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:Scholars of the [[The Studium|Studium]] successfully decipher ancient texts pertaining to [[Aetheryte|aetheryte]] travel, a discovery which makes the construction of new aetherytes possible.<ref name="fortyseven"/><br><br>
:Scholars of the [[The Studium|Studium]] successfully decipher ancient texts pertaining to [[Aetheryte|aetheryte]] travel, a discovery which makes the construction of new aetherytes possible.<ref name="fortyseven"/> A dormant Allagan relic unearthed in the process is heavily analyzed, and forms the basis for future designs.<ref>Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 012, <pre>The design of Eorzea's aetherytes was originally based upon analysis of a dormant Allagan relic unearthed by the Studium in the 598th year of the Sixth Astral Era.</pre></ref><br><br>
===Seventh Century===
===Seventh Century===
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'''ca. 1190'''
'''ca. 1190'''
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[[File:Uldah Flag.png|left|15 px|link=]]
:After their triumph over [[Sil'dih]], emissaries from a thriving [[Ul'dah]] board [[Limsa Lominsa|Lominsan-built]] ships and set sail for the [[Near East]] to establish trade. <ref name="fifty">''Encyclopædia Eorzea'' pg. 050</ref><br><br>
:After their triumph over [[Sil'dih]], emissaries from a thriving [[Ul'dah]] board [[Limsa Lominsa|Lominsan-built]] ships and set sail for the [[Near East]] to establish trade. <ref name="fifty"/><br><br>

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:[[Sasagan Ul Sisigan III|Sasagan III]] is imprisoned and ousted as ruler of [[Ul'dah]] in a political coup. [[Baldric Thorne]] is crowned sultan, marking the beginning of the [[Thorne Dynasty|Thorne dynasty]]. <ref name="fifty"/><ref name="uldah"/><ref>The name of the Thorne Dynasty founder is given as "Baldric Thorne" on pg. 050, but "Baldurf Thorne" on pg. 129. Due to the timing of the Little Ladies' Day event history, Baldurf is assumed to be the correct name.</ref><br><br>
:[[Thorne Dynasty|Baldurf Thorne]], a Hyuran of noble blood, learns the truth of the fall of Sil'dih at the hands of Ul'dah in 1181. [[Sasagan Ul Sisigan III|Sasagan III]] demands Baldurf's head, but this order is not acted upon due to Thorne's reputation as a righteous man. Sasagan III is charged for his crimes, imprisoned in the Marasaja Pit, and removed from his role as [[Ul'dah]]'s sultan.<ref name="thorneFounder">There has been confusion around whether the founder's name is meant to be "Baldurf" or "Baldric". In the original printing of Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 1, there were apparently some errors. However, in it's 2022 printing, ''both'' page 50 and 129 now say it was ''Baldurf'' who accused Sasagan III in y1224. Separately, the y1267 entry about Little Ladies day does say ''Baldric'' Thorne; given the time gap between these two events, it's not unthinkable that these were two different rulers from within the same dynasty.</ref><br>
:An initially-reluctant [[Thorne Dynasty|Baldurf]] is crowned sultan within the year, becoming the first ruler of the [[Thorne Dynasty]] under the condition that he would be a steward, ruling until the city-state was able. Under his orders, knowledge of the "Trader's Spurn" is withheld from the public, but a new order is founded under his supervision called "The Arbiters of Truth", with the stated mission of preserving the truth of Sil'dih's downfall for the future.<ref name="fifty">Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 1, "Timeline", page 050.</ref> <ref name="p129">Corroborated by "A New Dynasty", page 129, which also goes on to say that the dynasty rules for "200 summers" after this year.</ref><ref>The name of the Thorne Dynasty founder is given as "Baldric Thorne" on pg. 050, but "Baldurf Thorne" on pg. 129. Due to the timing of the Little Ladies' Day event history, Baldurf is assumed to be the correct name.</ref> <br><br>

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:A wealth of treasures is plundered from a [[Radz-at-Han|Hannish]] argosy, giving rise to rumors that [[Rycharde Mistbeard|Mistbeard]] is alive and well. Time and again the pirate king is reported as dead only to resurface, leading many to believe the man immortal. <ref name="fifty"/><br><br>
:A wealth of treasures is plundered from a [[Radz-at-Han]] argosy, giving rise to rumors that [[Rycharde Mistbeard|Mistbeard]] is alive and well. Time and again the pirate king is reported as dead only to resurface, leading many to believe the man immortal. <ref name="fifty"/><br><br>

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:The enslaved [[Hecatonchiere|hecatonchiere]] [[Gigant|giants]] of [[Copperbell Mines]] [[Great Giant Revolt|revolt against their masters]] when the enchantments on their helms wear off, and the miners force a cave-in of the lowest depths to seal the giants within. The mine is shuttered under the pretense that its veins have run barren. <ref name="fifty"/><br><br>
:The enslaved [[ecatoncheires]] [[gigant]]s of [[Copperbell Mines]] [[Great Giant Revolt|revolt against their masters]] when the enchantments on their helms wear off, and the miners force a cave-in of the lowest depths to seal the giants within. The mine is shuttered under the pretense that its veins have run barren. <ref name="fifty"/><br><br>

'''ca. 1280'''
'''ca. 1280'''
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:A [[Goobbue|goobbue]] breaks free of its arcane fetters during a parade and proceeds to run amok through the streets. [[Minfilia Warde|Ascilia]], one of the spectators, is orphaned at the age of twelve when her father is killed by the rampaging beast. <ref name="fiftythree"/><br><br>
:A [[Goobbue (Mob)|goobbue]] breaks free of its arcane fetters during a parade and proceeds to run amok through the streets. [[Minfilia Warde|Ascilia]], one of the spectators, is orphaned at the age of twelve when her father is killed by the rampaging beast. <ref name="fiftythree"/><br><br>

[[File:Limsa Lominsa Flag.png|left|15 px|link=]]
[[File:Limsa Lominsa Flag.png|left|15 px|link=]]

Latest revision as of 20:15, 30 July 2023

This article provides a timeline of notable events and happenings within the Sixth Astral Era compiled from the pages of Encyclopædia Eorzea as well as in-game dialogue and sources from the world and lore development team of Final Fantasy XIV. This timeline is meant for accuracy, and thus some inconsistencies (such as Ferndale being stated many times to take place in 1557, not 1562 as is printed in the lorebook timeline) have been corrected based on what can be considered the most accurate placement.

The Age of Restoration (Years 1-400)

First Century


ca. 10

Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Survivors of the Sixth Umbral Calamity form small communities in Gyr Abania, descending into conflict over the area's limited resources. Many flee Abalathia entirely as the floodwaters recede.[1]

Sharlayan Flag.png
The Archon Nyunkrepf leads a group of refugees away from the chaos of the mountains, sailing to an island in the Northern Empty, where they found the village that will later blossom into the city of Sharlayan.[1]

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A war of succession plunges Hingashi into civil war, beginning the Age of Blood.[2]

Second Century

ca. 150

Sharlayan Flag.png
Sharlayan expands considerably and the Ecclesia, the current system of direct democracy, proves ineffective as a form of governance. The Sharlayans cling adamantly to their tradition, however, changing it as little as possible.[3]

Third Century


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With a burgeoning populace, the Sharlayan system of direct democracy becomes unviable, and the Forum is instituted as a decision-making body where elected peers debate key issues of governance that had theretofore been at a standstill.[1]


Sharlayan Flag.png
The Sharlayan sage Lewphon begins compiling a comprehensive study on the merits of star gazing.[4]


Sharlayan Flag.png
Lewphon's studies reveal that ancient attempts by man to read his own fate are founded in legitimate arcane theory. This revelation shifts the focus of his research, and his subsequent efforts to reconstruct and adapt these principles results in the creation of astromancy. [4]


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Sharlayan astrologian Lewphon pens The Five Ages—An Eorzean Chronology, an attempt to unify the independent calendars used by each of the city-states in the Fifth Astral Era.[1]

Fourth Century

ca. 350

  • The Hyur tribes emigrate en masse from the northern continent of Ilsabard in the first of three great migratory waves, and their numbers in Eorzea begin to swell.[1]

Ishgard Flag.png
A band of Elezen displaced from their ancestral home in central Aldenard come to settle in Coerthas.[1]

ca. 360

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Elezen settlers come to the Sea of Clouds, where they commence construction of the mountainside sanctuary to Halone that will later become Saint Thordan's Basilica. Small villages spring up in the vicinity, laying the foundation for the nation of Ishgard.[1]

ca. 370

Ishgard Flag.png
The great wyrm Hraesvelgr consumes his Elezen lover, Shiva, entwining their souls for eternity and ushering in an era of peace between dragon and man.[1]

Ishgard Flag.png
The greatsword Dainslaif is commissioned for an orthodox Elezen knight of high standing in the Churning Mists.[5]

The Age of Communion (Years 400-1000)

Fifth Century


Sharlayan Flag.png
Sharlayan society names its first "Archons," individuals who have distinguished themselves in specialized fields of study. These Archons gather and form an educational body, the Studium, to serve as an institute for higher learning.[1]

