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| [[file:Weaver guild1.jpg|400px|thumb|[[Guilds|Weaver's Guild]]]] | | [[File:weaver arealmreborn1.png|200px|right]] {{MH2|Introduction}} {{Quotation|[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/a_realm_reborn/game/#!/hand/content?hand_06]|Weavers create fiber and fabric from base materials before using them to sew and stitch the vast array of garments worn by all. From fiber to thread, thread to cloth, cloth to dress, the path of these artisans literally weaves its way from basic beginnings to extravagant ends.<br>Just as the Spinner, Nymeia, spins the fates of all Eorzeans, the warp and weft of a weaver's work, too, have been known to alter the course of destinies both large and small. This holds truest in the city-state of Ul'dah, where appearances are considered akin to reality, and where master weavers wield tremendous influence.}} |
| ==Lore==
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| {{Quote|Weavers create fiber and fabric from base materials before using them to sew and stitch the vast array of garments worn by all. From fiber to thread, thread to cloth, cloth to dress, the path of these artisans literally weaves its way from basic beginnings to extravagant ends.<br>Just as the Spinner, Nymeia, spins the fates of all Eorzeans, the warp and weft of a weaver's work, too, have been known to alter the course of destinies both large and small. This holds truest in the city-state of Ul’dah, where appearances are considered akin to reality, and where master weavers wield tremendous influence.|Game Description}} | | {{Weaver|big=y}} [[Weaver]]s ('''WVR''') are [[Disciples of the Hand]] that convert fabrics and fibres into comfortably light armors and accessories that are wearable by multiple classes in the game. For example, they can craft robes, ribbons, shirts, pantaloons and many other useful items for Disciples of War, Magic, the Hand, and the Land. |
| [[file:Weaver guild2.jpg|400px|thumb|Weaver's Guild]] | | __TOC__ |
| [[File:weaver1.jpg|400px|right]] | |
| ==General Information== | | ==General Information== |
| Weaver is a Disciple of the Hand ([[crafting]] class) that converts fabrics and fibres into comfortably light armors and accessories that are wearable by multiple classes in the game. For example, they can craft robes, ribbons, shirts, pantaloons and many other useful items for disciples of war, magic, [[crafter]]s and [[gatherers]].
| | ===Guild=== |
| | Any player with at least one level 10 Disciple of War or Magic is eligible to become a Weaver. The [[Weavers' Guild]] is located in [[Ul'dah]]. Speak with the receptionist to start the first quest. |
| Any player with at least one level 10 Disciple of War or Magic is eligible to become a Weaver. To begin, head to the [[Guild|Weaver's Guild]] located in [[Ul'dah]] and speak with the receptionist to start your first quest. | |
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| ==[[Weaver Tools]]== | | ===Tools=== |
| ==[[Weaver Quests]]==
| | :''See also: [[Weaver Tools/Primary|List of Weaver Primary Tools]]'' |
| {| class="wikitable"
| | :''See also: [[Weaver Tools/Secondary|List of Weaver Secondary Tools]]'' |
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| ! Level !! Quest Name !! NPC !! Location !! Turn In
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| | 1 || Way of the Weaver || Maronne || Steps of Thal (13.9,13.2) ||
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| | 1 || My First Needle || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || Hempen Yarn
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| | 5 || Once More unto the Breeches || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || Hempen Breeches x 3
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| | 10 || Alternative Applications || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || Undyed Hempen Cloth x 12
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| | 15 || Practical Needs || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || Cotton Scarf, Cotton Shepherds Slops
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| | 20 || Materia Concerns || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || Cotton Acton (Materia Enhanced)
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| | 25 || That Velveteen Dress || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || HQ Undyed Velveteen
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| | 30 || Miner on a Mission || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || HQ Velveteen Gaiters
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| | 35 || Designed By Committee || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || HQ Linen Shirt
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| | 40 || A Subtle Inquiry || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || HQ Woolen Tights
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| | 45 || The Intervention || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || HQ Woolen Beret, HQ Woolen Gown, HQ Woolen Gaskins
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| | 50 || A Miner Reborn || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || HQ Patricians Bottoms, HQ, Patricians Coatee, HQ Patricians Wedge Cap
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| | 50 || The Social Knitwork || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || -
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| | 53 || Tomboy Foolery || Averil || The Pillars (12,10) || HQ Holy Rainbow Gloves
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| | 55 || For Lover and Country || Averil || The Pillars (12,10) || HQ Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing
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| | 58 || Spinning the Truth || Averil || The Pillars (12,10) || HQ Crawler Silk x 3
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| | 60 || Never Leave without a Good-bye || Averil || The Pillars (12,10) || Chivalric Doublet of Healing
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| | 60 || When East Meets West || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || -
