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Kamlito Halito: ...Forgive me. I suspect my work here might take longer than I expected. Pray report to Amh Garanjy ahead of me and tell her I shall be along in due time.
Kamlito Halito: ...Forgive me. I suspect my work here might take longer than I expected. Pray report to Amh Garanjy ahead of me and tell her I shall be along in due time.
Amh Garanjy: Welcome back, friend! And another job well done, I am pleased to say.
Amh Garanjy: Well, what are you waiting for? Help yourself! You've more than earned it.
Amh Garanjy: Hm? Kamlito's still putting the finishing touches on his snowman, you say? Dare I dream that he's come to understand the true spirit of Starlight at last?
Amh Garanjy: For indeed, this season isn't just about gaudy lights, toys, and trinkets. If every last child is not able to find something of joy here, we have not done our duty. And to make that possible, we must first find a reason to rejoice for ourselves.
Amh Garanjy: Our smiles light up the faces of the children, who in turn warm our hearts yet further, allowing us to further spread happiness across the realm.
Amh Garanjy: It is that cycle of giving and receiving, that ever-expanding circle of peace and joy that embodies the true soul of the Starlight season.
Amh Garanjy: So take your present proudly, my friend. Let it fill your heart with pure satisfaction, that you might have happiness aplenty to share with your fellow adventurers─and indeed, Eorzeans the realm over!

Revision as of 03:59, 25 December 2020

Starlight Celebration 2020 Poster.jpg
See also: Starlight Celebration

[Starlight Celebration (2020)] is an Old Gridania Seasonal Event that took place from December 14, 2020 to December 31, 2020.


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Festive Fiasco Sidequest 15 Amh Garanjy
Starlight Slapdashery Sidequest 15 Amh Garanjy


To start, speak to Amh Garanjy in Old Gridania (X10.2, Y9.4) to start the quest A Festive Fiasco.


Dialogue Notes

Bunistalri's back, babey! And I'm transcribing this jolly good Seasonal Questline shite again!


Starting a Festive Fiasco:

Amh Garanjy: An adventurer, I take it? Why, it's as if the saint himself sent you to me! Oh, but there I go again. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Amh Garanjy, and it is my honor to serve as celebrant for the Starlight Celebration.

Amh Garanjy: That said, I'm afraid I must apologize. There has been a bit of a rub, you see, and as such we're not quite ready to kick off the festivities as of yet.

Amh Garanjy: How shall I put it? Our troubles began when we encountered some unexpected delays in deciding on a theme for this year's event. Things spiraled from there, and as a result, we've been left with far too much to do in far too little time.

Amh Garanjy: As a result, we celebrants have been forced to recruit helpers of all stripes─from small children to strapping adventurers like yourself. Speaking of which, you wouldn't perchance be able and willing to lend us a hand, would you?

Amh Garanjy: Oh, thank you, my friend! I daresay your generosity truly embodies the Starlight season. Without further ado, allow me to explain the tasks we would ask of you. Saint of Nymeia: Ho ho ho! It would seem you've found a most promising helper for me again this year!

Listless Lalafell: Another adventurer? And I suppose this one, too, will also be wanting some kind of reward for their services. I say, sometimes I wonder if this whole Starlight business is worth the effort─and the coin─we pour into it year after year.

Saint of Nymeia: Must you be such a killjoy, my young friend? Just look at the faces of the children around you. Why, each year they spend moons waiting in eager anticipation of this most joyous of seasons, and the most delightful presents they will receive!

Listless Lalafell: Ah, yes, the presents. Worthless trinkets foisted off on naive young fools in hopes of making them forget the mundanity of their everyday existences. If we truly wanted to bring joy to people, would it not be more prudent to invest in things that might actually improve the quality of their daily lives?

Amh Garanjy: ...Ahem. Allow me to introduce Kamlito Halito, first son of a prominent family of surveyors in Ul'dah. He's journeyed here all the way from the sultanate to help us prepare this year's festivities. Standing beside him is the Saint of Nymeia himself, a man who no doubt needs no introduction.

Kamlito Halito: Let me state for the record that I did not come here merely to deck the streets with gaudy lights and trinkets. I initially proposed to Father that we do away with all this mummery and transform this festival into something that would contribute more directly to the mutual economic prosperity of our nations and the realm as a whole.

Kamlito Halito: But did he listen? No, he simply muttered something about how he didn't raise his son to be a stuffy spoilsport, and all but demanded that I accompany Lord Mand─pardon, the Saint of Nymeia here to learn something about “holiday cheer”─whatever that is supposed to mean.

