Starlight Celebration

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See also: Starlight Celebration Events Quests

The Starlight Celebration is a time of generosity and fellowship, reminding us that even a customary courtesy can warm the heart. It also reminds us of darker days in Eorzean history, which serve to make such deeds shine all the brighter.

Several generations ago, a sanguinary struggle claimed countless lives and left full as many orphans homeless and hungry. Taking pity upon their plight, a company of Ishgardian knights sought out these children each night, furnishing them with food and shelter within their barracks. As doing so was prohibited, however, the knights had the children slip in while swathed in their scarlet jackets.

These orphans went on to convey the same kindness to others that they had once received. On the coldest week of the year, they took to sporting scarlet and passing out presents to the children of the realm. And over time, their deeds developed into the festival known as the Starlight Celebration, wherein children offer prayers to Nymeia and adults clad in scarlet play at being the Saint of Nymeia and his helpers.

The event has also absorbed local traditions of different regions; for example, in Gyr Abania, the people craft snowmen at the first snow, praying that they will be visited by further quenching snowfall and remain safe throughout the winter. This charming tradition, as well as other events and foodstuffs from abroad, have steadily become Starlight mainstays.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 63

Each year, look for the Starlight Celebration Crier in any of Eorzea's main cities.

List of events

Name Event Period Notable rewards
Starlight Celebration (2024) December 16 - 31, 2024 Starlight stalls barding icon1.png  Starlight Stalls Barding, Starlight kinderpunsch icon1.png  Starlight Kinderpunsch, Starlight mug tower icon1.png  Starlight Mug Tower, Festive starlight celebration advertisement icon1.png  Festive Starlight Celebration Advertisement, Winter's warm boughs orchestrion roll icon1.png  Winter's Warm Boughs Orchestrion Roll
Starlight Celebration (2023) December 15 - 31, 2023 Unorthodox saint's cap icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Cap, Unorthodox saint's halfrobe icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Halfrobe, Unorthodox saint's gloves icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Gloves, Unorthodox saint's bottoms icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Bottoms, Unorthodox saint's longboots icon1.png  Unorthodox Saint's Longboots, Illuminated topiary chocobo icon1.png  Illuminated Topiary Chocobo
Starlight Celebration (2022) December 16 - 31, 2022 Starlight steed icon1.png  Starlight Steed, Illuminated tree icon1.png  Illuminated Tree
Starlight Celebration (2021) December 16 - 31, 2021 Wind-up rudy icon2.png  Wind-up Rudy, Squirrel emperor icon2.png  Squirrel Emperor, Starlight mobile icon1.png  Starlight Mobile
Starlight Celebration (2020) December 14 - 31, 2020 Snowman icon2.png  Snowman, Snow-dusted tree icon1.png  Snow-dusted Tree, Unmelting ice partition icon1.png  Unmelting Ice Partition, Unmelting ice loft icon1.png  Unmelting Ice Loft
Starlight Celebration (2019) December 18 - 31, 2019 Saintly barding icon1.png  Saintly Barding, Starlight de chocobo orchestrion roll icon1.png  Starlight de Chocobo Orchestrion Roll, Choir Concert Advertisement Icon.png  Choir Concert Advertisement, Starlight Roll Cake Icon.png  Starlight Roll Cake, Starlight Goobbue Wreath Icon.png  Starlight Goobbue Wreath
Starlight Celebration (2018) December 17 - 31, 2018 Choir robe icon1.png  Choir Robe, Choir hat icon1.png  Choir Hat, Choir shoes icon1.png  Choir Shoes, Silver starlight sentinel icon1.png  Silver Starlight Sentinel, Starlight donuts icon1.png  Starlight Donuts, Evercold starlight snowman icon1.png  Evercold Starlight Snowman, Opened twinkleboxes icon1.png  Opened Twinkleboxes, Starlight, starbright orchestrion roll icon1.png  Starlight, Starbright Orchestrion Roll
Starlight Celebration (2017) December 15 - 31, 2017 Starlight bear icon1.png  Starlight Bear, Starlight stew set icon1.png  Starlight Stew Set, Starlight log set icon1.png  Starlight Log Set, Starlight sapling icon1.png  Starlight Sapling, Starlight celebration advertisement icon1.png  Starlight Celebration Advertisement, Starlit gateway orchestrion roll icon1.png  Starlit Gateway Orchestrion Roll
Starlight Celebration (2016) December 15 - 31, 2016 Starlight robe icon1.png  Starlight Robe, Starlight celebration orchestrion roll icon1.png  Starlight Celebration Orchestrion Roll, Starlight pillar icon1.png  Starlight Pillar, Starlight icon1.png  Starlight, Snow drift icon1.png  Snow Drift
Starlight Celebration (2015) December 18 - 31, 2015 Reindeer antler headband icon1.png  Reindeer Antler Headband, Reindeer gloves icon1.png  Reindeer Gloves , Reindeer hooves icon1.png  Reindeer Hooves, Saints beard icon1.png  Saint's Beard, Saints cap icon1.png  Saint's Cap, Starlight sentinel icon1.png  Starlight Sentinel, Starlight ornament icon1.png  Starlight Ornament, Twin star ornament icon1.png  Twin Star Ornament
Starlight Celebration (2014) December 18 - 31, 2014 Hoary the snowman icon2.png  Hoary the Snowman, False mustache icon1.png  False Mustache, Starlight sugarloaf hat icon1.png  Starlight Sugarloaf Hat, Starlight tunic icon1.png  Starlight Tunic, Starlight tights icon1.png  Starlight Tights, Starlight boots icon1.png  Starlight Boots, Empty gift boxes icon1.png  Empty Gift Boxes, Empty twinkleboxes icon1.png  Empty Twinkleboxes, Sun-topped starlight sentinel icon1.png  Sun-topped Starlight Sentinel, Moon-topped starlight sentinel icon1.png  Moon-topped Starlight Sentinel, Star-topped starlight sentinel icon1.png  Star-topped Starlight Sentinel, Starlight wreath icon1.png  Starlight Wreath, Stuffed qiqirn icon1.png  Stuffed Qiqirn, Snowman (Furnishing) icon1.png  Snowman, Starlight interior wall icon1.png  Starlight Interior Wall, Red starlight gift bag icon1.png  Red Starlight Gift Bag, Green starlight gift bag icon1.png  Green Starlight Gift Bag, Premium starlight gift bag icon1.png  Premium Starlight Gift Bag
Starlight Celebration (2013) December 18 - 31, 2013 Snowman head icon1.png  Snowman Head, Snowman suit icon1.png  Snowman Suit, Snowman mitts icon1.png  Snowman Mitts, Starlight barding icon1.png  Starlight Barding

Legacy events

Name Event Period Notable rewards
Starlight Celebration (2011) December 16 - 31, 2011 Reindeer antlers icon1.png  Reindeer Antlers, Reindeer suit icon1.png  Reindeer Suit
Starlight Celebration (2010) December 15 - 31, 2010 Dream hat icon1.png  Dream Hat, Dream tunic icon1.png  Dream Tunic, Dream boots icon1.png  Dream Boots, Princess pudding icon1.png  Princess Pudding, Ore fruitcake icon1.png  Ore Fruitcake, Snowflake peak icon1.png  Snowflake Peak, Roast dodo icon1.png  Roast Dodo, Starlight log icon1.png  Starlight Log