Sixth Century


Ishgard Flag.png
According to Ishgardian holy scripture, 545 marks the year when King Thordan is visited by the goddess Halone, who beseeches him to guide his people to the Promised Land of Coerthas. As the legend is told, the great wyrm Nidhogg attacks the caravans on their journey, and King Thordan and half of his men are slain before the dragon is valiantly driven away. The remaining knights, including the king's son, Haldrath, guide the Elezen survivors to their destination.[1]

ca. 550

Ishgard Flag.png
In truth, King Thordan and his knights twelve ambush and slay Ratatoskr of the First Brood, devouring the she-dragon's eyes to acquire preternatural wisdom. Enraged by this betrayal, the great wyrm Nidhogg pursues and kills the king and half of his company, heralding the end of the era of peace and the beginning of the Dragonsong War.[1]

Ishgard Flag.png
The Holy See employs the power of twenty and four dragon eyes to erect a great arcane ward—later to be known as Daniffen's Collar—that envelops the entirety of Ishgard, as the city steels its defenses against the coming raids by Nidhogg's brood.[1]

Ishgard Flag.png
The progenitors of the four High Houses join together with the clergy of the Ishgardian Orthodox Church to pen a historic narrative that omits details of the betrayal and slaying of Ratatoskr. This new myth of the nation's founding is indoctrinated through the education of Ishgardian children.[1]

ca. 563

Ishgard Flag.png
The sanctuary to Halone undergoes extensive reconstruction, and is renamed Saint Thordan's Basilica.[1]


Sharlayan Flag.png
Scholars of the Studium successfully decipher ancient texts pertaining to aetheryte travel, a discovery which makes the construction of new aetherytes possible.[1] A dormant Allagan relic unearthed in the process is heavily analyzed, and forms the basis for future designs.[6]

Seventh Century


Sharlayan Flag.png
A team of researchers from the Studium commences a survey of the northern isles.[1]

ca. 600

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Kanzan, leader of the ruling Mitsurugi clan of Onokuni, leads his clan to victory and brings an end to six centuries of civil war. The Mitsurugi Bakufu becomes the reigning government of the unified nation of Hingashi.[2]


Sharlayan Flag.png
The Studium concludes a full survey of the area within their territorial boundaries. They construct aetherytes on each of the four isles—central Sharlayan, the northern Isle of Haam, the eastern Isle of Val, and the southern Isle of Yorn—and perform a successful test of teleportation magicks.[1][7]

ca. 660

  • Hyur emigrate to Eorzea en masse in the second of three great migratory waves.[1]

Gridania Flag.png
Driven from their home by the Hyuran settlers, whose numbers continue to swell, the Elezen begin to colonize the Black Shroud.[1]


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Sharlayan scholars glean a form of teleportation magic from Fifth Astral Era tomes. The first empirical test of the spell results in the disappearance of the researchers and a handful of observers.[1]


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The Council discontinues its search for the missing persons involved in the casting of the ancient teleportation spell, and designates the spell as forbidden magic, banning its further use.[1]

Eighth Century

ca. 700

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The Lalafellin descendants of Mhach arrive in the remote frontier of Thanalan.[1]

ca. 710

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The Hyur begin to colonize the Black Shroud, leading to territorial contentions with the Elezen.[1]


Uldah Flag.png
Mhachi settlers in Thanalan found the kingdom of Belah'dia.[1]

ca. 740

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The Elezen and Hyuran settlers of the Black Shroud reconcile their differences, and together build the subterranean city of Gelmorra to protect themselves from the threat of the elementals.[1]

ca. 750

  • Hyur emigrate to Eorzea en masse in the third and final of their great migratory waves.[8]


Uldah Flag.png
Albin the Ashen, a Hyuran chieftain, leads a band of his men to invade Thanalan, and is swiftly dispatched by Belah'dian forces.[8]


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The Azure Dragoon Valeroyant repels an attack by the wyrm Nidhogg, who had been dormant for several decades.[8]


Doma Flag.png
General Ganen, the founder of Doma, enlists a number of Namazu as messengers.[9]

ca. 777

Doma Flag.png
General Ganen unites Yanxia under his rule, founding the kingdom of Doma.[10]


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The Azure Dragoon Valeroyant leaves Ishgard to defend a small village from the Dravanian Horde, but is slain in battle protecting a group of shepherds. [8]

Ninth Century

ca. 800

Garlemald Banner.png
The Garleans, after suffering defeat in their territorial claims in the southern region of Ilsabard, cross the central mountain range and settle in the snow-clad northlands. [8]


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Thirty years after his death, the Azure Dragoon Valeroyant is canonized as a Halonic saint by the Holy See. [8]


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Lalafuto III, sultan of Belah'dia, vanishes under mysterious circumstances. [8]


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The long search for Lalafuto III is abandoned, and his wife Memeto is crowned as ruling sultana. [8]


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The Galadion, a ship crewed by Roegadyn refugees seeking to escape the tyranny of their homeland after a failed coup d'état, departs the isle of Aerslaent in the Northern Empty. [8]


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The Galadion runs aground on the southern coast of Vylbrand. The refugees abandon the ship, settling on the island, where they found the maritime city of Limsa Lominsa. [8]


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A private Sharlayan vessel bound for Thanalan comes upon the stranded Galadion and offers assistance, which is refused by its erstwhile crew as unnecessary. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
A kobold tribe massacres townsfolk in a settlement in western La Noscea. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Battle ensues as a militia is dispatched from Limsa Lominsa to defend the settlements of western La Noscea. The Lominsans are victorious in their skirmishes with the kobold tribes along the narrow corridor leading to upper La Noscea, and the region comes to be known as Skull Valley after the Lominsans line the path with the death's-heads of their foes as a warning to would-be trespassers. [8]

Tenth Century


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Elilwaen, first Admiral of Limsa Lominsa, succumbs to an unknown disease (possibly the Lung Rot) at seventy and six. In his last will, he names his confidant Tragghyr the Cold as his successor, beginning a tradition of Lominsan Admirals being selected by appointment. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Admiral Tragghyr recruits a group of like-minded men to form the Knights of the Barracuda, the Lominsan navy. Commanding its land forces, popularly known as The Yellowjackets, he leads a raid on kobold territories in the name of the city-state. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The Knights of the Barracuda establish Camp Skull Valley in western La Noscea, seizing a portion of kobold lands and opening the region for colonization. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Large-scale logging commences in lower La Noscea. The Lominsans establish Moraby Drydocks, and commence building war vessels with their newfound resources. [8]

ca. 910

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
With the boom in ship construction, acts of piracy by Lominsan citizens become increasingly commonplace. [8]


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Captain Maetistym the Lithe, of Limsa Lominsa, lands at the island that would later be known as Thavnair, believing --incorrectly-- that he had discovered a sea route to the nation of Hingashi.[11]


Garlemald Banner.png
The Garleans establish the Republic of Garlemald in the northern reaches of Ilsabard. [8]

ca. 930

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
To contend with the armed escort convoys accompanying merchant vessels, pirates begin to join forces under their own flags, and countless pirate bands terrorize the seas. [8]

Garlemald Banner.png
The Republic of Garlemald is dealt a crippling blow when its capital is raided by the Hyuran nomads of the north. [8]


Garlemald Banner.png
The Republic forges an alliance with the Roegadyn mountain clans, enlisting Roegadyn battle mages as mercenaries to fortify defenses around the perimeter of the capital. [8]


Garlemald Banner.png
Bolstered by the strength of the Roegadyn battle mages, the Garlean army succeeds in repelling the nomads. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Pirate bands vie for supremacy amongst themselves, with conflicts growing increasingly violent. The Admiral's authority weakens, public order rapidly deteriorates, and blood feuds between pirate crews continue for the next two decades. [8]


Garlemald Banner.png
The Roegadyn mountain clans demand compensation from Garlemald for the services of their people in driving off the Hyur. After months of negotiation, talks break down and the mercenaries withdraw from the capital. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The incumbent Admiral of Limsa Lominsa is assassinated, and Agatzahr Roehmerlsyn—a reformed buccaneer—is appointed to serve in his stead. [8]


Uldah Flag.png
The sultan of Belah'dia grows deathly ill and is confined to his sickbed. [12]

Uldah Flag.png
Civil war breaks out in Belah'dia, as the twin princes Sasagan and Sasawefu each assert their claim to the throne. [8]

Uldah Flag.png
Sasawefu's army employs Sharlayan aetherytes in an ambush on Sasagan's encampments. In retaliation, Sasagan's army destroys an aetheryte while in use, causing nearly eight hundred of Sasawefu's men to vanish without a trace. [8]


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The sultan of Belah'dia passes away on his sickbed. [12]

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Sharlayan orders the temporary suspension of their aethernet in Thanalan until a resolution can be reached in the Belah'dian civil war. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Admiral Agatzahr gathers the warring pirate crews and reaches an agreement for a code of conduct, ending two decades of bloody conflict. [8]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Agatzahr establishes the Upright Thieves as back-alley enforcers of the code. [8]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Agatzahr temporarily expands the powers of Admiral to include governing of the maritime city and promptly institutes a tariff on looted goods, routing the funds to the Knights of the Barracuda. Their strength and numbers bolstered, the navy scores a string of victories against the kobolds, claiming a significant portion of the beastmen's lands for Limsa Lominsa. [8]