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| | 63 || The Butterfly Effect || Redolent Rose || Steps of Thal (14,13) || HQ Elegant Bustle
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| | 65 || The Crane's Caveat || Keimei || Kugane (11,8) || HQ Winsome Spring Dress
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| | 68 || A Geiko for All Seasons || Keimei || Kugane (11,8) || HQ Seductive Bustier
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| | 70 || Send Me an Angel || Keimei || Kugane (11,8) || HQ Tennyo Hagoromo x 2
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| |}
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| ==Weaver Levequests==
| | Weavers utilize [[Weaver Tools/Primary|needles]] as their primary tool and [[Weaver Tools/Secondary|spinning wheels]] as their secondary tool. Needles are crafted by [[Goldsmith|Goldsmiths]], while spinning wheels are crafted by [[Carpenter|Carpenters]]. |
| ===A Realm Reborn===
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| !Guildleve
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| !Category
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| !Level
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| !NPC
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| !Zone
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| !Area
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| !Coordinates
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| !EXP
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| !Gil
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| !Items Needed
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| !Objective
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| |[[Not Cool Enough]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||1||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||1,092||85-92||[[Hempen Undershirt]]||align = "left" | Deliver a hempen undershirt to Gigiyon. 0/1
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| |[[The Unmentionables]]||[[Constancy]]||1||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||584||89-124||[[Hempen Underpants]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of hempen underpants to Roarich. 0/1
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| |[[Burn Me Up]]||[[Constancy]]||1||[[Graceful Song]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Scorpion Crossing]]||(x26,y24)||1,770||104-139||[[Hempen Cowl]]||align = "left" |Deliver a hempen cowl to Gigiyon.
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| |[[Hire in the Blood]]||[[Constancy]]||1||[[Graceful Song]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Scorpion Crossing]]||(x26,y24)||584||120||[[Hempen Halfgloves]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of hempen halfgloves to Gigiyon.
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| |[[Long Hair, Long Life]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||1||[[Graceful Song]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Scorpion Crossing]]||(x26,y24)||1,092||88||[[Hempen Coif]]||align = "left" | Deliver a hempen coif to Roarich. 1/1
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| |[[Trew Enough]]||[[Constancy]]||1||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||1,770||92-117||[[Hempen Chausses]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of hempen chausses to Roarich.
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| |[[Just for Kecks]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||5||[[Graceful Song]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Scorpion Crossing]]||(x26,y24)||3,430||127-201||[[Hempen Kecks]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of hempen kecks to Gigiyon.
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| |[[Time for Acton]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||5||[[Graceful Song]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Scorpion Crossing]]||(x26,y24)||3,430||112||[[Hempen Acton]]||align = "left" |Deliver a hempen acton to Roarich.
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| |[[A Taste for Dalmaticae]]||[[Constancy]]||5||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||4,044||117-197||[[Amateur%27s Dalmatica]]||align = "left" |Deliver an amateur's dalmatica to Roarich.
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| |[[The Adventurer's New Coat]]||[[Constancy]]||5||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||2,106||116-194||[[Hempen Tabard]]||align = "left" |Deliver a hempen tabard to Roarich.
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| |[[Wiggle Room]]||[[Constancy]]||5||[[Graceful Song]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Scorpion Crossing]]||(x26,y24)||2,106||210||[[Hempen Shepherd%27s Tunic]]||align = "left" |Deliver a hempen shepherd's tunic to Gigiyon.
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| |[[This Is Why You Can't Have Nice Things]]||[[Constancy]]||5||[[Graceful Song]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Scorpion Crossing]]||(x26,y24)||4,044||215||[[Amateur%27s Breeches]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of amateur's breeches to Gigiyon.
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| |[[Hat In Hand]]||[[Constancy]]||10||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||4,460||126-134||[[Straw Hat]]||align = "left" | Deliver a straw hat to Roarich. 0/1
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| |[[Keep It Under Wraps]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||10||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Horizon]]||(x12,y9)||7,698||222-236||[[Cotton Turban]]||align = "left" |Deliver a cotton turban to Mimina. 0/1
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| |[[Dirt Cheap]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||10||[[Totonowa]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x23,y16)||7,698||140-157||[[Stablehand%27s Hat]]||align = "left" |Deliver a stablehand's hat to Roarich.
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| |[[Making Gloves Out of Nothing at All]]||[[Constancy]]||10||[[Totonowa]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Horizon]]||(x23,y16)||4,460||133-149||[[Hempen Bracers]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of hempen bracers to Mimina.
