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Revision as of 20:32, 5 January 2019

See also: Titles


Achievements Menu
The achievements interface can be accessed from the main menu

Achievements are objectives that can be completed to earn Achievement Points, Titles and cosmetic items. Achievement Points indicate players' progression only. They are not used as a form of currency.

Reward items may be claimed from Jonathas in Old Gridania (10.6, 6.3).

Achievement categories

Battle Achievements

Character Achievements

Items Achievements

Crafting Achievements

Gathering Achievements

Quests Achievements

Exploration Achievements

Grand Company Achievements

Legacy Achievements

Legacy Achievements were only available in Patch 1.0, and are no longer attainable.


A Life of Adventure IA Life of Adventure Icon.png30Obtain the achievementsMastering War I” and “Mastering Magic I.”itemParagon's Crown2.0
A Life of Adventure IIA life of adventure ii icon1.png30Obtain the achievements "Mastering War II" and "Mastering Magic II."itemWarlord's Crown3.0Heavensward
A Life of Adventure IIIA life of adventure iii icon1.png30Obtain the achievements "Mastering War III" and "Mastering Magic III."itemDynasty Crown4.0Stormblood
A Life of Adventure IVA life of adventure iv icon1.png30Obtain the achievements Mastering War IV and Mastering Magic IV.itemAmaro Horn5.0Shadowbringers
A Life of Adventure VA life of adventure v icon1.png30Obtain the achievements “Mastering War V” and “Mastering Magic V.”itemMigratory Plume6.0Endwalker
A Life of Adventure VIA life of adventure vi icon1.png30Obtain the achievements Mastering War VI and Mastering Magic VI.itemOutrunner Identification Key7.0Dawntrail
Agri-cultured IAgri-cultured i icon1.png5Gather produce from your island sanctuary cropland 50 times.6.2Endwalker
Agri-cultured IIAgri-cultured ii icon1.png10Gather produce from your island sanctuary cropland 250 times.6.2Endwalker
Agri-cultured IIIAgri-cultured iii icon1.png20Gather produce from your island sanctuary cropland 2,500 times.6.2Endwalker
And Khloe Was Her Name-o IAnd khloe was her name-o i icon1.png5Successfully complete a series of Wondrous Tails.3.4Heavensward
And Khloe Was Her Name-o IIAnd khloe was her name-o ii icon1.png5Successfully complete 5 series of Wondrous Tails.titleKhloe's Friend3.4Heavensward
And Khloe Was Her Name-o IIIAnd khloe was her name-o iii icon1.png5Successfully complete 10 series of Wondrous Tails.3.4Heavensward
And Khloe Was Her Name-o IVAnd khloe was her name-o iv icon1.png5Successfully complete 20 series of Wondrous Tails.3.4Heavensward
And Khloe Was Her Name-o VAnd khloe was her name-o v icon1.png5Successfully complete 30 series of Wondrous Tails.3.4Heavensward
And Khloe Was Her Name-o VIAnd khloe was her name-o vi icon1.png5Successfully complete 40 series of Wondrous Tails.3.4Heavensward
And Khloe Was Her Name-o VIIAnd khloe was her name-o vii icon1.png10Successfully complete 50 series of Wondrous Tails.titleKhloe's Best Friend3.4Heavensward
Bio-Doma IBio-doma i icon1.png5See the Doman Enclave through the first phase of reconstruction.4.3Stormblood
Bio-Doma IIBio-doma ii icon1.png10See the Doman Enclave through the second phase of reconstruction.4.3Stormblood
Bio-Doma IIIBio-doma iii icon1.png10See the Doman Enclave through the third phase of reconstruction.4.4Stormblood
Bio-Doma IVBio-doma iv icon1.png10See the Doman Enclave through the fourth phase of reconstruction.4.4Stormblood
Bio-Doma VBio-Doma Icon.png20See the Doman Enclave through the fifth and final phase of reconstruction.titlePhilanthropist4.4Stormblood
Bound by AmityBound by hope icon1.png20Achieve trust level 100 with all available avatars in Dawntrail.titleGoldheart7.0Dawntrail
Bound by FaithBound by faith icon1.png20Achieve trust level 80 with the avatars for Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, and Ryne.titleTrusted Friend5.0Shadowbringers
Bound by HopeBound by hope icon1.png20Achieve trust level 90 with the avatars for Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, G'raha Tia, and Estinien.titleThe Seventh Dawn6.0Endwalker
Breaking BoBreaking bo icon1.png5Train another player's chocobo companion 30 times.itemPlumed Barding2.3A realm reborn
But at What Cost IBut at what cost i icon1.png5Collect 50 rare materials via island granary foraging expeditions.6.2Endwalker
But at What Cost IIBut at what cost ii icon1.png10Collect 200 rare materials via island granary foraging expeditions.6.2Endwalker
But at What Cost IIIBut at what cost iii icon1.png20Collect 2,000 rare materials via island granary foraging expeditions.6.2Endwalker
Can't Someone Else Do It ICan't someone else do it i icon1.png5Complete 5 retainer ventures.2.2A realm reborn
Can't Someone Else Do It IICan't someone else do it ii icon1.png5Complete 50 retainer ventures.2.2A realm reborn
Can't Someone Else Do It IIICan't someone else do it iii icon1.png10Complete 100 retainer ventures.2.2A realm reborn
Freebird: Amh AraengFreebird amh araeng icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Amh Araeng.5.0Shadowbringers
Freebird: Azys LlaFreebird azys lla icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents on Azys Lla.3.0Heavensward
Freebird: Churning MistsFreebird churning mists icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Churning Mists.3.0Heavensward
Freebird: Coerthas Western HighlandsFreebird coerthas western highlands icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Coerthas western highlands.3.0Heavensward