Ishgard Flag.png
The Temple Knight Ser Tryphaniel brutally slaughters a clergyman of the Holy See known to have abused orphans in his charge. The knight is tried for murder, but earns his release in a trial by combat. Ser Tryphaniel's actions garner him recognition as the first "dark knight." [8][13]


Uldah Flag.png
Belah'dia is divided and two kingdoms emerge: Sil'dih under Sasawefu and Ul'dah under Sasagan. [8]

Uldah Flag.png
The founding father of Ul'dah, Sasagan Ul Sisigan, forms the Sultansworn from the knights who contributed to the birth of the nation. The holy blade Oathkeeper is bestowed upon their leader, and three elite paladins are gifted the swords Curtana, Joyeuse, and Durandal, hewn from the same stone. [8][14]

ca. 970

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Marking the end of the prolonged territorial conflict, the Lominsans of southern Vylbrand allow the beastmen to maintain possession of Mount O'Ghomoro, their sacred summit in the north. [8]

ca. 980

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
A market for plundered goods emerges in Limsa Lominsa, and seafaring trade begins in earnest. [8]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
As sea trade flourishes, Limsa Lominsa experiences an influx of Plainsfolk Lalafell. Significant numbers of Hyur Midlanders and Miqo'te Seekers of the Sun also come to the city—some in search of a free life, others abducted by and assimilated into pirate bands—and its populace grows ever more diverse. [15]

Uldah Flag.png
Coinach, a young Order of Nald'thal seminarian from Ul'dah, sets out to find proof of the existence of the ancient Allagan Empire. [16][17]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
A pirate who had come to Limsa Lominsa to purchase sailcloth from the black markets becomes enraged when his purchase falls short of the length for which he believes he had paid. The ensuing scuffle leaves some fifty men dead or wounded. [18]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Admiral Agatzahr promptly arrests the pirate responsible for the ruckus, lopping his thumb clean off, and declaring that it will henceforth serve as the standard measure of an ilm throughout the land. Cast-iron replicas of the buccaneer's severed thumb are produced in bulk and distributed throughout the realm to serve as one-ilm rules, and disputes over vague measurements soon become a thing of the past. [18]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Agatzahr announces the first Trident, a contest among the pirate powers that will henceforth serve to choose future Admirals of Limsa Lominsa. [15]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The first Trident is held, and its victor inaugurated as new Admiral of Limsa Lominsa. [15]

The Age of Strife (Years 1000-1300)

Eleventh Century

ca. 1000

Uldah Flag.png
Ul'dah first enlists the aid of Roegadyn and Highlander sellswords in their continuing war against Sil'dih. [15]

ca. 1020

Gridania Flag.png
The Ixal incur the wrath of the elementals and are cast out of the Black Shroud. The tribes migrate to Xelphatol, east of Abalathia's Spine. [15]

ca. 1030

Uldah Flag.png
Coinach finds proof of Allag's existence in a sparsely populated corner of Mor Dhona. He finds vindication for his discovery, showered with coin to finance future excavations. After his death, followers of Althyk, the Keeper, canonize him as a saint. He later becomes the namesake of Saint Coinach's Find and the Sons of Saint Coinach—an organization dedicated to continuing his life's work. [16]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Sahagin marauders assail the pirate ship, the Nonsuch, in the Indigo Deep. [15]

ca. 1050

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Tensions with the Sahagin in the Indigo Deep rise, with reports of wide scale attacks by the beastmen on Lominsan vessels, merchant and pirate alike. [15]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
A pirate crew known as the Seaspray parley with the Sahagin. The beastmen agree to an alliance on the condition that the pirates offer sacrifices to Leviathan, and the two parties jointly engage in piracy. [15]


Ishgard Flag.png
The Azure Dragoon subdues a massive dragon in the western highlands of Coerthas, aided by a contingent of mages from the Holy See who spellbind the foe into slumber. The body and limbs of the great wyrm are enveloped in ash and stone, forming the floating isle known as the Dreaming Dragon. [15]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Admiral Mealvaan appoints Ikuku Iku, an arcanist hailing from the south sea isles, as an advisor in matters of governance. At the Lalafell's suggestion, Mealvaan's Gate is established to inspect and tax maritime traffic. [15]


Gridania Flag.png

After much trial and error, the conjurer Jorin successfully communes with the elementals. Talks are held in Peacegarden, and the citizens of Gelmorra are permitted to live in the Black Shroud. [15]


Gridania Flag.png

The inhabitants of Gelmorra begin construction of the forest city of Gridania. The hamlet of Quarrymill is founded on the site where the stone is cut and harvested for building materials. [15]

ca. 1080

Gridania Flag.png
Gridania is forced to defend itself from neighboring nations. Reluctant Gridanian archers strum their bowstrings and sing songs for their comrades, setting the foundation for the bard tradition. [19]

Gridania Flag.png
A precursor to the Botanists' Guild is founded, an organization with a Hearer as its mouth and ears to swiftly relay the elementals' will to Gridanian botanists. [20]


Gridania Flag.png
Brother Jorin's wife bears him a son, who is born with two distinct round bumps on his head. [15]


Gridania Flag.png
The curious knobs on the head of Jorin's eldest son grow into horns. He soon displays an ability to prophesy natural events—great rainstorms, blight in the apple orchards, and a plague of catfish—and is celebrated as a child of the gods. [15]


Gridania Flag.png
Jorin's eldest son stops aging, and is feared to harbor an unknown sickness. The child refutes this, declaring it a sign that the elementals have chosen him as a mediator between the forest spirits and man. He discards his birth name and takes to calling himself I-Ohok-Pota, which he describes as the sound made by the aetheric waves when the elementals speak unto him. Henceforth, Jorin and his children adopt the surname Pota. [15]

Twelfth Century

ca. 1100

Uldah Flag.png
A permanent coliseum is erected as gladiatorial culture becomes firmly entrenched into Ul'dah. [15]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The harbor town of Aleport is founded in western La Noscea. [15]


Gridania Flag.png
The child of a Hyuran family in Gridania is the second to be born with horns. I-Ohok Pota offers to take the child in his care, bestowing upon the child the name of U-Kote-Num. Henceforth, the horned children of Gridania came to be known as Padjal, and are raised with great care in the Stillglade Fane. [15]

ca. 1120

Gridania Flag.png
The elementals allow the legacy of Amdapori magi to be wielded by the Padjal, who serve as stewards of white magic and oversee its careful instruction. [21]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Cultivated vineyards thrive in eastern La Noscea, and the hamlet of Wineport is established. [15]


Gridania Flag.png
I-Ohok Pota, who had already been serving as Gridania's de facto political leader, officially assumes the role at the behest of the Seedseer Council, and is conferred the new title of Elder Seedseer. [15]

ca. 1130

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The Cedarwood in lower La Noscea goes barren from excess logging. Reclamation of upper La Noscea commences to address the increasing demand for lumber from Lominsan shipyards. [15]


Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Anshelm Cotter unifies the military might of Gyr Abania's warring clans and builds a citadel on the shores of Loch Seld, marking the birth of the city-state of Ala Mhigo. [15]

ca. 1140

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Hostilities with the kobolds flare anew as the Lominsans colonize the lands of upper La Noscea. [15]


Ishgard Flag.png
The Azure Dragoon Reinette carries out her revenge on the dragons who killed her lover. She then lays down her spear Gae Bolg and takes a vow of poverty, living out the rest of her days as a nun in service of the poor and downtrodden. [15]


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The Knights of the Barracuda launch a wide-scale offensive against the kobolds in the north to secure the forests of Oakwood, a primary source of shipbuilding lumber. In the third major conquest of kobold lands, they claim the surrounding area for Limsa Lominsa, establishing the garrison Iron Lake on the shoreline. [15]


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A system of tolls is enacted, to be collected from merchants traveling through Ala Mhigo and Gyr Abania in return for safe passage between Eorzea and the Near East. [15]


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Ala Mhigan pikemen drive out the invading Hyuran nomads from northern Othard, and tales of their courage and martial prowess resound across Eorzea. [15]


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Lalawefu Sil Tatawefu ascends the throne of Sil'dih, and increases taxes to spur economic reform. [15]


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Lalawefu takes measures to secure a stable water source, and is hailed by his people as the "King of Springs." The act deals a serious blow to Ul'dah, as Sil'dih's water supply is diverted from upstream of their sister sultanate's own reservoir. [15]


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Lalawefu of Sil'dih succumbs to illness. [15]

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A withering drought overtakes Thanalan. Sil'dih falls into economic decline, and its people voice public dicontent with the sultanate's excessive taxation. [15]


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Ul'dah invades Sil'dih to reclaim their water supply. Sil'dih takes advantage of the crisis to unify its people under a common cause, and wages a war of resistance against its sister state. [15]


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Ul'dah enlists the services of Ala Mhigan mercenaries, and the soldiers of fortune swell their ranks as the kingdom besieges Sil'dih. [15]