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| |[[Welcome to the Cotton Club]]||[[Constancy]]||10||[[Totonowa]]||[[Western Thanalan]]||[[Horizon]]||(x23,y16)||7,744||140-155||[[Cotton Halfgloves]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of cotton halfgloves to Mimina.
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| |[[Workplace Safety]]||[[Constancy]]||10||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||7,744||216||[[Cotton Scarf]]||align = "left" |Deliver a cotton scarf to Roarich.
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| |[[A Drag of a Doublet]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||15||[[Poponagu]]||[[Eastern Thanalan]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x13,y24)||13,146||266||[[Initiate%27s Doublet Vest]]||align = "left" |Deliver an initiate's doublet vest to Roarich.
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| |[[Better Shroud Than Sorry]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||15||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Camp Drybone]]||(x12,y9)||13,146||254||[[Cotton Kurta]]||align = "left" |Deliver a cotton kurta to Frediswitha.
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| |[[Touch Me If You Can]]||[[Constancy]]||15||[[Poponagu]]||[[Eastern Thanalan]]||[[Camp Drybone]]||(x13,y24)||12,218||208||[[Cotton Work Gloves]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of cotton work gloves to Frediswitha.
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| |[[Don't Trew So Hard]]||[[Constancy]]||15||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||12,218||198||[[Initiate%27s Slops]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of initiate's slops to Roarich.
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| |[[Pants Are Not Enough]]||[[Constancy]]||15||[[Poponagu]]||[[Eastern Thanalan]]||[[Camp Drybone]]||(x13,y24)||8,114||172-211||[[Padded Hempen Trousers]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of padded hempen trousers to Frediswitha 0/1.
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| |[[Read the Fine Print]]||[[Constancy]]||15||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||8,114||200-215||[[Cotton Shepherd%27s Tunic]]||align = "left" |Deliver a cotton shepherd's tunic to Roarich.
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| |[[Hitting Below the Belt]]||[[Charity]]||20||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||5,427||176||[[Cotton Breeches of Crafting]]||align = "left" |Deliver pairs of cotton breeches of crafting to Roarich. (0/3)
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| |[[Doublet Jeopardy]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||20||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x12,y9)||20,578||267-305||[[Cotton Doublet Vest of Gathering]]||align = "left" |Deliver a cotton doublet vest of gathering to Juliembert.
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| |
| |[[Getting Handsy]]||[[Constancy]]||20||[[Nyell]]||[[South Shroud]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x25,y20)||12,746||233-259||[[Cotton Dress Gloves]]||align = "left" | Deliver a pair of cotton dress gloves to Juliembert. 0/1
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| |[[Don't Sash Me]]||[[Constancy]]||20||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||12,746||269||[[Cotton Sash]]||align = "left" |Deliver a cotton sash to Roarich.
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| |[[Whatchoo Talking About]]||[[Constancy]]||20||[[Nyell]]||[[South Shroud]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x25,y20)||13,718||311||[[Cotton Doublet Vest of Crafting]]||align = "left" | Deliver a cotton doublet vest of crafting to Juliembert. 0/1
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| |- | |
| |[[The Telltale Tress]]||[[Charity]]||20||[[Nyell]]||[[South Shroud]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x25,y20)||5,427||240-267||[[Cotton Coif of Gathering]]||align = "left" | Deliver cotton coifs of gathering to Juliembert. 0/3
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| |[[Put a Lid on It]]||[[Constancy]]||25||[[Nyell]]||[[South Shroud]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x25,y20)||69,330||198||[[Velveteen Wedge Cap of Gathering]]||align = "left" | Deliver a velveteen wedge cap of gathering to Juliembert. 0/1
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| |[[Bet You Anything]]||[[Charity]]||25||[[Nyell]]||[[South Shroud]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x25,y20)||71,380||255-451||[[Velveteen Sarouel of Gathering]]||align = "left" | Deliver velveteen sarouels of gathering to Juliembert. 0/3
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| |[[Piling It On]]||[[Constancy]]||25||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||19,770||267-288||[[Velveteen Shirt]]||align = "left" | Deliver a velveteen shirt to Roarich. 0/1
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| |[[Pantser Corps]]||[[Constancy]]||25||[[Nyell]]||[[South Shroud]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x25,y20)||79,310||223-255||[[Initiate%27s Slops]]||align = "left" | Deliver a pair of initiate's slops to Juliembert. 0/1
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| |[[He's Got Legs]]||[[Charity]]||25||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||11,115||432||[[Velveteen Sarouel]]||align = "left" |Deliver velveteen sarouels to Roarich. (0/3)
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| |[[I'll Be Your Wailer Today]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||25||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Quarrymill]]||(x12,y9)||33,100||190||[[Velveteen Wedge Cap of Gathering]]||align = "left" |Deliver a velveteen wedge cap of gathering to Juliembert.