Amh Garanjy: Come now, Kamlito! I understand that you are serious about your family business, but I daresay it wouldn't hurt for you to lighten up from time to time. Here, perhaps this will put a smile on your face...

Expectant Child: Do you mean that truly? If I help you, I can get a present, too?

Amh Garanjy: But of course, my dear child. Behold the twinklebox!

Amh Garanjy: Tucked beneath the many lids of this casket are hidden all manner of delightful wares. Why, they've been fashioned especially for this year's festivities by some of the realm's most celebrated crafters!

Amh Garanjy: For every task you complete, you will earn the opportunity to pop off one of its lids, and help yourself to the contents within.

Amh Garanjy: And that's just the start of it─needless to say, there will be even more glorious gifts in store for you when the preparations are complete and the festivities can kick off in earnest.

Amh Garanjy: You can think of this chest as something to tide you over in the meantime, and as our way of thanking you for lending us celebrants a helping hand in our time of need. What do you say, child?

Expectant Child: Wow! This is wonderful! Mother and Father say I have to help out around the house during Starlight, so I don't know if I can come back.

Isainne: But I have plenty of time to help now! Just say what you need and leave it to Isainne to get things done!

Amh Garanjy: Isainne, is it? What a generous girl you are! Thank you ever so much.

Amh Garanjy: Needless to say, we've prepared some very special presents for adventurers like you as well, so I hope you can collect and enjoy them all!

Kamlito Halito: Yes, yes...isn't that all so special? Now, if we're done getting all giddy about trifling baubles and toys, I should be getting back to work. <sigh> All those Starlight Trees aren't going to decorate themselves, after all...

Amh Garanjy: Now then, if you're ready to get started, simply head west from the amphitheatre and speak to my colleague stationed before the waterwheel hut. She'll be happy to explain all you need to know to get started.

When speaking to Amh Garaniy immediately after:

Amh Garanjy: Now then, if you're ready to get started, simply head west from the amphitheatre and speak to my colleague stationed before the waterwheel hut. She'll be happy to explain all you need to know to get started.


Saturnine Starlight Celebrant: An adventurer? I was expecting young Isainne, but I suppose you'll suffice. I'd like you to get to work immediately taking down the decorations nearby.

Saturnine Starlight Celebrant: Hold your chocobos, now. It's not as if we're calling the celebration off. It's simply that...well, you met Kamlito Halito, yes? He was in charge of this area, and let's just say his sense for what's appropriate for Starlight leaves something to be desired.

Saturnine Starlight Celebrant: I can handle things here by myself, so I'd ask you to head to the Conjurers' Guild and take down any seasonally inappropriate decorations you might find. When you're through, you can bring the inappropriate ornamentation back here to me, and I'll see that it's properly stored away.

Kamlito Halito: All this work, and for what─to take it all down when the festivities are over? A thorough waste of time and effort, if you ask me...

Saturnine Starlight Celebrant: I can handle things here by myself, so I'd ask you to head to the Conjurers' Guild and take down any seasonally inappropriate decorations you might find. When you're through, you can bring the inappropriate ornamentation back here to me, and I'll see that it's properly stored away.

Saturnine Starlight Celebrant: Ah, yes. That should do it, then. Isainne here finished cleaning up her assigned area as well─in half the time, I might add.

Isainne: Did you see some of those so-called decorations? It's as if that man has never attended a single day's worth of Starlight festivities in his life!

Saturnine Starlight Celebrant: At any rate, I suppose I'll see to it that the ornaments you took down are replaced with something more festive. In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you could report to Amh in my stead.

Isainne: Of course! Leave it to me!

Amh Garanjy: Thank you for all your help, friend! I promise we'll get our act together one of these years. In the meantime, we truly appreciate your saintly efforts in helping us see that every child has a smile on their face for Starlight!

Amh Garanjy: Allow me also to apologize on Kamlito's behalf for the extra work he created for you. The boy has much to learn, yes, but I've no doubt that he will come to understand what the spirit of the season is all about in due time.

Amh Garanjy: In the meantime, allow me to express my gratitude for all you've done in true Starlight fashion─with a present from the twinklebox. Go ahead, help yourself! And remember that there are more gifts waiting for you if you're feeling inclined to lend us your aid again.