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Ul'dahn thaumaturges develop the Traders' Spurn, an alchemical concoction with the power to reanimate the dead. With this devastating weapon, they lay waste to Sil'dih. [15]

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I-Ohok Pota celebrates his one-hundredth nameday, though his appearance remains that of a boy of ten summers. [15]


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Lady Reinette, the former Azure Dragoon, expires in a nunnery at sixty and six. [15]

ca. 1190

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After their triumph over Sil'dih, emissaries from a thriving Ul'dah board Lominsan-built ships and set sail for the Near East to establish trade. [22]

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With the expansion of maritime trade, the number of Ul'dahn merchants taking the land-based trade routes begins to decline, and Ala Mhigo struggles to sustain itself on the meager tolls. [22]

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Inexpensive Near Eastern fabrics flood the Ul'dahn markets. Unable to compete with the quantity of the imported textiles, the city-state's weavers increase the quality of their goods. Converging to share techniques, these many like-minded craftsmen found the Weavers' Guild. [23]

Thirteenth Century

ca. 1200

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Piracy enters its golden age, and raids by Lominsan corsairs on merchant ships laden with Ul'dahn riches are the order of the day. [22]

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Ul'dahn merchants begin arming their vessels to protect their livelihoods on the open sea, but struggle to fend off the Lominsan pirates and their superior nautical aptitude. [22]

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Ul'dah's rise as a mercantile power sees the demand for jewelry grow, and from it comes Eshtaime's Aesthetics. Eshtaime's invites renowned Eastern masters to work in their halls, and their tutelage allows the goldsmiths to create pieces that take the Ul'dahn market by storm. The Ul'dahn organization that beckoned these craftsmen to their facilities eventually becomes the Goldsmiths' Guild.


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The pirate king Mistbeard appears on the Five Seas, his face concealed by a ghastly mask as he unifies several pirate bands under his flagship, the Haar. His legend grows as he and his crew plunder the seas with impunity. [22]


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Baldurf Thorne, a Hyuran of noble blood, learns the truth of the fall of Sil'dih at the hands of Ul'dah in 1181. Sasagan III demands Baldurf's head, but this order is not acted upon due to Thorne's reputation as a righteous man. Sasagan III is charged for his crimes, imprisoned in the Marasaja Pit, and removed from his role as Ul'dah's sultan.[24]
An initially-reluctant Baldurf is crowned sultan within the year, becoming the first ruler of the Thorne Dynasty under the condition that he would be a steward, ruling until the city-state was able. Under his orders, knowledge of the "Trader's Spurn" is withheld from the public, but a new order is founded under his supervision called "The Arbiters of Truth", with the stated mission of preserving the truth of Sil'dih's downfall for the future.[22] [25][26]


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Mistbeard is reportedly slain at sea in battle with an armed merchant vessel from the Near Eastern city of Radz-at-Han. [22]


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A wealth of treasures is plundered from a Radz-at-Han argosy, giving rise to rumors that Mistbeard is alive and well. Time and again the pirate king is reported as dead only to resurface, leading many to believe the man immortal. [22]


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Baldric Thorne's only daughter, Edyva disappears from the palace. Fearing the worst, the sultan orders a city-wide search for the princess. The Sultansworn eventually discover Edyva with the assistance of a young girl of low birth. The incident would later be remembered as the national holiday, "Little Ladies' Day." [22]


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Ul'dah relocates its capital atop the ruins of fallen Sil'dih. [22]


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The enslaved ecatoncheires gigants of Copperbell Mines revolt against their masters when the enchantments on their helms wear off, and the miners force a cave-in of the lowest depths to seal the giants within. The mine is shuttered under the pretense that its veins have run barren. [22]

ca. 1280

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Heimart, a monk of the Fist of Rhalgr, establishes the monastery known as Gyr Kehim, meaning "one's mirage" in the ancient Mhachi tongue. [22]

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Doma languishes under the rule of its decadent king, Seien Rijin. With the aid of the ninja Sasuke Kagekakushi, the king's brother Shoen leads a successful rebellion and overthrows his tyrannical sibling.[10]

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Fearing that another tyrant may one day rise to power in Doma, Shoen Rijin implores Sasuke to remain in the nation as a check against tyranny. Sasuke consents, and founds the hidden village of Shinobi-no-Sato deep in the mountains of Yanxia.


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Lady Reinette is canonized by the Holy See a century after her death. Unpopular with the clergy for having abandoned her duties as Azure Dragoon at a young age, she is beloved by the commonfolk for having devoted her life in service of the poor and downtrodden. The See elevates her to sainthood, in what is widely seen as an attempt to distract the public from corruption within the church. [22]

The Age of Stability (Years 1300-1500)

Fourteenth Century

ca. 1300

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The legendary minstrel Santhelme proposes the original set of Aoidos Attire, adopting elements of Near Eastern garb in the design, spurring a surge in the popularity of Near Eastern fashion across the realm. He also orders the construction of the bow Berimbau. [19]


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Scholars of Sharlayan establish a research outpost in the Dravanian hinterlands for further observation of the aetherial sea. [22]


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Sharlayan enlists the service of Ala Mhigan mercenaries to subdue the beasts that roam the hinterlands and ensure the safety of their outpost. [22]


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A Sharlayan survey team discovers a vast system of subterranean caverns beneath the Dravanian hinterlands. They commence construction of an aetherial observation facility, the precursor to the Antitower. [22]


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The Creeping Death strikes, spreading rapidly among the Hyur of Gridania. [22]


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An alchemist sent from Ul'dah develops a cure for the Creeping Death. Though the spread is contained, the Hyuran population is left decimated by the disease, drastically transforming the racial makeup of the city. [22]


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Waves of undead pour forth from the Sil'dihn waterways beneath Ul'dah. [22]

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Responding to a series of zombie attacks across Thanalan, the sultanate approaches their theretofore enemy, the Amalj'aa, with a proposal to join forces against their common undead foe. The Amalj'aa—eager to cleanse their sacred land of the foul corpses—accept the offer, and Zahar'ak is established as a joint garrison. [22]

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I-Ohok Pota passes away peacefully in meditation at the age of two hundred and seventy-two. To the end, he showed no signs of sickness, and is believed to have died of old age. [22]

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Ala Mhigan mercenaries are contracted by Ul'dah in the sultanate's effort to purge the city of the undead droves. [22]


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The mighty Dravanian general Darkscale awakens and leads an army of wyverns in a raid on the villages of the eastern Coerthas highlands. The Temple Knights and dragoons join forces to retaliate, and succeed in repelling the dragon threat. A mortally wounded Darkscale tumbles from the heavens and plummets into the depths of Clearwater Lake, and the battlefield is henceforth known as the Fields of Glory. [22]


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With the aid of the Ala Mhigan mercenaries, the sultanate at long last is successful in ridding the city of the undead. [22]

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The Royal House of Thorne abdicates the throne and restores sovereignty to the House of Ul, marking the ascension of the second Ul Dynasty. [22]

ca. 1360

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The Ixal innovate a method of enclosing ceruleum vapors to form floating pouches that can be employed in the transport of heavy cargo. [22]


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The Forum adopts a proposal to erect a formal city and colony on the site of the research camp in the Dravanian hinterlands. [22]


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The first wave of settlers from the motherland set out for the Dravanian hinterlands. [22]

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The Wood Wailers engage Ixal trespassing into the Black Shroud to gather timber, driving them out of the forest. [22]


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In response to repeated Ixali incursions, the Gods' Quiver is established to fend off external threats to the Twelveswood. [22]


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Stonemason Percelle begins work on a statue of Haldrath to be erected in the Coerthas western highlands. [22]

ca. 1380

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Ursulie the Meek, a brilliant Ishgardian artisan, forges the Dragonlancer's Armor and Brionac. Her modifications to traditional smithing methods are rejected by the conservative clergy, and she leaves Ishgard. [27]

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A troubled smith crafts the sword Deathbringer as the price for a dark knight to punish a terrible injustice. [5]

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As part of a vast effort to expand and improve Gridania, more of the Jadeite Thick is cleared and New Gridania is created in the southern portion of the city-state.[28]

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A tremendous gale renders the Anchor Yard of Limsa Lominsa ill-fit for large vessels to drop anchor. A wide courtyard is constructed in its place.[29]


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Sasamo Ul Samo fails in her plot to overthrow the ruling sultana, her elder sister. [22]

Fifteenth Century


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As the merchant clasas of Ul'dah grows in power, the sultanate is robbed of its influence. The distraught line of Ul establishes the Syndicate, a group of six advisors chosen as the merchants who had added the most wealth to Ul'dah. [12]


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Stonemason Percelle completes the statue of Haldrath in the Coerthas western highlands. [22]


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Massive deposits of rare mythril ore are discovered in Thanalan, leading to the Mad Mythril Rush and a period of unprecedented economic prosperity. [22]

ca. 1420

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The Ixal, having made significant advances in their air bladder technology, invent the first dirigible. [22]


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Tavern proprietress Amajina recruits a number of her regular patrons to found Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, a mining interest. [22]

ca. 1427

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The Centaur's Eye is founded by a family of dedicated bowyers.[30]


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Cannonwright Theor Naldiq and shipwright Bryce Vymelli found Naldiq & Vymelli's as a smithy to serve any with coin including pirates and foreigners.