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| |[[Put on Your Party Pants]]||[[Constancy]]||30||[[Nahctahr]]||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||[[Costa del Sol]]||(x30,y30)||30,282||287-338||[[Velveteen Gaskins]]||align = "left" | Deliver a pair of velveteen gaskins to Ririphon. 0/1
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| |[[Half Is the New Double]]||[[Constancy]]||30||[[Nahctahr]]||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||[[Costa del Sol]]||(x30,y30)||31,882||319-351||[[Linen Halfgloves]]||align = "left" | Deliver a pair of linen halfgloves to Ririphon. 0/1
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| |[[Our Man in Ul'dah]]||[[Charity]]||30||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||17,670||337-354||[[Velveteen Work Gloves]]||align = "left" |Deliver pairs of velveteen work gloves to Roarich. (0/3)
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| |[[By the Seat of the Pants]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||30||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Costa del Sol]]||(x12,y9)||47,824||391-430||[[Linen Chausses]]||align = "left" | Deliver a pair of linen chausses to Ririphon. 0/1
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| |[[Walk Softly and Carry a Big Halberd]]||[[Charity]]||30||[[Nahctahr]]||[[Eastern La Noscea]]||[[Costa del Sol]]||(x30,y30)||17,670||317-369||[[Velveteen Dress Shoes]]||align = "left" | Deliver pairs of velveteen dress shoes to Ririphon. 0/3
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| |[[By the Short Hairs]]||[[Constancy]]||30||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||30,282||344-375||[[Velveteen Robe]]||align = "left" | Deliver a velveteen robe to Roarich. 0/1
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| |[[A Leg Up on the Cold]]||[[Charity]]||35||[[Cimeaurant]]||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||[[First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena]]||(x26,y28)||23,940||505-542||[[Linen Tights]]||align = "left" | Deliver pairs of linen tights to Vivenne. 0/3
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| |[[Private Concerns]]||[[Constancy]]||35||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||41,034||377-438||[[Linen Trousers]]||align = "left" | Deliver a pair of linen trousers to Roarich. 0/1
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| |[[In over Your Head]]||[[Constancy]]||35||[[Cimeaurant]]||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||[[First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena]]||(x26,y28)||41,034||489||[[Linen Cowl]]||align = "left" | Deliver a linen cowl to Vivenne. 0/1
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| |[[The Wages of Sin]]||[[Constancy]]||35||[[Cimeaurant]]||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||[[First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena]]||(x26,y28)||43,194||492-511||[[Linen Coatee of Crafting]]||align = "left" | Deliver a linen coatee of crafting to Vivenne. 0/1
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| |[[Edmelle's Hair]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||35||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena]]||(x12,y9)||64,792||430-495||[[Linen Wedge Cap of Gathering]]||align = "left" | Deliver a linen wedge cap of gathering to Vivenne. 0/1
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| |[[Crunching the Numbers]]||[[Charity]]||35||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||23,940||492-561||[[Linen Hat]]||align = "left" | Deliver linen hats to Roarich. 0/3
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| |[[I'll Swap You]]||[[Constancy]]||40||[[Voilinaut]]||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||[[Whitebrim Front]]||(x12,y16)||55,774||486-552||[[Ranger's Tunic]]||align = "left" | Deliver a ranger's tunic to Lanquairt. 0/1
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| |[[A Matter of Import]]||[[Charity]]||40||[[Voilinaut]]||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||[[Whitebrim Front]]||(x12,y16)||32,049||582-703||[[Woolen Hat]]||align = "left" | Deliver woolen hats to Lanquairt. 0/3
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| |[[After the Smock-down]]||[[Constancy]]||40||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||54,214||404-464||[[Linen Smock]]||align = "left" | Deliver a linen smock to Roarich. 0/1
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| |[[Cool to Be Southern]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||40||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Whitebrim Front]]||(x12,y9)||83,662||537-579||[[Woolen Kecks]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of woolen kecks to Lanquairt. 0/1
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| |[[No Country for Cold Men]]||[[Constancy]]||40||[[Voilinaut]]||[[Coerthas Central Highlands]]||[[Whitebrim Front]]||(x12,y16)||54,214||390-468||[[Woolen Tights]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of woolen tights to Lanquairt. 0/1
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| |[[Party Animals]]||[[Charity]]||40||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||32,049||496-543||[[Linen Deerstalker]]||align = "left" |Deliver linen deerstalkers to Roarich. 0/3
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| |[[And a Haircut Wouldn't Hurt]]||[[Constancy]]||45||[[K%27leytai]]||[[Mor Dhona]]||[[Saint Coinach%27s Find]]||(x29,y12)||67,146||617-754||[[Felt Robe]]||align = "left" | Deliver a felt robe to Syele. 0/1
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| |[[Big in Mor Dhona]]||[[Constancy]]||45||[[K%27leytai]]||[[Mor Dhona]]||[[Saint Coinach%27s Find]]||(x29,y12)||69,104||677||[[Rainmaker%27s Tunic]]||align = "left" | Deliver a rainmaker's tunic to Syele. 0/1
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| |[[Bundle Up, It's Odd Out There]]||[[Charity]]||45||[[K%27leytai]]||[[Mor Dhona]]||[[Saint Coinach%27s Find]]||(x29,y12)||39,087||613-727||[[Woolen Deerstalker]]||align = "left" | Deliver woolen deerstalkers to Syele. 0/3
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| |[[Full Moon Fever]]||[[:Category:Ingenuity|Ingenuity]]||45||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Saint Coinach%27s Find]]||(x12,y9)||103,656||542-643||[[Felt Chausses]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of felt chausses to Syele. 0/1