Amh Garanjy: Oh, and lest I forget, I'm not the only one who truly appreciates your efforts─far from it! We've been receiving messages from the realm over thanking you and your fellow adventurers for all you do for the people of Eorzea each and every day.

Amh Garanjy: My colleague Baenfaeld here in the amphitheatre is holding on to them all, so if you're curious, simply say the word─he'd be happy to share the words of appreciation and good cheer.

Baenfaeld: Thank you for your invaluable aid, friend! The Starlight festivities never could have happened without you. And my colleagues and I are far from the only ones who appreciate your efforts. Letters have arrived from across the realm to thank you for your generosity. Just see for yourself!

Letter from the Drowning Wench: Doin' your part to assist in the Starlight festivities, are ye? Let ol' Baderon tell ye, these fresh-off-the-boat adventurers that show up 'ere these days could learn a thing or two from ye.

Letter from the Drowning Wench: All about the glory, those types are. “Workin' the fields at Summerford? But I want to save the world!” Hah! Mayhap ye should learn to avoid becomin' goobbue mulch first, I say.

Letter from the Drowning Wench: But you? Yer different. Aye, ye understand that puttin' a smile on even one lonely child's face is as heroic a deed in its own right as fendin' off a fleet o' pirates. Merry Starlight to ye, lass, and may your sails always be full.

Letter from House Borel: My friend. It is both an honor and a pleasure to see an Ishgardian tradition bring joy to children all over the realm thanks to the tireless efforts of you and your colleagues. On behalf of my entire nation, I offer you my gratitude.

Letter from House Borel: While nothing would make me happier than to join you this season, I regret to say that these remain difficult times here in the Holy See. There is much that requires my attention here, leaving me with─most unfortunately─little time for levity.

Letter from House Borel: Still, I must give thanks that I am able to celebrate the occasion with a restful night in the company of my loved ones here at House Borel. Be well, my friend, and I look forward to the day when we might feast together in these halls once more.

Speaking to Baenfaeld immediately after:

Baenfaeld: Thank you for your invaluable aid, friend! The Starlight festivities never could have happened without you. And my colleagues and I are far from the only ones who appreciate your efforts. Letters have arrived from across the realm to thank you for your generosity. Just see for yourself!


Starting Starlight Slapdashery

Amh Garanjy: I'm heartened to see you've decided to stick around. Apparently, there's another set of decorations that aren't quite up to snuff. Would you mind helping Isainne look into the matter and fix things up? I've asked her to wait just outside the amphitheatre.

When speaking to Amh Garaniy immediately after:

Amh Garanjy: I'm heartened to see you've decided to stick around. Apparently, there's another set of decorations that aren't quite up to snuff. Would you mind helping Isainne look into the matter and fix things up? I've asked her to wait just outside the amphitheatre.


Isainne: Oh, hello there. When I was on my way back before, some of the townspeople told me that there's something strange about the snowmen over by the Shaded Bower.

Isainne: Kamlito was in charge of those as well. I know that he's new to all this, but how hard can it be to make a snowman? Anyhow, let's go and see what's wrong, shall we? I'll race you there!

Isainne: There's something strange about these snowmen, yes, but...I can't quite put my finger on it. What do you suppose it is?

System: The snowmen seem to be facing in odd directions. Set them straight so that the Starlight festivities might proceed in good order.

Isainne: If you want to take another look from a distance, just ask me!

Isainne: There's something strange about these snowmen, yes, but...I can't quite put my finger on it. What do you suppose it is?

System: The snowmen seem to be facing in odd directions─no doubt they were meant to face forward. Set them straight so that the Starlight festivities might proceed in good order.

Isainne: If you want to take another look from a distance, just ask me!

You turn each of them clockwise twice. or You turn each of them counterclockwise twice.

System: The snowmen are now facing straight so as to welcome customers to the shops.

Kamlito Halito: Oh, it's you two. Whatever are you doing lolling about here? I've already finished my latest task. Behold! Take notes and perhaps one day you'll be able to work as efficiently.

Kamlito Halito: Why, the sheer nerve! Might I remind you that you people are lucky a personage as esteemed as myself has deigned to assist with such menial tasks!

Kamlito Halito: In a just world, I would be placed in charge of the entire event, and you would be assisting me! That is where my true talents lie─not in making silly snowmen and putting lights on trees!

Isainne: You don't know the first thing about Starlight! That's why all your decorations were such a mess until this adventurer and I fixed them!

Kamlito Halito: What!? What nonsense is this?