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The Blacksmiths' Guild is established, that the Lominsan art of smithing may be preserved and its traditions passed down to future generations. [22]

ca. 1440

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The Ixal, through technological advances and careful study of the winds, succeed in devising a means to steer their dirigibles at will, though this capacity is limited to certain seasons. They begin outfitting their craft with armored plates for use in battle. [22]


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The citizens of Gridania incur the ire of the elementals of the Black Shroud, awakening the greenwrath. A numer of their elderly offer themselves in sacrifice to expunge the woodsin, sparing the people expulsion from the forest. [22]

ca. 1460

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A fisherman in Thanalan rescues the brutal pirate Caerkympf from drowning. Swearing an oath to repay his debt, the Roegadyn drives the local Amalj'aa tribe from the fisherman's village. Word of his exploits reach the sultan's ear, and he commissions the first suit of Creed armor to be gifted to the heroic Sea Wolf. [14]


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The Goldsmiths' Guild of Ul'dah adopts advanced clockwork mechanisms to fashion the first mammet, a living puppet. The prototype mammet is named Mnejing. [22]


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King Manfred abruptly asserts his sovereign right to the East Shroud, dispatching General Gylbarde and his men across the Velodyna River to seize Gridanian territory. The incursion marks the outbreak of the Autumn War. [31]

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Vainchelon Whitewater, a decorated pikeman, is appointed as supreme commander of the Gridanian forces and leads his troops into battle with the Ala Mhigan invaders at Firesand Banks. The battle ends in a stalemate between the two parties, and Vainchelon forms a defensive line at Nine Ivies to stem the advance of the Ala Mhigan army. [31]

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Vainchelon is poisoned to death by Ala Mhigo, though it is erroneously believed that he died of an illness. Osbern, his second, assumes command, abandoning Vainchelon's defensive positions and leading the Gridanians in a frontal assault on the Ala Mhigan forces. [31]

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General Gylbarde ambushes the Gridanian troops en route to Firesand, surrounding and spilling the blood of the Gridanian column with six thousand men. [31]

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General Gylbarde thrice deflects the desperate advances of Commander Osbern. In addition to capturing Osbern and scores of his officers, Gylbarde's army also seizes possession of Claustrum, the Seedseers' legendary staff. The First Battle of Tinolqa concludes with a decisive Ala Mhigan victory. [31]


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The thaumaturge Ququruka Tataruka is found guilty of practicing forbidden magicks, and imprisoned in the Marasaja Pit. [31]

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The nations of Ishgard, Ul'dah, and Limsa Lominsa send reinforcements to Gridania, and their combined forces deal a crippling blow to the Ala Mhigan army at East End. [31]

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Beltrant de Durendaire, an Ishgardian scout along with his chocobo, Ouranos, uncover a secret Ala Mhigan march while on patrol. Despite being heavily wounded, Beltrant and Ouranos return to camp and make the Ala Mhigan position known. Ouranos dies of his wounds, resulting in the development of chocobo barding in his wake. [14]

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The sword Hauteclaire is commissioned for Beltrant de Durendaire in a show of gratitude. It is forged of Lominsan steel, set with Gridanian crystals, and adorned with Ul'dahn gold. Years later, after his death, the blade is auctioned to raise funds for war orphans in accordance with the knight's last will and testament. [14]

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General Gylbarde is slain in combat, and King Manfred is wounded when he rushes to the frontlines to restore morale. The Second Battle of Tinolqa ends with a decisive victory for the Alliance. [31]


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Former Wood Wailer captain Mistalle establishes the Lancers' Guild. [31]

ca. 1470


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The seventy-second Trident is held. One-eyed Wylfred is favored in the contest, but is betrayed by his first mate Keitlach, and his archrival Geisswaen claims victory. Upon assuming the admiralship, Geisswaen orders Wylfred to be crucified at Bearded Rock. [31]


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The Gods' Quiver seizes an Ixali dirigible after it makes a forced landing due to equipment failure. [31]


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The Ul'dahn merchant Tatanora purchases the confiscated Ixali dirigible from the Gods' Quiver in Gridania. Using knowledge of ceruleum vapors gleaned from the craft, he amasses a fortune from the production and sale of chocobo coaches. [31]

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Great merchant caravans employing chocobo carriages are organized, and set off for the east. Meanwhile, Ala Mhigo is forced to dramatically reduce their highroad tolls as part of their terms of surrender in the Autumn War. As a result, overland transport regains popularity as an alternative to the piracy-plagued sea routes. [31]


  • Flourishing commerce and cross-border trade prompt the need for standardization of currency and measurements. By consensus of the six city-states, the gil of ancient Allag is revived and adopted as a universal currency, and with it the ilm/onze system of weights and measures. [31]

ca. 1477

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A Near Eastern trader presents King Manfred with the horn of a rare Narval. Awestruck by its beauty, he orders the royal smith to create a lance from the horn.[32]

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According to local tales, a child of the elementals perishes and Gridania is covered in a thick blanket of snow. A brother and sister enter the Twelveswood seeking food for their parents, but become separated in the dark. They begin playing the ebony zither and rosewood pipe they carry to find one another. The beauty of their melody draws the elementals from their stupor, dispelling the cold that settled over the wood.[30]


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Wealthy merchants invest large sums of money into the Coliseum, which uses the funds to construct Halatali, a training ground for professional gladiators. [31]


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Skysteel Manufactory is established and begins developing weaponry to be used in the war against the Dravanian Horde. [31]


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Solus Galvus, first son of the esteemed House Galvus, is born. [31]


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The Lominsan adventurer Ketenramm the Blue embarks upon an expeditionary voyage across the western seas. [31]


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Ketenramm discovers uncharted lands across the western seas. He takes to shore, making first contact with the thriving nation of the Mamool Ja. [31]


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Ketenramm and his crew pay visit to the aboriginal capital of the Mamool Ja. The expedition makes an offering of Lominsan gifts to the Autarch, who in return bestows upon his guests treasures of finest silver. [31]

The Rise of Garlemald (Years 1500-1560)

Sixteenth Century


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Ketenramm returns to Limsa Lominsa from the The New World. [31]

ca. 1500

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Word of Ketenramm's miraculous discovery spreads across the city-state, and more and more Lominsans set sail in search of glory and riches in the The New World, ushering in a golden age of exploration. These voyages are met with difficulties—shipwrecks in the rough western seas, ambushes by the Sahagin of the Indigo Deep—and the docks and alehouses of the capital are abuzz with tales of fortune and woe. [31]

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The starglobe Atlas is built as a recreation based on sketches of Lewphon, the father of Sharlayan astromancy. [31]


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Solus Galvus enlists in the Republican army at the age of sixteen. [31]


ca. 1510

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At the turn of the 16th century, an engineer attempts to create a smaller version of the stationary steam engine, but chose instead to utilize ceruleum as a fuel source. His creation is weak but portable, and soon has the backing of Garlemald's military funding. The first magitek engine is born.


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Solus Galvus's exploits in battle earn him a promotion to legatus at the age of twenty and four. He promptly pushes through reforms which sanction the use of magitek in the Republican legions. [31][34]


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The Republic of Garlemald begins forcefully subjugating and annexing its neighboring city-states.[31]


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Limsa Lominsa petitions the kobold tribes for a peace accord in order to focus their strength on the campaign against the Sahagin, and avoid fighting a war on two fronts. At the conclusion of negotiations with the 1st Order Patriarch, the two parties sign a pact of non-aggression which states "to man goes the bounties of the sea, and to the kobolds the bounties of the land." The ambiguity of the agreement, however, will eventually invite further conflict.[31]

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His accomplishments having garnered him the undivided support of the citizenry, Solus van Galvus is named Dictator, the supreme commander of Garlemald, at the age of twenty and eight.[31][34]

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Republican Airships are launched in battle for the first time, and the kingdom of Nhalmasque in Ilsabard's central mountains is easily conquered and annexed after raining destruction down upon it from above. Easily circumventing ground fortifications, Garlean airships were able to swiftly deliver imperial troops into the heart of enemy strongholds, forever altering the course of modern warfare.[31][34]


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In what is commonly known as the Battle of Indigo Deep, the Knights of the Barracuda and numerous pirate fleets join forces and sail into the Indigo Deep to subjugate the Sahagin, an operation that ends in failure.[31]


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Legendary brawler Cornelia unites those gladiators versed in the art of fisticuffs into a guild of pugilists in the hopes of passing down her all-encompassing style of unarmed combat to future generations.[31]


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The whole of Ilsabard is unified under Garlean rule. Dictator Solus zos Galvus declares that the Republic will henceforth be governed as an imperial regime, and crowns himself Garlemald's first emperor at the age of thirty and one.[31][34]

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The Garlean Empire adopts their own calendar, with years counted according to the Emperor's reign.[31]

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Tatanora succeeds in reproducing Ixali technology and manufactures dirigibles in mass quantities, leading to a surge in exploration by flight. [31]

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A battle ensues between Mistbeard's crew and the League of Lost Bastards in the open sea off eastern La Noscea. Countless lives are lost, and the coastline comes to be known as Bloodshore, as its waters run red with the blood of the fallen. [31]