Freebird: Dravanian ForelandsFreebird dravanian forelands icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Dravanian forelands.3.0Heavensward
Freebird: Dravanian HinterlandsFreebird dravanian hinterlands icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Dravanian hinterlands.3.0Heavensward
Freebird: ElpisFreebird elpis icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Elpis.6.0Endwalker
Freebird: GarlemaldFreebird garlemald icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Garlemald.6.0Endwalker
Freebird: Heritage FoundFreebird shaaloani icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Heritage Found.7.0Dawntrail
Freebird: Il MhegFreebird il mheg icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Il Mheg.5.0Shadowbringers
Freebird: KholusiaFreebird kholusia icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Kholusia.5.0Shadowbringers
Freebird: Kozama'ukaFreebird kozama'uka icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Kozama'uka.7.0Dawntrail
Freebird: LabyrinthosFreebird labyrinthos icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Labyrinthos.6.0Endwalker
Freebird: LakelandFreebird lakeland icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Lakeland.5.0Shadowbringers
Freebird: Living MemoryFreebird shaaloani icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Living Memory.7.0Dawntrail
Freebird: Mare LamentorumFreebird mare lamentorum icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Mare Lamentorum.6.0Endwalker
Freebird: Sea of CloudsFreebird sea of clouds icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Sea of Clouds.3.0Heavensward
Freebird: ShaaloaniFreebird shaaloani icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Shaaloani.7.0Dawntrail
Freebird: ThavnairFreebird thavnair icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Thavnair.6.0Endwalker
Freebird: The Azim SteppeFreebird the azim steppe icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Azim Steppe.4.0Stormblood
Freebird: The FringesFreebird the fringes icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Fringes.4.0Stormblood
Freebird: The LochsFreebird the lochs icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Lochs.4.0Stormblood
Freebird: The PeaksFreebird the peaks icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Peaks.4.0Stormblood
Freebird: The Rak'tika GreatwoodFreebird the rak'tika greatwood icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Rak'tika Greatwood.5.0Shadowbringers
Freebird: The Ruby SeaFreebird the ruby sea icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Ruby Sea.4.0Stormblood
Freebird: The TempestFreebird the tempest icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in the Tempest.5.0Shadowbringers
Freebird: Ultima ThuleFreebird ultima thule icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Ultima Thule.6.0Endwalker
Freebird: UrqopachaFreebird urqopacha icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Urqopacha.7.0Dawntrail
Freebird: Yak T'elFreebird yak t'el icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Yak T'el.7.0Dawntrail
Freebird: YanxiaFreebird yanxia icon1.png5Attune with all the aether currents in Yanxia.4.0Stormblood
Frequent Flyer IFrequent flyer icon1.png10Obtain "Freebird" achievements for the Coerthas western highlands, the Dravanian forelands, the Dravanian hinterlands, the Churning Mists, the Sea of Clouds, and Azys Lla.3.0Heavensward
Frequent Flyer IIFrequent flyer ii icon1.png10Obtain "Freebird" achievements for the Fringes, the Peaks, the Lochs, the Ruby Sea, Yanxia, and the Azim Steppe.4.0Stormblood
Frequent Flyer IIIFrequent flyer iii icon1.png10Obtain Freebird achievements for Lakeland, Kholusia, Amh Araeng, Il Mheg, the Rak'tika Greatwood, and the Tempest.5.0Shadowbringers
Frequent Flyer IVFrequent flyer iv icon1.png10Obtain “Freebird” achievements for Labyrinthos, Thavnair, Garlemald, Mare Lamentorum, Elpis, and Ultima Thule.6.0Endwalker
Frequent Flyer VFrequent flyer iv icon1.png10Obtain “Freebird” achievements for Urqopacha, Kozama'uka, Yak T'el, Shaaloani, Heritage Found, and Living Memory.7.0Dawntrail
Friend or Faux IFriend or faux i icon1.png5Play Faux Hollows for the first time.5.3Shadowbringers
Friend or Faux IIFriend or faux ii icon1.png5Play Faux Hollows 5 times.titlePartner in Teatime5.3Shadowbringers
Friend or Faux IIIFriend or faux iii icon1.png5Play Faux Hollows 20 times.5.3Shadowbringers
Friend or Faux IVFriend or faux iv icon1.png10Play Faux Hollows 50 times.titleVrai Ami (Male) / Vraie Amie (Female)5.3Shadowbringers
Holy CowrieHoly cowrie icon1.png20Earn a total of 500,000 seafarer's cowries in your island sanctuary.titleCieldalaes Connoisseur6.2Endwalker
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me II hope mentor will notice me i icon1.png5Complete 10 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor.3.2Heavensward
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me III hope mentor will notice me ii icon1.png5Complete 50 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor.titleMentor3.2Heavensward
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me IIII hope mentor will notice me iii icon1.png5Complete 200 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor.itemExpeditioner's Flyers3.2Heavensward
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me IVI hope mentor will notice me iv icon1.png5Complete 500 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor.titleMentor of Mentors3.2Heavensward