Isainne: It's true! She actually understands what Starlight is all about! She wants everyone who takes part in the festivities to feel the joy of the season, and it shows in the care she puts into every little task.

Isainne: Don't you care about making others happy? Or even being happy yourself? Why, I haven't seen you smile once the whole time you've been here!

Kamlito Halito: Wh-Why I never! I came here to do a job, and against my will! Perhaps putting up these ridiculous decorations is enough to amuse a child like you, but I am a man grown─

Isainne: So what if I'm a child!? I actually care about Starlight, and my decorations will put smiles on more faces than yours ever will!

Kamlito Halito: Smiles this, happiness that. Be honest─Starlight is all about getting presents, yes? Then why don't I give you some coin? With money, you can buy whatever you want!

Isainne: I don't want your stupid money!

Isainne: ...I'm going back.

Isainne runs off.

The Saint of Nymeia walks up to the scene.

Saint of Nymeia: Making a poor child cry? Consider me...unimpressed, Kamlito.

Saint of Nymeia: And yet, I cannot help but feel that there is more to that child's situation than meets the eye. I shall inquire further─in the meantime, pray return to Amh Garanjy and apprise her of your progress.

The Saint of Nymeia walks off towards the Shaded Bower. Kamito Halito walks in the opposite direction towards the present decorations he placed.

Kamlito Halito: Perhaps I could stand to take my work a bit more seriously...

Kamito Halito takes down the present decorations and walks off. You cross your arms and frown in thought.

Speaking to Amh Garanjy:

Amh Garanjy: Welcome back, friend! Thanks to your tireless efforts on our behalf, I am pleased to report that we are closer than ever to getting the festivities in full swing.

Amh Garanjy: Don't forget to help yourself to another present from the twinklebox. I daresay you've more than earned it!

System: Another thank-you letter has arrived from one of your admirers. Speak to Baenfaeld in Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre to see what it says.

Letter from the Carline Canopy: I hope this letter finds you well, [Forename]. Amh tells me that the preparations for this year's Starlight festivities have been more trying than ever. I regret that I could not lend a hand myself, but watching over the young ones who would follow in your footsteps keeps me occupied as ever.

Letter from the Carline Canopy: As if that weren't enough, what with the deep chill in the air these days, it is all I can do to keep Figaga's Gift from freezing and cracking in the cold. It is not an easy or glamorous task, but it is one I would not entrust to any other.

Letter from the Carline Canopy: ...No, for though the work may be strenuous, gazing out at the great wheel in the stillness of the falling snow─these moments of tranquility I would not trade for anything in the world. I hope that you, too, are able to find some measure of quietude and respite amidst the revelry of the Starlight season.

Staring The True Spirit of Starlight:

Amh Garanjy: Thanks in no small part to your tireless efforts, I daresay we're on track to begin the festivities sooner than I had anticipated! That said, I fear there's still more work to be done.

Kamlito Halito: <sigh> If only I weren't so utterly useless...

Amh Garanjy: Hm? Did you say something, Kamlito?

Kamlito Halito: M-Me!? Oh, it was nothing! Nothing at all!

Amh Garanjy: At any rate, the next job I'd like to entrust to you is preparing the tree. Speak to my colleague in the Acorn Orchard over in New Gridania, and she'll be happy to brief you on the task at hand.

You and Kamlito Halito nod to each other. Kamlito walks off to the Acorn Orchard.

When speaking to Amh Garaniy immediately after:

Amh Garanjy: At any rate, the next job I'd like to entrust to you is preparing the tree. Speak to my colleague in the Acorn Orchard over in New Gridania, and she'll be happy to brief you on the task at hand.


Kamlito Halito: I can't see anything amiss with the decorations here. Whatever could be the matter?

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: Are you here to help? Remarkable! Splendiferous, even! I've just been inspecting the trees that have been put up around town, and I couldn't help but notice that something was amiss.

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: See here? Part of the trunk has been gnawed away, as if by an animal or the like. Were any more damage to be done to the tree, it might fall over, and that would be most perilous for any small child who happened to be standing beneath it at the time.

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: I had a mind to call for a skilled woodworker, that perhaps they might examine the tree and reinforce it for us. Might I ask you to head to the Carpenters' Guild in my stead?

Kamlito Halito: This adventurer will be going, you say? I suppose that means you won't be needing me. Very well, then... I shall...inspect the other trees, or the like.

Kamlito Halito walks off towards the other trees.