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Admiral Guolskyf "Mastcleaver" Bhaldwaensyn, a noted gourmand, establishes the Culinarians' Guild as part of a comprehensive effort to compile and catalogue the most delicious recipes from all corners of the realm. [31]


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The imperial legions of Garlemald launch a military campaign on the eastern continent.[35][34]

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"No lands must remain beyond our grasp. Go forth. Conquer. Rule." Solus zos Galvus says during the commencement of the first Far Eastern Campaign.[34]

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Three Imperial Legions set forth to conquer Garlemald's next target, the region of Nagxia beyond the Burn. However, the distance to Nagxia was too far for Imperial airships to travel, so the Legions marched on foot and on multi-legged magitek transports. However, while traversing the Burn, the harsh climate and desert sand caused early magitek units to breakdown. As potable water diminished and morale was exhausted, the Emperor gave the order to withdraw.[34]

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During the retreat, the Imperial army stumbled upon ancient ruins in the Burn, and a terrible truth: that the ancient city's inhabitants were responsible for the creation of the wasteland, its aether consumed by godlike beings the people had summoned repeatedly.[34]

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Upon returning from the Burn after having witnessed its desolation firsthand, Emperor Solus zos Galvus releases an imperial mandate calling for the eradication of all false deities, or "Eikons," and any race suspected of summoning them. These detestable races the Empire dubs "beast tribes."[34]


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Archon Matoya completes her research on aetheric convergence as a means to counter the Garlean menace. The resulting tome, On Aetheric Convergence, is denounced by the Forum as being more dangerous to Sharlayan than the enemy, and henceforth banned as forbidden knowledge. [35]

ca. 1530

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Solus zos Galvus channels the vast resources of the Empire into the development of new magitek designs, more efficient airships, and faster single-pilot units as well.[34]


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Tatanora uses his accrued fortune to found Highwind Skyways, a privately-owned company focused on tourism and commercial applications of air travel. [35]


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Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, future Admiral of Limsa Lominsa, is born. [35]


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The Darklight Raiders, a mercenary group under the command of Gerbald the Red, eradicate an enormous poisonous snake in the Aurum Vale, earning themselves fame and fortune. [35]


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The Seedseers issue a decree to close the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, citing inhumane treatment of the prisoners confined therein. [35]


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The Darklight Raiders fail in an attempt to purge Cutter's Cry of the chimera that lurks in its depths. The mercenary group is effectively disbanded as most of its members are slain. [35]


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Solkzagyl Keltnaglsyn, the grandson of Caerkympf, is appointed captain of the Sultansworn at the age of twenty and two. [35]


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Theodoric the First ascends the throne as king of Ala Mhigo. [35]


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With the Empire's new airships, the Garlean Empire now stands ready to resume its invasion of Othard. Long considered unassailable, Emperor Galvus bids his airships fly over the Skatay Range and attack the Kingdom of Dalmasca from the north, circumventing its defenses. Major cities fall in the blink of an eye. Nalbina Fortress, Dalmasca's last bastion of defense, raises a magical barrier to stall the Empire's approach.[34]

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Legatus Noah van Gabranth of the IVth Imperial Legion begins a bloody, six-month siege to Nalbina Fortress. Tides finally turn against the Dalmascans in the final Battle of Nalbina, wherein Prince Rasler and Princess Ashelia were found among the 70,000 dead on the Dalmascan side.[34]

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After the massacre, Dalmasca's regent relinquishes the crown to the Empire and supposedly succumbs to illness soon after, ending the royal B'nargin line after a thousand years of rule. Rumors of suicide and assassination circulate throughout the annexed kingdom.[34]

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Rabanastre becomes a key staging ground for Imperial forces moving into Nagxia, the kingdom quickly being annexed into two regions: the deserts of the Rabanastre capital to the north in Dalmasca Superior, and the jungles to the south in Dalmasca Inferior, with Lea Monde as its capital.[34]

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Garlemald begins to subjugate the whole of Nagxia. Despite the Nagxians being made up of several disparate clans, their guerrilla tactics and familiarity with their jungle home made the regions occupation difficult, until Garlemald begins employing small, elite mobile units.

ca. 1547

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The wife of Lewin Hunte is found dead with an Ixali spear in her back. After a humble funeral, he joins the Gods' Quiver.[36]

ca. 1550

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Relics of ancient Allag are unearthed in the new territories of Garlemald. While Garlemald's engineers were never able to replicate the fundamentals of the Allagan devices, the secrets pried from the old machina advances Garlean magitek by leaps and bounds.[37]

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Garlean engineers are successful in using ceruleum engines to reanimate a number of these uncovered Allagan machina. Some of these ancient warmachina begin appearing on the front lines.[37]

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The Sanguine Sirens are founded by four women seeking to make their fortune in a pirate society controlled by their male counterparts. [38]

  • The advent of airship technology thrusts open the once-closed doors of the Far East.[39]


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Theodred, nephew of King Theodoric, is sent away to the Temple of the Fist to protect him from his uncle's purges. He is later known by the name Widargelt Beake, being raised by the temple monks. [40]

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The conflict between King Theodoric and the Fist of Rhalgr intensifies. In the name of quelling the insurrection, the king leads a vast army to the Temple of the Fist, razing it to the ground and massacring its disciples. [35]

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At nineteen, Raubahn Aldynn is ordered to suppress an angry mob as an officer of the Ala Mhigan army. He earns wide renown when he succeeds in the task without spilling a drop of blood. [35]

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Fearing imminent invasion, Doma's sovereign requests aid from Hingashi, however, after witnessing the fate of Dalmasca, the bakufu elects to remain neutral.[34]

Doma Flag.png
Rather than reinforcing Doma's castles and strongholds throughout Yanxia, Lord Kaien gathers his strength along the Dairyu Moon Gates, reinforcing their wards with Geomancy and ninjutsu to disrupt the aetherial currents and send incoming Garlean airships crashing to the earth below. Ground assaults are likewise repelled with a united Doman army fighting alongside several auspices, including Tamamo no Gozen.[34]

Doma Flag.png
Despite repelling the first wave, the Garleans redouble their efforts and soon gain a foothold on the One River with the overnight construction of Castrum Fluminis. Realizing he cannot hope to win out the coming siege, Lord Kaien surrenders Doma to the Empire to avoid more bloodshed.[34]

Garlemald Banner.png
The imperial legions conquer Doma.[35][34]

ca. 1552

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Gridania is dealt a humiliating defeat by Ixali forces in Coerthas at the Battle of Griffin Crossing. [35]


Garlemald Banner.png
With the remaining lands of Othard quickly being annexed, Garlemald turns its full attention towards Aldenard and begins attacking the Eorzean city-state of Ala Mhigo, drawing attention away from Baelsar's ongoing political subterfuge in the region.[35]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn discovers that her father Bloefhis has been consorting with Sahagin. She challenges him to a duel on a desert island and kills him, then assumes command of the League of Lost Bastards. [35]

Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Raubahn is assigned to the border forces as the XIVth Legion closes in. He and his comrades undertake a series of diversionary maneuvers which succeed in keeping the imperial forces at bay. [35]


Garlemald Banner.png
Cid Garlond and Nero Scaeva enter Garlemald's Magitek Academy, their fiercely competitive rivalry fueling the Imperial military with countless new inventions, many of which would come to be used against Ala Mhigo.

Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Raubahn makes short work of an imperial magitek contingent in a border skirmish, toying with the enemy, and is promoted to a position of high command for his deeds. His impressive accomplishments on the field of battle earn him further trust and acclaim among his men. [35]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Merlwyb, now twenty, leads the League of Lost Bastards on an expedition to the The New World.[35]

Gridania Flag.png
Kan-E-Senna becomes a conjurer at six years of age.[35]

Uldah Flag.png
The ruling sultan, Sasabal Ul Sisibal, is wed to Nanasha Ul Nasha.[35]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The Haar plunders a foreign vessel loaded with ceremonial gifts for the royal wedding in Ul'dah. Mistbeard and the wealth of treasures vanish shortly thereafter.[35]


Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Raubahn is struck by an imperial sniper, suffering grievous wounds. Withdrawing from the frontlines, he returns to his home village of Coldhearth in the mountains of Gyr Abania to convalesce.[35]

Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Raubahn meets and speaks with Curtis Hext, a leader of the Ala Mhigan Resistance against the mad king King Theodoric, after Hext gives an impassioned speech in front of Raubahn's home in Coldhearth.[35]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Merlwyb triumphantly returns to Limsa Lominsa, having discovered safe passage to the The New World.[35]

Uldah Flag.png
Nanamo Ul Namo, first daughter of the sultan and heir to the throne, is born.[35]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Rhoswen Leach flees her violent drunk and letch of a father to live as a beggar on the streets of Limsa Lominsa. She eventually begins working for the Sanguine Sirens.[35]


Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Garlean infiltrators incite civil war in the city-state of Ala Mhigo. The people revolt against the tyrannical King Theodoric. The kingsguard, the Corpse Brigade, is complicit in the uprising, ignoring their liege's orders and opening the gates of the palace to the revolutionaries. [35]

Garlemald Banner.png
In the wake of King Theodoric's suicide, the XIVth Legion puts down the Ala Mhigan revolutionaries in a most brutal fashion. Seizing the opportunity amidst the confusion and political upheaval, the XIVth Legion subjugates and annexes Ala Mhigo with little resistance.[35]

  • Fearing a rapid invasion after the fall of Eorzea's greatest military power, Ala Mhigo, the remaining city-states attempt to bolster their defenses for the coming war. As most of these nations previously relied on sellswords or city guard rather than standing militaries, drafting and training professional soldiers begins in earnest. This leaves many sellswords and mercenaries without work and many turned to banditry.