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| |[[Seeing It Through to the End]]||[[Charity]]||45||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||39,087||746-781||[[Woolen Smock]]||align = "left" | Deliver woolen smocks to Roarich. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Glad As a Hatter]]||[[Constancy]]||45||[[Eustace]]||[[Ul'dah - Steps of Nald]]||[[Ul'dah]]||(x12,y9)||67,146||566-685||[[Felt Hat]]||align = "left" | Deliver a felt hat to Roarich. 0/1
| |
| |-
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| |}
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| ===Heavensward=== | | ==Quests== |
| {|class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
| | ===Weaver Class Quests=== |
| |-
| | :''Main Article: [[Weaver Quests]]'' |
| !Guildleve
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| !Category
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| !Level
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| !NPC
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| !Zone
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| !Coordinates
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| !Objective Location
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| !EXP
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| !Gil
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| !Items Needed
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| !Objective
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| |-
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| |[[Ribbon of Remembrance]]||[[Charity]]||50||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||136,930||572||[[Rainbow Ribbon of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver rainbow ribbons of healing to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Pride Up in Smoke]]||[[Constancy]]||50||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||237,600||520||[[Rainbow Cloth]]||align = "left" |Deliver bolts of rainbow cloth to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Perfecting the Posture]]||[[Constancy]]||50||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||237,600||520||[[Rainbow Sash of Aiming]]||align = "left" |Deliver a rainbow sash of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Curb the Gnawing Feeling (L)]]||[[Charity]]||50||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||1,425,600||2626||[[Rainbow Sash of Aiming]]||align = "left" |Deliver rainbow sashes of aiming. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Desperate for Diversionaries (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||50||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||1,425,600||2520||[[Rainbow Cloth]]||align = "left" |Deliver bolts of rainbow cloth. 0/10
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[The Road Was a Ribbon of Moonlight (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||50||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||410,790||820||[[Rainbow Ribbon of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Rainbow Ribbons of Healing. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[An Account of My Apron]]||[[Charity]]||52||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||196,560||728||[[Holy Rainbow Apron]]||align = "left" |Deliver holy rainbow aprons to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[What Not to Wear]]||[[Constancy]]||52||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||351,865||676||[[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking]]||align = "left" |Deliver a holy rainbow shirt of striking to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Fashion Patrol]]||[[Constancy]]||52||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||307,295||600||[[Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a holy rainbow sarouel of casting to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Soot in My Hair and Scars on My Hands (L)]]||[[Charity]]||52||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||589,680||1,092||[[Holy Rainbow Apron]]||align = "left" |Deliver holy rainbow aprons to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Dress Code Violation (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||52||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||1,843,770||3,120||[[Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver holy rainbow sarouels of casting to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Appeal of Foreign Apparel (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||52||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||2,111,190||3,380||[[Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking]]||align = "left" |Deliver holy rainbow shirts of striking to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Clothing the Naked Truth]]||[[Constancy]]||54||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||429,660||800||[[Ramie Robe of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a ramie robe of casting to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Finger on the Pulse]]||[[Charity]]||54||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||196,560||778||[[Ramie Halfgloves of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver pairs of ramie halfgloves of healing to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Storm upon Bald Mountain]]||[[Constancy]]||54||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||429,660||820||[[Ramie Turban of Crafting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a ramie turban of crafting to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Chirurgeon Hand in Glove (L)]]||[[Charity]]||54||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||589,680||1,092||[[Ramie Halfgloves of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver pairs of ramie halfgloves of healing to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[When in Robes (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||54||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||2,577,960||3,900||[[Ramie Robe of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver ramie robes of casting to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Abrupt Apprentices (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||54||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||2,577,960||3,900||[[Ramie Turban of Crafting]]||align = "left" |Deliver ramie turbans of crafting to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Where the Dragonflies, the Net Catches]]||[[Constancy]]||56||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||482,975||900||[[Crawler