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me VI hope mentor will notice me v icon1.png10Complete 1,000 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor.itemDragon Monocle3.3Heavensward
I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me VII hope mentor will notice me vi icon1.png20Complete 2,000 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor.itemAstrope Whistle3.3Heavensward
Mammet Is the ArchitectMammet is the architect icon1.png10Achieve sanctuary rank 12 in your island sanctuary.6.3Endwalker
Mammet Is the Measure of Most ThingsMammet is the measure of most things icon1.png10Achieve sanctuary rank 20 in your island sanctuary.titleCount of Monte Cowrie (Male) / Countess of Monte Cowrie (Female)6.5Endwalker
Mastering Magic IMastering magic i icon1.png20Achieve level 50 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, and arcanist.titleArchmage2.0A realm reborn
Mastering Magic IIMastering magic ii icon1.png20Achieve level 60 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, and astrologian.titleGrandmaster of Magic3.0Heavensward
Mastering Magic IIIMastering magic iii icon1.png20Achieve level 70 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, and red mage.titleGod of Magic (Male) / Goddess of Magic (Female)4.0Stormblood
Mastering Magic IVMastering magic iv icon1.png20Achieve level 80 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, and red mage.titleSoul of Magic5.0Shadowbringers
Mastering Magic VMastering magic v icon1.png20Achieve level 90 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, red mage, and sage.titleAt Magic's Horizon6.0Endwalker
Mastering Magic VIMastering magic vi icon1.png20Achieve level 100 as a conjurer, thaumaturge, arcanist, astrologian, red mage, sage, and pictomancer.titleArbiter of Magic7.0Dawntrail
Mastering War IMastering war i icon1.png20Achieve level 50 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, archer, and lancer.titleWarmonger2.0A realm reborn
Mastering War IIMastering war ii icon1.png20Achieve level 60 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, and machinist.titleGrandmaster of War3.0Heavensward
Mastering War IIIMastering war iii icon1.png20Achieve level 70 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, and samurai.titleGod of War (Male) / Goddess of War (Female)4.0Stormblood
Mastering War IVMastering war iv icon1.png20Achieve level 80 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, samurai, gunbreaker, and dancer.titleSoul of War5.0Shadowbringers
Mastering War VMastering war v icon1.png20Achieve level 90 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, samurai, gunbreaker, dancer, and reaper.titleAt War's Horizon6.0Endwalker
Mastering War VIMastering war vi icon1.png20Achieve level 100 as a gladiator, pugilist, marauder, lancer, archer, rogue, dark knight, machinist, samurai, gunbreaker, dancer, reaper, and viper.titleArbiter of War7.0Dawntrail
Mastering the Hand IMastering the hand i icon1.png20Achieve level 50 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian.titleBuilder of the Realm2.0A realm reborn
Mastering the Hand IIMastering the hand ii icon1.png20Achieve level 60 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian.titleGrandmaster of the Hand3.0Heavensward
Mastering the Hand IIIMastering the hand iii icon1.png20Achieve level 70 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian.titleGod of the Hand (Male) / Goddess of the Hand (Female)4.0Stormblood
Mastering the Hand IVMastering the hand iv icon1.png20Achieve level 80 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian.titleSoul of the Craft5.0Shadowbringers
Mastering the Hand VMastering the hand v icon1.png20Achieve level 90 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian.titleAt Art's Horizon6.0Endwalker
Mastering the Hand VIMastering the hand vi icon1.png20Achieve level 100 as a carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian.titleArbiter of the Arts7.0Dawntrail
Mastering the Land IMastering the land i icon1.png20Achieve level 50 as a miner, botanist, and fisher.titleProvider of the Realm2.0A realm reborn
Mastering the Land IIMastering the land ii icon1.png20Achieve level 60 as a miner, botanist, and fisher.titleGrandmaster of the Land3.0Heavensward
Mastering the Land IIIMastering the land iii icon1.png20Achieve level 70 as a miner, botanist, and fisher.titleGod of the Land (Male) / Goddess of the Land (Female)4.0Stormblood
Mastering the Land IVMastering the land iv icon1.png20Achieve level 80 as a miner, botanist, and fisher.titleSoul of the Harvest5.0Shadowbringers
Mastering the Land VMastering the land v icon1.png20Achieve level 90 as a miner, botanist, and fisher.titleAt Land's Horizon6.0Endwalker
Mastering the Land VIMastering the land vi icon1.png20Achieve level 100 as a miner, botanist, and fisher.titleArbiter of the Land7.0Dawntrail
Mine Now IMine now i icon1.png5Gather leavings from animals in your island sanctuary pasture 100 times.6.2Endwalker
Mine Now IIMine now ii icon1.png10Gather leavings from animals in your island sanctuary pasture 500 times.6.2Endwalker
Mine Now IIIMine now iii icon1.png20Gather leavings from animals in your island sanctuary pasture 5,000 times.6.2Endwalker
No Gods or Kings, Only MammetsNo gods or kings, only mammets icon1.png10Achieve sanctuary rank 16 in your island sanctuary.6.4Endwalker
No Mammet Is an IslandNo mammet is an island icon1.png10Achieve sanctuary rank 10 in your island sanctuary.titleSanctuary Seeker6.2Endwalker