Ala Mhigo Flag.png
Still nursing his wounds, Raubahn leaves Gyr Abania at twenty and four to wander the realm. [35]

Sharlayan Flag.png
The Forum votes to abandon the colony in the Dravanian hinterlands, and preparations for the exodus begin under the leadership of the dignitary Fourchenault Leveilleur. [35]

Ishgard Flag.png
The mountain village of Ferndale is laid to waste by a recently awakened Nidhogg. Ser Alberic Bale, the Azure Dragoon, forces the great wyrm to retreat. He takes in Estinien, sole survivor of the attack, as his ward and resigns as Azure Dragoon.[41][42][43][44]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Carvallain de Durendaire runs away from home, assuming the alias Carvallain de Gorgagne. The merchant vessel he signs onto runs afoul of the Kraken's Arms, and he is taken captive by the pirates.[38]

Ishgard Flag.png
Ser Gorgagne retires in disgrace after losing the young heir to House Durendaire. He sets aside the sword and opens Gorgagne Mills, where he quietly lives out the rest of his days.[45]

Ishgard Flag.png
Xaela refugees flee Garlean subjugation in Othard.[46]

Uldah Flag.png
Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern purchases the Copperbell Mines from the sultanate.

  • With each nation amassing their strength to prepare for the Empire's inevitable assault, an uneasy Age of Calm settles over Eorzea.

ca. 1557

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
A famed Lominsan mercenary leader by the name of Lodewicus the Leal establishes the Adventurers' Guild, an organization for the displaced sellswords to find work bettering the realm and its smallfolk. The Guild acts as an intermediary, finding capable takers for a variety of tasks submitted by townsfolk-in-need. The Guild quickly establishes branches lead by prominent leaders in Ul'dah and Gridania.[47]


Ishgard Flag.png
Count Tarresson de Dzemael disburses his own coin to finance the excavation and construction of Dzemael Darkhold, a subterranean fortress and safe haven from dragon raids. [35]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Merlwyb, now twenty and four, forms an armed merchant armada and embarks on a trade expedition to the west. [35]

Uldah Flag.png
Under the influence of the Syndicate, the sultanate enacts a law forbidding all dealings with beast tribes. All beastmen are evicted from the city, save for a handful of prosperous Qiqirn merchants and other rare exceptions. [35]

Uldah Flag.png
Raubahn, now twenty and seven, arrives in the Sultanate only to be mistaken for an imperial spy. He is imprisoned by the Brass Blades and forced to fight in the gladiator pits. [35]

The Age of Calm (1560-1572)

Sixteenth Century (cont.)


Ishgard Flag.png
Upon the death of his predecessor, Thordan VII is ordained Archbishop of the Holy See. [35]

Ishgard Flag.png
Jannequinard de Durendaire leaves Ishgard to study to study at the Studium in Sharlayan.[49]


Gridania Flag.png
Kan-E-Senna is named a Seedseer at twelve summers. [35]

Uldah Flag.png
Sultan Sasabal and Sultana Nanasha perish in an accident while traveling abroad. Nanamo Ul Namo is crowned as Ul'dah's seventeenth ruling sovereign at the age of five. [35]

Sharlayan Flag.png
The twins Alphinaud and Alisaie are born to House Leveilleur. [35]

Sharlayan Flag.png
Rufin marries his school sweetheart Lady Byrde, who died giving birth to their daughter Leveva later that year.[49]

  • The Adventurers' movement is not warmly received by all. With the flood of new adventurers entering the cities, many smallfolk find their jobs and livelihoods taken over by these hired workers. This compounds Ul'dah's unemployed Ala Mhigan refugee crisis, heightens tensions with foreign poachers in Gridania, and guilds across the realm reported a noticeable decline in the quality of their goods.


Garlemald Banner.png
The Battle of Silvertear Skies is waged. The Agrius, flagship dreadnaught of the XIVth Legion, is dispatched to Mor Dhona where it is assailed by the ancient wyrm, Midgardsormr. The Agrius crashes in mortal combat with the wyrm, and the legion is forced to retreat. [35]

Sharlayan Flag.png
After five years of preparation, the Sharlayan residents of the Dravanian hinterlands abandon their colony to return to the Old World in a mass exodus. [35]

Sharlayan Flag.png
Archon Louisoix gathers twelve of his disciples and forms the Circle of Knowing, a secret society with a self-proclaimed goal of saving Eorzea from disaster foretold. [35]

Sharlayan Flag.png
Archon from the Circle of Knowing arrive in Eorzea. They split up and travel to each of the realm's city-states, meeting with their leaders and offering words of wisdom regarding the reinstatement of the Grand Companies. [35]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The kobolds summon their god, Titan. Tensions with Limsa Lominsa mount as the beastmen frequently venture into La Noscea to mine the crystals necessary for their ritual. [50]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The Sahagin, seeking to summon their god, Leviathan, begin to amass crystals. The Coral Tridents, a faction of Sahagin pirates led by Novv, the Scarlet Sea Devil, launch repeated attacks on Lominsan merchant vessels. [50]

Gridania Flag.png
The Ixal summon their goddess, Garuda. With Her divine blessing, they invent the airstone, an arcane apparatus that gives them the ability to fly their war balloons at will. [50]

Gridania Flag.png
Flying an advanced model of war balloon powered by airstones, the Ixal make a foray into Coerthas, where they establish a base for their aerial squadrons at the site of the present-day colony of Natalan. [50]

Gridania Flag.png
Swethryk Brookstone loses an eye when taking a blow meant for another of his men during a skirmish with the Ixal and subsequently resigns from the Wood Wailers. His sister, Swethyna, assumes command of the Wood Wailers in his stead.[51][36]

Garlemald Banner.png
The XIVth Legion postpones the Eorzean campaign due to the primal threat, and proceeds with the construction of Baelsar's Wall on the border of the Black Shroud and Gyr Abania to defend their land against potential incursions by the beastmen and their gods. [50]

Garlemald Banner.png
On the continent of Othard, Grand Minister Midas nan Garlond conducts the first field test of the Project Meteor at the Citadel Bozja. A massive quantity of energy is released from Dalamud, obliterating the tower and the surrounding city, causing heavy casualties. [50]

Uldah Flag.png
A goobbue breaks free of its arcane fetters during a parade and proceeds to run amok through the streets. Ascilia, one of the spectators, is orphaned at the age of twelve when her father is killed by the rampaging beast. [50]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Commodore Sthalmann is dishonorably discharged after his role in the assassination of Limsa Lominsa's Admiral comes to light. Reyner replaces him as the new Commodore of the Knights of the Barracuda.

Ishgard Flag.png
Xaela refugees attempt to settle in Coerthas and adopt the nomadic ways of their ancestors, but are slaughtered by zealous and ignorant Ishgardians, who mistake them for the forces of the Dravanian Horde. [46]


Ishgard Flag.png
Ishgard withdraws from the Eorzean Alliance, declaring the Garlean threat all but over with the retreat of imperial forces to Ala Mhigo. Historians agree, however, that the true motivation for the withdrawal was the Holy See's desire to divert full military strength to the Dravanian threat in the wake of Nidhogg's reappearance. [50]

  • The joint military of the Eorzean Alliance disbands following the withdrawal of Ishgardian troops, theretofore the largest presence of all constituent members. While an allied security council is established in its stead, the Alliance's military ties remain in name only. [50]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The eighty-fifth Trident is held, and victory is claimed by Merlwyb, leader of the League of Lost Bastards, who by tradition is inaugurated as Admiral of Limsa Lominsa. [50]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
Admiral Merlwyb outlaws piracy in Limsa Lominsa as part of an effort to improve diplomatic relations with other nations, and the Upright Thieves are restructured as an underground organization, the Rogues' Guild. [50]

Uldah Flag.png
Highwind Skyways announces a partnership with Garlond Ironworks, a collaboration which soon bears fruit in the form of a lightweight airship model fueled by a ceruleum propulsion engine. With this new technology, Highwind Skyways begins offering regular passenger service connecting the three major city-states. [50]


Ishgard Flag.png
The construction of Dzemael Darkhold experiences significant delays due to a scarcity of building materials. [50]

Ishgard Flag.png
Mythril Pit T-3, an excavation site in southern Thanalan managed by Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, is destroyed by what is described as "a mammoth fire-spewing monstrosity." This is later determined to be the first recorded sighting of Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno. [50]

ca. 1564

Gridania Flag.png
Vorsaile Heuloix sets out to seek his fortune as an adventurer alongside his friend, Ywain Deepwell.