Speaking to the splendiferous Starlight celebrant immediately after:

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: I had a mind to call for a skilled woodworker, that perhaps they might examine the tree and reinforce it for us. Might I ask you to head to the Carpenters' Guild in my stead?


Kamlito Halito: No damage here as far as I can see. <sigh> If this is the only job I am good for, I might as well be thorough about it...

Capable Carpenter: Ho there! What brings you to the Carpenters' Guild during this season of celebration, friend?

Capable Carpenter: Some cute little woodland creatures have been chewing away at your Starlight Tree, you say? Well, that won't do at all. I daresay this calls for an investigation.

At the Starlight Tree..

Capable Carpenter: Indeed...this tree looks as if it could topple over at any moment. Let me see if I can't reinforce the trunk a bit.

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: I cannot thank you enough, my friend! Clearly, you have summoned a carpenter of surpassing skill. I am most relieved to know that the children of Gridania need not fear any falling trees as they open their presents this Starlight season.

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: Ah, yes─I forgot to tell you. While you were visiting the guild on my behalf, Kamlito Halito was kind enough to go about inspecting the other trees in the area. I'm pleased to report that he assures me that not a one shows any suspicious gnawing or toothmarks.

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: He's a rather...dour fellow, isn't he? And yet it would seem he takes his work quite seriously. I daresay I was rather impressed at how closely he examined each and every trunk with such a painstaking eye.

You cross your arms in thought and nod to the splendiferous Starlight Celebrant.

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: He mentioned that he was heading back to the amphitheatre after finishing the job. Why, he didn't even stick around long enough to allow me to thank him for his efforts. Might you be so kind as to pass along a simple message of gratitude on my behalf?

Speaking to the splendiferous Starlight celebrant and the capable carpenter immediately after:

Splendiferous Starlight Celebrant: He mentioned that he was heading back to the amphitheatre after finishing the job. Why, he didn't even stick around long enough to allow me to thank him for his efforts. Might you be so kind as to pass along a simple message of gratitude on my behalf?

Capable Carpenter: Indeed...this tree looks as if it could topple over at any moment. Let me see if I can't reinforce the trunk a bit.


Kamlito Halito: I can't help but feel that something is missing. And yet...what could it be?

Kamlito Halito: I know! Mayhap a necklace of the finest gold with a sparkling gem inlaid would give it a glamorous appearance befitting the season!

Kamlito Halito: But no...I might appreciate that, but I am not a child of Gridania. I must put myself in their shoes...whatever sort of snowman would bring a smile to their faces?

What will you say?

> Is something amiss?

> Are you still thinking about what Isainne said?

Kamlito Halito: Hm? Of course not! I could not care less about the idle musings of children. I simply thought that perhaps my masterwork here could benefit from a finishing touch, that's all!

Kamlito Halito: ...Bah. Who am I fooling? It's true. I haven't stopped thinking about what the girl said for bells now.

Kamlito Halito: Here I thought I would come here and put together a festival for the ages─and as it turns out, I can't even make a single child happy. Hells, I'm only making myself miserable as well.

Kamlito Halito: And yet...I must not give up hope. There is still time for me to do my job right─to earn the right to open that chest of presents and claim the glory that is rightfully mine!

Kamlito Halito: ...And so I got to thinking. That child was looking at this snowman with a most intense gaze, was she not? No doubt she saw something in it that has managed to escape me.

Kamlito Halito: ...Forgive me. I suspect my work here might take longer than I expected. Pray report to Amh Garanjy ahead of me and tell her I shall be along in due time.

Amh Garanjy: Welcome back, friend! And another job well done, I am pleased to say.

Amh Garanjy: Well, what are you waiting for? Help yourself! You've more than earned it.

Amh Garanjy: Hm? Kamlito's still putting the finishing touches on his snowman, you say? Dare I dream that he's come to understand the true spirit of Starlight at last?

Amh Garanjy: For indeed, this season isn't just about gaudy lights, toys, and trinkets. If every last child is not able to find something of joy here, we have not done our duty. And to make that possible, we must first find a reason to rejoice for ourselves.

Amh Garanjy: Our smiles light up the faces of the children, who in turn warm our hearts yet further, allowing us to further spread happiness across the realm.

Amh Garanjy: It is that cycle of giving and receiving, that ever-expanding circle of peace and joy that embodies the true soul of the Starlight season.

Amh Garanjy: So take your present proudly, my friend. Let it fill your heart with pure satisfaction, that you might have happiness aplenty to share with your fellow adventurers─and indeed, Eorzeans the realm over!