwe. | 10 | title | Tracklayer | 7.15 | Dawntrail |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh I |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Zhloe Aliapoh. | 5 | | | 3.55a | Heavensward |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh II |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Zhloe Aliapoh. | 5 | | | 3.55a | Heavensward |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh III |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Zhloe Aliapoh. | 5 | | | 3.55a | Heavensward |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh IV |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Zhloe Aliapoh. | 5 | | | 3.55a | Heavensward |
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh V |  | Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Zhloe Aliapoh. | 10 | title | Zhloe's Friend | 3.55a | Heavensward |
Sustainable Sourcing I |  | Gather resources from the wilds of your island sanctuary 1,000 times. | 5 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
Sustainable Sourcing II |  | Gather resources from the wilds of your island sanctuary 3,000 times. | 10 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
Sustainable Sourcing III |  | Gather resources from the wilds of your island sanctuary 30,000 times. | 20 | | | 6.2 | Endwalker |
You Look Marvelous I |  | Be awarded a total of 80 points in the Fashion Report. | 5 | | | 4.2 | Stormblood |
You Look Marvelous II |  | Be awarded a total of 90 points in the Fashion Report. | 5 | | | 4.2 | Stormblood |
You Look Marvelous III |  | Be awarded a total of 100 points in the Fashion Report. | 10 | title | Fashion Leader | 4.2 | Stormblood |