Silk]]||align = "left" |Deliver spindles of crawler silk to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[A Show of Ice and Fire]]||[[Constancy]]||56||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||460,080||832||[[Hallowed Ramie Sash of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a hallowed ramie sash of casting to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Investing in the Future]]||[[Charity]]||56||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||241,488||884||[[Hallowed Ramie Doublet of Aiming]]||align = "left" |Deliver hallowed ramie doublets of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Maids of Honor (L)]]||[[Charity]]||56||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||724,463||1,426||[[Hallowed Ramie Doublet of Aiming]]||align = "left" |Deliver hallowed ramie doublets of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Through Sashes Come the Ashes (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||56||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||2,760,480||4,000||[[Hallowed Ramie Sash of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver hallowed ramie sashes of casting to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[To Kill a Dragon on Nameday (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||56||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||2,897,850||4,420||[[Crawler Silk]]||align = "left" |Deliver spindles of crawler silk to Fionnuala. 0/10
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[The Clothes off Her Back]]||[[Charity]]||58||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||248,473||993||[[Chimerical Felt Corset of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver a chimerical felt corset of healing to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[He Wears the Pants]]||[[Constancy]]||58||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||500,580||1,140||[[Chimerical Felt Trousers]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of chimerical felt trousers to Fionnuala. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Felt for the Fallen]]||[[Constancy]]||58||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||496,945||1030||[[Chimerical Felt]]||align = "left" |Deliver bolts of chimerical felt to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[The Cinders of Modesty (L)]]||[[Charity]]||58||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||745,418||1,504||[[Chimerical Felt Corset of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver chimerical felt corsets of healing to Fionnuala. 0/2
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Blinded Veil of Vigilance (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||58||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||2,981,670||4,980||[[Chimerical Felt]]||align = "left" |Deliver bolts of chimerical felt to Fionnuala. 0/10
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Pom Hemlock (L)]]||[[Constancy]]||58||[[Eloin]]||[[Foundation]]||(x10,y10)||[[Foundation]]||3,003,480||5,200||[[Chimerical Felt Trousers]]||align = "left" |Deliver pairs of chimerical felt trousers to Fionnuala. 0/3
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
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| ===Stormblood=== | | ===Crystarium Deliveries: The Facet of Crafting (Shadowbringers)=== |
| {|class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
| | :''Main Article: [[Crystarium Deliveries#The Facet of Crafting]]'' |
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| !Guildleve
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| !Category
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| !Level
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| !NPC
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| !Zone
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| !Coordinates
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| !Objective Location
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| !EXP
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| !Gil
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| !Items Needed
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| !Objective
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| |[[Proper Props]]||[[Charity]]||60||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||458,082||2,205||[[Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of Bloodhempen Armguards of Scouting to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[What Guides Want]]||[[Constancy]]||60||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||934,128||2,184||[[Bloodhempen Doublet of Crafting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Bloodhempen Doublet of Crafting to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Modest Beginnings]]||[[Constancy]]||60||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||916,164||2,226||[[Bloodhempen Culottes of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of Bloodhempen Culottes of Casting to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Getting a Leg Up]]||[[Charity]]||62||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||498,980||2,105||[[Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Striking]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of Ruby Cotton Gaskins of Striking to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Skills on Display]]||[[Constancy]]||62||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||484,890||1,076||[[Ruby Cotton Cloth]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Bolt of Ruby Cotton Cloth to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Duress Rehearsal]]||[[Constancy]]||62||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||979,478||2,151||[[Ruby Cotton Sash of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Ruby Cotton Sash of Healing to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Of Great Import]]||[[Charity]]||64||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||250,627||1,136||[[Kudzu Thread]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Spindle of Kudzu Thread to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Apparent Apparel]]||[[Constancy]]||64||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||1,023,658||2,724||[[Kudzu Tunic of Striking]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Kudzu Tunic of Striking to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Say Yes to Formal Dress]]||[[Constancy]]||64||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||1,023,658||2,736||[[Kudzu