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The Admiral enlists the services of the Company of Heroes, a mercenary group, and tasks them with subduing the primals Titan and Leviathan. [50]

Uldah Flag.png
Sultana Nanamo Ul Namo shows mercy on the gladiator Raubahn, sparing him when his life is endangered in a rigged match in the Coliseum. [50]

Ishgard Flag.png
Ishgard places severe restrictions on chocobo exports after grazing pastures are devastated by the Dravanian Horde. [50]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The Company of Heroes vanquishes Titan, Lord of Crags. [50]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
A joint offensive by the Company of Heroes and the Knights of the Barracuda succeeds in felling Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl. [50]

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The beastman gods Titan and Leviathan are summoned anew. [50]


Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
The kobolds commence excavation of the southern reaches of O'Ghomoro, leading to the construction of U'Ghamaro Mines. [50]

Uldah Flag.png
Hildibrand Helidor Maximilian Manderville, son of Godbert and heir to the prominent House Manderville, runs away from home. [50]

Ishgard Flag.png
Voidsent gargoyles attack a team of stonecutters at work in the tunnels beneath Dzemael Darkhold, leaving few survivors. Construction is postponed indefinitely, and the incident besmirches the name of House Dzemael. [50]


Uldah Flag.png
Minfilia, age eighteen, makes her first contact with the Archon Louisoix by way of her friend Thancred, and learns that she possesses the power known as the Echo. [50]


Ishgard Flag.png
Tarresson de Dzemael relinquishes his claim to the head of House Dzemael and passes on the countship to his eldest son. [50]

Garlemald Banner.png
A dreadnaught of the XIVth Legion opens fire and shoots down a Highwind Skyways airship transporting civilian passengers. [50]


Uldah Flag.png
Highwind Skyways suspends regular airship service due to repeated attacks by Garlean forces on civilian vessels, limiting flights to instances of extraordinary circumstance. [50]

Uldah Flag.png
Raubahn achieves an unprecedented thousand victories in the arena. He then purchases the Coliseum with his prize money and earns himself a seat on the The Syndicate. [50]

Uldah Flag.png
At the Coliseum, the guildmaster of the Gladiators' Guild loses his life in a fixed bout that shocks the nation. In the wake of the incident, the popular gladiator Aldis, known as the Sword of Nald, is banished from Ul'dah. [50]

Uldah Flag.png
At the age of twenty, Minfilia founds the Path of the Twelve, that those who possess the power of the Echo might come together and explore how their powers might be wielded for the common good. [50]

ca. 1570

Limsa Lominsa Flag.png
R'ashaht Rhiki leaves her parents' home to seek her fortune as an adventurer.[52]


Ala Mhigo Flag.png
The Archons of the Circle of Knowing infiltrate occupied Gyr Abania in an attempt to assist those Ala Mhigans who seek asylum abroad, but many lives are lost when the Garleans catch wind of the defection. [50]


Sharlayan Flag.png
Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur enter the Studium at age eleven, the youngest students ever to be admitted. [50]

Garlemald Banner.png
Nael van Darnus returns from the eastern theater promising that he can control the descent of Dalamud. Project Meteor resumes. [53]

Garlemald Banner.png
Nael van Darnus absconds to Rivenroad above the Fields of Glory in Coerthas. Adventurers from the Grand Companies confront him upon the floating islands and slay him, but it is later revealed that this fails to halt the fall of Dalamud. [54]

Sharlayan Flag.png
Archon Louisoix entreats the people of Eorzea to make pilgrimages and offer prayer to the marks of the Twelve across the realm. [55]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 047
  2. 2.0 2.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea II pg. 079
  3. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 170
  4. 4.0 4.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 242
  5. 5.0 5.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 238
  6. Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 012,
    The design of Eorzea's aetherytes was originally based upon analysis of a dormant Allagan relic unearthed by the Studium in the 598th year of the Sixth Astral Era.
  7. The positions of the islands is taken from the map of the Three Great Continents. Encyclopædia Eorzea erroneously gives their positions as "the northern Isle of Haam, the eastern Isle of Yorn, and the southern Isle of Val".
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.30 8.31 8.32 8.33 8.34 8.35 8.36 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 048
  9. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 243
  10. 10.0 10.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea II pg. 089
  11. Encyclopedia Eorzea II - Cape Mete: “In the year 912 of the Sixth Astral Era, Captain Maetistym the Lithe, a native of Limsa Lominsa, declared his discovery of a sea route to the nation of Hingashi. The place he claimed was the Far Eastern nation was eventually found to be an island situated between the Sea of Jade and the Bounty. To immortalize his foolish mistake, the cape the captain made land upon was later named with the antiquated term for ‘dream.’”
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 129
  13. The spelling of the first dark knight's name is given as "Ser Toraphaniel" on pg. 048. The Dark Knight section on pg. 238 corrects the knight's name to "Ser Tryphaniel".
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 218
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 15.16 15.17 15.18 15.19 15.20 15.21 15.22 15.23 15.24 15.25 15.26 15.27 15.28 15.29 15.30 15.31 15.32 15.33 15.34 15.35 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 049
  16. 16.0 16.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 024
  17. Coinach's efforts are described as taking place "six centuries ago" and lasting for fifty years of his life. Because he is from Ul'dah, which was founded in 969, we must presume that his efforts began in the late tenth century and stretched into the eleventh century.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 020
  19. 19.0 19.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 226
  20. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 123
  21. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 230
  22. 22.00 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 22.05 22.06 22.07 22.08 22.09 22.10 22.11 22.12 22.13 22.14 22.15 22.16 22.17 22.18 22.19 22.20 22.21 22.22 22.23 22.24 22.25 22.26 22.27 22.28 22.29 22.30 22.31 22.32 22.33 22.34 22.35 22.36 22.37 22.38 22.39 Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 1, "Timeline", page 050.
  23. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 141
  24. There has been confusion around whether the founder's name is meant to be "Baldurf" or "Baldric". In the original printing of Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 1, there were apparently some errors. However, in it's 2022 printing, both page 50 and 129 now say it was Baldurf who accused Sasagan III in y1224. Separately, the y1267 entry about Little Ladies day does say Baldric Thorne; given the time gap between these two events, it's not unthinkable that these were two different rulers from within the same dynasty.
  25. Corroborated by "A New Dynasty", page 129, which also goes on to say that the dynasty rules for "200 summers" after this year.
  26. The name of the Thorne Dynasty founder is given as "Baldric Thorne" on pg. 050, but "Baldurf Thorne" on pg. 129. Due to the timing of the Little Ladies' Day event history, Baldurf is assumed to be the correct name.
  27. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 224
  28. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 118
  29. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 103
  30. 30.0 30.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 121
  31. 31.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 31.04 31.05 31.06 31.07 31.08 31.09 31.10 31.11 31.12 31.13 31.14 31.15 31.16 31.17 31.18 31.19 31.20 31.21 31.22 31.23 31.24 31.25 31.26 31.27 31.28 31.29 31.30 31.31 31.32 31.33 31.34 31.35 31.36 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 051
  32. Encyclopædia Eorzea II pg. 197
  33. Encyclopædia Eorzea II pg. 007
  34. 34.00 34.01 34.02 34.03 34.04 34.05 34.06 34.07 34.08 34.09 34.10 34.11 34.12 34.13 34.14 34.15 34.16 34.17 Encyclopædia Eorzea II pg. 062-063
  35. 35.00 35.01 35.02 35.03 35.04 35.05 35.06 35.07 35.08 35.09 35.10 35.11 35.12 35.13 35.14 35.15 35.16 35.17 35.18 35.19 35.20 35.21 35.22 35.23 35.24 35.25 35.26 35.27 35.28 35.29 35.30 35.31 35.32 35.33 35.34 35.35 35.36 35.37 35.38 35.39 35.40 35.41 35.42 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 052
  36. 36.0 36.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 117
  37. 37.0 37.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 181
  38. 38.0 38.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 099
  39. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 012
  40. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 221
  41. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 153
  42. Unfading Scars
  43. Unfading Skies
  44. Pg. 053 of Encyclopædia Eorzea erroneously gives the date of Ferndale's destruction as 1562. The thirty-two year old Estinien is stated on pg. 153 to have been twelve when he was orphaned, and the date is given in both the 1.0 Dragoon quest "Unfading Scars" as "fifteen summers past," and the 2.0 Dragoon quest "Unfading Skies" as "twenty summers past," placing the date firmly at 1557.
  45. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 163
  46. 46.0 46.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 239
  47. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 194
  48. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 110
  49. 49.0 49.1 Inconsistencies with the astrologian questline and the Durendaire family
  50. 50.00 50.01 50.02 50.03 50.04 50.05 50.06 50.07 50.08 50.09 50.10 50.11 50.12 50.13 50.14 50.15 50.16 50.17 50.18 50.19 50.20 50.21 50.22 50.23 50.24 50.25 50.26 50.27 50.28 50.29 50.30 50.31 50.32 50.33 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 053
  51. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 115
  52. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 097
  53. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 040
  54. 54.0 54.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 042
  55. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 043
  56. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 044
  57. Encyclopædia Eorzea pg. 045