G'raha Tia

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G'raha Tia

Graha Tia.jpg

Male ♂
Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Black Mage
White Mage
The Rising Stones (6.1,6.0)
The Students of Baldesion
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn
The Crystarium
Quest NPC
Voiced by (JP)
Yuma Uchida
Voiced by (EN)
Jonathan Bailey
Voiced by (FR)
Loïc Guingand
Voiced by (DE)
Marcus Off

Well, I am a historian. And I have a certain, shall we say, “affinity” for the lore of the Allagan Empire.

— In-game description

G'raha Tia is a Miqo'te in The Rising Stones.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Labyrinth of the Ancients Feature quest 50 G'raha Tia
For Prosperity Feature quest 50 G'raha Tia
The Wisdom of Allag Main Scenario quest 80 G'raha Tia
Reviving the Legacy Main Scenario quest 80 G'raha Tia
The Flames of War Main Scenario quest 80 G'raha Tia
A Trip to the Moon Main Scenario quest 83 G'raha Tia
Beyond the Depths of Despair Main Scenario quest 85 G'raha Tia
Return to the Crystarium Main Scenario quest 86 G'raha Tia
Once Forged Main Scenario quest 88 G'raha Tia
Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost Main Scenario quest 90 G'raha Tia
┣┨̈//̈ No┨ΦounΔ••• Main Scenario quest 90 G'raha Tia
Hello, World Main Scenario quest 90 G'raha Tia

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Performance for the Ages Feature quest 50 Rammbroes
Syrcus Tower Feature quest 50 Rammbroes
The World of Darkness Feature quest 50 Rammbroes
Reflections in Crystal Main Scenario quest 80 Ryne
Alisaie's Quest Main Scenario quest 80 Krile
Forget Us Not Main Scenario quest 80 Alisaie
Like Master, Like Pupil Main Scenario quest 80 Y'shtola
The Admiral's Resolve Main Scenario quest 80 Alphinaud
The Search for Sicard Main Scenario quest 80 Alphinaud
On Rough Seas Main Scenario quest 80 Alphinaud
The Great Ship Vylbrand Main Scenario quest 80 Merlwyb
Futures Rewritten Main Scenario quest 80 Alphinaud
Unto the Breach Main Scenario quest 80 Alisaie
Here Be Dragons Main Scenario quest 80 Alphinaud
Righteous Indignation Main Scenario quest 80 Estinien
For Vengeance Main Scenario quest 80 Restrainment Node
When the Dust Settles Main Scenario quest 80 Alphinaud
The Company We Keep Main Scenario quest 80 Alisaie
On Official Business Main Scenario quest 80 Alphinaud
Death Unto Dawn Main Scenario quest 80 Kan-E-Senna
Old Sharlayan, New to You Main Scenario quest 80 Krile
A Capital Idea Main Scenario quest 82 Krile
A Frosty Reception Main Scenario quest 82 Tataru
Amidst the Apocalypse Main Scenario quest 85 Mihleel
The Blasphemy Unmasked Main Scenario quest 85 Ahewann
Alzadaal's Legacy Main Scenario quest 90 Y'shtola

Additional Information

See also: Crystal Exarch and Crystal Tower


“It is those with an unyielding will who define the course of history.”

G’raha Tia’s bloodline can be traced back to the Third Astral Era, and a figure whose true name has been lost to the ages. Known only as “Desch,” Seekers of the Sun such as he were but a minor clan from the outskirts of Ilsabard. During the height of the Allagan empire, Desch was conscripted into the imperial army alongside his few brethren. The Miqo’te somehow gained the trust of princess Salina, and, as the era drew to a close, was entrusted with her blood and the secrets necessary to control the Crystal Tower. He survived the Fourth Umbral Calamity, and members of his family have since carried the royal line of Allag. With the passing of the ages, the ties to Desch and the emperor grew thin, with only one child in every generation born with the telltale Royal Eye. G’raha was shunned because of it, and began to study in Sharlayan to learn the origin of the trait, armed with naught save the many stories he inherited from his forebears. It was this study that saw him admitted to the Students of Baldesion. Now twenty-four years of age, G’raha enjoys being outdoors where he will oft curl up under the boughs of a shady arbor and read until sunfall. He also has a beautiful singing voice, though he performs mainly those melodies that have been passed down through his family.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume I, page 201

The Allagan Eye - This crimson hue to one’s eye is a trait unique to G’raha Tia’s bloodline, manifesting only in those possessed of royal blood. It was called the Royal Eye in the Third Astral Era, but has become known as the Allagan Eye, as most who knew its true name perished in the calamitous events triggered by Xande’s actions.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume I, page 201

Spoilers up to Patch 6.2