Culottes of Gathering]]||align = "left" |Deliver a pair of Kudzu Culottes of Gathering to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[To the Tops]]||[[Charity]]||66||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||526,614||2,639||[[Serge Gambison of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Serge Gambison of Healing to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Who War It Better]]||[[Constancy]]||66||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||1,042,020||2,488||[[Serge Longsash of Scouting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Serge Longsash of Scouting to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Don't Sweat the Role]]||[[Constancy]]||66||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||1,053,226||2,625||[[Serge Turban of Crafting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a Serge Turban of Crafting to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Wrap It Up]]||[[Constancy]]||68||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||547,836||2,942||[[Twinsilk Apron]]||align = "left" |Deliver a twinsilk apron to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[One Winged Angle]]||[[Constancy]]||68||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||1,095,672||3,058||[[Twinsilk Coat of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver a twinsilk coat of casting to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Brimming With Confidence]]||[[Constancy]]||68||[[Keltraeng]]||[[Kugane]]||(x12,y10)||[[Kugane]]||1,084,258||3,029||[[Twinsilk Turban of Aiming]]||align = "left" |Deliver a twinsilk turban of aiming to Chantine. 0/1
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Shadowbringers=== | | ===Studium Deliveries: Faculty of Astronomy (Endwalker)=== |
| {|class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center"
| | :''Main Article: [[Studium Deliveries#Faculty of Astronomy]]'' |
| |-
| |
| !Guildleve
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| !Category
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| !Level
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| !NPC
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| !Zone
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| !Coordinates
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| !Objective Location
| |
| !EXP
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| !Gil
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| !Items Needed
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| !Objective
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Lovely Leggings]]||[[Constancy]]||70||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||1,778,425||3,200||[[Brightlinen Bottoms of Striking]]||align = "left" |Deliver Brightlinen Bottoms of Striking to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Flax Wax]]||[[Constancy]]||70||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||515,743||1,600||[[Bright Linen Yarn]]||align = "left" |Deliver Bright Linen Yarn to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Turban in Training]]||[[Charity]]||70||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||1,422,740||3,200||[[Brightlinen Turban of Crafting]]||align = "left" |Deliver Brightlinen Turban of Crafting to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Hair Do No Harm]]||[[Charity]]||72||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||1,728,443||3,480||[[Iridescent Hat of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver Iridescent Hat of Healing to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Legs for Days]]||[[Constancy]]||72||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||2,222,284||3,480||[[Iridescent Bottoms of Scouting]]||align = "left" |Deliver Iridescent Bottoms of Scouting to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Suits You]]||[[Constancy]]||72||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||2,345,744||3,480||[[Iridescent Acton of Aiming]]||align = "left" |Deliver Iridescent Acton of Aiming to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Hunting Season]]||[[Constancy]]||74||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||2,821,425||3,616||[[Pixie Cotton Hat of Striking]]||align = "left" |Deliver Pixie Cotton Hat of Striking to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[A Tender Table]]||[[Constancy]]||74||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||564,285||1,808||[[Pixie Floss]]||align = "left" |Deliver Pixie Floss to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Gloves Come in Handy]]||[[Charity]]||74||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||2,257,140||3,616||[[Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting]]||align = "left" |Deliver Pixie Cotton Sleeves of Crafting to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Something in My Eye]]||[[Charity]]||76||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||2,413,332||3,824||[[Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering]]||align = "left" |Deliver Ovim Wool Turban of Gathering to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[The Hunt Continues]]||[[Constancy]]||76||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||3,619,998||3,824||[[Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Casting]]||align = "left" |Deliver Ovim Wool Muffed Met of Casting to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[All-purpose Overgarments]]||[[Constancy]]||76||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||5,631,108||3,824||[[Ovim Wool Tunic of Aiming]]||align = "left" |Deliver Ovim Wool Tunic of Aiming to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[A Job Well Done]]||[[Constancy]]||78||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||5,954,543||4,032||[[Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Fending]]||align = "left" |Deliver Dwarven Cotton Gaskins of Fending to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[Healing Headwear]]||[[Charity]]||78||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||4,253,245||4,032||[[Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Healing]]||align = "left" |Deliver Dwarven Cotton Petasos of Healing to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |[[A Turban for the Ages]]||[[Constancy]]||78||[[Moyce]]||[[The Crystarium]]||(x10,y9)||[[The Crystarium]]||4,678,569||4,032||[[Dwarven Cotton Turban of Scouting]]||align = "left" |Deliver Dwarven Cotton Turban of Scouting to Moyce.