No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked INo rest (cycle) for the wicked i icon1.png10Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 10,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period.6.2Endwalker
No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked IINo rest (cycle) for the wicked ii icon1.png20Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 17,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period.titleTrader of Paradise6.2Endwalker
No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked IIINo rest (cycle) for the wicked iii icon1.png20Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 33,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period.titleWolf of Easy Street6.4Endwalker
Nothing Ventured, Nothing GainedNothing ventured, nothing gained icon1.png20Complete 500 retainer ventures.2.2A realm reborn
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh ISatisfaction guaranteed adkiragh i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Adkiragh.4.5Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh IISatisfaction guaranteed adkiragh ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Adkiragh.4.5Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh IIISatisfaction guaranteed adkiragh iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Adkiragh.4.5Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh IVSatisfaction guaranteed adkiragh iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Adkiragh.4.5Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh VSatisfaction guaranteed adkiragh v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Adkiragh.titleLittle Piggy4.5Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance ISatisfaction guaranteed ameliance i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Ameliance.6.15Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance IISatisfaction guaranteed ameliance ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Ameliance.6.15Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance IIISatisfaction guaranteed ameliance iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Ameliance.6.15Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance IVSatisfaction guaranteed ameliance iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Ameliance.6.15Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance VSatisfaction guaranteed ameliance v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Ameliance.titleAmi d'Améliance (Male) / Amie d'Améliance (Female)6.15Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden ISatisfaction guaranteed anden i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Anden.6.3Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden IISatisfaction guaranteed anden ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Anden.6.3Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden IIISatisfaction guaranteed anden iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Anden.6.3Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden IVSatisfaction guaranteed anden iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Anden.6.3Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden VSatisfaction guaranteed anden v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Anden.titleLeaf Whisperer6.3Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend ISatisfaction guaranteed charlemend i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Charlemend.5.5Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend IISatisfaction guaranteed charlemend ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Charlemend.5.5Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend IIISatisfaction guaranteed charlemend iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Charlemend.5.5Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend IVSatisfaction guaranteed charlemend iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Charlemend.5.5Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend VSatisfaction guaranteed charlemend v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Charlemend.titleCharlemend's Angel5.5Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou ISatisfaction guaranteed ehll tou i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Ehll Tou.5.3Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou IISatisfaction guaranteed ehll tou ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Ehll Tou.5.3Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou IIISatisfaction guaranteed ehll tou iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Ehll Tou.5.3Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou IVSatisfaction guaranteed ehll tou iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Ehll Tou.5.3Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou VSatisfaction guaranteed ehll tou v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Ehll Tou.titleA Dragon's Best Friend5.3Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr ISatisfaction guaranteed kai-shirr i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Kai-Shirr.5.1Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr IISatisfaction guaranteed kai-shirr ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Kai-Shirr.5.1Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr IIISatisfaction guaranteed kai-shirr iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Kai-Shirr.5.1Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr IVSatisfaction guaranteed kai-shirr iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Kai-Shirr.5.1Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr VSatisfaction guaranteed kai-shirr v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Kai-Shirr.titleKai-Shirr's Best Mate5.1Shadowbringers
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai ISatisfaction guaranteed kurenai i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Kurenai.4.3Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai IISatisfaction guaranteed kurenai ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Kurenai.4.3Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai IIISatisfaction guaranteed kurenai iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Kurenai.4.3Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai IVSatisfaction guaranteed kurenai iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Kurenai.4.3Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai VSatisfaction guaranteed kurenai v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Kurenai.titleKurenai's Best Friend4.3Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago ISatisfaction guaranteed m'naago i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with M'naago.4.1Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago IISatisfaction guaranteed m'naago ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with M'naago.4.1Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago IIISatisfaction guaranteed m'naago iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with M'naago.4.1Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago IVSatisfaction guaranteed m'naago iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with M'naago.4.1Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago VSatisfaction guaranteed m'naago v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with M'naago.titleNaago's Friend4.1Stormblood
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat ISatisfaction guaranteed margrat i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Margrat.6.5Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat IISatisfaction guaranteed margrat ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Margrat.6.5Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat IIISatisfaction guaranteed margrat iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Margrat.6.5Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat IVSatisfaction guaranteed margrat iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Margrat.6.5Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat VSatisfaction guaranteed margrat v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Margrat.titleSleepless Scholar6.5Endwalker
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe ISatisfaction guaranteed margrat i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Nitowikwe.7.15Dawntrail
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe IISatisfaction guaranteed margrat i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Nitowikwe.7.15Dawntrail
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe IIISatisfaction guaranteed margrat i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Nitowikwe.7.15Dawntrail
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe IVSatisfaction guaranteed margrat i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Nitowikwe.7.15Dawntrail
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe VSatisfaction guaranteed margrat i icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Nitowikwe.titleTracklayer7.15Dawntrail
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh ISatisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh i icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Zhloe Aliapoh.3.55aHeavensward
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh IISatisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh ii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Zhloe Aliapoh.3.55aHeavensward
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh IIISatisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh iii icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Zhloe Aliapoh.3.55aHeavensward
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh IVSatisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh iv icon1.png5Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Zhloe Aliapoh.3.55aHeavensward
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh VSatisfaction guaranteed zhloe aliapoh v icon1.png10Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Zhloe Aliapoh.titleZhloe's Friend3.55aHeavensward
Sustainable Sourcing ISustainable sourcing i icon1.png5Gather resources from the wilds of your island sanctuary 1,000 times.6.2Endwalker
Sustainable Sourcing IISustainable sourcing ii icon1.png10Gather resources from the wilds of your island sanctuary 3,000 times.6.2Endwalker
Sustainable Sourcing IIISustainable sourcing iii icon1.png20Gather resources from the wilds of your island sanctuary 30,000 times.6.2Endwalker
You Look Marvelous IYou look marvelous i icon1.png5Be awarded a total of 80 points in the Fashion Report.4.2Stormblood
You Look Marvelous IIYou look marvelous ii icon1.png5Be awarded a total of 90 points in the Fashion Report.4.2Stormblood
You Look Marvelous IIIYou look marvelous iii icon1.png10Be awarded a total of 100 points in the Fashion Report.titleFashion Leader4.2Stormblood