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
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| {{levequests}} | | ==Levequests== |
| | {{main|Weaver Levequests}} |
| |
| ==[[List of weaver actions|Actions]]== | | ==Actions== |
| | :''Main Article: [[List of weaver actions|Weaver Actions]] |
| {{:List of weaver actions}} | | {{:List of weaver actions}} |
| |
| ==[[List of weaver traits|Traits]]== | | ==Traits== |
| | :''Main Article: [[List of weaver traits|Weaver Traits]] |
| {{:List of weaver traits}} | | {{:List of weaver traits}} |
| |
| ==[[Weaver Recipes|Recipes]]== | | ==Recipes== |
| {| class="wikitable sortable" style= "text-align: center" | | :''Main Article: [[Weaver Recipes]]'' |
| | {| {{STDT|crafting align-center sortable}} |
| |- | | |- |
| |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 1 - 5|Level 1 - 5]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 6 - 10|Level 6 - 10]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 11 - 15|Level 11 - 15]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 16 - 20|Level 16 - 20]]''' | | |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 1 - 9|Level 1 - 9]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 10 - 19|Level 10 - 19]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 20 - 29|Level 20 - 29]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 30 - 39|Level 30 - 39]]''' |
| |- | | |- |
| |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 21 - 25|Level 21 - 25]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 26 - 30|Level 26 - 30]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 31 - 35|Level 31 - 35]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 36 - 40|Level 36 - 40]]''' | | |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 40 - 49|Level 40 - 49]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 50|Level 50]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 51 - 59|Level 51 - 59]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 60|Level 60]]''' ('''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 60 (3-4 star)|II]]''') |
| |- | | |- |
| |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 41 - 45|Level 41 - 45]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 46 - 50|Level 46 - 50]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 51 - 55|Level 51 - 55]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 56 - 60|Level 56 - 60]]''' | | |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 61 - 69|Level 61 - 69]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 70|Level 70]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 71 - 79|Level 71 - 79]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 80|Level 80]]''' |
| |- | | |- |
| |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 61 - 65|Level 61 - 65]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 66 - 70|Level 66 - 70]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 71 - 75|Level 71 - 75]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 76 - 80|Level 76 - 80]]''' | | |'''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 81 - 89|Level 81 - 89]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 90|Level 90]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 91 - 99|Level 91 - 99]]''' || '''[[Weaver Recipes/Level 100|Level 100]]''' |
| |- | | |- |
| | |} |
| | |
| | ==Achievements== |
| | ''Main article: [[Weaver Achievements]]'' |
| | |
| | This class is associated with the following [[achievements]]: |
| | |
| | {| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}} |
| | {{achievement table header}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling I}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling II}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling III}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling IV}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling V}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling VI}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling VII}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling VIII}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling IX}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Smiling, Styling, and Textiling X}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Amateur}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Initiate}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Apprentice}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Journeyman}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Artisan}} |
| | {{achievement table row|A Weaver's Life for Me}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Adept}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Veteran}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Master}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Genius}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Threading the Needle: Exemplar}} |
| | {{achievement table row|I Made That: Weaver I}} |
| | {{achievement table row|I Made That: Weaver II}} |
| | {{achievement table row|I Made That: Weaver III}} |
| | {{achievement table row|I Made That: Weaver IV}} |
| | {{achievement table row|I Made That: Weaver V}} |
| | {{achievement table row|I Made That: Weaver VI}} |
| | {{achievement table row|An Eye for Detail: Weaver I}} |
| | {{achievement table row|An Eye for Detail: Weaver II}} |
| | {{achievement table row|An Eye for Detail: Weaver III}} |
| | {{achievement table row|An Eye for Detail: Weaver IV}} |
| | {{achievement table row|An Eye for Detail: Weaver V}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Skyward Needle I}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Skyward Needle II}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Skyward Needle III}} |
| | {{achievement table row|The Height of Clothcraft}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Weavers of a Feather}} |
| | {{achievement table row|An Ode to Clothcraft}} |
| | {{achievement table row|Retooled: Resplendent Boltfiend's Needle}} |
| |} | | |} |
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| ==Gallery== | | ==Gallery== |
| <gallery> | | <gallery heights=350px widths=350px mode=packed> |
| | File:weaver arealmreborn1.png|Weaver Armor in [[A Realm Reborn]] (2.0) |
| | File:weaver stormblood1.png| Weaver Armor in [[Stormblood]] (4.0) |
| File:weaver shadowbringers1.png| Weaver Armor in [[Shadowbringers]] (5.0) | | File:weaver shadowbringers1.png| Weaver Armor in [[Shadowbringers]] (5.0) |
| | File:weaver endwalker1.jpg| Weaver Armor in [[Endwalker]] (6.0) |
| | File:weaver dawntrail1.jpg| Weaver Armor in [[Dawntrail]] (7.0) |
| </gallery> | | </gallery> |
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| {{Class navbar}} | | {{Class navbar}} |
| | [[Category:Patch 2.0 Features]] |